Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 593

A wisp of white clothes, gentle and elegant.

Carrying both hands, with a light smile, good temperament.

Isn\'t it the leader "Ji Jin"?

"You are better than I thought," Ji Jin said with a smile.

Looking at those crystal clear eyes, Lin Feng clearly understood what Ji Jin meant. With Ji Jin\'s experience and knowledge, the strength he just showed can\'t escape his eyes, but since Ji Jin didn\'t ask, Lin Feng won\'t tell it himself.

"The headmaster is serious." Lin Feng bowed his head.

"Don\'t worry." Ji Jin nodded gently, with a light in his eyes, "everyone has his own secret."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright and understood Ji Jin\'s meaning.

Obviously, he did not intend to explore himself.

"Thank you for your understanding," said Lin Feng.

In fact, I can\'t figure out many things now.

Ji Jinsha smiled. "How did you feel just now?"

Lin Feng gently closed his eyes. The scene of the battle just now appeared like a replay. Scene by scene, every detail and every process are clearly printed into my mind, like a replay of the battle, so that I can remember it forever.

"Very powerful." Lin Feng nodded slightly.

When he opened his eyes, Lin Feng stared at Ji Jin and said, "even if I do it again, I still can\'t stop this sword."

Ji Jin\'s strength, in any way, is much stronger than himself.

Even if you don\'t burst the star power, you will completely win yourself.

Ji Jin drew a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, "Ji Xiu can use this sword."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright. "His sword is slightly inferior to the leader."

Ji Jin smiled and looked at Lin Feng. "With his strength, his understanding of the sword will be equal to mine in less than a year. In less than three years, he will surpass me, including the overall strength. Ji Xiu... He is a real genius and a natural warrior."

A rare genius in a thousand years!

Lin Feng clearly remembers Li Yanmen\'s evaluation of Ji Xiu.

An unborn monster!


Lin Feng frowned slightly, but he couldn\'t figure it out.

Ji Jin whispered, "do you want to ask me why I don\'t accept Ji Xiu as an apprentice, but you?"

Lin Feng nodded, which he really didn\'t understand.

"Please tell the headmaster." Lin Feng was curious about the answer.

Ji Jinwei smiled. "It\'s actually very simple. He\'s not suitable to be the leader." Ji Jin\'s eyes were bright. "The leader and the martial arts are two different things. To be the leader, you must control the overall situation, have a strong mind and character, which is many times more difficult than being a simple martial arts person. Ji Xiu..."

"He only has a sword in his heart." Ji Jinwei sighed. "The sword is on the wrong side. I always feel that he has gone the wrong way."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were light. He had heard this sentence for the second time.

But there is no denying that Ji Xiu is really strong.

This is enough.

Because for martial artists, there is only one criterion to judge——


"Moreover." Ji Jin paused and looked at Lin Feng, "your qualifications and potential are not necessarily inferior to Ji Xiu."

Feeling a different look, Lin Feng said with an indifferent smile, "the leader has praised him. He is by no means the opponent of Ji Xiu with his younger generation\'s current strength."

"Now is the present." Ji Jin\'s eyes are faint. "You are still young, and no one can tell what will happen in the future. Strength is not addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Many times it is related to too many aspects, such as character, such as opportunity, and such as..."

"Is it the right way, etc."

Lin Feng nodded and agreed.

In tianwu mainland, I am not the one with the best qualification, but now I have changed too much step by step.

"The battle just now was just to make up for yesterday\'s\' apprentice recruitment activity \'." Ji Jin smiled lightly. "According to the rules of Li Yanmen, before accepting the formal apprentice, the master and apprentice must have a formal competition and have a deep understanding of each other."

Lin Feng answered softly and shook his right hand gently.

The duel just now has been of great help to me. In particular, the level of marksmanship has taken the first step towards the integration of guns among "proficient" intermediate people.

This is the key!

"After formal apprenticeship, your status will be completely different."

"According to the rules of liyanmen, disciple, you will be on an equal footing with the Dharma protector level and enjoy the treatment of liyanmen Dharma protector."

"In addition, Han Lu will no longer harass you. As a teacher, he will provide you with all resources to help you improve your strength, including personal guidance."

Ji Jin smiled calmly, "is there any problem?"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and looked straight at Ji Jin.

Yesterday, I thought about it all night.

On either side, I can\'t think of a reason to refuse.

To become the third disciple of the leader, there are all advantages without any disadvantages.

"No." Lin Feng shook his head.

How is Ji Jin? Master Sima talked to him yesterday.

He is a strict teacher and a loving father.

More importantly——

Protect your weaknesses.

"Good!" Ji Jin smiled heartily, and his mood was also excellent. "Follow me and go to offer incense to the ancestors of all dynasties."

Lin Feng whispered softly.

The worship ceremony is very simple.

For Ji Jin, he doesn\'t care too much red tape.

Lin Feng just put on a few incense sticks, knocked three heads, offered a cup of tea and completed the ceremony of worshipping the teacher.

"Very good, feng\'er." Ji Jin smiled.

"In the future, you and I will match as teachers and disciples. You are my third apprentice. You should have seen the second elder martial brother \'Zhu zero\'." Ji Jin nodded gently, "have the opportunity to meet the eldest martial brother \'Ji Rushan\'. If you can\'t find me on weekdays, you can find him."

"Good." Lin Feng replied.

Ji Jin\'s light flashed in his hand, and there were three more items in an instant.

"Three meeting gifts." Ji Jin handed a thin black crystal card, "first, the black gold card of the Qin chamber of Commerce contains one million doling coins."

"One million Dou Ling coins?!" Lin Feng was surprised and felt incredible.

The black crystal card is as light as paper, and the material is more delicate and precious than gold card.

"Unexpectedly, in just a few days, he had 1.5 million more fighting spirit coins." Lin Feng thought that he was lucky. Yesterday\'s Nianqing earned 300000 fighting spirit coins, plus 200000 fighting spirit coins from killing Wucha and other five people, plus today

The huge number of people needed to go to the "land of wood spirits" is slowly approaching.

"Second, put away the identity token." Ji Jin handed a token made of strange metal. Lin Feng reached out and took it. His tentacles felt heavy and the material was not ordinary. Looking up, it is engraved with many ancient and simple patterns, and a big word "wind" is engraved on the back, which seems to represent itself.

"This was made by the top engraver of the sect last night." Ji Jin said with a smile, "with it, you can go in and out of the Liyan gate at will and move around. By the way, this identity token has a contribution of 1 million. You can use it at will."

Contribution of 1 million doors?

Lin Feng exclaimed and felt the weight of the token.

As far as I know, most internal disciples earn less than 10000 sect contributions a year, and I

It\'s "a deep blessing.".

"The third kind." Ji Jin\'s eyes flashed and handed a light red crystal ball, "this is my treasure. I have made plans to give it to my third disciple since ten years ago. Now, it officially belongs to you, seven star Lingbao and moon glass."

Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened when he took it gently.

"Seven Star Lingbao, moon glass." Lin Feng read lightly and felt the special of the moon glass.

Seven Star treasure worth more than two million doling coins! Yesterday, I also witnessed that the intermediate disciple of the inner door \'Fei Luming\' got the Seven Star Lingbao, but I didn\'t expect to get one today, and from Ji Jin\'s expression

Much more precious!

"This\' Moon glass\', which integrates defense and control, is most suitable for you."

"Study it carefully. Lingbao is more expensive than essence. You can master it perfectly. You must use it in three months."

Ji Jin smiled, meaning something.

"Thank you, master." Lin Feng said.


"No, master gave you the \'Moon glass\'?" Zhu zero stared.

"What\'s the matter, second elder martial brother?" Lin Fengqi said.

Zhu zero put his hands on his hips and hummed, "master, it\'s too eccentric. When I get started, there are so many good things that add up to less than one-third of your junior brother!" Zhu zero muttered, "this can\'t do. I\'m going to protest. It\'s too bullying!"

Lin Feng smiled. "Shifu must have his intention to do this."

My two elder martial brothers just talk casually. He doesn\'t care about things outside his body.

"That\'s right." Zhu lingruo nodded and said, "elder martial brother is poorer than me. It is said that the master gave him a token and didn\'t give him anything else."

"I think Shifu should be training his senior brother." Lin Feng\'s eyes were clear.

This "title" alone is enough for the successor of the first leader.

Master\'s intention is obvious.

"Maybe so." Zhu zero\'s face was indifferent, and his eyes flashed, "by the way, young martial brother, you shouldn\'t have seen the eldest martial brother?"

"Yes, master, I\'ll go first." Lin Feng nodded.

As the leader, I really have a lot to do.

"Ha ha, let\'s go. I\'ll take you to see the eldest martial brother." Zhu Lingyi hugged Lin Feng and said happily, "he should also want to see you. Everyone is a fellow martial brother, it\'s a fate, and he will be his own in the future!"

"OK." Lin Feng smiled.

Li Yan treasure hall, conference hall.

"Then Lin Feng is just an ordinary disciple of an outside school. How can he play like this!"

"Moreover, he has just joined liyanmen for only three months, and the origin and purpose have not been investigated clearly. The leader is too reckless this time!"

"How can the rest of the disciples be convinced to accept disciples like this?"

Han Lu\'s eyes were bright and his mouth foamed.

There are hundreds of sect leaders, ten Dharma guardians and seven elders at the bottom. All the top level of liyanmen are here.

Today is a monthly meeting.

"It really doesn\'t make sense."

"Yes, suddenly on an equal footing with us."

"I don\'t think it\'s good to do so."


Everyone whispered and talked one after another.

Most people have quite different opinions about Ji Jin\'s sudden admission of Lin Feng as an official apprentice.

Of course, this has something to do with Han Lu\'s "provocation".

Right now——

WOW! The heavy door was opened, and a wisp of white appeared in front of everyone.

Ji Jin, come.