Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 581

Waiting to practice the gun, suddenly——

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes changed, and a scene came to his mind.

It was a strong young man with upright hair, naked upper body and countless scars. It looked very ferocious and terrible, as if he had just returned from hell. The resolute face was full of vitality, and the blood in his eyes was sparkling, with a strong hostility.

Just looking at it, people feel an extremely terrible murderous spirit.

"It\'s not easy."

"This month, he has changed a lot."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and he was amazed.

This strong young man is no one else. He is Lei Ba who lost the competition with himself a month ago!

He\'s back.

Return from the capital of sin.

Bring blood and hostility all over.

The original white face now has a cross scar, which is very profound. Black hair is still upright, but it is full of vicissitudes. It feels as if it has experienced many disasters. The muscle line is more perfect than a month ago. The whole person gives a feeling of bloodthirsty and madness.

The creeping murderous spirit makes people shudder.


"Interesting." Lin Feng smiled slightly and his eyes were bright.

The original leiba is very young. Although he has strong strength, his mind is ordinary.

But now leiba seems to grow up overnight.

"This crime is not simple."

"It can make people change so much in a month."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and his eyes were shining.

I was curious, but I didn\'t care too much.

Because it doesn\'t help you much.

"Coming!" Lin Feng looked into the distance.

Leiba seemed like a fierce tiger coming out of the cage and swooping in the dark.

The strong murderous spirit condenses in the black fog, giving people a crazy feeling, and the momentum is completely different.


"Good to come!" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

In his hand, the ember magic gun clanged and vibrated, and he felt a boiling blood in his heart.

Such a leiba is the opponent he has been waiting for for for a long time!

A real key!

"Kill!" the ember magic gun vibrated violently, which was a kind of excitement.

Intermediate people who are proficient in level training are integrated with guns!

Five times the gun!

"Boom!" the strong domineering spirit is superimposed with the shadow of stoneware, and the flame is no worse than thunder.

The black fog condenses and the forest wind speed increases sharply, but leiba is not affected at all. There is a faint virtual light shining outside the body. Leiba has a very strong Lingbao. More importantly, leiba is completely focused. Only himself is left in his red sparkling eyes, which is not affected by any external factors.

Into a very strange state.

Lightning and thunder!

Leiba\'s fists shine brightly.

It is densely covered with dense starlight, which is combined with vigorous Qi.

It is the characteristic of Xingli sixth gear!

This time, leiba is not only a complete strength, but also the most peak state!

He completely changed his "bad habits" in the past.

Lions fight rabbits with all their strength!

"Drink!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are very bright.

In the face of leiba\'s attack, he not only didn\'t dodge, but also was extremely excited.

This is a feeling, a very wonderful feeling. The gun in your hand seems to be awakened.

The strong murderous spirit envelops the whole body and arouses the deepest potential in the heart.

And this——

"It\'s the last one I\'m looking for!"

"Finishing touch!"

Lin Feng was shocked and felt clearer and clearer.

The combination of intermediate people\'s guns with proficiency in level training brings great touch to the body and forms the most perfect form with the ember magic gun. In my mind, a figure appeared inexplicably, waving an ember magic gun. Everything around me became nothingness, leaving only one person and a gun.


It was domineering, like a shot through the sky.

"Shoot!" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened and his heart felt very clear.

The body spontaneously displays this gun and forces infinite potential in the face of leiba\'s most powerful attack.

A door that has been puzzled for a long time, opens slowly at this moment!


"Ha ha!"

"Come and drink, Lin Feng." Lei Ba threw a small pot of wine.

He then took out a pot and drank it. After that, he wiped his mouth on his back and smiled happily.

"Good!" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

But I tasted it and didn\'t drink it.

"You\'ve completely changed when you come back this time, leiba." Lin Feng gently put down the wine pot with sparkling eyes, "not only physically, psychologically, but even... Your behavior has changed a lot, and what was that just now?"

"Be possessed by the devil." Lei BA\'s eyes were bright. "This is what I learned in the capital of sin."

"Oh?" Lin Feng was very interested.

"Ha ha, I can\'t control it well." Lei Ba laughed twice. "Being possessed can help me abandon everything, concentrate on fighting and give full play to my strongest strength."

Lin Feng nodded with a faint light in his heart.

This is really useful for those martial artists who don\'t have enough actual combat experience like leiba.

But it does more harm than good to yourself.

You don\'t need to be enchanted. You can give full play to your strongest strength, and you can keep a clear mind and distinguish all kinds of situations. These are experiences. They are actual combat experiences gained from countless dead battles. They are not talents. With the enhancement of martial arts experience, they are increasing day by day.

"Thank you, Lin Feng." Lei Ba said in a straight way.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng smiled slightly. Lei Ba looked serious in front of him.

Lei basharan smiled, "if I hadn\'t lost to you last time, I wouldn\'t have paid attention to my shortcomings and made up for them so soon."

Lin Feng said with a smile, "now it looks very good?"

The scars are ferocious like earthworms.

These are not only wounds, but also the most valuable experience.

"Yes." Lei Ba nodded heavily, glanced down at his upper body and said with a smile, "you don\'t know how much I suffered when I first went to the sin capital. I was always cheated and plotted. I almost died several times. If the old guy hadn\'t left me many treasures, hey, I really couldn\'t survive."

Lin Feng lost his smile. The three elders of Li Yanmen were called "old guy" by Lei ba.

However, it is obvious that the relationship between teachers and disciples is excellent.

"But these are the scars of the first half of the month." Lei Ba patted his chest and his eyes were bright. "In the second half of the month, I didn\'t let anyone leave any mark on my upper body, only this one." Lei Ba pointed to the scar on his face and said, "this is the price of being possessed for the first time, ha ha."

"Very manly." Lin Feng smiled.

"Really? I think so too!" Lei Ba brightened his eyes and said happily, "Hey, I always thought I had some shortcomings, but now I understand!"

"Without dozens of scars, what a man!" Lei Ba held his head high and said proudly. Suddenly he thought it didn\'t seem right. He looked back at Lin Feng. Lei Ba laughed in an uproar, "it\'s not you, Lin Feng."

Lin Feng smiled and shrugged.

This leiba still maintains the "heart of a child".

Indeed, thanks to the blood of the Phoenix, I don\'t have a scar on my body.

"In fact, you really changed a lot, completely reborn." Lin Feng nodded gently.

"Unfortunately, I lost to you." Lei Ba smiled helplessly, picked up the wine pot and drank again.

"Should be a draw?" Lin Feng whispered.

"No, I lost." Lei BA\'s face was just right and he smiled, "if I continue to fight, I will lose, so I will stop decisively, ha ha." Lei Ba sighed and looked at the sky, "in the \'sin capital\', I\'ve been thinking why I lost to you at that time? Therefore, I\'ve been working hard and hard. When I come back this time, I\'ll come to you the first time."

"Unfortunately, I still haven\'t found the field." Lei Ba shook his head and looked at Lin Feng, "but this time, I\'m convinced."

Lin Feng smiled lightly and didn\'t explain too much.

Maybe it was not easy for me to win leiba a month ago.

But this month, my progress is bigger than leiba!

In addition, now the "shooting" is in perfect condition, and my strength has increased a lot!

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t be discouraged." Lei Ba laughed and said happily, "this trip to the \'capital of sin\', I\'ve seen all kinds of people in my life. What kinds of people haven\'t seen? They do everything and can abandon everything in order to survive. A small setback is nothing. It will only become a driving force to motivate me to move forward!"

Lei BA\'s eyes were bright and bright, and his expression fell into Lin Feng\'s eyes and his heart was light.

The leiba in front of us has been reborn and is no longer Wu Xia Amun in the past.

With his awareness, the future will be unlimited.

"By the way, leiba, I have a question for you." Lin Feng opened his mouth slowly.

This problem has been put in my mind for a long time.

Leiba is definitely the most suitable person to answer.

"I know what you want to ask, Lin Feng." Lei Ba looked up at the sky and sighed gently, "I didn\'t hit you. Maybe your strength is better than me now, but..." Lei BA\'s eyes flashed. "Ji Xiu is different from him. He is a real genius. His sword is too terrible."

"I\'m not afraid to tell you the truth." Lei Ba smiled bitterly. "Ji Xiu is a martial god."

"Wu Shen?" Lin Feng\'s eyes changed.

In Wucha\'s memory, Jixiu always had only one sword and did not exert any other power.

Could it be that

"His sword has reached an unimaginable level." Lei Ba shook his head. "He doesn\'t need to use any \'original power\'. He can easily defeat me with his sword alone, even now."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and dignified.

This genius "Jixiu" is really more powerful than he thought.

It\'s conceivable that leiba can say this.

"He is very persistent."

"There is only one sword in my heart."

"I don\'t know if it\'s a good thing, but..."

Leiba hesitated slightly, looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "at least now he is invincible."

Two words, invincible.

Tao does everything!

Indeed, Ji Xiujian may be on the wrong side, but his strength is indisputable.

In the fighting spirit world, strength is everything!

"If I have a chance, I must experience his sword." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and a flame was rising in his heart.

More and more interested in the strength of quarterly repair.

I really want to know what the "first sword" is——

How strong!