Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 579

Liyan gate, inner gate.

"How do you do things, waste, fool!" Han Lu\'s face was ferocious and hysterical.

The huge hall echoed with the voice of rage, as if to shake down the roof beams. Han Lu\'s whole body trembled angrily, and his fierce eyes looked like a furious beast staring at Bian Ruyu. At this time, the latter knelt down on the ground like a cat. There was no strong posture.

"Do you know that I was severely reprimanded by the three elders in front of all Dharma guardians and sect leaders today!"

"That dead old man, shit, I\'ll break him to pieces one day!"

Han Lu clenched his teeth and raised his green tendons.

With such anger, we can imagine how much humiliation he suffered today.

Lose face!

"Yes, I\'m sorry, master." Bian Ruyu trembled. "I don\'t know how the news came out. Is it Lin Feng..."

"Shit!" Han Lu stared and became angry. "Do you know that you sent someone to assassinate Lin Feng yesterday, and Lei Ba, the disciple of the three elders, was there! He saw the four Yang Jian with his own eyes and wanted to kill Lin Feng!"

"What?!" Bian Ruyu was surprised this time.

It never occurred to him that leiba should be mixed up with this matter.

"No wonder!" Bian Ruyu suddenly.

"I also said that how could Lin Feng be so powerful? Even Yang Jian\'s four people couldn\'t kill him!"

Bian Ruyu clapped his hands fiercely and blamed him secretly.

Although the task failed yesterday, he was glad he didn\'t take risks.

The strength of Lin Feng is so terrible!

But it turns out


"How fucking stupid!"

Han Lu scolded angrily, "can\'t you use your brain and turn?"

"Don\'t you know Lei Ba? When can you kill Lin Feng? That\'s the time!" Han Lu clenched his teeth and roared, "or do you think even Lei Ba can be killed! Send your spring and autumn dream. The old man of the three elders loves Lei Ba very much. He doesn\'t know how many treasures to protect his life. He wants to kill him?"

"Hum!" Han Lu gasped.

Bian Ruyu was submissive and didn\'t dare to speak at all, as if she were mute.

For fear that Han Lu would be furious if he said half a sentence wrong.

"Get out of here!"

"Now, get out!"

Han Lumeng waved his hand, and a huge gas burst out.

Bian Ruyu\'s chest was struck by lightning, her internal organs seemed to churn, and her face was pale.

Poof! Spit out a mouthful of blood.

Bian Ruyu stumbled up and even bowed, "thank you, master." after that, he didn\'t dare to stay for half a minute. Bian Ruyu stepped back with an expression of the rest of his life on his face. He said he was lucky. At that moment, he almost thought he was going to be killed.

"Waste." Han Lu sneered.

Had it not been for the bad reputation of killing his apprentice, he really wanted to kill Bian Ruyu just now.

A solution to my hatred!

"Lin Feng, Sima Feng!"

"You two have seed, wait for me!"

"This tone, I Han Lu will never swallow it like this."

Peng! The newly moved metal table suddenly fell apart again, and Han Lu\'s fierce light showed in his eyes.

have plenty of fight in sb.

"You want to go?" Ji Xiu said faintly.

"Yes." leiba said without hesitation, "I have said goodbye to master. You are one of my few friends. I want to tell you."

Ji Xiu\'s rare smile, "it\'s my pleasure."

The long sword in his hand with a crisp voice, Ji Xiu gently brushed it with one hand, as if caressing his wife, "where are you going to experience?"

Leiba looked calm and spoke slowly, "all sin."

Ji Xiu\'s hand stopped, and his expression seemed to become dignified. "The capital of sin, only killing and blood, without a trace of humanity." Ji Xiu turned around and looked at Lei Ba, "you think clearly. Going there is a narrow escape."

Leiba smiled calmly and didn\'t answer.

But he told Ji Xiu with action. He was not afraid.

Waving his hand, Lei Ba is going away. His body cast like steel also has a will like steel. Lei BA\'s smile is SA, free and easy and confident, but it makes Ji Xiu\'s eyes light and bright, and feel his change and difference.

"By the way, be careful that your first position is not guaranteed."

"Ha ha ha!"

The sound echoed in the bamboo forest and made Ji Xiu smile.

Utter innocence, as like as two peas, the same character is still the same.

"OK, I\'ll wait for you." Ji Xiuwei smiled.

The voice was light, like a breeze, and spread out.

Lei BA\'s wanton laughter sounded in his ear. Ji Xiu gently shook his head and didn\'t care too much.

Everyone has a way he wants to go.

And he\'s Jixiu——

It is Wujian.

Gun rock.

"Oh, it\'s all my negligence."

"But why don\'t you say such a big thing, Lin Feng?"

Sima Feng was both remorse and worry, and looked at Lin Feng\'s eyes with complex emotions.

"Yes, brother Lin, it\'s too dangerous." Qin Qianqian nibbled his lips and his pretty face was full of worry.

"They deceive people too much!" Ji Xia frowned.

"Am I not in good condition?" Lin Feng shrugged and smiled at Sima Feng. "Don\'t worry, sir, it\'s just a small matter."

"Small matter?" Sima Feng scolded lightly. "Do you know that the disciples who assassinated you are all internal disciples, and their strength is stronger than one. If you are not careful, you will be doomed." Ji Xia sighed lightly and shook his head, but the gap between feeling and Lin Feng is getting farther and farther.

Others don\'t know, but Yang Jian\'s strength is first-class, better than him!

But Lin Feng, with one against four, can easily kill others!

People are better than people. It\'s really annoying.

"Just sharpen your shooting." Lin Feng smiled calmly. "If my gun doesn\'t drink blood, I\'m afraid he\'ll rust."

To tell you the truth, I really like this kind of "training", especially when the strength is similar to my own, it can stimulate my fighting spirit and tap my potential. In yesterday\'s war, my understanding of the realm of marksmanship was unknowingly higher. I broke away from the entry and slowly transitioned to proficiency.

If you practice hard alone, but you don\'t know when to break through.

And in battle, it\'s very easy to realize!

"Still in the mood to joke," Sima Feng said helplessly.

"Scared to death." Qin Qianqian patted her chest. Although she was full of confidence in Lin Feng\'s strength, women were so worried and scared. Qin Qianqian snorted, "Han Lu is a bad man. I want my father to teach him a lesson in secret!"

"No, thousands." Lin Feng said with a wry smile.

I\'m not going to use this method.

"Brother Lin, what are you going to do next?" Ji Xia asked.

"Continue to practice." Lin Feng smiled calmly. "Everyone knows what happened this time. I\'m afraid Han Lu didn\'t dare to mess around for a long time."

"Not necessarily," Sima Feng said slowly.

For a moment, Lin Feng was stunned, and Ji Xiameng clapped his hands, "yes, Li Yanmen\'s New Year celebration!"

"What happened to Nian Qing?" Lin Feng didn\'t understand.

"Lin Feng, you are now a candidate disciple of the external school. If you want to be promoted to an ordinary disciple of the external school, you must pass the test." Sima Feng said positively, "with my understanding of Han Lu, he will never give up. If he can\'t do it secretly, he will come to the Ming Dynasty. He will wait for an opportunity to breathe out during the new year\'s celebration."

"But brother Nian Qinglin must participate." Qin Qianqian said anxiously, "if you want to enter Yanling Zunfu and participate in the qualifying competition, the candidate disciples of the outer gate are not qualified."

"Yes, at least they must be ordinary disciples from outside." Ji Xia nodded.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng and hesitated.

At present, it\'s like crossing a single wooden bridge, but there\'s a hungry wolf waiting on the bridge.

It\'s not, but it\'s not.

Feeling everyone\'s concern, Lin Feng smiled calmly, "don\'t worry, the soldiers will block, the water and the earth cover, and Han Lu can\'t help me." after a pause, Lin Feng gently shook his right fist and bright eyes, "besides, there is still a month to celebrate the new year, this month..."

"Enough for me to be reborn!" Lin Feng was confident.

A month may be very short for other warriors, but it is long enough for Lin Feng.

From the tianwu mainland to the fighting spirit world, step by step, compared with the rapid improvement of the strength of the fighters in the fighting spirit world, Lin Feng is solidly coming up. Just like a floor, the chassis is extremely firm, tough and without any flaws.

At present, cultivation is getting faster and faster.

"The practice of shooting can come to an end for the time being."

"In this month, even if the calculation is full, the level of strength can not reach the seventh level."

"The fastest way to increase strength is -"

"Improve the \'star control force\'."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his heart was clear.

At present, the star weight has reached quintuple, but the star control force is still only in third gear, which can only explode.

The star control force is a step in every third gear. When you reach the fourth gear, you can control the outbreak of star power. At that time, your strength can be greatly improved!

How can the battle of Xinghai level warriors leave Xingli?

In this battle after battle, I suffered a lot because I couldn\'t control the star power.

Since we know the weakness, we should try our best to make up for it!

Moreover, it is not difficult to improve the "star control force".

"Let\'s start!" Lin Fengchang breathed.

Close your eyes, feel the faint red light where the human soul is, and slowly learn control.

Having the foundation of controlling fire, you can get twice the result with half the effort.


Zone nine, central area.

With the annual celebration approaching, it is very lively.

Liyanmen has a very large-scale activity every quarter, including annual celebration in spring, Yanling Zunfu in summer, qualifying in autumn and rookie trials in winter. Every month there are various other small activities, which are quite lively.

The celebration of the new year represents the celebration of a new year and a new beginning.

Both external and internal disciples of Liyan sect are looking forward to the coming of the new year\'s celebration.

Because that is the only way to improve the status of the sect through formal channels!

All the disciples sharpen their hands and practice hard.

From that day, it is getting closer and closer.
