Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 587

Liyan gate, inner gate.

"What?!" Bian Ruyu said in a frightened voice with wide eyes.

"Yes, elder martial brother, Lin Feng indicated that he would challenge you." the reported disciple was a little nervous.

"Son of a bitch!" Bian Ruyu\'s Yin and Yang eyes shone brightly and flashed a strong anger. "Give him three colors, and he opened a dyeing workshop! Shit, this time he sent it to the door himself and killed him without complaint!"

After saying that, Bian Ruyu went away angrily.

Looking at the direction Bian Ruyu left, Han Lu looked gloomy.

"What do you think, master?" said a middle-aged man with a cold light in his eyes.

Han Lu\'s apprentice, Han Wei.

"Four or six, no, three or seven." Han Lu said slowly.

"Younger martial brother Bian seven?" Han Wei\'s eyes flashed.

"He has only three." Han Lu shook his head, "Ruyu has completely lost his calmness. He may have been in a situation of five to five, but now..." Han Lu\'s voice is calm and a cold light flashed in his eyes. "He lost his face. If Ruyu lost to that little bastard, he can only blame himself for his lack of skill."

"Master, you..." Han Wei hesitated. His character is obviously not what Han Lu did.

Han Lu smiled calmly, "if you lose the field, you\'ll find it back. Do you think I\'ll make the little bastard so happy?"

Han Wei\'s eyes suddenly brightened, "master, do you want to..."

Han Lu smiled coldly, "when the \'promotion war\' is over, it\'s time for the Dharma protector, elders and sect leaders of all districts to choose their favorite disciples, then I will \'Polish\' this little bastard and let him know what will happen if he offends me!"

"Master, it\'s a good plan!" Han Wei thumbed up and flattered, "choose disciples first from the elder and then the Dharma protector. Sima Feng\'s Dharma protector ranks below you. Even if he wants to pick Lin Feng, hey, I\'m afraid it\'s too late."

Han Lu\'s mouth was indifferent and he whispered a glass of wine.

Everything is in his calculation.

"Lin Feng wants to challenge Bian Ruyu?" Ji Jin was slightly stunned.

"Yes, master," said Zhu zhitou.

"Ha ha." Ji Jinsha smiled, "the little guy still remembers his revenge."

Zhu zero said with a smile, "master, you connive at Han Lu to do whatever he wants and test the younger martial brother. It seems that there is a deviation in the direction."

"No, it\'s just what I want." Ji Jin\'s eyes flickered and nodded slowly. "It\'s just a chance to use this war to start your younger martial brother\'s name. It\'s not easy to directly promote from an outside candidate disciple. This war just blocked the mouths of the elders."

Zhu zero nodded if he realized something, "what if the younger martial brother loses?"

Ji Jin smiled calmly, "he won\'t lose."

The phrase "he won\'t lose" shows Ji Jin\'s confidence in Lin Feng.

In fact, after three months of observation, Ji Jin knows more about Lin Feng\'s strength.

He sees every day\'s progress.

It\'s just that Lin Feng doesn\'t know.

In fact, with Ji Jin\'s strength, Lin Feng simply can\'t know his existence, even the "wing". Even if the perception range is large, even if they are careful, the strength gap between them is inevitable.

Ji Jin, too strong!

It\'s a big event for the leader to choose disciples.

Ji Jin himself is a cautious person. If Lin Feng doesn\'t really suit his appetite, how can he go his own way regardless of the opposition of all elders.

There is only one reason, that is the forest wind——

It\'s really good.

The news spread.

But Ji Jin did it deliberately. He just pushed the boat with the water, saving some effort.

At this time, the "battle for promotion" in the inner door is over. It is indeed a stone that has aroused thousands of waves. The battle between Lin Feng and Bian Ruyu has stirred everyone\'s heartstrings. But except Ji Jin, no one is optimistic about Lin Feng, even Sima Feng.

Bian Ruyu\'s strength is very strong!

Although not as famous as Ji Xiu, Bian Ruyu is also among the top three in his age group.

Lin Feng is just a newcomer.

There is a big gap.

"Once you succeed, your words are incoherent." the second elder Leng hum.

"Yes, how could the leader want to take him as an apprentice? He is so arrogant." the seven elders frowned.

The elder and the three elders looked at each other and did not speak.

They more or less have a good impression on Lin Feng. Although it is a little difficult to understand in their hearts, they still support Lin Feng.

Even in their view, the battle was more dangerous and less auspicious.

"Who is Lin Feng?" the inner door roared.

"Didn\'t you see the new people\'s activities in the morning? It\'s the new people who broke the record. It\'s powerful!"

"No matter how powerful it is, it\'s not as powerful as senior brother Bian. A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Even a candidate disciple of an outside school dares to be so arrogant!"

"He can be arrogant for a while. Later, he will know, hum, how different are the strengths of external disciples and internal disciples!!"


The disciples of the inner sect talked about it one after another, but they somehow resisted Lin Feng.

Because of Bian Ruyu\'s identity, people stood on his side. Especially those inner disciples who are weaker than Bian Ruyu. They all regard Lin Feng as an imaginary enemy. If you are defeated by a candidate disciple of the outer gate, the inner gate disciple will lose face.

Unconsciously, the "battle for promotion" has changed its flavor.

And the originator——

It\'s Lin Feng.

"Come on, Lin Feng!"

"The light of external disciples must win!"

"Fight for our ninth district gate!"


The shouting was very lively. Compared with Bian Ruyu\'s one-sided support from the inner disciples, all the outer disciples supported Lin Feng in the central area of the ninth district. They don\'t know who is strong and who is weak, but like their inner disciples, they support their own people!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Figures galloped in.

The noisy shouting stopped immediately, and everyone\'s eyes suddenly gathered.

Bian Ruyu, coming!

More than one person, together with Bian Ruyu\'s martial brother and many famous disciples of the inner sect, came.

But both prosperity and loss!

Lin Feng stabbed the hornet\'s nest this time.

But so what?

We\'ve already turned our faces. Don\'t be polite.

"Lin Feng!!!" Bian Ruyu clenched her teeth, and her yin-yang eyes sparkled with cold light.

He was angry, thin and trembling like firewood. Bian Ruyu wanted to tear Lin Feng to pieces.

Being challenged in full view of the public is a great insult to an inner disciple!


Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"We finally met." Lin Feng\'s voice was very calm and meant something.

Bian Ruyu is not a fool. His eyes are bright and his voice is cold. "You seem to know a lot of things."

"A little more than you think." Lin Feng smiled.

After reading Wucha\'s memory, I really know Han Lu and others in detail. Not to mention Bian Ruyu, everyone behind him knows his name, strength and even what he is good at——

Han Lu has moved his heart to kill himself.

"Really?" Bian Ruyu\'s eyebrows sank and didn\'t say much. He was afraid that he would be cheated by Lin Feng.

At this time, he fan\'s voice rang out, "well, all irrelevant people retreat."

As soon as Bian Ruyu waved, all the martial brothers behind him immediately left. Only Lin Feng and Bian Ruyu are left on the big martial arts competition platform. Their eyes are opposite and their momentum is equal. However, Bian Ruyu\'s face is uncertain, but Lin Feng is at ease.

"Little fellow, it\'s not easy to be so peaceful."

"In contrast, Bian Ruyu is completely affected by anger and is undoubtedly inferior."

He fan\'s eyes are slightly burning and his heart is slightly thinking.

"I heard you are a god of war?" Bian Ruyu smiled coldly, his eyes getting darker and darker.

Lin Feng smiled noncommittally and didn\'t speak.

Bian Ruyu\'s strength is very clear. Xinghai level 9 is a rare high-level Heavenly Master of Li Yanmen!

Good at: shadow!

Shadow, shadow Fu.

Killing people without blinking an eye is extremely cruel.

"I forgot to tell you." Bian Ruyu\'s eyes flashed a black light, and his two cold eyes suddenly changed. "What I\'m best at dealing with is the God of war!" with a gloomy smile, Bian Ruyu\'s body immediately retreated and opened the distance. "Originally, I didn\'t want to abandon you so soon, but since you sent it to the door, hum, I\'ll complete you!"

With the sound falling, Bian Ruyu inexplicably emitted a black smoke and completely covered her body.

There was a sudden cry around, and at this time, he fan\'s voice also sounded, "the battle of promotion, start!"

It was like an imperial edict falling, which opened the war between Lin Feng and Bian Ruyu.

A close fight!

"Zheng!" the ember magic gun came out of its sheath, and Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

With a fierce drink, the muscles of the body suddenly changed, and the power of one month\'s latent cultivation suddenly came into play,

The red starlight covered the body, making Lin Feng\'s strength and defense increase sharply. The star power of the fifth gear has already been able to control freely. The body increased by three times and condensed into a shining virtual light. Facing the same star sea level opponent, Lin Feng has no weakness.

Perfect state!

"Childish." cold laughter seemed to ring out from the horizon.

Thick black smoke spread, covering the whole martial arts competition field, filled with a terrible flame.

That\'s Bian Ruyu\'s "shadow"!

He is best at fighting in his own "shadow".

But this time, Bian Ruyu met his opponent.

"Shun Huang Gang Qi!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright, and with the white breath, they were densely around the ember magic gun. Lin Feng\'s body also transmits a thick black fog, which is no worse than Bian Ruyu. The most striking thing is that behind Lin Feng, a presence like a monster shines.

The shadow of stoneware!

Take the other way and return the other body!


"Why can\'t you see anything!"

"Shit, what\'s this game!"


The lower martial arts are reluctant. One black fog can barely see things, but the two black fog merge, and Mao can\'t see it.

However, what can\'t be seen is only those martial artists with low strength. For real martial artists, especially those who are stronger than them, these black fog can\'t block their sight at all. With the noise and breath holding, Lin Feng fought with Bian Ruyu——

Here we go.

(there are two more chapters ~)