Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 578

"Shun Huang Gang Qi!"

"Jiujiao was shot!"

Lin Feng will never show mercy if he doesn\'t do it or wants to do it.

The fierce wind roared out with nine white dragons, and the sound of dragon singing was earth shaking. The effect of the same kind of gun move is completely different from that of the "intermediate man gun in one" state!

Just at the entry level, intermediate people can play twice as much as their guns.

The current forest wind is more than twice!

Fighting is always the greatest opportunity for breakthrough.

In particular, in such a close battle, a little negligence is doomed.

But the more people feel danger and face this critical juncture, the more they can develop their potential!

Twice and a half.


"Roar!" the Nine Dragons soared into the air and burst out with triple gunfire.

With one enemy against four, Lin Feng was not afraid at all. Instead, he moved forward bravely, as if he were the hunter, and the four people were prey!

"What an amazing war spirit!"

"Is this his real strength?"

Leiba\'s eyes were bright, and he felt a burst of blood boiling.

Clench his fists, thunder and light mingle. Lei Ba grinds his teeth, but his hands itch.

But he also knew that this was not the time for him to intervene.


Lei BA was stunned and his face changed suddenly.

"Lin Feng took the initiative to attack, shouldn\'t it be for me?" the idea came out of his heart inexplicably, and Lei Ba opened his eyes.


Yang Jian, Chi Lun, Wu Chou and Han Qing were completely released at this time.

What does it mean that those who start first are cheap and Lin Feng attacks first?

Even if they kill Lin Feng, it\'s understandable!

Just Cause!

No matter how many people there are or how few people there are, they don\'t need to take responsibility, let alone face Lei Ba and Lin Feng at the same time.

There\'s only one Lin Feng. What\'s the fear?!

"Kill!" Yang Jian drank violently and took the lead in launching the attack.

Han Qingmei smiled and a wisp of light silk crossed, bringing out wisps of fragrance.

The four suddenly burst into starpower and didn\'t think so in the face of Lin Feng\'s attack. Although the nine dragons are powerful, they have nothing to fear after dispersion. Only the strong wind seems to be a little troublesome, but even if they are hard blocked, they can be easily blocked with their strength. Including Chi Lun and Wu Chou, although their strength is slightly inferior, they are defensive——

No problem.


Is that true?

"Boom!" the black fog sprang.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, highlighting the shadow of stoneware behind him. The power of the ember magic gun suddenly increases.

"Close!" Lin Feng drank.

The nine scattered dragons gathered in an instant, just like the stars and the moon. They actually crossed in front of Yang Jian, Han Qing and Chi Lun. There was only a strong wind, but there was no substantive attack. The three people were surprised. In an instant, Yang Jian\'s face changed greatly, "it\'s not good!"

Lin Feng\'s goal is Wu Chou!

Wu Chou, the weakest of the four!

The nine dragons are one, and Wu Chou\'s face is green with fear.


Can you hide?

If he hid at the beginning, he might still have a chance, but Wu Chou just wanted to fight hard! The thick black fog restricted his movement. Wu Chou was scared out of his wits. He guessed that Lin Feng was strong, but he didn\'t think it would be so strong!

"Help, help me!" Wu Chou shouted.


Who will save him?

Yang Jian, Han Qing and Chi Lun vied with each other to attack Lin Feng.

How can we miss such a good opportunity?

It\'s better to encircle Wei and save Zhao than to mend the situation. Besides, what does Wu Chou\'s life and death have to do with them?

Each other, or even \'competitors\'!

Among the four, only one can become Han Lu\'s official apprentice!

If you don\'t do it for yourself, heaven will kill you.

"No!" Lei BA\'s face changed.

Seeing Lin Feng being besieged and his life in the front line, leiba is preparing to rescue. Suddenly——

Whew! Whew! Whew!

Red and green lights burst out.

Thousands of branches waved quickly, like poisonous snakes attacking Yang Jian and Han Qing in a moment. The appearance of the wing is just right, the time is perfect, and the heart has a touch of intelligence. In fact, Lin Feng doesn\'t worry at all, because

He believes in wings very much.

Maybe the usual wing is smooth and not serious, but at a critical time——

He is the most reliable comrade in arms!

"Die!" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

Attack wholeheartedly and aim at Wu Chou, the weakest of the four!

It\'s like cutting tofu.

Wheeze! The ember magic gun shows off its power.

The power of Jiujiao\'s execution was fully realized. There was only Wu Chou, and there was no room for resistance at all. Even if he broke out star power and tried his best to defend, everything was futile in front of absolute strength.

His strength is far from Lin Feng.

"Boom! ~" the flame entered the body.

The shadow of stoneware is quite powerful, and Wu Chou has no vitality.

But Wu Chou\'s death has always created a flaw in Lin Feng!

Although the wings blocked Yang Jian and Han Qing, the Han "Chi Lun" was uncontrolled. In fact, this is already the limit of the wing. If we resist the "late wheel", the wing will be overwhelmed. What\'s more, wing absolutely obeys Lin Feng\'s orders.

Lin Feng asks him to block Yang Jian and Han Qing, so he doesn\'t need to block Chi Lun!


This is an order.

And he believes in Lin Feng 100%.

Leiba\'s eyes widened sharply and he was stunned.

Although he often experiences and is no stranger to killing, it is very rare for him to fight with real knives and guns and life hanging on the line like this!

A little worse, it will be doomed.

Originally, leiba thought Lin Feng was evil, but in a short time, Lin Feng killed Wu Chou. Then fight for the injury to hit the late wheel, and exchange the small injury for the big injury. Unexpectedly, the late wheel, which is famous for its strength and is best at hand to hand combat, will be killed at close range!

Blood on your face and guns running like dragons!

"What a determined momentum."

"With his strength, he can kill Chi Lun without blood, but..."

Leiba\'s eyes were bright and he breathed a sigh.

He is not a fool. He knows Lin Feng\'s intention.

Exchange injury for time!

A very clever approach.

"What if it were me?" Lei BA\'s eyes were bright and deep in thought.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Lei Ba shook his head. With his character, he will not convert the absolute disadvantage into an equal opponent in a short time, or even


"That\'s great."

"In terms of combat experience and skills, I\'m afraid even Ji Xiu may not be as good as him."

Lei BA\'s mouth suddenly started to scratch and said softly, "Jixiu, Jixiu, do you know that a wonderful new man has entered the Liyan gate..."

Wing, up to Han Qing.

Lin Feng, Yang Jian.

Because Lin Feng\'s time was very tight, he killed Wu Chou and Chi Lun in a short time, so the wing was only slightly injured, which was no big problem. Now one-on-one with Han Qing, Yi is fearless. Even without Lin Feng\'s help, Yi is sure to win Han Qing.

He said that what he lacked was attack power, not combat power.

As for Lin Feng against Yang Jian, there is no suspense.

Maybe Yang Jian\'s strength is really strong. The existence of Xinghai level 8 is almost comparable to Lei ba.


Yang Jian\'s momentum was completely overwhelmed.

Just now, Lin Feng couldn\'t be killed by four against one. Now, can he defeat Lin Feng by one against one?

What is morale?

Work hard, fail again, and run out three times.

Facing the fierce and murderous Lin Feng, Yang Jian can\'t give full play to his strength. There is a gap between the two sides, and now the gap is widening!

Defeat is a foregone conclusion.

"His strength is very strong!"

"Between Bozhong and me, no..."

Lei BA\'s eyes were bright, his fists were clenched, and he was unwilling, "if you compete, it may be five or five; but if you fight life and death, you will risk your life..."

"I will surely lose." leiba clenched his teeth.

He, without Lin Feng, a very important thing.

Momentum, that momentum!


That\'s the greatest belief in your strength and that you can beat anyone!

But leiba had a hesitation in his heart.

Because of seasonal repair.

In fact, leiba still misses a lot about Lin Feng\'s strength. At present, Lin Feng still has a card to open! Lin Feng, who is really fighting with all his strength, has no chance of winning even in the competition. The distance between the strong is even just a ladder

It is great!

Boom! Boom~

Kill Yang Jian, and Lin Feng assists Yi to kill Han Qing.

It\'s easy!

As long as the encirclement is broken, for Lin Feng, the rest is like autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, without any difficulty.

"It\'s a pity that my fire spirit Master and fire martial god can\'t give full play to their strength, otherwise..."

"Even if there are ten times more people, there is no fear."

Lin Feng has bright eyes and absolute confidence in his heart.

Their own fire of swallowing and rebirth is definitely the biggest weapon of group warfare.


Wing happily devoured the four strong.

Although he suffered a lot of injuries, he made a lot of money in exchange for such sufficient "nutrients".

Lin Feng is naturally not stingy. What\'s more, swallowing them can not only improve their strength, but also get their memory. These memories are more precious than many gold and silver treasures! The wound on his body had already healed. Lin Feng moved slightly and came to Lei BA in an instant.

"Sorry, it\'s involved with you." Lin Feng smiled.

"Small matter." Lei Ba shook his head and looked at Lin Feng, "how could they come to kill you? Have you offended Han protector?"

He is also an inner disciple. He is still impressed by the four people Lei ba. He knows that they are Han Lu\'s candidate disciples.

"It\'s true." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Don\'t worry, leave it to me." Lei Ba nodded, "this wind can\'t last long. I\'ll tell the master to let him make one system of Korean Dharma protector." Lei BA\'s master is three elders, with a high status, far better than Han Lu. Lei Ba, as an apprentice of the three elders, speaks with weight.

"Then thank brother Lei." Lin Feng smiled.

Although I\'m not afraid, it\'s better to do more than one thing at present.

If you want to revenge Han Lu, you are not qualified.

"Well, Lin Feng, I\'ll see you in the new year." Lei Ba nodded.

"Nian Qing?" Lin Feng was stunned. "Don\'t you come to duel tomorrow?"

Lei Ba smiled and shook his head. "Now I\'m not your opponent." Lin Feng was stunned. Lei Ba suddenly stretched out his right fist with a bright light in his eyes. "I\'ll go to practice tomorrow and try my best! I\'ll be reborn in a month. Then we\'ll fight again!"

"Good!" Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The two fists touched each other and made an agreement between men.