Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 576

No. 14, Mingyuan.

This is the area where xiaomituo is located, not far from gun rock.

"Elder martial brother, do you really want to do this?" the short man "Wu Chou" frowned.

"Yes, kill them all!" Bian Ruyu\'s eyes sparkled and looked at the people. "Master opened his mouth. If anyone can kill Lin Feng himself, he will officially accept him as an apprentice!" when he said this, everyone was in an uproar and his eyes were shining.

Three men and one woman are internal disciples.

Like Wucha, he is a candidate disciple of Han Lu.

Han Lu has quite a lot of candidate apprentices, but few can really become formal apprentices.

In fact, disciples who are promoted to the inner sect are generally accepted as candidate disciples by the Dharma protector and sect leader, but whether they can become formal disciples depends on their personal nature. Generally speaking, the candidate disciples of the sect leader are the most likely to be promoted to formal disciples, the Dharma protector is the second, and the elder is the most difficult.

However, even so, the ratio of formal apprentices to candidate apprentices is about 1:10 in most of the top ten Dharma protectors.

In other words, only one official apprentice will be selected from the ten candidate apprentices!

The proportion is quite small.

Your essence is not much.

"But elder martial brother, what if it is found out?" the thin man "Yang Jian" kept a sober look although his eyes were burning.

It\'s no joke to kill people in the Liyan gate. If the crime is serious, you may even lose your cultivation and be expelled from the school!

"Do it boldly, master said. He\'ll handle anything. It\'s not your turn to worry!" Bian Ruyu waved his hand and looked calm. However, his eyes are shining and fleeting. Whether for Han Lu or him, these candidate disciples are just——

Cross the river.

Just cross the river and finish the task.

As for the outcome, that\'s another thing.

"Good!" Han\'s "Chi Lun" stared like a copper bell, and the axe sounded, "since the master opened his mouth, let\'s do it!"

"Fuck Lin Feng\'s son!" the short man\'s "Wu Chou" corners of his mouth were cold.

"It\'s just a small task." the only woman \'Han Qing\' threw a wink and smiled charmingly. Her hands were like cotton thread, gently put on the shoulders of the thin man \'Yang Jian\', and said in a greasy voice, "do you think so, brother Yang?"

Yang Jian\'s eyes were deep and his shoulders shook violently. "Roll away."

Han Qing glanced at his mouth and looked unhappy. "Cut, pretend to be cool."

"All right!" Bian Ruyu frowned, "it\'s dark now. Get ready to enter directly!"

"Xu Sheng must not lose this mission!"



Gun rock.

"Stop, stop, stop!" the wing shouted.

The red and green light bloomed, and the branches waved desperately to stop the forest wind attack.

"Peng!" with a heavy blow, the wing condensed more than 100 branches to form an attack, dense and thick, just to block the fierce attack of the forest wind. The forest wind, which was strongly inertial, galloped away with a sparkling sense of war in his eyes, "wing, I didn\'t expect you to have this move?"

"No, no, boss!" wing wants to cry without tears. He looks very innocent waving branches.

The red and green light on his body is much dimmer, and many branches have become withered flowers and willows. As a "companion training", he has sacrificed a lot of wings.

However, these "injuries" are only small things in terms of Mu Ling\'s super resilience.

"Come again!" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

"Wait!!" Yi Lian said, "I shouted to stop. Boss, didn\'t you hear the sound just now?"

Lin Feng glanced slightly and said curiously, "voice?"

"Someone came to smash the field!" the wings waved the branches, very excited.

Yizheng is worried that he can\'t get away. It\'s not easy to find a "substitute for the dead". How can he let go easily.

Lin Feng was lightly surprised, but he really didn\'t hear it.

Immersed in fighting and shooting, you can really sense danger around you, but the sound

It was in surprise that the picture in front of me suddenly changed.

It was a strong young man with upright hair. His muscles seemed to be made of refined steel. He was very refined. There was no burden on him. His body shape was extremely perfect. The sparkling eyes flash a strong sense of war. It is obvious that the comer is not good.

"He is..." Lin Feng suddenly remembered.


In my mind, I still have the memory of Wucha.

Although I haven\'t seen leiba, I still remember his name and... Origin.

The disciple of the three elders, the younger generation of disciples, is second only to Ji Xiu\'s transcendent existence!

These are deeply imprinted in my mind.

Only two disciples of this generation can be their opponents.

One is Jixiu, the other is leiba!

"Hey, boss, I\'ll flash first." the wing was very cunning and disappeared in a moment.

After a loss, he has learned a lot. If he stays here again, who knows if he will miss the passenger car again

Lin Feng stood calmly with an ember magic gun in his hand.

Feel the sparkling war spirit of leiba, and your body seems to be boiling with blood.

diamond cut diamond!

"When I fought with Fei Jin that day, master Sima watched and concluded that my strength was far inferior to Ji Xiu." Lin Feng thought to himself that master Sima didn\'t say it clearly that day, but that\'s what he meant. With Sima Feng\'s experience and sophistication, he can\'t read it wrong.

Even if Sima Feng is only the Dharma protector at the end of the strength ranking, it is also the Dharma protector level!

Strength, how can you underestimate it!

"Lei BA\'s strength is only inferior to Ji Xiu\'s. fight with him..." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright for a moment.

"I will try out Jixiu and me. What\'s the strength gap now!"

Lin Feng knew clearly that he was not as good as Ji Xiu.

Judging from the remaining memory fragments in Wucha\'s memory, Ji Xiu\'s strength is far beyond his expectation,

The Yanling mansion is so big that talents emerge one after another.


Like thunder.

The galloping figure stopped in the air, and Lei BA\'s eyes were awe inspiring.

"Are you Lin Feng?" Lei Ba seemed to be like a Thor, but his fighting spirit was scattered, his hands clenched his fists and wore a pair of silver boxers. The outside of the fist case is glittering with thunder light, forming a light silver white light, which looks very sharp.

"Hello." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Facing the strong momentum and pressure of leiba, it seems that I can\'t feel it.

Zi! Zi~ The thunder light is amazing.

Lei BA\'s eyes were bright and he shouted, "hug and say, let\'s frustrate your prestige! Come on, Lin Feng, aren\'t you the \'strongest newcomer\'? Let\'s fight!"

Lin Fengwen couldn\'t help but smile.

This leiba is quick and aboveboard.

"This hug... Should be the Qin hug that Qianqian has been talking about." Lin Feng whispered softly in his heart. During this period, he heard Qianqian mention it more than once. When the little girl mentioned winning the Qin hug, she looked very excited and happy.

Right now, if you don\'t expect it, this leiba

I should have been helping Qin to "find a place".

"OK." Lin Feng smiled slightly, holding the ember magic gun with one hand, showing his brilliance and fierceness.

I\'m worried about a good opponent!

Although the wing strength is strong, it is still a little poor in terms of one-to-one strength.

The most important thing is that the wing does not have the "heart to win" to fight with itself.

But no wonder it.

But the leiba in front of us is different.

Just in time!

"Eh?" seeing that Lin Feng promised so readily, Lei BA was stunned and showed his thick eyebrows, "do you know who I am? I\'m not that cat and dog, I am..."

"I know you are leiba." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"Oh?" leiba\'s look gradually dignified.

As if staring at Lin Feng like a tiger, Lei Ba said positively, "I underestimated you, Lin Feng."

"Come!" Lin Fengjin shook his magic gun.

With the advent of milky vigorous Qi, the momentum changes alone.

The shape of holding a long gun was like a Shura. The whole person was completely integrated with the ember magic gun.

"What?!" Lei Ba opened his eyes.

"No way, this is the combination of intermediate people and guns!!" Lei Baji was shocked and stared at Lin Feng\'s eyes more and more dignified. Originally, he just wanted to take a breath for Baobao and meet the \'strongest newcomer\' for a while, but now it seems

This Lin Feng is a strong opponent!

"OK!" Lei Ba drank coldly.

A silver flame burst violently.

"Silver vigorous Qi!" Lei BA\'s eyes were burning and his body was covered with silver light.

The amazing thunder is powerful and filled with endless blasting power.

"He is good at controlling thunder. He is the martial god of the gold system." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, and his heart is dark. In the moment, he roars out, and the ember magic gun vibrates violently. Although it\'s only Xinghai level 6, but in terms of speed, I will never be weaker than Xinghai level 8 leiba!

"Wind vortex!" the right knee shines, and Lin Feng goes all out.

In the face of leiba, if you take it lightly, I\'m afraid you will face failure.

"Good to come!" Lei Ba shouted.

He didn\'t use any weapons. Leiba\'s fist is his weapon.

The "thunder" of the gold system is amazing. It doesn\'t need any additional power at all. Just use your fists to give full play to the power of the "thunder" perfectly!

The thunder light vibrates, and the amazing power limit of thunder fluctuates.

It affects the surrounding air flow and magnetic field.


"The black fog!!" Lei Bameng was stunned.

He felt that his body was limited, as if he were in a quagmire, and leiba\'s face changed in an instant.

At this time, the forest wind roared in front of us, and the speed was very fast!

It\'s like Shura in the night.

"Damn it!" Lei Bameng clenched his teeth. Although he paid much attention to Lin Feng, he didn\'t expect to be defeated!

"The boy is so fast!"

Lei BA was shocked and drank violently.

The terrible thunder light was vented everywhere, and two thunder walls were created out of thin air!

Solidly put him and Lin Feng in a dense straight space, forming an abnormal face-to-face situation.

"Thunder light wall!" leiba lightly scratched at the corner of his mouth.

"Now I see your speed and how to play!"

Thinking in his heart, leiba broke through the air and didn\'t give Lin Feng any hiding space.

In his opinion, the forest wind in front of him was like a turtle in a jar. His proud speed could not be brought into play, and his strength must suddenly drop by several percent.


Leiba is wrong.

It\'s wrong.

Because of Lin Feng, I didn\'t want to dodge at all.

Like a meteor, Lin Feng roared straight at Lei Ba without fear.

A brave man wins when he meets on a narrow road!

"What?!" Lei Bazhen ran.