Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 598

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Three months passed in the blink of an eye.

During this time, Li Yanmen was calm, just like a jar of calm lake water.

However, the 450 martial artists who got the identity token of Yanling Zunfu, no, plus Lin Feng, should be 451 martial artists, all of whom did their best to cultivate. In Yanling Zunfu, what you can get and what you can get, of course, has a lot to do with luck, but the most important thing is——

Or strength.

The stronger the strength, the greater the chance of obtaining!

Li Yan palace.

"Pun!" "pun!" the sound of jingo.

A gun and a sword twinkle like two winding dragons.

The breath suddenly repressed the violent aura and wind pressure. The two figures crisscross alone, but they disperse in an instant, as if the magnetic poles repel each other. In the air, there is a strong sense of war, forming an uncontrollable pressure belt, as if a huge force has been suppressed.


Boom! Power detonates.

As if they had expected, they separated from each other without any damage.

"Yes, very good." a faint laugh sounded, and a little praise was reflected in the voice. It was a man in white, holding a long sword and a faint smile on his face. But the white clothes on his body were a little dirty, and even there were some damages in the wardrobe.

Li Yanmen leader, Ji Jin.

"Master, be humble." Lin Feng bowed his head.

It was the two masters and disciples, Ji Jin and Lin Feng, who met.

"I didn\'t let you." Ji Jin smiled and shook his head. "Unexpectedly, the little guy who couldn\'t even take my move three months ago can now tie with me." tut tut kept on. Ji Jin looked at Lin Feng with approval. As a teacher, I hope that the apprentice will inherit the mantle and surpass the blue.

"That\'s the master\'s unused star power." Lin Feng smiled.

Although it\'s true that it\'s hard to separate and solve, Shifu didn\'t use Xingli.

A star sea level strong person who does not use star force is equal to breaking his arms.

"Disciple, you\'ve made progress too fast." Ji Jin\'s eyes twinkled. "I felt it two months ago; but a month ago, your progress was obvious; now..." Ji Jin looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "facts have proved that my vision is indeed right. With your current strength, you can compete with Ji Xiu."

"What master said is true?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

To tell the truth, although my strength has increased greatly in the past three months, I have no bottom in my heart.

In particular, Jixiu, a genius, is his imaginary enemy.

"Yes." Ji Jin said positively, "maybe you are still inferior to him in terms of weapon attainments, but the battle is multifaceted, and there are many decisive factors." Ji Jin\'s eyes brightened with a slight cluster of eyebrows. "Three or seven open, no, it can be four or six open."

Lin Feng smiled and knew who was four and who was six.

Even so, I\'m happy enough.

Because three months ago, in the opinion of the master, he was very interested in the repair of last season——

No half chance!

"Thank you for your cultivation," Lin Feng said gratefully.

The eyes are sparkling and from the heart. I really thank Shifu.

In the past three months, Shifu has made great efforts to cultivate himself. There is no need to say more about teaching in person. Just the fairy fruit taken by yourself and the resources consumed by cultivation, there are millions of fighting spirit coins, an extremely amazing number!

A secret script of mental skills and a place for all kinds of cultivation and experience.

In order to enhance the most strength in a short time, Shifu tried his best.

No reservations!

I remember this feeling deeply in my heart.

Ji Jin smiled. The smile seemed to rhyme with vicissitudes. "You are my Ji Jin\'s apprentice, and I will never be weaker than you. The fate between people is very wonderful. I cherish the love between teachers and apprentices. I hope you can become a talent."

"I will live up to my master\'s expectations," Lin Feng said slowly.

"Go, be careful of Yanling Zunfu this trip." Ji Jin nodded.

"Good." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and looked calm.

I\'ve been practicing hard for three months. What I\'m waiting for is today!

Yan Ling\'s visit to the mansion!

Never come back empty handed!

"The disciple said goodbye first, master." Lin Fengwei bowed his head and even left the Liyan hall.

Time waits for no one. The Yanling mansion will open soon!

Looking at Lin Feng\'s back after he left, Ji Jin\'s smiling expression gradually solidified and said, "one by one, they all think I overestimate Lin Feng. Who knows how terrible Lin Feng\'s potential is! Overestimation? Even I underestimate him..."

"I didn\'t expect Li Yanmen to meet such a rare genius at such a time."

"Compared with feng\'er, Ji Xiu is dwarfed and inferior."

"Unfortunately, I don\'t have much time to teach him."

Ji Jin sighed, his eyes showing a lonely.

Shake your head, but feel pity.

At that time, it was already bustling.

In the Liyan palace, all the talented and strong people of Liyan gate gather together.

Over the age of 10 and under the age of 100, a total of 451 contestants, holding identity tokens, are gathering.

Annual trip to Yanling mansion!

"I will never fail this year!"

"Me too. I must break the 100000 mark!"

"Alas, you are still young and have plenty of opportunities. This year is my last chance."


Everyone was very happy when they met, and there were hot discussions one after another.

Many people haven\'t seen each other for three months or even a year. In their eyes, in addition to cultivation, they still practice!

After all, Yanling Zunfu can only enter under the age of 100. It can be said that there is no temple in this village. For example, Ji Rushan is past the age of entry. The most important thing is that when you enter Yanling mansion, ordinary martial artists will gain a great deal.

Either strength is improved, or treasures are obtained, or points are obtained.

It can be said that it is like a big treasure opened once a year.

The name of the holy land is not empty.

"It\'s time. Why hasn\'t brother Lin come yet?" Bai Yi looks left and right.

"Shouldn\'t you not come?" the fierce fire hesitated.

"Yes, will Lin Feng think our strength is too weak?" Hua Shao shook the feather fan lightly, also feeling a little worried.

Shui Linglong shook his head. "He\'s not that kind of person."

Bai Yi nodded approvingly, "yes, the Lin Feng I know says one thing and attaches great importance to commitment."

At this time——

"Yo, isn\'t this a newcomer in the ninth district?" the voice was frivolous and came in a light step.

When they turned around, they saw a young man in royal clothes leading a group of people to come proudly. Beside him was a bald young man with a rebellious face and a hint of arrogance. Eyes tightly staring at water Linglong, shining.

"Is it you?" Bai Yi\'s eyes flashed.

In addition to the bald youth, the people led by the youth in royal clothes were the people of the last talent trial five years ago. Li Wenmo, the champion of the royal guards five years ago, has a green emerald hanging on his chest. He has a good family background and even better strength. He is a junior disciple of the inner gate and occupies area No. 77 in the outer gate of the fourth district.


"Who did you think it was?"

Hua Shao and fierce fire are very cooperative.

Li Wenmo and the public were not at peace. When Lin Feng did not rise at that time, Li Wenmo publicly ridiculed the public and said that this talent trial was full of water, and no martial artist could break into the outer door. At that time, people could only knock out their teeth and swallow them in their stomach, which could not be refuted.

But later, with Lin Feng\'s sudden rise, Li Wenmo ate a flat and never appeared again.

"Why, just four of your kittens?" Li Wenmo laughed. "You don\'t plan to break into Yanling\'s house by four people, do you? You\'d better give us your identity token. Anyway, you\'re just a gift, strength..."

"Tut tut." Li Wenmo shook his head and made everyone behind him laugh.

Indeed, in terms of strength, Bai Yi is inferior to others.

"You don\'t care about our business." Bai Yi said slowly.

"That\'s right. The dog is meddling with the mouse. You\'ll be able to support when you\'re full." the fierce fire has always been unscrupulous and said coldly.

Li Wenmo\'s eyes flashed with anger, and the corners of his mouth said, "I don\'t know what to do. I thought we were all born in the \'talent trial\' and brought you recruits, but now... Hum, even if you kneel down and beg me, I won\'t pay attention to you."

"Ha ha, you take us?" Hua Shao smiled.

"We have our own scores, so you don\'t have to worry about it." Shui Linglong opened his mouth lightly, and his face was like ice.

Li Wenmo sneered, "stupid and ignorant!" then pointed to the bald man and said proudly, "we have the incoming disciples of MI Dharma protector to lead the way. Elder martial brother Zhong\'s strength is first-class. Elder martial brother Zhong won 80000 points last year, isn\'t it powerful?"

The bald man scratched at the corners of his mouth and smiled proudly. His eyes tilted across the water and seemed to want to show in front of the beauty.


"Isn\'t this the bell?" the voice of Sa Yi rang out.

As soon as their faces changed, the bald man "Zhong Jiang" was called by his name, but he was a little unhappy. However, when he looked back and saw the visitor, he dared not get angry. It was a young man in blue with double swords on his back. His indigo pupil flashed a dazzling light and had a strong breath. Beside him, the short haired woman was charming, and the neat bangs held out the peach shaped face perfectly.

Ji Xia, Qin Qianqian!

"Ji Xia, you are..." Zhong will sink his eyebrows.

"Go to Yanling Zunfu." Ji Xia smiled calmly and pointed to Bai Yi. "We are a team."

When the voice fell, Zhong Jiang\'s face suddenly changed, while Li Wenmo blushed.

"Ji Xia, how can you bring new people?" Zhong will not understand. "Your highest score in Yanling Zunfu is 120000. Aren\'t you afraid to drag you down with these new people?" in Yanling Zunfu, although personal strength is important, the strength of the team is equally important.

A good team can not only play a stronger team strength, but also help each other and get more rewards.

But the precondition is mutual trust.

"Drag?" Ji Xia looked at Qin Qianqian and said with a smile, "maybe it\'s Zhanguang. I don\'t know."


Better than Jixia?

Li Wenmo and Zhong Jiang were puzzled and were waiting to ask questions.

"Here comes our captain." Ji Xia said with a clear smile, which immediately made Li Wenmo and his party turn around and stare at the visitor.

Dressed in black, with a faint calm breath, there is a kind of awe inspiring sense of war.

Lin Feng!

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