Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 588

"Shadow beam!"

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Black lights burst like a poisonous snake in the dark biting the forest wind.

Bian Ruyu is extremely powerful in controlling the "shadow".



The flame is portable, and Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. For the ordinary God of war, he is most afraid of endless subtle attacks. However, the shadow of stoneware behind Lin Feng shines like a fire dragon, creating an amazing layer of fire defense outside his body. Bian Ruyu\'s "shadow beam" is completely useless.

Just scrap it!

God of war\'s strength is one-on-one, and his preference is a fatal blow.

The heavenly spirit division is different. Any heavenly spirit division prefers "wandering war", unless its strength is too strong than its opponents.

This is the case with water\'s exquisite fighting style.

"Damn it! What\'s this Lingbao!" Bian Ruyu clenched her teeth and was spewing fire in her eyes.

I didn\'t expect Lin Feng\'s "bodyguard Lingbao" to be so powerful. The word "control" is the best at shadow control.

Play well, can completely bind the enemy\'s attack!

But right now

"Since the shadow beam can\'t deal with you, what about the shadow?" Bian Ruyu\'s eyes were cold and suddenly covered with a touch of black starlight. In the battle of the heavenly spirit division, you must not let your opponent close, especially a god of war who is good at close attack.

WOW! With the black starlight shining, Bian Ruyu\'s eyes are very bright.

Dark shadows appeared one by one, each with a touch of starlight, as if Bian Ruyu were the embodiment.

"Go!" Bian Ruyu\'s face was cold and his hands changed suddenly.

The four shadows are fast and relaxed, which is not difficult for Bian Ruyu to control.

"One move is the unique skill \'shadow\', Bian Ruyu is very hard." the three elders have bright eyes.

"This move is very deadly to the God of war, especially the shadow is an empty thing of energy and has no entity." the seven elders frowned.

"Lin Feng is in trouble." the second elder said coldly.


Sorry for the inconvenience?

Is it really troublesome?

"What do you think, master?" Zhu zero\'s eyes flashed.

"The shadow is useful to the God of war, but not to the God of war." Ji Jin said faintly.

"Martial god?" Zhu zero one wondered, "when did you become a martial god, younger martial brother?"

Ji Jin\'s eyes were bright. "Didn\'t you see the \'beast\' behind him? If I guessed correctly, it should be..."

"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

When the first shot was shot, he felt bad.

It was like stabbing into an empty place. The tip of the gun was straight through the shadow, empty and unaffected.

Bian Ruyu\'s gloomy sneer seemed to emerge in his mind. The shadow stabbed by the gun tip was just waving its teeth and claws. A cold black light at the bottom of people\'s heart and a sharp claw wind directly attacked his head. His action was fast and cruel, just like the attack of a real person.

"Is it that easy?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly.

The ember magic gun in his hand was shocked, and the shadow of stoneware behind him suddenly came back to life, which was very ferocious.

烀! Carry the flame with you and open your mouth.

One thing down, one thing down!

The same source of energy, the same existence, can be destroyed naturally.

The key is, who has more energy!

"Poof!" Bian Ruyu spat blood.

To control these "shadows" and control them freely, we should not only integrate into the star power, but also into our own soul power.

Once the shadow is destroyed, it will also do great damage to itself.

"Bad!" Bian Ruyu totally didn\'t expect Lin Feng to have this move. He even wanted to recruit the remaining three "shadows", but it was too late‘ "What a pity!"‘ "What a pity!" Two amazing spikes and explosions sounded. Two shadows were directly burned to ashes, and only one shadow managed to escape.

"Shit!" Bian Ruyu covered his chest with his hands and looked pale.

His heart seemed to be pounded by a heavy hammer, which was very painful, but at the moment he couldn\'t allow him to hesitate.

Lin Feng, attack quickly!

"Fight!" Bian Ruyu looks crazy.

A scroll like existence appeared in his hand, condensing the black star power. Bian Ruyu opened her eyes and drank wildly.

The scroll releases great energy for a moment——

Bian Ruyu\'s rings in both hands were sharp and bright.

"I want you to die!"

"Lin Feng!!!"

"Out, six star Lingbao \'black prison\'."

"And his seven star Lingbao \'night demon\'."

"I haven\'t seen elder martial brother Bian use this unique skill for a long time. Lin Feng is unlucky."

"Yes, the night demon God is cold-blooded and ruthless. He is either dead or injured in his hand. Tut Tut, it\'s sad."


All the disciples of the inner sect talked about it one after another, and their eyes showed a hint of ridicule.

In their opinion, Lin Feng was looking for his own death. He was just an ordinary disciple of an outside school who dared to challenge Bian Ruyu. He simply didn\'t know whether to live or die.

People always pay for their stupidity.

"This is trouble." Ji Xia\'s face was very ugly.

"What\'s that monster? It\'s disgusting!" Qin Qianqian\'s face turned white.

Bai Yi and others tightened their eyebrows and clenched their fists, worried about Lin Feng.

Such battles have gone far beyond their scope of strength.


"It\'s interesting." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Bian Ruyu\'s endless offensives made him excited. He was very excited to fight with such powerful people.

Especially for the rare high-level heavenly spirit masters, what they lack most is the experience of fighting with such warriors. Bian Ruyu is not only a qualified opponent, but also a "touchstone" on his way forward!

The real strong must go through one real battle after another before they can grow.

To gain strength, you must not be afraid of any challenges!

"Go, the shadow of stoneware!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The flame spreads out naturally and forms an inseparable connection with the black fog.

At this time, a dark blood mist appeared, like hell, and the place was completely changed.

It was a sea of blood. The strong smell made people faint. In the sea of blood, pairs of ghost hands seemed to stretch out from the bottomless abyss, and the sad sound sounded, trying to affect Lin Feng\'s mind and divide his combat strength.


"Dreamland?" Lin Feng made an indifferent stroke at the corner of his mouth.

The most fearless thing is the illusion!

Not only because his mind has been refined into steel, but also because he was young——

Then experience the training of illusion!

"Ten times more can\'t affect me!" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

A ray of pure light was emitted, like a bright light in the dark. The firm mind broke all the illusions.


"Kill!" the ember demon gun was shocked.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and an amazing breath condenses rapidly.

"Awesome!" Zhu zero clapped his hands.

"What a strong mind." Ji Jin\'s eyes are bright. "It seems that I underestimated him."

Turning to Zhu zero, Ji Jin said with great interest, "zero, if it were you, how long would the illusion be broken?"

I wish zero micro ran a smile, "I\'m not as good as my junior brother."

Without the slightest affectation, I wish zero nothing wrong.

Ji Jin nodded with a faint smile on his mouth.

I really don\'t know whether I am satisfied with Lin Feng or Zhu zero.

And this

It doesn\'t matter.

"Decide life and death, Lin Feng!"

Bian Ruyu\'s face was ferocious, and blood remained at the corners of his mouth, but he was completely open-minded.

The condensed star power is concentrated in both hands, and the horizon seems to sound like a thunder. In the dark fog, an amazing and terrible figure appeared as if it were a demon God. Its body 100 meters high was like a giant. Its appearance covered the sky and made it dark.

Seven Star Lingbao, night demon!

"Stupid." Han Lu\'s eyes were cold and bright.

"Alas, younger martial brother is too impulsive." Han Wei shook his head and sighed.

"He has long been dazzled by anger, and his strength has not been fully developed." Han Lu\'s voice is cold and shook his head. "The God of war is best at one-on-one. Instead of avoiding it, he sent it to the door himself. It\'s really childish to the extreme."

"Alas." Han Wei\'s eyes twinkled and sighed in agreement.

Indeed, in his opinion, younger martial brother is too impulsive.

"If it were you, how would this battle be fought?" Han Lu looked at Han Wei with light eyes.

In Han Wei\'s eyes, the essence flashed and disappeared. He arched his hands and said, "I\'m stupid. Please give me some advice."

Han Lu nodded and was very satisfied with Han Wei\'s attitude. "The key to this battle is the virtual shadow and flame of the beast behind Lin Feng. This should be a Lingbao. Because of its existence, Ruyu\'s attacks were all washed away and could not give full play to his strength."

Han Wei said thoughtfully, "so master means..."

"Consume!" Han Lu said calmly, "if the jade body can\'t detect it in the game, but no matter the virtual shadow of the beast or the flame, the energy will slowly weaken with the battle." Han Lu made a cold stroke at the corner of his mouth and disdained to say, "as long as the flame is consumed, the battle is almost sure to win!"

Han Wei nodded hard, and his eyes twinkled with stars. "Master is wise, disciple has been taught."

Looking at Bian Ruyu\'s ferocious appearance on the big screen, Han Lu narrowed his eyes, "but we don\'t know who will win or lose before the last minute of this battle. If Ruyu puts all his eggs in one basket and shows his secret skills completely regardless of life and death, I\'m afraid..."

"It\'s just a \'promotion war\', younger martial brother shouldn\'t be so stupid?" Han Wei frowned.

"I\'m afraid he can\'t afford to lose face and has no reason." Han Lu said softly.

Lin Feng\'s gun is amazing and terrible.

The storm condensed in the gun and erupted instantly. It was very domineering.

This move, comprehended in the gun rock, contains endless power and is invincible.

The huge night demon God, like Optimus Prime, destroys everything and has supreme terrible power, but

Facing Lin Feng\'s shot, it seemed as if everything was annihilated.

"Disappear!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and cold.

The violent wind boils in the gun tip, and the power of terror blooms with a ray of stars. Lin Feng completed this "shoot out" with perfect gun control, and gave full play to its power. With one shot, he penetrated everything and was as bright as stars in the night.

Peng! Crazy explosion.

The energy is released violently and dispersed everywhere.

Lin Feng, like a God, stood in the air with an ember magic gun.

The venue was quiet and everyone suffocated.