Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 585

"Wow!" a white light rose.

Lin Feng was slightly surprised. At the foot of the digital light platform, a white light mask suddenly appeared and shrouded himself.

"It\'s interesting." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Such energy technology has long been common in liyanmen.

A series of figures appeared in front of him. Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly. Although he didn\'t know what to use, he soon remembered it in his heart. In just one second, the light mask disappeared in an instant, and there was a bright recovery in front of us, but it came and went quickly.

"OK." Zhu lingsa smiled, "do you remember the figures just now?"

The crowd was in an uproar and talked about it one after another.

"There is a nine palace in front of you. Now --" I wish you a bright future.

"Trample on the third number you see!"

"Count down three seconds!"



The voice of counting down to zero came from his ear, and Lin Feng made a faint stroke at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the nine palace grid in front, the number \'3\' suddenly lights up when you gently click your right foot.

At this time, the voice of Zhu zero also fell.

There were many cries of surprise.

Most platforms rise, and the light is still bright, while a small number of platforms are dim and declining, which means they are eliminated. But Zhu zero\'s voice did not stop, "trample on the penultimate number you see in the same three seconds."



This time, people reacted much faster.

However, it is more difficult to remember the penultimate number.


Another group of martial artists were eliminated.

Lin Feng passed the pass smoothly and turned to Bai Yi and the water Linglong not far away. Everyone stayed. In fact, this problem is not difficult. The martial artist\'s memory is excellent. As long as he noticed the string of numbers just now, he can generally pass the test easily.

"Well, if you fail, please quit yourself." Zhu zero waved his hand and looked calm.

With a rustling smile, Zhu Rong\'s eyes suddenly brightened, "don\'t be happy too early. Just now it was just a warm-up, a real game..."

"Start now!"


A round of elimination will begin soon.

Indeed, as Zhu zero said, it was just a warm-up.

The next difficulty is higher and higher, and more and more people are eliminated. As a small-scale activity, the speed of circulation is naturally fast. After a while, almost all 10000 fighters declared "killed in battle", leaving only the last three.

"Well, finally enter the final competition." Zhu zero smiled happily.

"Only the last three of the 10000 contestants are 611, 9953 and 9988."

Zhu lingsa said with a smile, "this activity is privately sponsored by me. The winner will get 100000 fighting coins!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the martial arts onlookers were noisy.

In fact, most activities have rewards, but it is rare to reward 100000 fighting coins.

After all, these are all "private sponsors" of the event.

Lin Feng\'s eyes dazzled and looked forward to it.

I took part in various activities all the way. I also got 30000 or 40000 doling coins in pieces. Plus the six-star Lingbao obtained from the new couple\'s activities, I can almost exchange 200000 doling coins. If you add this 100000, I will make a lot of money this year.

The other two contestants had different reactions. No. 611 had the same dazzling eyes and was very excited, while No. 9953 was half unmoved.

Because for shuilinglong, money is really not very important.

Some people are happy and others are worried. Those who have been eliminated all sigh with regret. Even for the inner disciples, 100000 duel coins are not a small amount. For the outer disciples, it is a huge fund, which can greatly improve their strength!

"That\'s awesome. Lin Feng and Shui Linglong both entered the finals." Feng Shao smiled happily.

"Oh, a hundred thousand bucket of spirit coins." his cheeks twitched with rage, and he only felt a burst of heartache.

"Well, it\'s not yours." Bai Yi patted the fierce fire on the shoulder and said with a smile, "let\'s see who has better memory than Lin Feng and Shui Linglong."


Who has a better memory?

Not only the martial arts onlookers around want to know, but Zhu zero also wants to know.

He smiled brightly and brightly. His bright eyes had a fine point that no one saw. I wish him a zero clap. "Well, now start the final finals. The rules are very simple. Each of you has ten seconds. Whoever remembers the most is the champion!"

The voice fell, Zhu zero immediately threw out three thick books and threw them at Lin Feng.

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Three books fell into the hands of three people at the same time.

Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up. This Kung Fu seems simple, but it\'s actually very complex.

You know, three people are in different positions, and it is even more difficult to control three different forces at the same time. The most troublesome thing is, this is a book! It is composed of paper. It is necessary to control the force so that the book will not be damaged

"Awesome!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining.

I think I can\'t do this Kung Fu.

"Well, ten seconds to start!" I wish zero\'s voice fell, and there was a moment of peace around me.

Everyone dared not say a word for fear of disturbing the three contestants, but in fact, if they were completely focused, they would not be affected by the outside world. Lin Feng looked calm and turned quickly page by page. He played back scene by scene like a film in his mind, as if he had slowed down dozens or hundreds of times.

It\'s strange!

No one can surpass memory.

Lin Feng never forgets when he is young. This is what he is best at.




"Stop!" Zhu zero\'s eyes flashed.

In an instant, three powerful suction forces came.

The three books suddenly flew back to Zhu zero. Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and there was no obstruction.

And now——

WOW! The front light mask appears again.

A page like white paper appeared in an instant, and Lin Feng understood it in an instant.

Take the hand as the pen, and Lin Fengji waved the pen. The same scene happened in front of shuilinglong and the youth on 611.

A decisive game.

Who can laugh last?

The eyes are burning. Zhu zero looks indifferent, but he is very attentive.

"Shorthand king, Liu Feiyun." Zhu zero lightly scratched at the corner of his mouth, "I\'m sorry, I\'ll lend you a test."

"I\'m curious, what kind of potential does Lin Feng have..."

Time passed quickly.

All the people held their breath.

With the passage of time, Liu Feiyun\'s complexion on No. 611 is gradually dignified, while Shui Linglong and Lin Feng still write like a God.

In an instant——

"Awning!" the white mask burst open.

Liu Feiyun was pale and his forehead was full of cold sweat.

"Failure." Zhu zero\'s voice was very calm, but he was shocked in his heart.

But I didn\'t expect Liu Feiyun, the famous shorthand king of Li Yanmen, to lose to the newcomers.

And two!

"Isn\'t he the shorthand King \'Liu Feiyun\'?" someone recognized him in the crowd.

"It\'s really him. I didn\'t see it just now."

"No, the shorthand king was the first to be eliminated?"

"What on earth did those two little guys come from?"

One stone aroused thousands of waves. The elimination of shorthand King Liu Feiyun not only did not lose interest, but also caused the climax of the competition. Seeing the competition between Lin Feng and Shui Linglong, everyone stared and their heart beat faster.

Page after page.

In fact, it has long been known who is strong and who is weak.

Lin Feng writes faster and faster, but Shui Linglong is out of support and writes more and more slowly.

And as time goes by, finally——

"Peng!" Shui Linglong was eliminated after Liu Feiyun.

Lin Feng is the only one left!

The game is over.

Lin Feng wrote seventy-five of them. Compared with Liu Feiyun\'s thirty-three, the water exquisite sixty-seven is completely beyond. But Zhu zero didn\'t stop. The game continued. In fact, Lin Feng didn\'t know that his two opponents had surrendered.

In fact, just like cultivation, martial artists are real opponents——

Only yourself!


"Really great!"

I wish zero bright eyes and hard heart.

"What a terrible memory."

"Stronger than me!"

Zhu zero is convinced of Lin Feng. What he is most proud of is his ability to never forget. But he can only write 80 copies of this book in ten seconds, but Lin Feng has written 95 copies now!

And it hasn\'t stopped!

The farther back, the greater the gap.

Even the gap of a page is very different.

Lin Feng, still continuing!

Ninety seven.



"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and stopped.

It\'s not until you write down a hundred, it\'s over. It\'s no intention to write any more.

Lin Feng looked around indifferently. At this time, there was no one except himself.

He has won the victory.

"A hundred."

"What a monster!"

I wish zero a sense of helplessness and complete defeat.

Perhaps his strength is much stronger than Lin Feng, but that is because he is older than Lin Feng.

In his proudest field, he was completely defeated by Lin Feng.

But what Zhu zero doesn\'t know is that this

Not the forest wind limit.


"One hundred thousand doling coins!"



There was a lot of noise below, and everyone cheered for Lin Feng.

I wrote down a hundred of them. Such a proud memory made everyone stand upright and excited.

Liu Feiyun\'s face was written with the word "Fu" and applauded Lin Feng. Shui Linglong looked at Lin Feng with a smile, applauded and cheered, and the most lively people were the people with less flowers and fierce fire. When he saw Lin Feng win, they were also glowing.

"Let\'s go." Lin Feng got a gold card from Qin\'s chamber of Commerce and smiled.

"Wow, those who see have a share!" Hua Shao coaxed.

"Yes, yes, please have a meal, Lin Feng!" the fierce fire\'s eyes lit up.

"What\'s the problem? Let\'s go." Lin Feng smiled quietly, feeling the excitement and happiness of the people, and he really felt warm in his heart.

This year\'s celebration of liyanmen, what matters to me is not how many doling coins I won, but

Win many sincere friendships.

The game is over.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and Zhu zero\'s eyes glittered.

"The strongest newcomer really deserves his reputation."

"I don\'t know if the master has noticed that if such talents are buried in the outer door..."

"Tut Tut, it\'s really a pity."

I wish zero mind light reading, a moment across an illusion will disappear.