Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 599

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"Is he your captain?" Li Wenmo\'s face was green.

But I didn\'t expect that the fish leaping over the dragon\'s gate under the eyes of Lin Feng would still be mixed with Shui Linglong, Bai Yi and others.

No doubt it\'s self degradation. It\'s inexplicable.

"Yes." Bai Yi said with a smile, "would you like to ask Lin Feng if he would like to join your team? Let you take him?" everyone laughed in a whisper. Li Wenmo only felt his cheeks hot and could not speak.

Zhong Jiang twitched at the corners of his mouth and glared at Li Wenmo. He secretly said that he had nothing to do.

Well, I\'m in a dilemma. On the contrary, I\'ve been defeated.

Who is Lin Feng now?

He is no longer the strongest newcomer, nor is he a candidate disciple of an external school, but a disciple of Ji Jinsan!

The leader\'s successor ranks third.

Status is equal to Dharma protector level!

"What are you talking about so happy?" Lin Feng came over with a smile. Ji Xia\'s eyes burned, while Zhong Jiang\'s eyebrows trembled slightly. When his strength reached their level, he had a certain sense of the strength of his opponent.

The forest wind in front of us——

Extremely strong!

"No, nothing, chatting." Li Wenmo said awkwardly.

"Hello, younger martial brother." Zhong Jiang leaned over with a smile and said hello to Lin Feng.

Although he was a little older than Lin Feng, he always respected the strong in the Liyan gate. Most importantly, Lin Feng\'s position is very high!

Li Wenmo was still silly and didn\'t know what to do. When he saw the clock, he bent over to say hello. He even did it in fear that he would make mistakes and miss. Along with the people behind them, they also looked panicked. One by one, they bent at a greater angle than the other, and some even bowed 60 degrees.

"Hello, younger martial brother." "Hello, you." a confused voice, coupled with such a loud movement, immediately gathered my eyes around me.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

I don\'t understand what happened.

"Hello," said Lin Feng with a smile.

Looking at Ji Xia and Qin Qianqian, Lin Feng showed a look of curiosity and doubt.

Qin Qianqian smiled and didn\'t answer.

"Younger martial brother, Yanling, let\'s work together!" Zhong will change his face very quickly.

"Yes, yes." Li Wenmo even squeezed out a smiling face. "Younger martial brother, you must win glory. Oh, oh, we\'ll go first and see you later."

After talking, it was as if a mouse met a cat, but everyone came and went in a hurry.

For a moment, all the martial artists around him talked about it, and Lin fengdun became the focus.

"What are they doing?" he shrugged helplessly, and Lin Feng shook his head speechless.

Until now, I don\'t know what happened.

After some explanation.

"So it is." Lin Feng nodded suddenly.

"Brother Lin, you are famous now. Everyone has to respect you." Bai Yi said with a smile.

"Ha ha, I want to laugh when I think of the expression of Li Wenmo just now." I couldn\'t close my mouth with a fierce smile.

Everyone smiled. Indeed, Li Wenmo was embarrassed and wanted to find a hole to drill down.

There are 451 disciples of the Liyan sect, all of whom are under 100 years old. No one can compare with Lin Feng except Zhu zero. Status is very important. For example, did anyone dare to offend Lin Feng just now? Why, because he\'s strong?

No, because of his identity.

Ji Jin\'s third disciple, the successor of the leader, ranks third.

This is enough.

Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t care too much.

For yourself, fame and wealth are external things.

"I haven\'t seen you for three months. How are you?" Lin Feng said.

"We\'ve been practicing hard, and today is what we\'re waiting for." Bai Yi\'s eyes were bright and said positively, "we must achieve good results."

"Yes!" fierce fire said emphatically, "this year\'s trip to Yanling\'s house is very important to us. If we have an adventure in the Holy Land and make great progress in strength, we can enter the top 20 of our age next year and get an identity token!" Hua Shao nodded and agreed with what fierce fire said.

"What about you, Lin Feng?" water Linglong asked with a light glance.

"Little progress." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Ji Xia\'s eyes sparkled. "I\'m afraid it\'s not small. Brother Lin, the feeling you gave me this time is completely different from that three months ago."

"Brother Ji is not the same?" Lin Feng said with a smile. "In three months, everyone tried his best to cultivate and fight." he shook his fist, and Lin Feng said calmly, "this trip to Yanling\'s house must be won, Xu Sheng must not be defeated!"

"Yes." Qin Qianqian nodded hard.

"Good!" "sure!" "absolutely win!" everyone\'s mood was ignited and full of confidence.

Many times, confidence and momentum can be infected.

And Lin Feng has this ability.

Soon, a total of 451 martial artists gathered.

All the people are ready to show their skills. They have been waiting for this day for too long.

Led by three elders and five Dharma protectors, Li Yanmen and his party set off for the "holy land" of Yanling house. Basically, the Wu clan in Yanling mansion will not attack these formations and powerful forces.

The witch clan is not stupid. It will also "do what it can.".

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A group of people are on their way very fast.

In fact, there is no need to worry about the witch clan, and everyone can walk as fast as possible. Moreover, Yanling Zunfu is not too far from Li Yanmen.

"The gate of Yanling\'s house will open at noon tomorrow." Ji Xia explained to Lin Feng, "generally you can arrive in six to seven hours, but for the sake of insurance, it\'s safe to multiply the time consumed by two. After all, there\'s only such a chance once a year."

Lin Feng nodded and sailed carefully.

Fighting spirit world is full of crisis everywhere.

"By the way, brother Ji, give me a brief introduction to Yanling Zunfu." Lin Feng whispered.

Among the people, Ji Xia is undoubtedly the most experienced, but he has entered Yanling Zunfu several times and has rich experience.

"Yan Ling respects the house, eh... How to say." Ji Xia frowned slightly and whispered, "it is a unique world, a strange space. This is a strange place. You will encounter many unimaginable existence, or have never encountered before."

"That\'s the enemy?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered.

"It can be said that some are strong and some are weak." Ji Xia nodded, "but the most dangerous thing in Yanling\'s house is not them, but..."

"People\'s hearts." Ji Xia sighed, "it\'s common to kill people and steal goods for a treasure and a place of cultivation." he shook his head and Ji Xia looked calm. "There, people\'s hearts are the most worthless thing. Many people can sell their teammates for their own self-interest."

"If Yan Ling\'s house could not leave at any time, I\'m afraid more than half of the people would die every year!"

Lin Feng frowned, "so much?"

Listen to Ji Xia, I can imagine the fierce struggle.

"Yes." Ji Xia said positively, "I\'ve seen too many examples over the years. In fact, many material temptations are far greater than we thought. For example, how should an eight star Lingbao be distributed when it is obtained by a team?"

Eight star Lingbao, the market price exceeds ten million Douling coins!

And there is a price without a market.

"That must be troublesome." Lin Feng shook his head solemnly.

In this case, the brothers of the same school may be fratricidal.

human hearts are not what they were in the old days!

"Therefore, only those who believe can form a team." Ji Xia smiled at Lin Feng and Qin Qianqian. He completely trusted them. As for Bai Yi and Shui Linglong, there is no need to worry. The reason is very simple——

Because they are too weak.

Rough words are not rough, that\'s it.

"I think I understand." Lin Feng nodded.

At present, it is not easy for him to be the captain, especially if he gets the treasure at that time, the distribution will be very troublesome.


Lin Feng looked at Bai Yi and Ji Xia and Qin Qianqian, but he believed in their character.

Since we form a team, we should trust each other.

This is the basis for the existence of the team!


Yanling million families.

"Listen, this operation is crucial."

"It doesn\'t matter whether you win the treasure or earn points."

"The important thing is to kill those elite talents of Li Yanmen. For each kill, the reward ranges from 100000 to millions of fighting spirit coins!"


Boom~ The crowd answered in unison.

Yanling ten thousand families, and Li Yanmen are incompatible with water and fire.

Before, for the sake of the overall situation, it was just a small fight. They restrained and gave in to each other.

However, time will not erase hatred, but will increase day by day.

They have been waiting for this day for a long time!


"Kill those bastards of Li Yanmen!"

"I Yanling million people, is the real master of Yanling house!"

Yanling Wan clan is the descendant of Yanling clan. Compared with Qili Yanmen, the loyalty of the clan is much higher.

Because they are all surnamed \'Wan\'!

The same scene also happened in Qiyue palace.

Just a little more tactful and restrained, Qian Jun, who is now in power in Qiyue palace, is not an impulsive person.

He knows exactly when and what to do.

There is no need to "fight side by side" with the Yanling wanzu. Qiyue palace only needs to keep themselves and not participate in the struggle between the two forces. Even, relying on the "good" friendship with Li Yanmen, he appropriately sold some materials to crack down on Li Yanmen——


A storm, gradually opened.

The three forces of Yanling mansion are involved, which is enough to change the whole pattern!

We set out at Chen Shi and arrived at Hai Shi.

Liyanmen people spent seven hours, and the road was calm.

Although it was a full six hours early, it was worth it. Everyone can rest at ease all night, maintain a good fighting state and welcome the Yanling\'s visit to the house, but there are all advantages and none disadvantages.

Wait until noon the next day, the door will really open!

In fact, it\'s not just Li Yanmen who arrived early?

There are three thousand identity tokens. Every year, there are three thousand warriors who enter Yanling Zunfu.

Now, there are still six hours, and the warrior has reached nearly half.

People are already anxious!

"Hoo, it\'s finally here." Ji xiachang exhaled.

Lin Feng followed him and stepped into this familiar and unfamiliar area. He had a strange feeling in his heart, but he couldn\'t say it again. Looking around, Lin Feng looked straight ahead with bright eyes, "here is Yanling Zunfu?"

"The holy land is worthy of being a holy land." Lin Feng smiled.

In his eyes, he was eager and excited.

I have also been waiting for a long time!

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