Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 575

Liyan gate, inner gate.

"Stop, Ji Xiu!" a loud voice sounded. It was a strong young man with upright hair. His muscles seemed to be made of refined steel, full of blasting power. Although he is strong, he can\'t see half a burden. His figure is perfect.

"Hmm?" a young man in gray turned around and his eyes flickered slightly.

He looks calm and has a faint elegant breath. He is thin and looks very ordinary.

But he is the most powerful one among the descendants of Liyan clan.


Genius Jixiu!

A martial artist who can be given the name of "genius" by Li Yanmen is rare in a hundred years.

But Ji Xiu deserves it.

At his age, it\'s not too much to call him a "demon". Ji Xiu is the best of all the talents of liyanmen. The leader Ji Jin once said that Ji Xiu will break through and become a star master in a hundred years!


"What\'s up, leiba?" Ji Xiu said slowly.

That thin appearance makes people feel no strong breath, just like a scholar.

"Have you heard that there is a \'little monster\'!" Lei Ba came with sparkling eyes and swaggered.

Ji Xiu said softly, "is that the girl?"

"Girl?" Lei BA was stunned and suddenly said, "Oh, what you said is shuilinglong!" looking at Ji Xiu, Lei Ba said silently, "what a freak. Shuilinglong is not only the champion of talent trials, but also one of the top ten beauties of liyanmen. You can\'t even remember others\' names, can you?"

Ji Xiu smiled calmly and patted the scabbard on his waist, "it\'s enough."

Lei Ba looked like \'here again\' and said angrily, "do you want to hold a sword for a lifetime?"

"Why not?" Ji Xiu said faintly, "it\'s all right. I\'ll go and practice my sword."

"I believe your evil." Lei Ba looked helpless. "Can you do anything else besides practicing sword?"

Ji Xiu smiled alone. "Is there anything more interesting than practicing sword?"

"Yes! Fight!" Lei BA\'s eyes were bright and scattered light. "Do you know that Qin Qianqian was even with my hug!"

"When did hug become yours?" Ji Xiu said with a light smile.

"Cough, cough, isn\'t it sooner or later?" Lei BA was embarrassed and glared. "Hey, what are you talking about? Hug and come to me and ask me to frustrate Qin Qianqian\'s spirit and avenge her."

"Avenge Qin Qianqian?" Ji Xiu blinked and said with a smile, "did you lose the fight?"

Leiba smiled foolishly, "it\'s not important. The important thing is to hug and ask me for help for the first time."

Ji Xiu frowned. "Does she want you to teach Qin Qianqian a lesson?"

"No, no, no, it\'s impossible." Lei Ba Lian waved. "Can I compete with the little girl?" the voice fell, and Ji Xiu\'s frown relaxed. Lei BA\'s eyes were bright. "Hug me and ask me to find thousands of good friends to compete. His name is Lin Feng, who is also a newcomer of this year!"

"This... Is not very good?" Ji Xiu hesitated.

"I think so at first." Lei Ba nodded and suddenly turned his voice, "but I later found that the Lin Feng in the ninth district is very popular. He has defeated the strong outside gate. He has not only entered the hundred regions, but also ranked No. 12!"

"Oh?" Ji Xiu\'s eyes lit up.

"He also has a nickname." Lei BA\'s eyes were deep.

Jixiu\'s eyes flashed a light, "what?"

Leiba said slowly, "the strongest newcomer!"


The strongest newcomer!

As Lei Ba said, Lin Feng is now famous.

Defeating Shui Linglong is nothing, and defeating the strange force \'Tu Lu\' is nothing.

But it\'s amazing to beat the old lynx No. 17!

Old lynx is in the ninth district. That\'s a great name.

There is no doubt that the strong of the older generation ranked in the top ten in terms of strength and combat experience. The reason why he stayed at No. 17 was that the old lynx lived there all his life and didn\'t want to move. But this time, he was solidly defeated by Lin Feng.

Less than three moves!

It\'s like a demonstration. Lin Feng has no mercy at all.

Old lynx, seriously injured.

I haven\'t been hurt once in hundreds of years.

But he was defeated miserably in Lin Feng\'s hands. It can be said that his fame was lost once.

Lin Feng seems to use this battle to tell everyone to listen. He deserves the name of getting number 12!

Don\'t challenge again!

If anyone comes again, old lynx is an example!

But is that true?

Gun rock.

"Headache, no one will challenge." Lin Feng felt helpless.

"Ha ha!" Yi laughed, "who made you do so hard? The old man was beaten badly last time. Look at his expression, the blow to his self-esteem is much more serious than the injury to his body. Now everyone thinks you make an example of others. Who dares to come again!"

"I didn\'t mean it," said Lin Feng with a wry smile. "Just when I was fighting, I suddenly realized that I learned \'shoot\', and I couldn\'t stop for a moment."

Shooting is the first shot of shooting.

Because the meaning of the gun is different, Lin Feng took another name.

"But boss, your shot was really terrible." Yi sighed. "At first, the old guy thought he could beat you and kept attacking. Who thought..."

"Tut Tut," said Yi Salan with a smile, "I sympathize with him when I think of his last look of terror."

"No one can stand such a blow?"

Lin Feng shook his head helplessly.

I didn\'t think so. Now, there\'s no opponent practicing guns.

However, there are joys and sorrows.

As Yi said, the power of the fourth shot he realized was really extraordinary. Although only the intention of the gun was changed, the power of the gun was more than doubled or tripled. It was a leap forward, far better than the "original" displayed by Fei Jin that day.

"Not perfect yet." Lin Feng said.

I just realized that I haven\'t mastered my marksmanship completely and give full play to 10% of my strength.

"Wow, that\'s not perfect?" wing exclaimed.

Lin Feng nodded, "about 90%, there is still room for improvement. This amazing shooting method is easy to improve only when fighting with the strong."

"Oh." Yi suddenly said, and the branches fluttered in the wind, "ah, boss, why are you staring at me?"

Suddenly, the wing understood that the red and green light flickered violently, and the branches danced much faster, revealing a defensive posture. Wing with sub fear, carefully said, "boss, you shouldn\'t want to..."

"Come on, wing, we haven\'t had a duel for a long time." Lin Feng smiled, and the ember magic gun suddenly clanged.

"No, no, boss..."

Liyan gate, inner gate.

"I heard that Lin Feng seemed to be jumping happily?" Han Lu said slowly with his chin in his hand.

Bian Ruyu\'s forehead was in a cold sweat. He arched his hands and said, "master, please forgive me. Yes, yes... Younger martial brother Wucha, he failed."

"So?" Han Lu looked awe inspiring.

"Without any news, younger martial brother Wucha should be killed by Lin Feng." Bian Ruyu looked very ugly and didn\'t dare to look at Han Lu.

"What a vicious boy." Han Lu\'s eyes were cold and sharp, and the silver cup in his hand suddenly \'clicked\' into powder. "Although he is a candidate apprentice, it depends on the master to beat the dog. Even my Han Lu people dare to touch it. It\'s just tired of living!"

Bian Ruyu whispered, "master, Lin Feng should not know the identity of younger martial brother Wucha."

"So what!" Han Lu glared angrily. "He doesn\'t know. Don\'t you and your martial brothers know? Where do you put your face when I am humiliated by people under Han Lu\'s door? Where do I put my face? Ruyu, you disappoint me this time!"

"Listen to me, master." Bian Ruyu said.

"Say!" Han Lu said angrily.

"That Lin Feng... Defeated old lynx not long ago." Bian Ruyu explained hurriedly.

"So you\'re afraid?" Han Lu stared.

"No, No." Bian Ruyu shook his head, "I originally wanted to be at the annual celebration of liyanmen..."

Boom! The solid metal table crumbled in an instant.

Han Lu\'s face was ferocious and his veins were sharp. Bian Ruyu was too frightened to move.

"Do you mean to let Lin Feng jump for a month?" Han Lu looked like a ferocious tiger.

Bian Ruyu kept silent and said in a trembling voice, "please don\'t be angry, master. I\'ll arrange it now." after that, it was as if a mouse met a cat. Bian Ruyu didn\'t dare to delay for half a minute. He even turned into a wind and galloped like a wind, for fear that Han Lu would be angry again.

"Hum!" Han Lu looked coldly.

"Little boy, see how long you can jump and dare to fight against Han Lu..."

"I don\'t even know how to write dead words!"


Nine district central area.

Lin Feng is completely famous.

Even the lynx who could be ranked in the top ten outside the ninth district failed miserably, and no one dared to challenge again.

Maybe there are many better than the old lynx, but no one is willing to take the risk. Winning is not good; Lost, like old lynx, lost his fame all his life.

Why bother?

"Lin Feng stabbed him out, and the wind and cloud turned pale!"

"Fast as a meteor, fast as the wind, that strength... Tut Tut, who can stop it!"


In the restaurant, a young martial artist with short sleeves foamed at the mouth, and the newcomers were elated and cheered again and again.

Lin Feng is almost a legend in their hearts.


"Cut, I don\'t know."

"Just a newcomer, it seems that he is not the strongest in the world."

He spoke with pride and disdain. He was a strong young man with upright hair and natural pride.


"What are you talking about!" the short sleeved youth immediately roared angrily, and other newcomers were also angry. It was intolerable to slander their idols in public.


"Peng!" the wooden table turned into powder in an instant.

Lei fiercely stood up, like a tiger, his eyes full of war.

Everyone was shocked by the amazing momentum, but no one dared to utter half a syllable.

This is the real strong!

"Hum." Lei Ba sneered with disdain.

Raise your hand, throw ten bucket coins into the air, and in the twinkling of an eye, you will step into the air.

Gun rock.

"Come out, Lin Feng!"

"I\'m a thunderbolt!!!"

A loud voice sounded. As soon as Lei Ba entered, he roared wildly.