Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 582

The new year\'s celebration begins.

The whole Liyan gate was immersed in a happy atmosphere.

The beginning of a year, the beginning of a year, represents prosperity and a new beginning for everything.

The dense crowd occupied the whole Liyan gate, not only the nine districts, but also the martial artists of the whole 100 districts gathered together, together with all the disciples of the inner and outer gates, to revel together on this day. This is a festival, a lively party.

No burden, no pressure.

"There are so many people." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Looking around at the whole lively scene, the head was surging and the heart was slightly surprised.

In the nine districts on weekdays, everyone "hides" in their own nest. They don\'t see a lot, but now they all appear. There are nearly eight million martial artists in one nine district alone, and the number of martial artists in the whole liyanmen is close to one billion!

An astonishing number.

"Ha ha, are you busy, brother Lin?" Bai Yi smiles happily.

"Well, indeed." Lin Feng nodded.

Compared with the surprise of other newcomers, Lin Feng\'s performance is obviously much more normal.

With an indifferent smile, although Lin Feng was surprised, he didn\'t care too much. He hadn\'t seen any scenes in tianwu mainland.

At that time, the general attack of the herd riot was the real horror!

"The new year\'s celebration is actually fun, without any burden." Bai Yi said.

"Yes, Nian Qing