Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 594

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"Hello, master!"

"See the leader!"


Everyone saluted respectfully.

In the Liyan sect, the leader\'s position is quite high.

"Hello, everyone." Ji Jin\'s figure calmly attacked.

Looking around at the crowd, Ji Jin sat in the first place with a faint smile on his face, showing a refined look, "I\'m late. I\'m sorry." he looked calm. Ji Jin looked at the crowd, "tell me something?"

In an instant——

A stone stirs thousands of waves.

"Headmaster!" "that\'s right, headmaster."... Everyone was in a hurry.

Han Lu, the initiator, was not impatient. With a gloomy smile on his mouth, he calmly watched the development of things.

The crowd, who had already been provoked by him, was as if they had lit a fire. The rest only needed to see how the fire burned.


"If what you want to say is about Lin Feng, you don\'t have to." Ji Jin pressed his hands on the handle of the golden chair and said calmly, "just now, I have taken Lin Feng to worship the ancestors of Liyan gate and complete the apprenticeship ceremony. Moreover, I have just given a notice that in the future, Lin Feng will officially become my third apprentice, the successor of the third leader and status -"

"Equal to Dharma protection level."

The words are clear and sonorous.

There was no change in appearance.

Ji Jin, in an indisputable tone, told everyone that this was already a fact.

In an instant, all the faces became embarrassed.

A notice officially issued by the leader, especially related to the leader himself, is absolutely impossible to change easily. If not, wouldn\'t you slap yourself in the face? Lin Feng has become a disciple of Ji Jinsan. In fact, it is a certainty. There is no objection.

No one dares to speak and ask again.

What Ji Jingang just said is undoubtedly to seal everyone\'s mouth.


"That won\'t work!"

"How can this be!"

Han Lumeng stood up like an angry leopard.

For a moment, everyone\'s eyes converged.

But in his heart, he secretly mentioned that he was sweating.

As we all know, Ji Jin is very short.

"Headmaster, Lin Feng is not qualified at all!" Han Lu clenched his right fist and said angrily.

"Oh?" Ji Jin squinted and glanced faintly, "did I have to ask you, Han protector?"

Han Lu looked green. "No, I didn\'t mean that, headmaster."

"What do you mean?" Ji Jin\'s voice became a little cold, and his eyes went straight to Han Lu like electricity, which immediately made the latter\'s face very ugly. Han Lu gritted his teeth and said, "no matter whether Lin Feng is qualified or not, he has only joined Li Yanmen for three months, and his origin is not clear. How can he entrust him with an important task!"

Ji Jin smiled calmly, which made Han Lu tremble.

"Three months?" Ji Jin scratched at the corner of his mouth. "What if three years, thirty years, three hundred years?"

"Aren\'t there many disloyal people, people with ulterior motives, or people with intentions?" Ji Jin looked at Han Lu with burning eyes, as if he meant something. Han Lu\'s spine was cold and became angry at once. "Leader, what do you mean by this? Do you mean I Han Lu..."

"Ah, I didn\'t say anything." Ji Jin raised his hand. "Don\'t be suspicious of Han HUFA. Take your seat according to the number."

Han Lu\'s face was green. He immediately swallowed what he wanted to say.

On strength, on spirit, on intelligence.

He is totally different from Ji Jin.

"OK." Ji Jin nodded and looked clear. "If it\'s all right, let\'s start a regular meeting."

Everyone agreed, but Han Lu looked blue and white.

At this time, there was already a lot of noise in the Li Yan gate.

There\'s a name everywhere——

Lin Feng!

Notice, officially issued.

Lin Feng became Ji Jinsan\'s disciple and the third leader\'s successor. The fish leaped over the dragon\'s gate and the stars were shining.

The most lively is the gate outside the ninth district. Everyone is proud of Lin Feng. In the history of Li Yanmen\'s death, no martial artist is as strange as Lin Feng. He has been promoted from a candidate disciple to an ordinary disciple for only three months, but he ascends to the sky in an instant!

Today\'s status is equal to the level of Dharma protector.

That\'s much higher than the status of an inner disciple.

"Brother Lin is really powerful." Bai Yi sighed.

"Yes, I didn\'t expect that his identity would be changed in a short night." Hua Shao shook his feather fan and smiled.

"Equal to the Dharma protector level, isn\'t it higher than my master?" the fierce fire smiled bitterly.

Everyone showed envy. The better the relationship with Lin Feng, the deeper the experience.

In fact, it is very simple, one strength, one opportunity!

"Well, let\'s go back and practice hard." Bai Yi clapped his hands and said positively, "there was a big gap between us and Lin Feng. If we don\'t work hard, we will only be pulled farther and farther away. Three months later, Yanling\'s house will open. I don\'t want us to be a drag and lower the strength of the team."

"Yes, we must fight hard in these three months. We must show our strength in Yanling Zunfu!" Hua Shao\'s face was also calm.

"Never be a drag oil bottle!" the fierce fire also flashed stubbornness in his eyes.

Three people, three hands, stacked together.

There is persistence and perseverance in their eyes. Maybe they don\'t have outstanding talent, but

Sometimes, efforts that don\'t give up will also bring dawn.

Lin Feng is with Zhu zero.

Through a lot of areas, you will soon come to a beautiful place.

Ningyuan, where Ji Rushan lives.

Any disciple of the inner sect has a private and secluded residence and can practice at ease without being disturbed. Basically, the residence of internal disciples is not allowed to enter. Even the existence of sect leader and Dharma protector level is no exception, except

"The token of our martial brother can be used universally." Zhu zero smiled and raised the token in his hand.

Lin Feng also took out his identity token. It was no different from Zhu zero\'s, except that Zhu zero\'s token was engraved with the word "zero" on the back, and he was "Feng".

WOW! The token flashes.

It\'s like a one-way inspiration.

"Let\'s go." Zhu zero shrugged. "Elder martial brother should already know."

Lin Feng made a light "um" sound. Just now he felt a breath of investigation. He was gentle, steady and harmless.

I have a general outline of this great elder martial brother I have never met.

"Little younger martial brother, I tell you secretly that the eldest martial brother is hiding good things." Zhu zero raised his eyebrows and whispered.

"Good thing?" Lin Feng looked at Zhu zero puzzled.

"Then you\'ll know." Zhu zero blinked and sold it.

Lin Feng smiled, but he didn\'t care too much.


The two entered this beautiful "Ningyuan".

The aura here may not be too dense, but it gives people a relaxed and happy feeling. Close your eyes, you can feel a steady breath, a reassuring charm. The earth is full of vitality and strength, vigorous atmosphere, like a mother.

It\'s strange!

"Don\'t underestimate here." Zhu zero\'s eyes are bright.

"The smell of earth here is very strong and dense, and the feeling is very strong." Zhu zero said, "the cultivation environment here is very suitable for the eldest martial brother. If you compete with him here, don\'t say me. No Dharma protector is the opponent of the eldest martial brother."

"So fierce?" Lin Feng was surprised.

"Yes." Zhu zero said positively, "I can\'t see through the strength of senior brother. Anyway..."

"It must be better than me." Zhu zero shrugged with a smile and didn\'t care, "but elder martial brother seldom fights with others, and no one will fight with him."

Lin Feng nodded. Who is the successor of the first leader to challenge him?

Have fun

"Here we are, right in front." I wish zero fingers in front of me with bright eyes.

Looking in the direction of Zhu zero\'s fingers, Lin Feng vaguely saw a stable figure as motionless as a mountain, welcoming himself with a simple and honest smile. Those ordinary eyes had a wisdom that ordinary people didn\'t have, as if they could see through everything.

Elder martial brother \'Ji Rushan\'.

"I\'ve seen elder martial brother." Lin Feng fell to the ground and bowed his head.

"Come, younger martial brother, I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time." Ji Rushan smiled with a smooth tone and looked very kind.

"And me, elder martial brother!" Zhu Ling smiled and said.

"See." Ji Rushan smiled helplessly, "I guessed you would come."

Zhu zero touched his head and whispered, "elder martial brother knows me best."

Looking at Zhu zero and Ji Rushan, Lin Feng smiled lightly. They obviously have a good relationship. They seem to be relatives. There is no estrangement between their words and behavior. It\'s a happy thing to be a martial brother with two people.

"What are you doing? Let\'s go, younger martial brother." Zhu zero turned around and waved.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

"Hey, elder martial brother, you are so thoughtful!" Zhu zero\'s eyes shine.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly and looked at a small table in front of him. The small wine and dishes were very rich. Obviously, the eldest martial brother was already ready.

"Sit down, junior brother." Ji Rushan made an invitation gesture and said with a smile, "we will be our own people in the future. No matter what you have, if you need the help of the senior brother, just ask."

"Thank you, elder martial brother." Lin Feng smiled.

The simple and honest elder martial brother in front of him gives himself a sense of security.

There are two senior brothers. Although they are cynical, they treat themselves sincerely, just like a brother.

With two people, there is a warm feeling, like a family.

"This is the martial brother." Lin Feng\'s heart rippled.

"Please give me more advice later, younger martial brothers. I\'ll drink first for respect." after that, Lin Feng picked up the wine pot on the table, filled a glass of wine first, and drank it in one gulp in Zhu zero\'s astonishment and Ji Rushan\'s smiling expression.


"This wine?" Lin Feng frowned.

"Why is the taste a little... Strange?" Lin Feng looked slightly changed and put down his glass with doubts.

The entrance is bitter and has an unspeakable feeling.

It seems that there is a powerful force covering the whole body.

For a moment, the whole body seemed to be ignited by a fire and burst into flames.

"Seven orifices rolling curtain wine?!" Zhu Lingmeng stood up and stared.

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