Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 590

The battle for promotion is over.

The ending is happy and sad, but no matter what, it is the past.

No matter what your grades are, you\'ll have to come back next year.

"How are you?" Lin Feng asked back.

At this time, they were walking together to liyanmen square.

With the end of the promotion war, the annual celebration came to an end, leaving only the last activity in the big square. After the end, when night falls, it is a carnival night. Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself, and spend the joy and madness of the New Year celebration, but only once a year.

"I\'m lucky," Bai Yi said with a smile.

"Fierce fire and I failed." Hua Shao shook the feather fan, but said, "after all, our strength is not good."

"Shit, don\'t talk about me." the fierce fire curled his mouth. "You are weak, and I am unlucky."

"Really?" Hua Shao squinted. "Shall we have a competition?"

"I\'m afraid you won\'t do it!" he said angrily.


Among the people, except Bai Yi, the promotion war of others was a failure.

After all, just entering the inner door, it\'s really not easy to get promoted. In particular, Shui Linglong wants to be promoted to a junior disciple of the inner school. His opponents are strong at the same level as Bian Ruyu. Is it so easy? However, Ji Xia and Qin Qianqian both passed the exam successfully because of their great progress in strength.

But for everyone, the difference is not too big.

After all, they are all inner disciples.

"In fact, the battle of promotion doesn\'t mean anything. The next Yanling Zunfu is the most important thing." Ji Xia nodded gently and looked around the people. "According to the Convention, the top ten talents in this year\'s talent selection competition can receive the identity token of Yanling Zunfu."

Shuilinglong is the champion. It doesn\'t need to be mentioned. Although Huashao and fierce fire are not in the top three, they are also qualified for the fourth place and the sixth place.

Even Bai Yi, whose strength was slightly inferior at that time, just ranked 10th.

All three of them are qualified to obtain the identity token of Yanling distinguished residence.

"That\'s the holy land." Hua Shao\'s eyes lit up.

"Indeed, this year is the best chance." Bai Yi said positively. "Next year, we will go to the qualifying competition with real knives and guns. How much strength we can improve in Yanling Zunfu in three months will become the biggest key. With our current strength, if we really want to participate in the qualifying competition, we have little chance to get the identity card."

Everyone nodded, not to mention them, even if the water was exquisite.


"It\'s a pity that Lin Feng didn\'t participate in the talent trial." Hua Shao sighed.

"If Lin Feng wants to participate, I\'m afraid I\'ll have to squeeze into the 11th place." Bai Yi smiled bitterly.

Shuilinglong\'s eyes flickered slightly and whispered, "with the strength of Lin Feng, maybe zongmen will open the door and give an identity token."

Every year, Liyan sect has 450 identity tokens. In addition to 360 tokens distributed to the top 20 under 100 years of age, there are also 90 sect tokens for gifts, or disciples who have made special contributions to the sect, or disciples whose potential is affirmed, or elders, disciples of Dharma guardians, etc.

Lin Feng smiled lightly and glanced at Ji Xia.

I already have the identity token, which was given by Ji Xia on that day.

"Don\'t worry, I\'ll go to Yanling house with you." Lin Feng smiled.

"Oh!" "Wow!" "that\'s great!" Bai Yi was pleasantly surprised. If they entered Yanling mansion in a team, they could save a lot of trouble and danger. Moreover, the most important thing is that the formation of a team must trust each other. If the players keep intriguing, there will be some trouble.

Ji Xia looked at the crowd with a smile, "count me, too?"

"I can\'t wait!" Bai Yixi said.

They have never been to Yanling mansion, but Ji Xia has been there several times and is full of experience.

With him leading the way, we will get twice the result with half the effort.

"Brother Ji won\'t join other senior brothers?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised.

Generally, division brothers form a team, which is more familiar with each other and has stronger team cohesion.

"Shifu, I haven\'t accepted disciples for a long time." Ji Xia shrugged. "It\'s better to come with Lin Feng than with those candidate disciples."

Lin Feng smiled. The martial arts beyond the age of 100 in Yanling Zunfu could not enter. In fact, master Sima received very few disciples. Unlike Han Lu and other Dharma protectors, he received a lot of disciples. The good and the bad are intermingled, and there are a large number of people. They are selected by the way of superior and inferior.

"And me, and me!" Qin Qianqian said angrily.

Everyone laughed in an uproar and suddenly showed a happy smile.

The team of seven was settled.

Liyanmen square.

At this time, there was a roar and a surge of heads.

Reward items are distributed on the main platform of the square, including duel coins, including Horcruxes, soul weapons, soul treasures and various rare existence. All kinds of "wow" exclamations came from below, and the eyes of all martial artists were full of envy.

Four star, five-star and even six-star babies are presented in full view of the public.

Li Yanmen is really rich and powerful.

"Small and big, attract more martial artists to contribute to the sect." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Even if it is a six-star Lingbao, there are hundreds of thousands of doling coins cheap and hundreds of thousands of doling coins expensive, which is completely within the affordable range for Li Yanmen. As long as it can make all the disciples jealous and add up their contributions to the sect in a year, it will be a great number.

"This is nothing. It will be a sensation later." Ji Xia said with a smile.

"Oh?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised. "What other activities?"

"Lucky draw!" Qin Qianqian\'s eyes twinkled. "Every 1000 door contributions can be exchanged for a" paper lottery ticket "to draw awards." Qin Qianqian pointed to the huge sealed metal box on the stage and said with longing, "over the years, the first prize is a rare Seven Star treasure. If you can draw it, you\'ll get rich."

Lin Fengwen couldn\'t help laughing when he heard what he said. Others were OK to say, but Qin Qianqian

"Qianqian, do you still lack Seven Star Lingbao?" Lin Feng said silently. As far as he knew, Qianqian had at least two more Seven Star Lingbao.

The little princess of Qin\'s chamber of commerce is too rich.

"It\'s fun!" Qin Qianqian stuck out his tongue and said excitedly, "brother Lin, you don\'t know. You can be happy when you win the prize!"

"Have you been in?" Lin Feng said strangely.

Qin Qianqian shook his head like a rattle, "but the fifth senior brother won the second prize and couldn\'t close his mouth."

Lin Feng nodded, but he could understand.

Like accidentally picking up a baby, can you be unhappy?

"Look, brother Lin, it\'s beginning!" Qin Qianqian was overjoyed.

Looking along Qin Qianqian\'s eyes, Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling. At this time, the surrounding was already quiet. Everyone held their breath and looked forward to the lottery. Ji Xia, who had always been calm, had hope in his eyes. Only Bai Yi and others, who were new to him, didn\'t matter. They just looked curiously.

"Seven Star Lingbao." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Seize people\'s fluke psychology and enlarge infinitely small hopes.

Above all, everyone has a chance.

The lucky draw soon ended. The first prize was won by an intermediate disciple of the inner door.

The man wept with joy, but he was too happy. For a martial artist, the value of a seven star treasure is enough to raise his overall strength to a whole level.

"Fei Luming, the star sea level ten strong."

"Han Lu is the ninth disciple of the sect. After obtaining the Seven Star treasure, his strength..."

"Hard to estimate."

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

Other people may not know, but Han Luzhong\'s disciples know it clearly.

Fei Luming is also lucky. Seven Star Lingbao is very rare in Yanling mansion. There is no market for it. Even the worst, the market price is more than two million doling coins.

No wonder he cried with joy.

"I\'m so angry that the grand prize was taken by Han Lu\'s gang." Qin Qianqian stamped his foot.

"What can I do?" Ji Xia shrugged and felt helpless.

Han Lu and Sima Feng\'s discord and hostility made their disciples incompatible with each other. Looking at Qin Qianqian and Ji Xia, Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling, "well, these are doomed. Even if there are seven star Lingbao, it doesn\'t mean anything."

With that, Lin Feng glanced at Qin Qianqian, which immediately made the latter blush and angrily said, "brother Lin!"

Seeing Qin Qianqian\'s embarrassment, Bai Yi burst into laughter, and Ji Xia also smiled with a sullen smile. The unhappy atmosphere just now disappeared.

At this time, on the side of the platform, Han Lu sat on a rattan chair with a cold glare in his eyes.

With the end of the final lucky draw, the new year\'s celebration enters the last activity——

Apprenticeship activities!

"Lin Feng, when the seven elders have accepted their disciples, it\'s my turn!" Han Lu gnashed his teeth.

"Then I\'ll make your life worse than death!"

It has attracted the attention of the public and is bustling.

In particular, all the disciples of the inner sect are looking forward to this "apprenticeship activity".

This is the most "intimate" contact between the elders, Dharma guardians, and the sect leader and the inner disciples. The disciples who were called to the Ming Dynasty are extremely favored. It is certain that they will become candidate disciples, and many disciples who have performed well are directly accepted as formal disciples.

It can be said that the fish leaped to the dragon\'s gate.

Lin Feng smiled and looked at everyone. At this time, his eyes were bright.

Bai Yi, exquisite water, few flowers and fierce fire, what we look forward to most is this moment!


"Silence!" clang\'s voice sounded.

It fell on my ears like a bell, and the whole square suddenly became silent.

What makes people wonder is that the elder who should have the highest priority at the top of the big square has changed.

It was a handsome man in white, with a gentle temperament on his face

Headmaster \'Ji Jin\'!

Everyone was stunned.

But I don\'t know what happened.

"Before the activity, I have a message to announce." Ji Jin opened his mouth calmly, his voice was very calm, and there was an indisputable firmness.

Everyone\'s eyes were focused, especially the Dharma protectors and sect leaders. They frowned slightly, as if they understood something. The seven elders were flattered and humiliated without half a change of expression, because they knew what would happen.

Ji Jin\'s decision will not be changed.

Because every decision he made was thought through countless times.

"I hereby announce that I, Ji Jin, will officially take Lin Feng, an ordinary disciple of the external school, as my disciple."

"Ranked third in the order of the leader\'s successor!"