Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 577

The force is as powerful as a thousand.

The moment Lei Guang contacted Lin Fengjin\'s magic gun, Lei BA\'s face changed greatly.

A terrible gunshot seemed to condense on the tip of the gun, like a fine needle piercing a balloon. Suddenly, an amazing storm broke out, as if it destroyed everything. This terrible force is so strong that it can\'t believe it. With the Milky vigorous Qi, it completely suppresses the silver vigorous Qi.


The thunder scattered everywhere and couldn\'t stand it.

Leiba used all his strength and clenched his teeth to resist.

"Shoot!" Lin Feng stepped out with his right foot, and a sharp shot blew out with the storm.

95% power!

The gun is like a mountain torrent.

Lin Feng\'s body is completely integrated with the ember magic gun and this one.

Intermediate man gun in one!

"Don\'t think about it!" Lei BA\'s face was very ugly.

Both hands tried their best to resist, but the power of thunder was completely blown away by the storm.

One hit, everywhere!

At this moment, Lei Baji regretted it.

He never thought that Lin Feng\'s strength would be so strong!

Knowing this, he went all out to explode the star power, so as not to make him so embarrassed now, like a lost dog.

Most importantly——

I can\'t stop it!

"Never!" Lei Ba blushed.

No matter how inferior he is, he will not lose easily.

However, Lin Feng\'s shot was earth shaking.

Speed, power, all gathered together.

Power, full play!

"Lingbao, crown mirror!" Lei Ba blushed, maintained the limit output of thunder power and offered his only defense Lingbao.

This is the only way to block Lin Feng\'s shot!

But the moment of white light is——

"Peng!" thundered.

One shot, break all defenses.

The power of thunder was completely destroyed, and the six star Lingbao "coronal mirror" was destroyed before it could exert its power.

Lei BA\'s face was pale and his eyes showed a strong sense of reluctance.

The cold light reflected his eyes.

The ember magic gun stopped at leiba\'s throat, entered the meat and brought out a small blood bead.

"Tick." it\'s like the Ding Dong of spring water.

Light and crisp ears.

Leiba, lost.

A blow will defeat Lin Feng.

Even, I don\'t even have the strength to fight back.

Lin Feng looked at Lei BA with bright eyes, looked at his shocked face, and sighed slightly in his heart.

Perhaps, leiba\'s strength is equal to that of himself, but this time, he lost in neglecting the enemy too much. In the face of his own attack, even the star power did not break out, which led to his final defeat. When his gun potential was fully brought into play, it was too late to burst the star power again.

"He overestimated himself and underestimated me." Lin Feng\'s eyes were faint.

I naturally understand why leiba doesn\'t explode star power, but it\'s because I haven\'t exploded star power, so leiba hasn\'t exploded.

But leiba doesn\'t know that his star control power is only three gears.

Once it breaks out, it can\'t even be controlled.

The power of starpower, only one hit.

Only when the satellite control force exceeds the fourth gear can it have the ability of "control".

"Unfortunately, a good opponent." Lin Feng sighed.

Winning leiba doesn\'t help me. He didn\'t try his best. He couldn\'t test how far he was from Jixiu\'s strength. The most important thing is... His "shoot out" is not 100% perfect, but because he didn\'t try his best to fight.

Lin Feng felt sorry in his heart——

"Oh, what is this?" Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened and looked into the distance.

Holding the right hand of the ember magic gun, he couldn\'t help tightening up and brought up an awe inspiring breath.


"How could this happen!"

Lei Ba murmured to himself, his eyes full of disbelief.

He never thought that he would be beaten into a sieve by Lin Feng.

Self esteem, suffered a great blow.

For a long time, leiba has been very unwilling and condescended to be under the quarterly repair. With his qualifications, he is a leader in any generation of younger disciples. Although he is usually careless, leiba secretly tries his best to catch up with Ji Xiu.

He wants to get rid of the fate of "Wannian second child".

Who knows

Old wounds are not healed, but new wounds are added.

The forest wind in front of him knocked him down into the abyss.

"Lin Feng!" Lei Ba suddenly calmed down and shouted wildly, with a thick unwilling flash in his eyes.

"Just now, just now!" Lei Ba blushed, but he felt a little ashamed, but he grinned, "let\'s fight again!" after that, he clenched his fists, and the silver boxer shone with thunder light. Lei BA\'s momentum of fearlessness returned.


"Eh?" Lei BA was stunned.

Looking at him, he saw Lin Feng looking at him in the distance. He looked calm. Lei Ba immediately shouted, "Hey, Lin Feng!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and turned his head, "go back quickly."

"No!" Lei Ba immediately opened his eyes and said with his hands on his hips, "Lin Feng, you\'re too unkind. Don\'t lose you once. We win two of the three innings, no, three of the five innings! If you play again, don\'t flinch if you\'re a man!"

Lin Feng smiled calmly, and he could see a person from his words.

Leiba is obviously not bad in front of him, and he still keeps a pure heart.


I don\'t want to drag him into the water.

"Well, come to me at this time tomorrow and we\'ll compete again." Lin Feng nodded.

It\'s also helpful for me to learn from leiba.

"Hmm?" Lei Ba frowned and said suspiciously, "can\'t you today? You look like you\'re not hurt."

"Let\'s go!" Lin Fengmeng drank and looked calm.

Leiba\'s face changed suddenly. He was about to open his mouth. His eyes widened and turned his head.

He felt four strong smells!

Extremely strong killing intention!

"Go, it\'s my business, leiba. It\'s none of your business." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and spoke slowly. Suddenly, the red and green light flickered between his eyebrows, and the wings flashed out. The majestic smell of wood came out, but the wings were already ready.

He discovered the intrusion of uninvited guests.

"What words!" Lei Ba glared, "am I the coward who fled?"

While talking, leiba glanced at the "wing" with a deep curiosity.

Lin Feng smiled bitterly. Lei Ba is really stubborn.

What does his business have to do with him? This can be related to running away, thanks to his thought.

"But Lin Feng..." Lei Ba turned his voice and raised his head. "These people are not weak, and they can go in and out of gun rock freely. They are obviously internal disciples. From their aggressive posture, it should not be as simple as coming to you for tea and chat?"

The light essence flickers. Leiba is not a fool.

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"If I\'m not mistaken, they......" a fierce light flashed in Lin Feng\'s eyes. "They came to take my life."

Lei BA was stunned when he heard the speech, and his eyebrows tightened. "No, it\'s a big deal to kill in Liyan gate."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t explain too much.

The appearance of these four people is very clear in Wucha\'s memory.

Fellow disciples!

Yang Jian is the most powerful, Chi Lun is the most powerful, Wu Chou is insidious and cunning, and Han Qing is the only woman who can\'t be judged by appearance. Her strength is second only to Yang Jian. She is a top assassin and has a strong ability to complete tasks.

One against four!

"If I form a siege, I will be in trouble." Lin Feng knew very well.

Even the weakest of the four fighters, Wu Chou, has a greater strength than Wucha.

Yang Jian, the most powerful one, has eight levels of Xinghai level, which is a great threat!

The best way to fight back and kill them is——

Break each one! "

"Yi, you\'ll try your best to entangle the strongest Yang Jian and Han Qing later." Lin Feng ordered without hesitation.

"Don\'t worry, boss." the wing waved the branch and knew that the situation was serious.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his right hand held the ember magic gun tightly.

Kill! The sound of shaking moves gently.

I will never wait to die.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on whether you have this ability!" Lin Feng\'s killing intention leaked out, which surprised Lei Ba beside you, and a thick disbelief was reflected in his eyes. This kind of murderous spirit can be cultivated not by actual combat, but only after countless battles that have risked death and life!

What kind of past does Lin Feng, who is at the same age as him, have?

Leiba felt very curious.


"If you don\'t go, it\'s too late."

Lin Feng looked at Lei Ba, frowned and shouted.

The voice has just fallen, but Lin Feng\'s eyes have changed alone, looking at the sky not far away.

It\'s too late.

"How could there be more people?" Yang Jian looked calm.

"It\'s Lei Ba, the disciple of the three elders." Han Qing\'s beautiful eyes twinkled and he recognized it in an instant.

"What now, big brother?" Wu frowned and felt thorny.

It\'s really tricky. It\'s not easy for leiba to do it.

If you kill Lin Feng, they will have trouble one by one. Even Han Lu\'s presence will be of no use and can\'t protect them.

Killing people in liyanmen is a great crime! Not to mention that they are inner disciples, even at the level of sect leader, they will be severely punished. This is not a joke.

Because leiba is the witness!


All eyes immediately looked at Yang Jian.

Waiting for his final choice.

Among the four, Yang Jian has the oldest qualification and the strongest strength!

To kill, you must kill leiba together, but leiba\'s strength——

Very strong!

Virtually, the difficulty of this task has increased a lot.

With the strength of the four of them, they may not be able to complete it.

Yang Jian frowned and hesitated.

Return, no return.

You can\'t go in again.

But soon, the four no longer need to think about it.

Because Lin Feng has helped them make the final decision.

"Boom!" Peng Ran\'s anger burst.

Lin Feng turned his back on the guest. Facing the assassination of the four people, he didn\'t avoid it at all. Instead, he came straight with an ember magic gun in his hand, with a fierce murderous spirit in his eyes. Since we want to fight, we don\'t need to wait. People enter a foot and I enter a foot. Lin Feng\'s mind is extremely firm.

It\'s better to defend passively——

Take the initiative!


(there are two more chapters ~)