Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 584

Newcomer activity, it\'s over.

The birth of Lin Feng has added a lot of color to the celebration of liyanmen.

Break the dust laden Millennium record!

Lin Feng, increased the time by 30 seconds.

A quite amazing achievement.

"Lin Feng!"

"Lin Feng!!!"

On the liyanmen square, there was a lot of noise, and everyone was crazy.

It\'s like a prairie fire lit, shouting Lin Feng\'s name, very happy.

It\'s gold. It shines everywhere.

Even if Lin Feng did not participate in the "talent trial", he just joined Li Yanmen in obscurity and became the most common candidate disciple of the outer gate. However, in just three months, he has repeatedly defeated the strong enemies, and the strong who have entered the hundreds of domains outside the gate have never been defeated.

Now, it has set an amazing record in the celebration of the new year.

Let everyone remember the name.

A new rising genius!

"You......" Lin Feng looked at the crowd and couldn\'t help laughing.

As far as I could see, except that the water was exquisite and looked a little better, others were in ragged clothes, blue and white on their faces, and there were many muddy and dirty on their bodies. They looked like they had escaped from nowhere. They were very embarrassed.

"Shit, you pervert, our grades have doubled!" Hua Shao murmured bitterly.

"Don\'t mention it. It\'s not a new year\'s celebration. It\'s basically bullying our newcomers." Bai Yi patted the dust on his body, but said with a bitter smile, "pull clothes and pants. Those senior brothers and sisters are like wolves and tigers, and they can\'t stop them."

The fierce fire curled his lips and muttered, "go and sell well when you get a bargain."

With disheveled hair and a look of refugee, it was very unlucky in the new couple\'s activity. In the end, it didn\'t even enter the top ten.

Indeed, although they are very embarrassed, Bai Yi has somehow entered the top three, and the reward is rich.

Lin Feng smiled and looked at the people. He could imagine the scene at that time. It must be very interesting. This "newcomer activity" has a long history. In my memory, Wucha was a newcomer at that time. He was "bullied" miserably, so he ran very fast.

But I don\'t want to "repeat the mistakes.".

Shui Linglong\'s eyes were light and bright, and he was not unconvinced by the final results on the big screen.

In fact, everyone was convinced to lose.

Lin Feng\'s time is twice as fast as that of the second place shuilinglong. In fact, apart from Lin Feng, in fact, the quality of this new generation can only be regarded as ordinary. With the qualifications of Shui Linglong and Bai Yi, they were placed in the previous sessions, only in the fourth and fifth places.


Because of the existence of Lin Feng, this new generation glitters.

Like the stars and the moon, it is very famous.

"Our new couple seems to have no activity in the morning?" Hua Shao asked.

"That\'s right." Bai Yi has already tidied up his appearance and nodded. "We\'re just making a good start. There are so many senior brothers and sisters. Our next activity is in the afternoon, mainly promotion competition. See how lucky we are." Bai Yi looked at the crowd, "there\'s still a lot of time in the morning. Shall we go to watch the new year\'s day or participate in other activities?"

"I want to take part in other activities." Shui Linglong\'s beautiful eyes are shining.

"I\'m free," he replied, shaking his head angrily.

"What about you, Lin Feng?" Bai Yi asked curiously, and everyone looked at him.

"Then go to the activity and feel the festive atmosphere." Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t refuse. Originally, I planned to go to Qianqian, but since they were generous, I had no reason to spoil the fun. It wouldn\'t hurt to make more friends.

"Ha ha, OK, let\'s go!" Hua Shao shook his feather fan and said happily.

"The boy\'s strength has increased a lot." Han Lu\'s eyes sparkled and said in a cold voice.

Bian Ruyu\'s face beside him was very ugly. A pair of Yin-Yang eyes kept changing and didn\'t answer.

Lin Fenggang just shot Zhan Jixiu. He saw it clearly. Today, he really saw Lin Feng\'s strength, which was much stronger than he thought! Bian Ruyu secretly said that he was lucky. Fortunately, Han Lu didn\'t agree with him to assassinate Lin Feng that day, otherwise

"Damn boy!"

"How can you have such strong strength!"

Bian Ruyu felt upset for a while, but he didn\'t estimate the enemy\'s strength enough.

On the surface, Lin Feng\'s strength is only a little worse than him. It\'s unknown who will lose and win if he really wants to fight.

"Scared?" a deep voice sounded. Bian Ruyu was shocked. He raised his head, looked at Han Lu\'s gloomy face, and even said with a forced smile, "master loves to joke. Ruyu can\'t be afraid of such a little guy. As long as master gives you an order, I will kill him without mercy!"

Han Lu said calmly, "I\'m afraid you don\'t have this strength."

Bian Ruyu was worried when he heard the speech, "master!"

"Well, shut up, I have my own score." Han Lu said in a deep voice. There was a look of impatience in his tone. Bian Ruyu didn\'t dare to say anything at once. Playing with the wine cup in his hand, Han Lu had a plan in his heart.

"What if people say \'bullying the small with the big\'?"

"If I let this boy be so carefree, hum, where will my Han Lu\'s face go in the future?"

"This time, we must give him a profound lesson!"

Han Lu gnashed his teeth and his eyes were sharp.

Lin Feng\'s hatred is not hidden at all. He is just unhappy!

There are many New Year celebrations.

This is the annual big day of liyanmen.

Except for some specific "celebrations", other activities are either held spontaneously or sent by Li Yanmen. The purpose is very simple. In fact, it is to be happy, let everyone enjoy it and enjoy the joy of the new year.

"Bad luck, it\'s so close to winning Lin Feng." the fierce fire shriveled his mouth, very sorry.

"Ha ha, fierce fire, you have a chance to challenge Lin Feng with this little game." Hua Shao holds a feather fan and smiles, "if you fight head-on, you will be beaten down in one round."

"Cut." the fierce fire looked indifferent, "which one of you is not like this?"

Spend less, Bai Yi, water Linglong looked at each other, are helpless smile.

That\'s true.

"The most important thing is to participate. Just have fun." Lin Feng smiled. "I lost miserably just now. The water is the most exquisite."

Shuilinglong could not help blushing when she heard the speech. "That\'s because I\'m a water spirit Master with strong induction."

With a proud smile, "Hey, I\'m at least better than less flowers and Bai Yi!"

"It\'s too little for you!" Hua Shao glared, "look at my next activity, lie down to you!"

"I\'m afraid you can\'t." the fierce fire raised his chest and smiled proudly.

"Shit, give you some color and you\'ve opened a dyeing workshop!"


Looking at the noisy people, Lin Feng couldn\'t help smiling.

This warm and natural feeling has not been seen for a long time. It\'s like returning to tianwu mainland and training base. At that time, together with Fang Ning and Xiaojian, the three were like brothers, but they didn\'t know how they were now.

"Lin Feng?" there was a voice calling in his ear. Lin Feng turned back in a moment.

"What\'s the matter, white brother?" Lin Feng said with a faint smile.

"Ha, we\'re going to play that activity. Are you interested?" Bai Yi pointed to the crowded place ahead and said.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

No matter what activity, focus on participation.

Now that you\'re here, have a good time!

"Come on, don\'t squeeze!"

"Everyone stands on their own number. When 10000 people gather, we will start the race!"

On the big platform, a young man in yellow was shouting hard, with a symmetrical figure, short hair and bright eyes. It was the young man who finally wanted to stop Lin Feng but backed out in the first annual celebration.

"He is Zhu zero, the second disciple of the leader." Bai Yi whispered.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed, but he also recognized it.

Ji Jin, the leader of Liyan sect, is very strict in accepting disciples. He has fewer candidate disciples than other elders and Dharma guardians.

as one can imagine!

There are only two apprentices.

In fact, the leader Ji Jin himself is not old.

"Is he strong?" Lin Feng asked.

In Wucha\'s memory, there is no experience of Zhu zero\'s hands-on.

"I don\'t know." Bai Yi shrugged. "I almost never saw him fight with anyone. In fact, no one would challenge him foolishly in his status."

Lin Feng nodded gently. Indeed, no one would be willing to provoke a possible leader in the future.

"But..." Bai Yi paused and said with a smile, "I heard a senior brother say that although Zhu zero has a great reputation, his strength is ordinary. He also has a motto that is particularly interesting."

"Motto, interesting?" said Lin Feng.

"Yes." Bai Yi shook his head with a wry smile, "I ignore the wind and grass, lightning and thunder, I flee, and the horizontal Criticism --"

"It\'s none of my business."

Lin Fengwen also smiled.

This is fun. From his motto, it seems to be a

A coward.

"The leader is so strict in accepting disciples. I wish zero will be extraordinary."

"Maybe... He just wants to keep a low profile."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t think much. Looking at Zhu zero, who is busy organizing on the stage, from his appearance and expression, he looks like an ordinary big boy, giving people a feeling of closeness and no intention, as if he has no strength.


The more insipid it is, the more dangerous it feels.

"It should be a strong opponent." Lin Feng thought.

This is purely an intuition, an inexplicable fear of the strong.

"Go, Lin Feng, the activity is about to start. If you don\'t grab the position, you\'ll be gone." Bai Yi pulled Lin Feng and said.

"OK." Lin Feng smiled and looked for a number desk with Bai Yi at will.

"Here it is." Bai Yi nodded.

"HMM." Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, so he stood up.

It was a cylindrical shiny platform with a number reflected above it——


With Lin Feng and Bai Yi on the station, almost in the blink of an eye, a total of 10000 numbers were occupied. A bright light flashed. Zhu zero on the stage was filled with a happy smile and whispered, "OK, all 10000 contestants are in the end. Now I announce -"

"The game officially begins!"