Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 600

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Solemn, grand and majestic!

The huge bronze door alone gives people an extreme sense of oppression.

In front of the gate, four stone carvings of different shapes and colors are 100 meters high and lifelike. Each stone carving seems to contain powerful power. The bright eyes are like living, which makes people want to suffocate.

"Is this a living creature?" said Lin Feng.

"I don\'t know." Ji Xia shook her head. "It always exists. It has breath but no life force."

Lin fengruoran nodded and looked straight at the four stone carvings. There was a strange feeling in his heart, and this feeling came from one of the stone carvings!

Like Phoenix, but unlike Phoenix, it adds a bit of mystery to Phoenix.

A noble and proud taste.

"Brother Ji, what\'s the name of this stone carving?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

"Rosefinch, one of the sacred beasts, is said to exist stronger than divine beasts, but no one has seen it. It\'s just a legend," Ji Xia replied.


Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered, "but is it related to \'zhuquezhou\'?"

"Yes." Ji Xia nodded. "It is said that one of the nine continents in the southern region is\' zhuquezhou \', which is related to zhuquezhou. But I don\'t know exactly. But the leader is knowledgeable. Brother Lin, you may know if you ask him."

Lin Feng made a soft "um" sound and nodded.

Looking directly at the rosefinch, the feeling of heartbeat arises spontaneously, which is very exciting.

"How does it feel?"

"What will I have to do with the rosefinch?"

"Or, in zhuquezhou, does my life experience have some connection with it?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart, but he couldn\'t find the answer.

There are too few clues after all.

"Forget it, what do you want to do so much."

"As long as you go back to \'zhuquezhou\' and return to the Lin family, many things will come out at that time."

Lin Feng immediately staggered the four statues and looked straight at the magnificent gate.

The surrounding area is hazy with light clouds, which makes the whole "holy land" full of mystery. On both sides of the huge bronze gate, there are two huge "light plates" standing on both sides, and many handwriting are densely carved on the top, which looks very strange.

"Is that?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

"The championship," Ji Xia pointed, "come on, I\'ll show you."

Lin Feng answered softly and walked forward with Ji Xia.

At this time, many martial artists gathered in front of the "scoreboard" to check various rankings in the scoreboard, and many of them even made all kinds of exclamations.

Bai Yi, Shui Linglong and other newcomers also came for the first time. They could not restrain their curiosity and stretched out their necks to watch carefully.

"On the left is the ranking of last year and the year before last, while on the right is the ranking of the last hundred years and the ranking of the ten thousand years." Ji Xia pointed to the right and said, "well, the first of the two rankings on the right is wan Mochou, the first strong man in Yanling mansion. He is now the patriarch of Yanling ten thousand families. His strength is unpredictable."

The first strongman of Yanling mansion!

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, looking at the name, and his heart was inexplicably throbbing.

This is the second time I have heard the name.

said of sb.\'s name.

Points, 4.75 million!

Not only is the highest score of Yanling mansion in recent 100 years, but also the highest score in 10000 years!

"It\'s really powerful."

"I don\'t know when I can have such strength."

Lin Feng sighed in his heart and stared at the "ten thousand year championship". Except for "ten thousand Mo Chou", other names are not too familiar. Until I saw the third row, I was surprised and familiar with the name Ji Jin.

"Master, he ranked 21st in the ten thousand year championship?" Lin Feng was surprised.

I didn\'t expect that with the strength of Shifu, I couldn\'t even enter the top ten in the 10000 year history of Yanling mansion. It\'s relieved to think that Yanling mansion has a large number of talents after all, not to mention that for thousands of years, the strong have sprung up like mushrooms, which is difficult to estimate.

And in the Centennial championship

"Master Sima once mentioned that over the past hundred years, our Liyan sect disciples have won 1.78 million points at most."

"And this man is..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly widened, "Ji Rushan? Eldest martial brother?!"

What a surprise!

But I didn\'t expect my master brother to be so powerful. I can\'t see his simple and thick on weekdays. Looking down, Lin Feng finally found another familiar name - Zhu zero, ranking 99

"The second elder martial brother\'s strength is only ranked 99th."

"The competition is really fierce."

Lin Feng secretly said that whatever the Centennial table or the ten thousand year table, only the top 100 are listed.

Except for the first ten, the integrals of the other 90 are very close.

"Yanling wanzu is worthy of being the strongest force in Yanling mansion."

"There are more than 13 players in the two standings. They are surnamed Wan."

"It\'s amazing."

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and he felt his heart.

The goal he pursues and the object he wants to defeat - Jixiu.

There are no names in these two standings.

as one can imagine!

Compared with the scoreboard on the right, the scoreboard on the left is undoubtedly dwarfed.

In particular, even the points at the end of the "ten thousand year championship" are higher than the first place in the championship last year and the year before last.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed. "The first and second places last year and the year before last just changed their positions?"

"Yes." Ji Xia nodded, "it\'s the \'Wangu\' of Yanling wanzu and the \'Rumeng\' of Qiyue palace. In terms of strength, they are the strongest in the previous year, last year and even this year. If there is no accident, the competition for the top of this year\'s list will also be born between them."

"Ji Qing, who ranked third, is our senior sister of Li Yanmen." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly burning.

In liyanmen, \'Ji\' is a big surname, just like the \'Wan\' of Yanling Wan nationality.

"Elder martial sister Ji is awesome, brother Lin!" Qin Qianqian poked out his small head and bright eyes. "She is thousands of idols! ~ if Qianqian can be as powerful as her one day, it would be good." his words were full of respect. Qin Qianqian obviously admired Ji Qing from the bottom of his heart.

"There will be such a day, younger martial sister." Ji Xia smiled and touched Qin Qianqian\'s small head. "Elder martial sister Ji was not as powerful as you when she was your age."

"Really, elder martial brother?" Qin Qianqian\'s eyes brightened for a moment.

"Of course it\'s true." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

This championship obviously has "water". After all, under the age of 100, in their twenties and in their nineties.

Naturally, those who spend more time in cultivation have an advantage.


The championship is a solid indication of the "strength" of martial artists.

Perhaps, there are many elements of luck, but most of them are the embodiment of the most real strength.

"The second elder martial brother ranked fourth last year, which seems a little weaker than \'Ji Qing\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and then looking at the table of the previous year, the second elder martial brother Zhu zero ranked eighth. Obviously, he is making progress every year, and this year

It\'s very possible that she can be on the same level as senior sister Ji Qing.

Even beyond!

"However, the points of \'Wangu\' and \'Rumeng\' are much higher than Ji Qing."

"It shows that their strength is higher!"

Lin Feng felt pressure in his heart.

Others may not know, but I know the strength of the second senior brother best.

In these three months, except for the master himself, the person who competed most——

It\'s the second senior brother!

"Although I didn\'t fight with the second senior brother once in the last month."

"But my present strength is still a certain distance from my second senior brother."

Lin Feng thought secretly that in the last month, he had been practicing in the Liyan palace, accepted the guidance of the master, and entered various experience places to participate in the test. Although the strength has improved a lot, there should be a big gap with the second senior brother, not to mention

When I came here, the master mentioned that his current strength and quarterly repair are four or six.

In other words, based on the strength ranking of last year\'s quarterly repair, you should be able to see what position your current strength is in among the 3000 martial arts.

"Ji Xiu..." Lin Feng glanced at it.


"The year before last, it ranked 20th."

"Last year, it ranked 13th."

Lin Feng thought in his heart that he could probably estimate it.

"Ji Xiu is improving every year, and even if my strength is slightly inferior to him, it\'s not much worse."

"Almost... Among the contestants this year, my strength should be around the 10th to 13th, and there won\'t be many stronger than me."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and the corners of his mouth were indifferent.

In fact, it is not difficult to calculate that the real strong will not give up the annual holy land opportunity.

Therefore, in the forefront of the championship, except for those who are over 100 years old, the general staff will not change too much. Even if there is a change, it is only last year\'s fighters who have made rapid progress in strength in this year that will suddenly rush up, but there are not many such examples.

"Remember these names."

"It may be of great use after entering Yanling\'s house."

With bright eyes, Lin Feng remembered the top 100 in the championship last year and the year before last.

Especially the top ten strong ones are deeply branded.

Time passes little by little.

From night to dawn, there are more and more martial artists in Yanling Zunfu.

Qiyue palace arrived first, and Yanling wanzu was the latest. It came late only one hour before Yanling Zunfu opened.

"He should be \'Wangu\'." Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked closely at the proud man in front, with a precipitation in his eyes, like a high mountain, which makes people feel distant and tall. The thin face was dignified, slightly thin but very strong.

"As I expected, he should be a martial god." Lin Feng was faint in his heart.

Compared with the God of war, the God of war has stronger physical quality, more explosive muscles and stronger figure.

But whether it\'s the God of war or the God of martial arts, this Wan Gu

"Very strong!"

"The breath is more terrible than the second senior brother!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart shook slightly.

For the strength of the strong, their own feeling is very clear!

WOW! Wan Gu also looked back and looked straight at Lin Feng with a touch of hostility.

When they looked at each other, they seemed to be dazzling like two bright stars.

And right now——



The low voice sounded, shaking the hearts of the people.

All the people stopped talking for a moment and looked at the magnificent door. At this time, it was slowly opened.

A brilliant white light appeared from the crack of the door, brighter and brighter.

Everyone\'s heart, all raised.

Yanling Zunfu, open!

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