Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 601

Chinese official account: PS: look at the exclusive story behind the fire star sky, listen to your suggestions for the novel, and pay attention to the starting point of the Chinese net public number (WeChat add friends add the official account - enter qdread), quietly tell me!

A world full of unknowns and mysteries!

Bai Yi, Shui Linglong, fierce fire and others all turned their eyes to Lin Feng and Ji Xia, waiting for their orders.

Among the seven member team, Lin Feng is the captain and Ji Xia is the vice captain.

Perhaps compared with other teams with more than 10 or even dozens of people, the seven person team is quite insignificant in terms of single person strength and overall strength, but one thing is that among many teams, it is few——


With Lin Feng as the main axis, the team has strong cohesion.

"Let\'s go, team 32." Lin Feng smiled calmly. Open the watch like instrument on your left hand, and a faint \'32\' number suddenly appears. This is the locator issued by Li Yanmen. The effective distance is average, but it is enough to be used in Yanling Zunfu.

"OK!" "yes, Captain!" everyone laughed and opened the locator at the same time.

This is to prevent the members of the same team from getting lost in Yanling Zunfu. With it, it is really much more convenient.

Whether the communicator or the locator, there is a sensing distance. Douling world is much larger than tianwu mainland. Let alone a Yanling mansion, which is the area controlled by Li Yanmen, it is not comparable to tianwu mainland. Most importantly, the aura of the fighting spirit world is far better than that of tianwu continent.

"Well, just follow the position we set in advance." Ji Xia nodded.

"Let\'s go!" Qin Qianqian shouted happily.

Lin Feng smiled with a smile. Yu Guang glanced at the seven shining spots on the left locator and felt as if he had returned to the past.

The memory is still so clear. When I think of myself at that time, I just became a martial artist.

Now, it is completely different.

Li Yanmen and Lin Feng have a total of 451 martial artists, divided into 40 teams.

Zongmen assigns team numbers and locators according to the reported martial strength. The number of the seven member team led by Lin Feng is medium, but their personal strength is weak. If Lin Feng and Ji Xia were not strong enough, I\'m afraid the number of the team would be lower.

After all, although water is exquisite and Bai Yi is strong, it is compared with newcomers.

If you compare with the Li Yanmen disciples of the same age, you don\'t have the upper hand. It\'s difficult to enter the top 20.

The reason why I can go to Yanling Zunfu this time is because I was given an identity token as a reward in the talent trial. In terms of strength, they are not qualified enough.

Not to mention the fierce fire and less flowers.

However, one mountain is still another.

The identity token of the reward is as much as 90 yuan, a small part of which is used to cultivate potential newcomers.

In addition, there are 20 martial artists in the age group of "11 to 15 years old"; There are also some teams composed of only three people because they can\'t find a team. Therefore, Lin Feng\'s comprehensive strength is not at the end, but at the top