Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 583

Liyanmen, big square.

"Here we are, at last, the first interceptor!"

"According to sources, this is the first time Lin Feng has been intercepted in this\' new people activity \'

"Do you know who that man is?"

The commentators on the stage sold the pass and aroused everyone\'s appetite.

The people opened their eyes wide and bright. They wanted to know who the mysterious interceptor was and

What\'s the situation now.

Who is it?

This question does not need to be answered.

There is a custom in the new year\'s celebration. Generally speaking, martial artists over the age of 100 will not participate in it.

Wouldn\'t it be too depressing to be put on the hat of "bullying the small with the big".

The martial arts in their centenary are really stronger than Lin Feng——

very seldom.

Are the leaders of all sessions.


"Chih!" like a rainbow falling in the sky.

Invisible figure and invisible attack, but Lin Feng felt inexplicably in his heart.

If he takes another step, he will die!

It was a "repressive" momentum, a calm murderous spirit.


"Try it." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

I\'ve never been scared.

What can we fear when soldiers come to block us and water and earth cover us?

"Xingli fifth gear!" Lin Feng drank softly.

The body changes in a moment, and the strength and defense are strengthened. A faint red light flashes around the body to condense the aura between heaven and earth. The Milky vigorous Qi immediately wound around the ember magic gun, like a dragon, and the speed of Lin Feng suddenly increased.

Since you want to block, then weigh your strength!

Although he can\'t see his opponent, Lin Feng can judge by the smell alone——

The strength of the opponent is not inferior to that of himself.

To fight, we must go all out!

"Oh?" the figure in the dark was a little surprised.

"Resolutely and without flinching back."

"He is a strong opponent in case of strength. No wonder..."

"Leiba will lose to him."

The shadow smiled indifferently, with a smile in his expression.

"What a strong gun smell."

"Well, let me try him to the end..."

"How much strength!"

The forest wind is like a rainbow.

The vibration of the ember magic gun was like thunder, which was very amazing.

Intermediate people who are proficient in level training are integrated with guns!

The familiar feeling hit my heart again. At that time, the taste of fighting leiba was clear and spread all over my body. The left hand held the ember magic gun tightly, and the spirit flashed and controlled freely. Lin Feng seemed to be completely integrated with the ember magic gun, and the overwhelming gun potential in his mind flashed out in a moment.

Domineering, powerful and unstoppable!


Lin Feng\'s eyes were cold and bright, accompanied by the stepping out of his left foot.

All the strength of the body broke out in an instant, and behind it, the shadow of stoneware flashed, bringing a strong flame.

In the dark fog, Lin Feng hit with all his strength and showed his strongest shot.

If you don\'t succeed, you will become benevolent!

And now——

Scold! With a touch of light, a terrible sound approached silently in the dark.

It\'s a sword, a seemingly ordinary sword.

Instant contact with the ember magic gun.


Liyanmen, big square.

"The interceptor failed, unexpectedly..."


The commentator himself felt a little unbelievable, and his voice and tone changed a lot.

At this time, there was a roar below, but the martial artists were unhappy, and the noise suddenly roared.

"Shit! Who?"

"Yes, not even a name!"

"We\'re still looking forward to it. It\'s tempting!"


Curse again and again, the martial artist who explained also looked bitter melon.

This explanation has rules. If the interceptor succeeds, he can naturally give his name. But in case of failure, in order to protect privacy, names are not allowed.

In fact, he thought it was easy for the man to intercept Lin Feng.


"It\'s weird."

"Is the forest wind so strong?"

"Wow, brother Lin is so powerful!" Qin Qianqian jumped up happily.

"Ha ha, brother Lin is so proud that he even broke through Ji Xiu\'s interception this time!" Ji Xia\'s eyes are bright and proud.

"That\'s not necessarily true." Sima Feng smiled calmly. "I think Ji Xiu just wants to try Lin Feng."

"Yes, Ji Xiu didn\'t even use the star power." Ji Xia suddenly said, but his eyes suddenly brightened. "But brother Lin\'s shot was really powerful. Although he just looked, he could feel a thrill and tremble."

In liyanmen, the status is different and the treatment is different.

As a Dharma protector, Sima Feng not only has the right to see any scene of the annual celebration, but also

With his disciples, they can see it with their own eyes.

"That\'s because the gap between you and him has widened." Sima Feng looked at Ji Xia and sighed.

"Maybe." Ji Xia shook her head with a bitter smile.

Once upon a time, he thought that stability was better than Lin Feng. Even if he was defeated at that time, Ji Xia was not discouraged, because he was not defeated at the peak.

But now

"I can\'t take a move."

"The strength of the Lin brothers has made great progress."

"Maybe one day he can pull Jixiu down from the altar."

Ji Xia thought lightly, looking at the figure galloping and running on the big screen, as if looking at a high mountain.

The forest wind in front of us is no longer the forest wind of the green smoke city that day.


"It\'s really good."

Ji Xiu\'s face wore a faint smile.

I sat on the tree and looked at the direction of the forest wind. I was very interested.

"Leiba is right."

"This Lin Feng is really not simple."

Ji Xiu has bright eyes and a rare smile on his face.

Practicing sword and understanding sword, Ji Xiu\'s life is very ordinary. He spent his time in cultivation. He always wanted to find an opponent who could stimulate his potential.

Reba, not really.

And Lin Feng

"Now you are not my opponent."

"But I hope next time, we can try our best to fight a real war."

Ji Xiu nodded slightly. For a moment, his body flashed and disappeared.

It leaves a faint sound of sword, which flows for a long time.

"Hoo ~" long spit out a mouthful of turbid gas.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his chest was still undulating.

That sword made me feel very dangerous.

"What a powerful sword."

"There is nothing but a sword."

"Such swordsmanship..."

Lin Feng\'s look changed slightly and he felt shocked in his heart.

In my mind, a person, no, should say a name.

"It\'s him."

"Absolutely not wrong."

"Leiba, he didn\'t lie to me."

Lin Feng smiled inexplicably and felt distracted.

Li Yanmen is indeed full of strong people. Just one "season repair" makes you feel passionate.

"He didn\'t use star power, even..."

"It\'s the only sword."

Lin Feng\'s heart is light. He has a glimpse of the leopard. He knows Ji Xiu\'s strength very well.

Jixiu, very strong!

Although there was only a momentary fight, but

You can never feel wrong.

"Better than I am now."

"If I play against him, more than 90% will lose."


Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with a burning flame, and his confidence remained.

Maybe I\'m not as good as Ji Xiu in dueling, but if it\'s a real fight——

I will win!

The strong murderous spirit blooms. Although Lin Feng is modest, he is a very proud person in his bones. Persistence and firm mind are the pride in his bones, which makes him keep moving forward and never shake himself. This is the self-esteem of the strong!

All the time, thinking about getting stronger.

Stand at the top of the pyramid!

Not far away.

"Shit, what a strong murderous spirit."

"Cut, just a newcomer activity, do you need to work so hard?"

A young man in yellow skimmed his lips. "Forget it, young master, I don\'t have the same experience with you. Let you live."

After that, the young man in yellow shook his head and left.

Liyanmen, big square.

"Another, another warrior stopped in front of the finish line!"

"God, it\'s him!"

"Lin Feng is in trouble. He stopped him. Alas, I\'m afraid..."

The narrator sighed softly. The eyes of all the martial artists at the bottom suddenly converged, but they saw that the narrator\'s face turned red. Halfway through the speech, they couldn\'t take it anymore. The atmosphere at the bottom was depressed. Everyone stared at the narrator "viciously" as if they wanted to eat him.

"This..." the narrator Nuo mouth, face embarrassed.

"He, scared away."

The sound of "clang" at the bottom was overwhelming.

"Headmaster, your disciple is too much?" the seven elders laughed.

Ji Jin smiled helplessly, "this is the nature of the child. He can do whatever he thinks. I can\'t take care of him as a master."

"Similarly, Ji Xiu just tasted it. He didn\'t really want to stop Lin Feng." the three elders stroked his long beard, smiled coldly, and looked at Lin Feng with a little favor.

"It\'s just a game." the elder said faintly, "no one will make friends with a genius because of the game."

Everyone nodded, but it was the norm.

Although the game is very lively and intense, everyone is actually "playing" and stops at the point.

Ji Xiu and Zhu zero didn\'t really want to stop Lin Feng.

"It\'s the end." Ji Jin\'s eyes sparkled.

"It seems that the record should be broken." the elder nodded.

"Unexpectedly, the dusty Millennium record was broken by such a little guy." the five elders muttered.

Ji Jin looked around the crowd and slowly said, "what do you think of the Lin Feng?"

"It\'s very good. It can be made of materials and has a bright future." the three elders looked flat and said.

"The potential and qualification are slightly inferior to those of Xiuer, but they rank second in this generation." the elder said positively.

The Third Elder\'s face changed slightly, but he did not refute, because what the elder said was the truth.

"Headmaster, do you want to?" the seven elders\' eyes lit up.

"Yes, I want to take him as an apprentice." Ji Jin said in a clanging voice word by word, which shocked everyone at once.


"Master, please think twice!"

"Yes, you\'re not kidding."

The elders couldn\'t help persuading that, indeed, it\'s easy for Dharma protector, sect leader and elders to accept disciples, but it\'s not easy for the leader to accept disciples. Because the disciples the leader receives are related to the reputation of a sect. More importantly, nine times out of ten, the next leader is selected from the disciples of the leader.

The leader accepts disciples. It can be big or small!

"I have made up my mind." Ji Jin smiled calmly. As a leader, how can the decision be so easy to shake. Looking around at the crowd, Ji Jin\'s eyes fell on Lin Feng on the big screen and smiled, "besides, I don\'t think Lin Feng\'s potential is worse than Ji Xiu."

As soon as they said this, they immediately took a breath of cold air.