Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 592

"What an amazing Reiki density."

"Even compared with the land of wood spirit, it is not inferior."

Lin Feng was surprised when he stepped into the entrance of the Li Yan palace.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the Li Yan gate, the mysterious Li Yan temple is said to look like this.

The main hall is full of all kinds of small halls. It looks like a villa with endless small rooms, in which many secrets are hidden.

A palace is a paradise.

"Coming?" saran\'s voice sounded.

Lin Feng was slightly stunned. He immediately raised his head and saw a young man with short hair in yellow clothes above the hall smiling and greeting himself. Although there was no malice, Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly cold. He was so close that he didn\'t find his existence just now.

What strength!

"Is he?" Lin Feng recognized the young man.

It was yesterday that 100000 fighting coins were given as a reward in the annual celebration.

The second disciple of the leader.

"His strength is really unfathomable." Lin Feng thought in his heart.

At that time, I felt it faintly, and now I am more clear and sure.

Wish zero, very strong!

He said, \'I ignore the wind and grass, and I flee with lightning and thunder.\' His motto is just to hide his appearance and choose a low-key.

"The master sent me to meet you. Let\'s go, little younger martial brother." Zhu zero jumped down lightly, vigorous and not afraid of life. He hugged Lin Feng and said with a smile, "introduce yourself, Zhu zero, your second senior brother in the future. We have met twice."

"Twice?" Lin Feng was surprised.

"Yes." Zhu zero smiled. "I was going to try you in the \'new people\'s activity\'."

Lin Feng felt a little scared.

It\'s like being naked in front of Zhu zero. It\'s very dangerous.

"But..." Zhu zero said with a bitter smile, "at that time, you were too murderous. I\'m afraid you\'ll kill me carelessly. It\'s really like crying without tears." he said, Zhu zero also made a gesture, which is very vivid, but it brought the unfamiliar distance closer to each other.

"Elder martial brother is joking." Lin Feng said.

With the strength of Zhu zero, he is by no means his opponent.

Zhu zero smiled and hugged Lin Feng. "Let\'s go, younger martial brother. We\'ll all be our own people in the future."

All the way.

I wish zero is a person to know, very good at dealing with.

Soon, Lin Feng became familiar with him. In fact, after getting along, I found that senior brother Zhu zero is uninhibited, has no airs and is very easy to get along with. There is no such arrogance of a strong man, just like a neighbor and friend.

"Maybe it\'s because he treats me as a younger martial brother." Lin Feng thought.

"By the way, elder martial brother Zhu, the leader mentioned that he had paid attention to me for three months. Is that true?" Lin Feng looked at Zhu zero.

I wish zero\'s eyes were shining slightly and smiled calmly, "yes."

"Shifu knows your gratitude and resentment with Han Lu." Zhu zero said, "in fact, this is one of the tests that Shifu tried you with Han Lu\'s hand, and you handled it..." Zhu zero looked back at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "let Shifu be very satisfied."

"If not, the master will not publicly announce that he will accept you as a disciple."

"To tell you the truth, my eldest martial brother and I are really jealous of you." Zhu zero shook his head and sighed lightly, "in those days, we climbed up slowly step by step. We were not as lucky as you. We ascended to the sky step by step. You don\'t know. At present, the whole Li Yanmen is talking about you."

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. He really didn\'t know.

But you can guess this. The leader is an apprentice and is a formal apprentice.

What a big deal!

"Just ahead." Zhu zero stopped and smiled calmly.

"I\'ll send it here. The master is waiting for you in front." Zhu zero patted Lin Feng on the shoulder.

"OK." Lin Feng nodded, "thank you, senior brother."

Laughing at each other, Lin Feng immediately stepped forward.

The Li Yan palace is intricate, revealing mystery and unknown everywhere.

Here is the center of liyanmen.

"According to elder martial brother, there are all kinds of experience treasures here."

"It can only be used through the contribution of the sect."

Lin Feng thought as he walked, his eyes burning.

Looking around, with a curious look.

The mystery of Li Yan\'s palace is beyond my ability to peep.

Li Yanmen has been standing in Yanling mansion for such a long time. How can it be possible if there is no secret?


"But where is the leader?"

Lin Feng thought in his heart and felt a little curious.

The road is becoming wider and wider, as if entering a white chaotic area.

The eyebrows were just slightly twisted, and suddenly——

"Wow!" a light shone.

In the vast white area, a sword tip with cold light appeared inexplicably, pointing directly at the center of his eyebrows.

A bland sword has no murderous spirit and no war intention.

As if

There is nothing but a sword.

"Is this?!" Lin Feng\'s expression transiently changed.

This feeling is familiar to me. Yesterday\'s scene seems to be in front of me.

Just like Ji Xiu\'s sword!

"No, stronger!"

"Deep power."

The more insipid, the greater the power.

Just like his own "shooting", he completely hid the storm in the gun.

Once attacked, it will be overwhelming and show its strength!

"Fifth gear!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The momentum is magnificent. The red starlight brings a strong force, and Lin Feng\'s body changes suddenly.

The strength and defense increased sharply, and there was a faint flicker of virtual light outside the body, which condensed the spirit of heaven and earth. Lin Feng\'s expression suddenly became right.

No matter who the opponent is——


The "clang" of the ember magic gun sounded, and Lin Feng was not half afraid in his eyes.

The war spirit is sparkling!

Intermediate people who are proficient in level training are integrated with guns!

Holding the ember magic gun tightly in his left hand, Lin Feng\'s spirit flashed and controlled freely. Lin Feng was completely integrated with the ember magic gun, and the overwhelming gun potential in his mind flashed out in a moment. Facing the unprecedented strong enemy and this amazing shot, Lin Feng felt that his blood seemed to solidify all over his body.

The heart beat faster, and the reaction of the devil\'s gun in the hand has never been clearer.

"What a strange feeling!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Vaguely, his momentum is change, as if he had taken a very difficult step.

In the dark, find an invisible ladder.

"It\'s a mastery level feeling."

"This is the way!"

The heart suddenly felt happy. Lin Feng didn\'t expect that he would find the feeling of intermediate people\'s gun in one proficiency level in a short time.

It\'s hard to imagine.

After all, I\'ve only just come to understand "level practice".

I found a breakthrough opportunity again!


Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright, and he stepped out with his left foot.

All the strength of the body broke out in an instant, and the shadow of stoneware behind flashed, bringing a strong flame.

The gun\'s shadow and virtual light are blooming. The display of the gun\'s intention is more powerful and stronger than yesterday\'s "new people\'s activity". It seems that it has evolved and is becoming more and more perfect. With the power of the spear, the terrible and amazing storm broke out in an instant like a flood breaking down a dam!


Guns and swords roar.

"Is this?!" Lin Feng\'s expression changed.

His gun seemed to enter a vast sea.

The power is in full bloom, but it feels as if all the power has been removed.

Like a punch on soft cotton.

Straight ahead, the plain and strange sword suddenly seemed to turn and curl up like a snake. The tip of the sword pointed directly at his throat, just at the moment of exerting his strength. This ordinary sword completely caught the flaw. At this time, Lin Feng had no power to block it.

"Wind vortex!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

At the knee of the right leg, thousands of small holes emit light, giving the body a recoil force.

There seemed to be a light sound in my ear. Lin Feng suddenly retreated. However, the cold awn of the sword tip was not willing to spare, and went straight after it. It was very fast!

It\'s like an arrow off the string, pointing directly at the target!

It\'s too late to avoid again.

"It\'s not that easy." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

The shadow of stoneware in the back collapsed violently, and a cluster of amazing swallowing flames condensed in the right hand.

Devouring fire!

"Come on!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth.

The fire of stoneware surged out and made instantaneous contact with the devouring fire.

The two aggressive flames fuse together, and Lin Feng\'s forehead is blue, which makes it very difficult to control.

But compared with the fusion with the fire of rebirth, it is too easy!

"Close!" Lin Feng drank.

Just one right hand, only one point of control.

They fuse two similar aggressive flames and gather a very strong defense force!

What a powerful "fire control" ability!

This is qualification!

"Peng!!" the blooming of power is infinitely powerful.

This blow was no worse than the "shooting" just now.

Card strength!

The amazing flame is like a Warcraft opening its mouth and swallowing everything. Taking advantage of the short gap, Lin Feng has adjusted and pulled back the ember magic gun in his left hand. But at this time, Lin Feng felt his spine cold.

It felt like some kind of terrorist force came.

"Bad!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly.

But it was too late.

"Pa!" he tightened his back.

An unusually cold cold pressed against the spine.

There is no doubt that that is the sword tip just now. Ordinary can no longer be ordinary.

However, from the beginning to the end, I couldn\'t get rid of the sword and completely entangled myself like a bone maggot.

"I lost." Lin Feng sighed.

This was his second "disastrous defeat" since he came to the fighting spirit world.

The losers didn\'t have the strength to fight back. Although they tried their best, there was still a long way to go.

The last time, I just entered the fighting spirit world. I didn\'t even know what the "gun intention" was. I was defeated by master Hai.

And this time

"Very good." an indifferent voice sounded with a smile.

The voice is like a spring breeze. There is no need to look back. Lin Feng knows who the visitor is. In fact, as early as just now, I had guessed that I could have such a strong strength to attack recklessly in this fierce wild goose palace, and I had no desire to attack myself, just learning from each other.

With so many coincidences, there is and only one person.

"See you, headmaster." Lin Feng bowed slightly.