Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 580

"No, candidate disciple of the outer gate?!"

"Ha ha, I\'m really kidding. How can Lin Feng be a candidate disciple of the external school with his strength?"

"That is to say, Lin Feng is a strong man in the hundred regions! Shui Linglong and Bai Yi, the strongest newcomers of our generation, have not been able to enter the hundred regions until now."


In the restaurant, everyone drank happily and discussed happily.

No matter when, in the central area of the nine districts, the name of Lin Feng will always be the same topic.

He is the idol and hero of all newcomers in the ninth district.

The strongest newcomer!

"No, I heard Lin Feng didn\'t have time to participate in the talent trial because of the deadline for registration."

"True or false? No wonder! It\'s impossible to be unknown without his strength. Even if he wins the championship, it should be easy."

"It must be so. Otherwise, Lin Feng would not be the candidate disciple of the external school no matter how he plays abnormally. You see, even Xiao Hu can mix with ordinary disciples of the external school, can\'t he?"

"Shit, what am I doing! Pill, where are you better than me!"


There was a lot of excitement. Everyone had no doubt about Lin Feng\'s strength for a long time.

It is a kind of glory to be able to sit firmly in the name of the strong in 100 regions, and no one challenges.

It means the affirmation of strength!

Lin Feng, sit firmly in No. 12 gun rock, for a full month.

No one dared to touch the old lynx after he went to the challenge. After all, no one wants to be like old lynx. Until now, the injury has not healed, which is very sad. But who can blame this? If you dare to challenge, you must be ready to be beaten.

"Alas, I wish I had the forest wind."

"Cut, who doesn\'t want to? I want to have one tenth of Lin Feng\'s strength. Nian Qing will certainly improve the status of zongmen."

"By the way, which unlucky guy do you say will be picked by Lin Feng?"

"You shouldn\'t pick us..."

Everyone said a word to me, which was very lively.

By the time of the new year\'s celebration, the preparations are already ready.

The rest is just to have a good rest and see how you play on the spot tomorrow.

Basically, the New Year celebration carries the word "Qing", which is intended to celebrate and be happy. It is a reward and recognition for the outstanding disciples of the sect.

It\'s an easy event.

Liyan gate, inner gate.

"Master, what are we going to do tomorrow?" Bian Ruyu looked at Han Lu uneasily.

"What do you want to do?" Han Lu said faintly, playing with his glass.

"I have a plan to deal with the forest wind." Bian Ruyu\'s eyes turned, but he had a decision in his heart, and his eyes glittered.

"Say." Han Lu\'s tone is very calm.

It has been a month since the last incident.

"Liyanmen has a large number of people to celebrate the new year, so it\'s easy to fish in troubled waters." Bian Ruyu brightened his eyes, opened his right hand and pinched it. "This time, the disciple will personally lead the people and kill Lin Feng while the chaos is going on. At most, Lin Feng\'s strength is equal to that of Lei ba. If the disciple can win Lei Ba, he can win Lin Feng!"

Bian Ruyu is still very confident about his strength.

Maybe he can\'t compare with the genius "Jixiu" of leiba\'s generation, but he is better than leiba.

"Really?" Han Lu smiled calmly.

"Master, please allow me to atone for my sins!" Bian Ruyu knelt down on one knee and looked solemn.

Lin Feng failed all the time. Bian Ruyu\'s unspeakable grievances made him fall again and again in the master\'s mind.

If it is not resolved as soon as possible, it will have a great impact on his future status and future!

Bian Ruyu was reluctant.

Han Lu smiled coldly, solidified in an instant, stared and said, "do you know that Lin Feng\'s accident will be counted on me now? It\'s really nothing to do this on weekdays. There\'s no evidence. It doesn\'t matter even if others know that I did it, but use your brain. What day tomorrow!"

"Li Yanmen\'s New Year celebration!! what\'s going on tomorrow? You\'re tired of living!" Han Lu said coldly with cold eyes. "If you\'re caught, I can\'t protect you, because I\'ll be in big trouble myself!"

Bian Ruyu\'s forehead was in a cold sweat, but now he couldn\'t retreat. He clenched his teeth and said, "I\'m not afraid."

"You\'re not afraid, I\'m afraid." Han Lu\'s cold eyes were a little softer and said in a deep voice, "get up. There are many opportunities to kill Lin Feng. Why rush for a moment and wait three months for the Yanling mansion to open... It\'s not that God doesn\'t know what to kill him!"

"At that time, the disciple will certainly live up to his trust." Bian Ruyu even hit the snake stick and said happily.

How could he be willing to risk such a great risk to assassinate Lin Feng? It\'s not cost-effective for porcelain to touch earthen jars.

As master said, it\'s much easier to start at Yanling mansion!

"But..." Han Lu suddenly turned his voice and his eyes were cold. "The forest wind has made me such an embarrassment. If I let him go... Hum, what face will Han Lu have in the future! Although I can\'t move him on the new year\'s day, it\'s not difficult to teach him a lesson... Hum!"

Bian Ruyu\'s eyes brightened, "master, do you want to?"

Han Lu nodded, his eyes sparkling, "since the dark can\'t come, I\'ll come to the bright!"

"Tomorrow, I\'ll let the boy know that I\'m not easy to provoke," Han Lu rowed coldly at the corner of his mouth and the wine glass in his hand flickered faintly.

Gun rock.

"Time flies."

"So soon, a month has passed."

Lin Feng smiled indifferently and looked indifferent.

Holding the ember magic gun in his hand, he made a light sound, with a sharp breath.

Hands and feet are guns!

"Thanks to the instruction of the gun king a few days ago."

"If not, I can\'t reach the \'intermediate man gun integration\' in a short time."

Holding the ember magic gun, Lin Feng gently closed his eyes and felt a heartfelt taste. The whole person and the gun were completely integrated together, like the body and arm. The feeling of gun is very deep, just like a sketch drawn in a book and painted with color.

It\'s a new feeling.

"Intermediate man gun in one."

"What would it feel like to reach the mastery level?"

"What will happen if we break through again?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head. Although he was looking forward to it, he knew it was not an easy way to go.

According to Fei gun king, no one in Yanling mansion has reached the level of "senior gun integration", which is almost a legend of gun learners.

"Unfortunately, my \'shooting\' is still the last point."

"The finishing point of a picturesque dragon."

Lin Feng also felt helpless.

You may be able to compete with Fei Jin in terms of gun skills alone, but if you really fight with a sword and a gun

Fei Jin, you can\'t even stop yourself.

The gap of strength can not be filled by skills.

What I need is a kind of stimulation, a kind of stimulation like death, to improve the last puzzle of "shooting".

Make the shooting feel and reach the most perfect level!

"Meet but not ask."

"Forget it, at least this month..."

"My strength has increased a lot."

The corner of Lin Feng\'s mouth was blankly delimited, and suddenly his eyes\' Shua \'opened and lit up a sharp momentum.

This month, with the help of "deceleration space", is actually equivalent to two months of practice. I have made great progress.


"Xingli, fifth gear!" Lin Feng drank softly.

The red flame diffused outside the body, and the forest wind changed suddenly.

The control of Xingli goes hand in hand. As early as half a month ago, he reached the "fifth gear" level and can control freely.

The muscle solidifies and expands a little, and the body shape has not changed, but it is like changing from iron to steel, with many essence and strengthening. This is a specific enhancement that does not change with the change of the body, which means that no matter how strong the body is, the star force plus ratio will not change.

The red virtual light diffuses like a protective film.

The momentum of Lin Feng looks very strong.

Strength, enhance a lot!

"The fourth gear can enhance the power and control the star power, so that the star power will not be wasted after the outbreak, with an increase of about twice."

"The fifth gear, relative to the increase of strength, increases the body defense. As long as the star power is exploded, the body will have a layer of reliable defense and will not be taken advantage of, with an increase of about three times."

"And sixth gear..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and the ember magic gun in his hand stretched out straightly, bringing up a faint red awn.

"Can initially control the additional star power, attack and integrate into vigorous Qi."

"The increase of body should be about four times, and the strength, defense and even speed can be increased!"

"But now I want to do it, too reluctantly."

Lin Feng sighed helplessly. Maybe his control is strong enough, but

Their star weight is only the fifth. If six gears are forcibly used, the load on the body will be great and it will be more difficult to control.

"The New Year celebration is just a formality."

"For me, the real challenge is the Yanling Zunfu three months later."

"At that time, my strength will be greatly improved!"

"You will get enough points!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and his mind had never changed.

For myself, green smoke city is the starting point, Li Yanmen is the transit point and my real destination when I come to the fighting spirit world——

It\'s southern zhuquezhou!

One of the nine continents in the southern region!

"Find uncle Lin Jing and take refuge in him."

"I will go back to my place of origin, the Lin family, to find my life experience."


Lin Feng closed his eyes and sighed.

"Who is my biological mother?"

"What kind of past does she have with her father..."

"And Dad, why did you come to tianwu?"

In my heart, there are countless questions.

Lin Feng\'s heart is full of expectations. The land of Jiuzhou is the real base of mankind!

There, I will get all the answers I want to know.


"Ziyao, wait for me."

"I will find you and won\'t let you leave again."

"Purple Moon Clan..."

Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart and came to the fighting spirit world alone.

The longing for ziyao not only did not decrease, but increased day by day, more and more.

No matter Xuaner or Qianqian, in his own heart, the purest love and miss forever——

There\'s only one person.
