Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 589

Bian Ruyu fell miserably on the martial arts competition platform and was silent.

Like a defeated general, he lay on his back, his face pale to the extreme.

As Han Lu predicted, it is undoubtedly extremely foolish for a heavenly spirit Master to try to fight the God of war head-on. Even if he borrows the power of the Seven Star Lingbao, the gap is ultimately a gap. Lin Feng is enough to get rid of Bian Ruyu for a few blocks in terms of his ability to fight head-on.

There was silence around.

Everyone was shocked by Lin Feng\'s strength.

The black fog dispersed, Bian Ruyu lay on his back like a dead man, while Lin Feng looked down at everything.

This scene is suffocating.

Everyone knew that Lin Feng was strong, but no one guessed that Lin Feng was so strong! Almost as soon as we had a fight, we defeated a junior disciple of the inner sect in a short moment. It was even easier! Such strength makes people look up to it.

"What an amazing shot." the three elders stared.

"With Bian Ruyu\'s strength, he was completely suppressed. I can\'t believe it." the fifth elder shook his head.

"He has a strong ability to control the game." the elder\'s eyes are bright. "He is a natural martial artist. Such fighting intuition is rare. Martial artists who have experienced thousands of battles may not have this strength. Like the following chess, I firmly control the chess game. Now I\'m beginning to understand why the leader wants to take him as an apprentice."

All the elders nodded and thought deeply.

Indeed, for a leader, it is necessary to convince people with strength, but the most important thing is——

Field control ability!

The ability to manage a sect.

Stand high, overlooking the whole chess game, and control the whole door with a pair of palms!

This ability is extremely difficult to cultivate and is born!

"Hum!" the second elder looked cold, but his old face couldn\'t hang.

Just now he vowed that Lin Feng was in trouble, but he didn\'t expect to be slapped very loudly as soon as he turned his face, but he was ashamed. But in fact, the second elder was worried about it. No one would care about such small details, because basically everyone was not optimistic about Lin Feng just now.

"Hey, Bian Ruyu stood up." the fourth elder was surprised.

"No, he wants to fight again when he is so badly hurt?" the seven elders frowned.

"I can\'t hang my face." the six elders sighed.

Indeed, no face.

In full view of the public, it can be said that the whole Li Yanmen warrior was defeated miserably.

Even if Bian Ruyu is thick skinned, he can\'t wait to find a hole in the ground, because he can\'t lose this battle alone!

"I can\'t lose!"

"Absolutely, absolutely can\'t lose!"

Bian Ruyu gnashed his teeth and looked as ferocious as a ghost.

He has completely lost his mind. Looking at Lin Feng in front of him, he wants to kill him a thousand times, ten thousand times.

"Lin Feng, I want you to die!"

"I want you to die!!!"

Bian Ruyu roared like a beast in a desperate situation.

The terrible voice was full of madness, echoed in everyone\'s ears and jumped with fear.

It was a surging murderous spirit, boiling murderous spirit.

He fan\'s face suddenly changed, "bad!"

In an instant, he jumped up from his chair and wanted to stop the battle, but it was too late.

Bian Ruyu\'s eyes changed completely, one Yin and one Yang, rotating wildly, like a wheel, rotating very fast. It was an extremely mysterious force, a frightening force. Bian Ruyu laughed wildly, "Lin Feng, even if you die, I want you to take the back!!"

"Not good!" Ji Jinmeng stood up and looked surprised.

"Is this?!" Zhu zero also has a deep eyebrow and his heart beats faster.

"Yin and Yang destroy the eyes." Ji Jin\'s hands trembled slightly and squeezed his fist, "one Yin and one Yang form a" broken wheel ", which completely instill the power of the soul, give full play to more than double its power, and go straight to his heart. This pupil technique is extremely overbearing. Once it is used, even if it is successful, it will seriously damage his vitality. It will take at least a hundred years to recover."

"I didn\'t expect Bian Ruyu to hide such power." Zhu zero looked grim.

Ji Jin\'s eyes are bright, "no wonder Han Lu will accept him as a disciple."

"Master, younger martial brother, will he......" Zhu zero pulled up.

"Trouble." Ji Jin clenched his teeth and sighed, "Lin Feng\'s strength is inferior to Bian Ruyu. I\'m afraid he\'ll die this time."

"Ah?!" Zhu zero stared.

"Ha ha, ha ha!" Han Lu laughed wildly.

"Congratulations, master, get rid of a thorn in your eye." Han Wei flattered when he saw it.

Han Lu said with a smile, "I thought Ruyu could only show a broken eye of yin and Yang. I didn\'t expect..." Han Lu shook his head. "He hated Lin Feng so much. He tried to hurt his strength and wanted to kill Lin Feng. I really underestimated his desire to win."

"Hey hey, Lin Feng is dead this time." Han Wei said with a freehand smile.

"If you don\'t die, you\'ll become a useless man." Han Lu\'s eyes are bright. "Well, save me some strength."

The master and apprentice laughed happily and were really in a good mood.

But at this moment——

"Ah!" a shrill scream sounded.

Boom!! Like a broken kite, Bian Ruyu flew backwards. His eyes were sparkling with blood, as if he had been forcibly dug out, which was very frightening. At this time, Lin Feng has returned to normal. His sparkling eyes flash a different brilliance, containing endless flames, which makes people palpitate.

"What\'s going on?!" Han Lu stared with horror.

"No, no?" Han Wei\'s face turned white.

Great sorrow, great joy.

Ji Xia and Qin Qianqian shouted wildly.

Together with Bai Yi and Shui Linglong, everyone also shouted for Lin Feng.

The whole central area of zone 9 is boiling.

Listening to the deafening voice, Lin Feng gently scratched at the corner of his mouth.

"What a powerful pupil technique." Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with bright brilliance, but it was different from just now. Now Lin Feng\'s eyes are controlled by the soul of life. I\'m afraid the power of human soul alone can\'t stop the broken ship just now, as if he wanted to strangle everything.


"Can you shake the power of the beast?" Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

The soul of one\'s own life may be inferior to the soul of others in terms of strength, but the "backstage" is extremely hard.

The combination with the sun life chart is like the eyes of the Phoenix. How can the "pupil technique" of a star sea level warrior hurt himself?

It\'s like porcelain touching gold.

Staring at Bian Ruyu whose life and death are uncertain in the distance, Lin Feng has no sympathy.

"He\'s useless. These eyes are no longer useful."

"This pupil technique is like a sharp sword. It\'s hard and easy to break."

Lin Feng\'s heart is light and congealed, and he is very clear about Bian Ruyu\'s situation.

This is the attack method of the "heavenly soul master", while Bian Ruyu is a heavenly spirit Master and has not fully mastered the application of this pupil technique.

If not, even if he fails, he will not bite back so seriously.

But it\'s in vain to say more now.

Everything is to blame.

"Lin Feng, won?" the seven elders stared.

"No, even \'Yin and Yang broken eyes\' can break. Where\'s the monster!" the six elders couldn\'t believe it.

"It\'s terrible." the Third Elder shook his head. "My little apprentice lost really unjustly."


The elders looked at each other and choked in their chest.

But he was deeply frightened by Lin Feng\'s strength. Only the old face of the second elder elongated and still had a prejudice against Lin Feng.

The disciples of the inner sect were stunned at this time.

Maybe someone guessed that Lin Feng would win, but no one guessed that Lin Feng would win so easily and decisively.

It\'s like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, merciless victory!

Bian Ruyu, seriously injured!

You look at me, I look at you, and I feel my heartbeat in silence.

His eyes are full of horror and horror. Everyone knows that from today on, Li Yanmen will have another talented strong man with a reputation like thunder——

Lin Feng!

Cheers and shouts filled the central area of the nine districts.

The external disciples shouted wildly, because in this war, Lin Feng represented hundreds of millions of external disciples and swept away the so-called elite talents and junior disciples of the internal sect!

this cheers the people greatly!

Everyone was very comfortable.

"I declare that the battle of promotion, No. 12, Lin Fengsheng!" he fan smiled and looked at Lin Feng\'s eyes with great interest.

Just at that moment, he thought Lin Feng was dead. Unexpectedly, Bian Ruyu was defeated in the end.

"There seems to be a lot of secrets hidden in this little guy."

"Can completely destroy \'Yin and Yang break the eyes\', um..."

"The foundation is quite thick."

He fan nodded gently, feeling curious.

"Congratulations, brother Lin." Bai Yi was the first to greet him and smiled brightly.

"Awesome, I admire you." Ji Xia smiled and stretched out his thumb. Now he has long been convinced of Lin Feng.

"Brother Lin, you\'re awesome!" Qin Qianqian\'s eyes twinkled with stars, happily holding Lin Feng\'s arm. Watching Lin Feng show his skills and attract the attention of thousands of people, Qin Qianqian\'s small vanity is also expanding. Which woman doesn\'t want her sweetheart to stand on the top of everyone and overlook everything!

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Although there were some "deviations" in the end, they were basically in their own expectation.

If you are not sure, how can you choose Bian Ruyu to "avenge public and private affairs"?

A murderer is a constant killer.

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with pure light, without half kindness.

After this battle, Bian Ruyu has completely become a disabled man. In addition to being blind, his soul has also been seriously damaged and his strength has regressed. I\'m afraid it\'s hard to be close in this life.

It\'s retribution.

And this

"It\'s just the beginning." Lin Feng saw a killing opportunity in his heart.

Han Lu\'s killing heart is hidden in his heart. For himself, killing is nothing.

Whoever wants to kill himself must pay a price!

One foot in, one foot in!

"Damn it!"

"This son of a bitch!!!"

Han Lu\'s face was livid, and the wine cup in his hand had already been smashed.

Han Wei stood beside him, timid and afraid to say a word. He knew Han Lu\'s temper best.

"Lin Feng!!" Han Lu seemed like a vicious tiger, showing his intention to kill.

"You have seed!" Han Lu\'s eyes were dark. "Wait, I\'ll let you live and die later!"

"This is what I Han Lu said!"