Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 602

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The golden dagger rings.

A huge force flashed in an instant.

There are ten amazing smells, surrounded by this thick smoke from all directions.

"No, someone is sneaking!" Ling Baofa\'s face is very ugly.

"The other party is ready to come and run away!" the six elders roared with anger. With the sudden explosion of star power, the extremely strong wood power condensed in an instant. The Defense Department throws out the Lingbao. With the body as the center, a huge tree of life blooms.

The breath is strong, and the strength of the six elders is quite strong.


"Peng!" "Peng!"

The sharp golden light is transmitted, accompanied by huge fireballs.

In that darkness, there was a pair of eyes with pure light and thoroughness, which directly hit the eyes of the six elders like electricity.

Be sharp!

The strength of the enemy is not inferior at all!


The sixth elder\'s head shook violently, and the whole body trembled.

That feeling, as if the depths of the soul were violently shaken, the whole person inexplicably felt a strong palpitation.

Tianhunshi\'s attack technique!

"It\'s him!!!" the six elders woke up with blood red eyes.

This is the deepest battle between soul and soul, the most direct touch. The identity of the attacker hidden in the dark suddenly became clear. The six elders shouted angrily, "ten thousand ghosts, you old man!!" the voice spread, but the defense of the six elders suffered the most fierce attack in an instant.

All kinds of original forces erupt with the contact of star forces.

In an instant, as strong as the Seven Star Lingbao, they are all broken and irresistible.

At this time, Ling Baofa\'s face was completely pale.

Hearing the voice of the sixth elder, Ling Baofa didn\'t understand anything. The whole thing was already clear.

"Yanling, ten thousand people!!" Ling Baofa clenched his teeth.

The sword roared out of his hand, and the star power burst suddenly. Facing the threat of life and death, he broke out his strongest strength.

He will never be willing to die here!

Everyone outside Yanling\'s house was shocked.

Looking at the huge black aperture shrouded in smoke, I couldn\'t see what was happening inside.

But there is no doubt that it is a long-awaited sneak attack!

"What a powerful force."

"Yes, that black aperture just shook me completely."

"My God, who is fighting inside?"


Everyone whispered and looked very dignified and curious.

It has been a long time since a battle took place outside Yanling Zunfu.

In the black hood, it is completely one-sided.

Ten to two, and the strength of these ten warriors is extremely terrible and completely suppressed.

A blitz!

"Go, Han Lu, Ling Ling!" the six elders twisted their faces and became hysterical.

When encountering the strongest attack, the six elders\' eyes are completely red. He knew in his heart that he had no chance to live. But he still had a glimmer of hope, which gave Han Lu and Ling Ling, two Dharma protectors, a glimmer of vitality.

"The spirit of Tongmu!"

"Outbreak of soul!!!"

The six elders bit the tip of their tongue, and the blood was boiling.

It\'s better to break out all the power of the soul than to be killed by others.

He would rather die in battle!

The energy of the wood was boiling violently, and the green star power was burning. The six elders completely threw out. Fighting with life force, the six elders played 120% of their strength, and the amazing wooden attack just killed a blood path, and even blew a big hole out of the black mask.

Ling Ling\'s pupils were red and clenched his teeth.

"Never let the six elders die in vain!" Ling zero tried his best.

Even if he can\'t escape, he will rush out of the black mask. There are many warriors outside the Yanling house!

He wants to convey the \'message\'!

The body turned into blood light, and Ling zero rushed out regardless of everything.

The six elders used their last strength to contain all the attacks and fight for Ling Ling Ling, but——

There\'s one left.

"Wow!" the strong wind came behind, but Ling Ling was not worried.

The breath energy is familiar.

Han Lu.

"Han Dharma protector, let\'s hurry..." Ling Linggang opened his mouth, but his face was stunned in situ.

At the chest, the blood was dripping continuously, and the pain hit the heart for a moment. Ling Ling couldn\'t believe looking at his chest. A ferocious steel claw had completely penetrated his body. The whole body trembled, and the breath of life passed quickly. Ling Ling\'s eyes became frightened and angry, and slowly faded.

"No!!" six elders screamed hysterically.

"Han Lu, you beast!!!" the six elders vomited with blood, completely crazy.

But he has no successor.

Boom! Boom~

In an instant, the body of the six elders was submerged in the energy bombing.

In the thick fog, Han Lu\'s indifferent and sneering figure slowly appeared. His right hand shook and took back the chain steel claw in an instant.

"Stupid." cold voice, cold to the bone.

It\'s a sudden change outside, and it\'s hot inside.

More than half of the teams are fighting against the guardian of the ladder.

The strength of the guardian of the ladder will not change with the warrior, but will be fixed. For a strong team, crossing the ladder is the simplest and fastest way. Even if there is only one day for the first day, it will undoubtedly make a day to save it to the second day.

If you save the ten days of the second day, the third day will earn ten days.

A process of increasing benefits.

Good steel is used on the blade. Most strong people will spend their time in the most suitable place.

For example, I wish zero sum quarterly repair. Most of my time is spent on the fourth day, hoping to get more points and stronger treasures. Even if you are lucky, you can enter the fifth day, which will naturally make a lot of money.

"The \'guardian of the ladder\' of the first heaven is really ordinary." Lin Feng nodded secretly.

They were two "guardians of the ladder of heaven" with human figures. They were transparent and flashed a faint red light. One is the God of war and the other is the Heavenly Master. His strength is better than Bai Yi and Shui Linglong, but a little worse than Ji Xia.

The fighting between the two sides showed polarization.

Ji Xia and Qin Qianqian soon gained the upper hand and pushed the "guardian of the ladder" into dangerous situations.

Bai Yi and Shui Linglong, on the other side, are four to one, but they just compete with each other and can\'t get the upper hand.

"It\'s strange for the four to cooperate."

"And obviously a little nervous."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, watching the two battles, and his every move felt very clear.

Compared with Qin Qianqian, Ji Xia and Qin Qianqian are much more sophisticated, especially Ji Xia, whose actions are clean and neat without dragging the water. Even without thousands of help, with a single person\'s strength, Ji Xia can solve the "guardian of the ladder of heaven" without effort.


The battle on one side is over.

Ji Xia\'s double swords wiped the neck of the "guardian of the ladder", and Qin Qianqian\'s dagger also pierced its heart.

The guardian of the human ladder has the same physical structure as ordinary humans.

A complete victory.

"We won, brother Lin!" Qin Qianqian ran over happily.

Qin Qianqian was very excited when he successfully defeated his opponent, which showed that his cultivation in recent months was not in vain.

Her strength has made great progress.

"Do you want help?" Ji Xia came at random and looked brightly at the other side. At this time, Bai Yi\'s four people were still struggling with the \'guardian of the ladder of heaven\'. Fierce fire and less flowers are slightly injured. It looks very hard.

"Let them overcome it by themselves." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed lightly.

If you want to help, you have already done it. Why wait all the time.

"Well." Ji Xia nodded, "their fighting spirit is still high, and they don\'t seem so nervous."

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled.

Fighting is the fastest way to improve strength.

After all, the four are young and lack combat experience. Otherwise, if the strength of the four people can be brought into full play, the \'guardian of the ladder\' has long been defeated.

"You\'re a good captain," Ji Xia said with a smile, "willing to waste precious time and let them slowly understand and practice in the battle."

"There is a lot of time." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

If you break into the fourth day, you can add a thousand days. What is a mere hour?

I\'m a friend. How can I care about such small details.

Time goes by.

From stalemate to slowly gaining the upper hand.

Bai Yi\'s four men have gradually entered the state of battle and become more and more brave.

"Almost won." Lin Feng said.

"Yes, progress is very fast." Ji Xia\'s eyes twinkle.

Looking at the four people\'s high fighting spirit burst out, Lin Feng showed a gratifying smile. If he had just shot, how could the four people overcome their tension and enhance their actual combat ability so easily? I have a deep understanding of this feeling. The more we fight with equal strength, the more we can stimulate strength.

Especially the "battle of life and death.".

"Peng!" with the exquisite water mist control and the constant containment influence of fierce fire and less flowers, Bai Yi\'s sword finally stabbed into the heart of the "guardian of the ladder of heaven".

The four people were more or less injured and their strength was limited.

But it\'s worth it!



"We won!"

All four showed excited smiles.

That feeling, full of joy and power, makes people happy.

They also have strong enough strength!

Enter the second day.

Ji Xia and Qin Qianqian had a calm face and were not surprised.

Baiyi people were pleasantly surprised and excited. After all, they entered Yanling Zunfu for the first time.

"Add ten days. What shall we do next, brother Lin?" Ji Xia looks at Lin Feng. Maybe he is the richest among the people in terms of experience, but Lin Feng is the strongest among the people in terms of strength. The rule of fighting spirit world is to respect the strong.

"What do you think?" Lin Feng smiled.

"War!" the eyes of the fierce fire were bright.

"Yes, fight the ladder again!" Hua Shao was still excited at this time.

Ji Xia shook his head helplessly. "Do you know how strong the \'guardian of the ladder\' of the second heaven is?"

Everyone was stunned. Bai Yi hesitated, "but it\'s much better than the \'guardian of the ladder\' of the first heaven?"

"Yes, more than ten times." Ji Xia\'s eyes were deep.

For a moment, they took a deep breath.

Fierce fire and less flowers are even more red and embarrassed.

Beyond ten times the strength, what concept?

Just now, they fought four enemies against one, and each of them suffered a little injury before they reluctantly defeated a "guardian of the ladder". Now the opponent is ten times stronger

"Don\'t lose heart. To enter the third heaven, the ladder war is just one way." Qin Qianqian smiled lightly and comforted the people.

"Yes, we can try two other methods." Shui Linglong is still calm.

"It doesn\'t need to be so troublesome."

The voice sounded faintly, and everyone\'s eyes immediately converged.

Looking around at the crowd, Lin Feng smiled calmly, "as little as flowers said, fight the ladder again."

"Brother Lin, you......" Ji Xia frowned slightly, and everyone was surprised, waiting to speak.

"Don\'t worry, I can do it alone." Lin Feng said faintly.

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