Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 604

What confidence!

Challenge alone!!

Everyone, including Ji Xia, was shocked.

The "guardian of the ladder of heaven" who challenges the third heaven, the whole liyanmen can do little, let alone two!

"Brother Lin, are you sure?" Ji Xia frowned.

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Ji Xia hesitated for a moment and said, "last year\'s Jixiu didn\'t challenge the \'Heavenly ladder guardians\' of the third heaven, let alone two?" Ji Xia looked deeply at Lin Feng, "if you can defeat the two\' Heavenly ladder guardians\' of the third heaven at the same time, your strength is equal to the level of a hundred sect masters."

Lin Feng looked slightly, "I think... Ji Xiu\'s current strength is enough to challenge."

For martial artists with such qualifications as Ji Xiu, even a year\'s change is great.

This year and last year, the strength is different.

Seeing that Lin Feng seems to have made up his mind, Ji Xia is worried.

"Brother Lin, are you sure?" Qin Qianqian\'s eyes were bright and gently bit his lips.

"Eighty percent." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

After all, I have never tried. If there is no risk at all, it is undoubtedly a lie.

But I have confidence.

How can we challenge Jixiu if we can\'t defeat the "guardian of the ladder" of the third heaven!

"With Ji Xiu\'s strength, we will challenge this time." Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining.

Since he came to liyanmen, Ji Xiu has been his pursuit goal.

People look at me, I look at you, and I look a little hesitant and hesitant. Indeed, the ladder war is not a joke. Once it fails, they have to leave. They will lose even the 110 days now. It can be said that this is a thorough "gambling", the key is——

Dare you bet!

"I believe brother Lin." Bai Yi\'s eyes are bright.

"Me too." Shui Linglong nodded clearly with sparkling eyes.

Hua Shao and fierce fire looked at each other and made the final decision, shouting, "fight big with small, cost-effective, bet!"

Ji Xia looked at Lin Feng and said with a helpless smile, "you are the captain, I believe you. Moreover, with my strength, it is not easy to enter the fourth heaven."

"Brother Lin, be careful!" Qin Qianqian worried.

"Don\'t worry." looking around at the crowd, Lin Feng showed a light smile and bright eyes, "I will win."

There are not many words, but only this sentence has revealed Lin Feng\'s confidence.

That look infects everyone!

Liyan gate, Liyan palace.

In the hall of life, an inner disciple is on routine guard.

Here, thousands of life balls are placed, including elders, Dharma guardians, sect leaders, and even senior and elite disciples of the inner sect, leaving a trace of life mark to form a life ball. On weekdays, it flickers like a candle wick, which is dotted with stars. It\'s really beautiful.

Once the life ball is extinguished, it means that the \'host\' dies.

Man dies like a lamp.

Every half an hour, the inner gate disciple in charge of guarding will patrol.

Basically, this is an inertial work.

Because with the strength of these warriors, death is not so easy.

But this time

"Is this?!" the inner disciple rubbed his eyes for fear that he might read it wrong.

But for a moment, he was shocked and pale, "six elders, dead, dead?! and... Ling Baofa is also dead!!"

"Mom, something big has happened!!!"

The whole Li Yanmen is boiling.

The message is delivered much faster than expected.

In the hall, headmaster Ji Jin\'s eyes were cold and bright and held an emergency meeting.

"Something happened to Yanling\'s house." Ji Jin said solemnly. He had guessed that this day would come, but he didn\'t expect to come so quickly and in such a hurry.

"It must be the bastards of Yanling 10000 families!" the elder roared angrily. As the elder, his status is second only to Ji Jin. He knows a lot about Ji Jin, as well. The seven elders were in love with their brothers, and the death of the six elders made the elder hysterical and angry.

"The matter has not been investigated clearly, and we can\'t make a conclusion." the second elder\'s voice was cold.

"What are you talking about, dick!" the big tiger was cold.

"Tell the truth." the second elder said coldly, "maybe there are forces with bad intentions who try to provoke us to fight with Yanling 10000 families, and even let us fight, while they sit on the mountain watching the tiger fight and reap the benefits of the fisherman. Think about it, if we quarrel with Yanling 10000 families, Yanling house will be in chaos. Who will benefit at that time?"

People look at me, I look at you, and suddenly calm down.

Indeed, what the second elder said is not unreasonable.

"What the second elder said is reasonable. This matter needs to be investigated carefully." the fourth elder nodded.

"But... There are not many people in Yanling mansion who can kill the six elders?" the three elders frowned and hesitated.


Everyone insisted on their own words and speculated one after another.

But the public said that the public was reasonable, and the mother-in-law said that the mother-in-law was reasonable. It was very noisy for a time.

"No!" Ji Jinmeng got up.

The noisy hall suddenly calmed down, and everyone\'s eyes converged.

"The six elders and the Ling Dharma protector stay in Yanling\'s house. If the other party comes prepared..." Ji Jin\'s eyes have burst into flames, and everyone is shocked. The eldest elder also looks very ugly at this time. "Their goal is our elite disciples!"

All of them took a breath and looked at each other.

"It\'s not too late. We must go to Yanling\'s house immediately." the two elders got up solemnly.

"Yes, no matter how things develop, the riddle can\'t be solved until Yanling\'s house!" the three elders said positively, "headmaster, I\'d like to go immediately."

"Good!" Ji Jin\'s eyes were bright and glanced, "eldest elder, you and the three elders and four elders immediately led the thirty sect leaders and one hundred elite inner sect disciples to the Yanling mansion as soon as possible to protect our Liyan sect disciples!"

"Yes, headmaster." the three elders stared.

The wind surged and the fighting continued.

Since the Yanling ten thousand families start the dispute, they will not stop.

Either not to do, to do, is to see the red bayonet until the result is separated.

Outside Yanling\'s house, Han Lu cheated out the elite disciples of Liyan clan who survived one after another, and then the strong ones of Yanling\'s ten thousand families imposed on the killers. It\'s definitely a heavy blow to liyanmen to cooperate inside and outside and attack the killer. In a short time, 10% of the liyanmen disciples who participated in the war have died.

And this number is still increasing!

The death of each disciple is a loss to Li Yanmen.

Those who can enter Yanling noble mansion to participate in training are the pillars of liyanmen in the future!

"Kill them!" "kill them!!" the warriors of Yanling Wan clan showed their cruel claws and teeth and attacked the fierce Yanmen team.

The above four are against the middle four, and the middle four against the lower four. They kill each other layer by layer, and the Yanling ten thousand families have the upper hand. In the face of this sudden change, the disciples of Liyan sect were completely unexpected. No one expected that after ten thousand years of silence and peace, suddenly——

The balance will be broken.

This battle opened the prelude to the war between Yanling wanzu and Li Yanmen.

The third day, the ladder war.

The same formation of one front and six rear, however, compared with the second day, everyone\'s look is completely different.

Concentrate, worry, with a little excitement.

However, they stood firmly behind Lin Feng and took action instead of everything.

No matter who the opponent is, they all support Lin Feng!

Step! The forest wind is quiet.

Stepping on the ethereal land of empty clouds is like an unattainable heaven. There are also two warriors waiting for themselves ahead, but they are completely different from the "guardian of the ladder" of the second heaven. They were dressed in light clothes, condensing a faint smell of the origin of heaven and earth.

Like human, not human.

But their power is real.

Two pairs of strange pupils flashed bright luster, and the breath of life soul was covered wantonly.

"It\'s the Heavenly Master!"

"One is fire and the other is earth."

Lin Feng felt clear in his heart.

Because I am also a Heavenly Master!

"One main attack and one main defense. The cooperation between the two must be very strong."

"This time, I\'m afraid I\'ll hurt my muscles and bones."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and ready.

This momentum alone is completely different. No matter which one is stronger than Bian Ruyu, who was abandoned by himself that day.

They are real celestial masters of Xinghai level!

"What a terrible smell."

"It\'s no wonder that last year even the quarterly repair didn\'t dare to fight."

"Compared with the sect leader, I\'m afraid it\'s only inferior. If the two \'Heavenly ladder guardians\' cooperate, even the sect leader can\'t win."

Ji Xia thought in her heart and tightened her eyebrows.

Compared with others, he is superior in both experience and experience.

He clearly understood the gap between two heavenly masters and one Heavenly Master.

"Under the delay of their attack, it is more difficult to get close to them."

"With the strength of the God of war, if you don\'t get close..."

"The risk is greatly increased."

Ji Xia clenched her teeth and hesitated in her heart.

It would be better if there were two gods of war or two martial gods, but there are many dangerous situations for Lin Feng to deal with the war.

Glancing at Lin Feng, Ji Xia was stunned.

Lin Feng\'s expression didn\'t change at all, as if he had a winning ticket.

"How can brother Lin have such confidence."

"Is it pretending to be calm?" Ji Xia immediately decided, "no, his expression is not fake, is it difficult..."

"Is he really sure?"

Ji Xia was shocked and shocked.

"If so, isn\'t brother Lin\'s strength...?!"

I can\'t believe it in my heart. Ji Xia\'s mood is very complex. In contrast, Qin Qianqian is much simpler. Clenched his small fist and stared at Lin Feng, Qin Qianqian cheered Lin Feng wholeheartedly. In her opinion, no matter who the opponent is——

Her brother Lin will win!

Bai Yi, Shui Linglong and others have bright eyes.

The battle of such strength has gone beyond their cognitive scope.

With their strength, let alone help, joining the battle will only help.

The strength of the other party is too strong!

In particular, shuilinglong, also a Heavenly Master, can deeply feel the existence of the gap!

"Come on!" "Lin Feng, you must win!" all the people are looking forward to and waiting, and put all the bets on Lin Feng.

And now——

Kill! With Lin Feng drawing out the ember magic gun.

It was like a meteor, shooting straight at the two "guardians of the ladder of heaven.".

The battle finally started!