Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 595

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Qiqiao roller shutter wine?

Lin Feng was stunned and a little inexplicable.

At this time, the whole body seemed to be burned by fire, and the pain was unbearable.

Body, boiling.

"Stabilize your mind, younger martial brother, and refine slowly."

"This wine is of great benefit to you."

Ji Rushan\'s eyes burst out with a touch of fine light, which is normal and honest.

The voice in his ear was very clear. Lin Feng suddenly understood that he even attacked the ground and sat down, closing his eyes. Although the pain was severe, he was used to it. If his internal organs were burned, Lin Feng\'s mind was immersed in it and felt clearly.

It was a strong and spreading transverse energy.

"Good domineering power!"

"It\'s the \'seven orifices rolling curtain wine\'!"

Lin Feng fully understood in his heart that his breathing was gradually gentle and long.

This powerful force is an ownerless thing, which is destructive to your body, but

Do more good than harm.

"Wow, wow, elder martial brother, why are you so rich today?" Zhu zero\'s eyes twinkled and his face couldn\'t believe it.

"He\'s my younger martial brother." Ji Rushan\'s face looked natural, very simple and honest, but it made Zhu Ling\'s mouth smoke and get angry. "At that time, I asked you to drink \'Qiqiao rolling curtain wine\'. Elder martial brother, you avoided and avoided, dragged and dragged, and finally..."

"Didn\'t I give you a drink at last?" Ji Rushan smiled calmly and made Zhu zero speechless.

Looking at Zhu zero, Ji Rushan said, "the stronger the physique of this\' seven orifices rolling curtain wine \'when taken, the better the effect will be. Elder martial brother dragged you at that time, but I just hope you can drink it when your physique is stronger. Who thought of you... Alas!"

Ji Rushan shook his head helplessly, but it made Zhu zero blush.

That day, he stole wine.

"Don\'t you think I don\'t know you steal wine?" Ji Rushan smiled, "it\'s just that you\'re natural. The more I don\'t give you a drink, the more you think about it. As a result, it affects your cultivation, but it\'s sacrificing the basics for the end."

"I\'m sorry, senior brother." Zhu zero said shamefully.

Previously, he wanted to blackmail Ji Rushan, but he didn\'t expect that everything was just his own misunderstanding.

The elder martial brother in front of us is not a cheap and stingy man.

"Never mind." Ji Rushan nodded. "Anyway, what I gave you at that time was fake wine."

I wish I was stunned and my face flushed with anger for a moment.

"Eldest martial brother, you, you!" pointed to Ji Rushan, wishing zero felt out of breath in his chest for a while, "thanks to my guilt just now, you blackmailed me!! you, you are more cunning than Shifu, no wonder I always felt something wrong at that time, so... I was so angry!"

Looking at Ji Rushan with a simple smile on his face, I wish zero gas smoke.

Then, without hesitation, he picked up the "seven orifices rolling curtain wine" and filled a glass and drank it in one gulp.

烀! A fire burst into flames.

This time, it\'s true!

Lian Shi sat cross legged beside Lin Feng, Zhu zero closed his eyes and looked calm.

Leave Ji Rushan alone, motionless, smiling.

"Silly, how can elder martial brother hurt you?"

"The effect of Qiqiao rolling curtain wine decreases step by step. Naturally, the later you drink, the better."

Ji Rushan smiled lightly. He also picked up the wine glass and filled it himself. "Unfortunately, the seven orifices roller shutter wine has made little improvement to my body." he sniffed gently, and Ji Rushan closed his eyes to show his enjoyment. "However, the taste of the seven orifices roller shutter wine is really good."

"Tut Tut, some are waiting." Ji Rushan smiled and whispered as he looked at them.


Liyan gate, inner gate.

"Shit, Ji Jin is an old fox!" Han Lu\'s eyes changed and his look was very ugly.

"Master, do you think the leader already knows something?" Han Wei bit his lips and said with worry.

"What do you know? You\'re stupid!" Han Lu stared and hummed coldly. "If the old fox really knew our identity and took action early, he wouldn\'t wait until now. Don\'t mess around. He\'s just casting a net everywhere and waiting for the fish to jump up. If we don\'t move, what can he do to us?"

Han Wei heard Yanlian nodding and said with a smile, "master, it\'s worthy of being a master. It\'s powerful!"

Han Lu drew coldly from the corner of his mouth and waved, "go down and remember what I just told you."

"Yes, master." Han Wei arched his hands and bright eyes. "I will arrange everything in three months..."

"Absolutely satisfy you, master!"

Han Lu replied, "don\'t let me down like the waste of your thirteen younger martial brothers."

Han Wei Jiongran smiled, "yes, I\'m leaving."

"Lin Feng..." Han Lu\'s eyes were cold and bright. "Don\'t think you\'re hiding under the wings of an old fox, I don\'t dare to move you. I tell you, there\'s no one in the liyanmen who I dare not move! That\'s the old fox. Hum, I\'ll let him walk around sooner or later!"

"I\'ve been lurking in liyanmen for more than a thousand years, and all the sacrifices will never be in vain!" Han Lu clenched his fists and sparkled in his eyes.

"But for the sake of safety, go and see the Lord first."

Han Lu thought, and his figure suddenly disappeared.

Ning yuan.

"Oh?" Ji Rushan\'s eyes lit up.

"It was the second younger martial brother who finished refining first?"

Ji Rushan\'s eyes were bright and he was surprised.

Regardless of strength or physique, Zhu zero should be stronger than Lin Feng, but

"Good, really good."

"Shifu\'s vision is really unique."

"The potential of the third younger martial brother is very deep, and it\'s really not easy to find."

Ji Rushan looked just and nodded.

He glanced at the "Qiqiao roller shutter wine" on the table, but Ji Rushan sighed helplessly, "there\'s not much left. The wine of Qiqiao roller shutter wine is overbearing. I can only take it once a month. The second younger martial brother and the third younger martial brother take it together. I\'m afraid I\'ll have to quit after drinking this time."

Although I love wine, it\'s just an external thing.

For Ji Rushan, two younger martial brothers are much more important.

"The second younger martial brother should be almost in half an hour, while the third younger martial brother..." Ji Rushan\'s eyes sparkled like the night.

"It will take about four or five hours."

"Tut Tut, this physique, no one in the whole Liyan gate can surpass its right."

"Very good!"

Lin Feng, completely immersed in refining.

The effect of Qiqiao rolling curtain wine is quite powerful and benefits a lot.

Compared with Zhu zero, Lin Feng\'s body theory of "quantity" may lag behind, but his theory of "quality" is far from winning.

Xinghai level 6 is comparable to Xinghai level 9. How amazing!

It\'s better than many witch families.

Combining the blood of the Phoenix and the essence of the witch family, Lin Feng\'s body has undergone two transformations, and the absorption of "Qiqiao rolling curtain wine" is naturally more complete and abundant. It\'s like the same sponge. Although the volume of Lin Feng is small, it absorbs much more water.

The truth is very simple.

"Twenty percent, the physique will be improved by twenty percent!" Lin Feng was surprised.

"It\'s not only the level of strength, but also the basic value of my body!" Lin Feng was very glad at the unexpected harvest. "It turns out that this is what the second senior brother said. It\'s really a good thing. It can strengthen my body so much."

The stronger the physique, the better the strengthening effect.

Wish zero, but not as good as Lin Feng.

However, one and a half of the improvement effect is enough to make Zhu zero happy.

Make further progress!

"Thank you, senior brother." Zhu zero said sincerely.

He had already figured it out when he was refining. Although he had been kept in the dark, the eldest martial brother thought of him wholeheartedly.

It\'s a kind deception.

"It\'s not like you, younger martial brother." Ji Rushan smiled.

Zhu zero smiled, "yes, you are a rich man. You have been to Yanling mansion dozens of times, and your family background is thicker than master at any time." Zhu zero whispered, "by the way, senior brother, is there anything good?"

"No, really No." Ji Rushan said with a bitter smile.

Zhu zero immediately smiled, "look how nervous you are, senior brother, playing with you!"

Ji Rushan shook his head helplessly, but there was no way to wish zero.

"By the way, elder martial brother, since the \'seven orifices rolling curtain wine\' will work better the later you take it, why do you let the younger martial brother take it so early?" Zhu Linghao said.

"It\'s the master\'s account." Ji Rushan said, "the master said that these three months are very important to the younger martial brother. We should do our best to enhance the younger martial brother\'s strength in preparation for the visit of Yanling to the house in three months. As for the reason, we didn\'t say."

Zhu zero pondered, "well, master, there must be his purpose."

"Since both you and Shifu are bleeding so much, my two senior brothers can\'t be too stingy." Zhu Ling nodded and said, "I\'ve been reluctant to use the treasure I got in Yanling mansion three years ago. I\'ll give it to my junior brother by offering flowers and Buddha, just to make up for his weakest one."

"Willing?" Ji Rushan smiled.

"What\'s outside of me?" Zhu Ling raised his head and muttered, but his voice was not loud.

But it\'s also human.

"Sit down and have something to eat. Wait for younger martial brother." Ji Rushan said.

"OK!" Zhu zero ground his teeth, "I\'ll eat enough!"

"At will." Ji Rushan smiled.

Time, minute by minute.

The absorption of Lin Feng is gradually coming to an end.

The body seems to have not changed, but the breath of Lin Feng is different.

It is refined, strong muscles and Lin Feng\'s physique, which has been raised to a higher level in just a dozen hours.

"It\'s almost over." Ji Rushan said.

"Well, younger martial brother is really powerful. It takes so long to absorb." Zhu zero showed a touch of curiosity in his eyes.

"Can you be our younger martial brother if you\'re not powerful?" Ji Rushan whispered.

"Also." Zhu zero laughed.

It was while talking that suddenly——

WOW! Lin Feng\'s body suddenly shines, and the whole person\'s breath changes completely. Obviously, it is the last moment of absorption, but changes happen one after another. Ji Rushan and Zhu zero all opened their eyes and looked at Lin Feng with great surprise.

"Isn\'t younger martial brother the God of war?" Ji Rushan was surprised.

"It\'s the God of war. That\'s right." Zhu zero frowned, "but... It\'s really a seven orifices rolling curtain!"

"It doesn\'t make sense." Ji Rushan shook his head and said, "the seven orifices rolling curtain must be taken by the martial god to have a chance to produce special effects. Younger martial brother, how can it..."

"Could it be?!"

With a tremor in their hearts, Ji Rushan and Zhu zero looked at each other and were full of shaking Hubei.

Their eyes suddenly gathered together with Lin Feng, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

This little younger martial brother is not easy!

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