Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 574

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly lit up.

Wing will never talk casually. He is sure to say so.

"What way?" Lin Feng said.

If wing really has a way, it would be better. After all, even if the man in Black said it himself, he still has to consider whether what he said is true.

The wings waved the branches and smiled, "it\'s simple. Just digest him directly."

Lin Feng was stunned.

The fierce eyes were bright and clapped.

yes! How can I forget this? The "evolution" of the day wing is to absorb a martial artist named "Jiege", along with his memory and even part of his character. Wing will be human language, is from this!

"Ha ha!" Lin Feng burst into laughter.

Wu Cha looked at Lin Feng and smiled inexplicably, also with a sneer.

"Don\'t imagine what I will tell you." Wucha\'s eyes are full of contempt. "If you can kill me! I tell you, even if you kill..."

Before half the words were said, Wucha was shocked.

A sharp pain came, and the branches tied to the body suddenly had many barbs, which deeply penetrated into the skin. Thousands of sharp pain instantly spread all over the body, and the body suddenly became numb, accompanied by pain in an instant.

"Then go to hell." Lin Feng said faintly.

He will never be merciful to the enemy, which he learned as early as tianwu mainland.

If you cut the grass without cutting the roots, there will be endless trouble!

"No, no!!" Wucha looked pale and his eyes were full of fear.

When he was really faced with death, he would be afraid. Wucha thought Lin Feng didn\'t dare to kill him. He was accused of killing liyanmen. But he obviously forgot that this is not his area. If he delivers it to the door, he will be killed

Who knows?

"Help, help!" Wucha\'s voice was hoarse and painful.

"I\'ll tell you everything! Please, don\'t kill me!" Wucha\'s face twisted and his cheeks twitched.


Lin Feng was indifferent.

"The murderer is always killed." Lin Feng said faintly.

pity? He doesn\'t deserve it.


The wing is to completely devour Wucha.

The wing of great progress in strength has also greatly improved its "digestion ability".

If not, wing can not be promoted to starsea level 9 in a short time. With a red and green light blooming, there are many new branches on the trunk of the wing, the flower buds bloom, and the strength is increased by one point.

"How?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

"It tastes good." the wings waved the branches with a sense of comfort.

A warrior of Xinghai level and level 8 devours him alive, which helps him improve his strength.

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "what\'s the answer I want?"

Yi hehe smiled, "don\'t worry, boss."

The voice fell, Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up, and a strange scene appeared in front of him. In a strange place, the man in black whispered with a strange man as thin as firewood, and the conversation was exactly the same——


Scene, scene by scene playback.

Including the name and origin of the man in black, everything is clear.

Memory is like a book opened. In the blink of an eye, it seems like a dream.

"Wow!" his eyes brightened.

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with a faint light, and the corners of his mouth began to draw quietly.

"Wing, I didn\'t expect you to have this one." Lin Feng looked at "wing" curiously and felt a little incredible.

As far as I know, other wood spirits don\'t have this ability.

Only wings can produce all kinds of strange forces after change.

"Hey, hey, it\'s my honor to help the boss." Yi LiuXu patted the horse.

Lin Feng laughed in an uproar, "but it\'s a pity that the warrior you absorbed for the first time has shaped your character badly." the \'intelligence\' of other wood spirits is awakened by themselves. Only the wings are swallowed and integrated. Both character and intelligence are very similar to human beings.

"There\'s nothing perfect, you say, boss." Yi said with a smile, "by the way, boss, is the information useful?"

"Well, it\'s very useful." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened instantly.

Without these materials, I\'m afraid I\'ll be kept in the dark.

But I didn\'t expect Han Lu to hold such a grudge. He had to abandon himself for a trivial matter.

"The bigger the door, the deeper the water."

"In the future, I have to be careful of Han Lu\'s gang. The most important thing now is..."

"He, Bian Ruyu!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled with pure light.

"There are quite a lot of useful materials in Wucha\'s memory." Lin Feng nodded, including how many disciples Han Lu had, what he looked like and how strong he was. Even the various mental skill scripts that Wucha learned are recorded in detail.

Although the wing was only released once, Lin Feng never forgot it.

"There are really a lot of strong people in liyanmen."

"Bian Ruyu alone has great strength."

"And Han Lu..."

Lin Feng shook his head. From the memory of Wucha fragment, Han Lu\'s strength has already exceeded the tenth level of Xinghai level and ranked in the top three among the top ten Dharma protectors.

With their current strength, there is no chance of winning.

The strong are like clouds!

"I still underestimate the fierce wild goose gate." Lin Feng thought secretly.

He was invincible in tianwu mainland and had no enemy in Lvyan city. His pride sprouted slightly in his heart.

This is not a good thing.

"Take your time." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

In the green smoke city that day, I also began to practice from the star river level bit by bit.

Now, no exception!

"Han Lu..."

"I\'ll remember today\'s account."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and shining with pure light.

One foot in, one foot in!

Lin Feng, win again!

Compared with the last battle, the water is exquisite. This battle is a real \'battle to correct the name\'!

The strange force "Tu Lu" has a great reputation outside the ninth district. No. 45 is not a false name, but it is played step by step by strength.

There is no weak person in the hundred regions!

"Ha ha, brother Bai, you are so bad. The big white pig will run naked for three times this time." Hua Shao holds a feather fan in his hand and laughs.

"Who let him not grow his head and refuse to rest after a loss."

"I think he is addicted to streaking, ha ha!"

All the disciples of the inner sect gathered at the table and laughed.

Bai Yi also looked out of the window with an indifferent smile. As Lin Feng won the war cleanly, the central area became lively again. Not only did the "big white pig" start running naked again, but also because Lin Feng corrected the new couple\'s name and won honor.

Even if Lin Feng doesn\'t hold the gun rock No. 12 in the next war.

At least, he has proved that his strength is better than the strange force \'Tu Lu\', in other words——

Area No. 45 is firmly in hand.

Lin Feng, become a new strong man in 100 regions!

"Lin Feng is so handsome!"

"Awesome, absolutely our new idol!"

"I said Lin Feng would win. Hey, you don\'t believe it."

"Bah! Sanmao, you can put a loud afterthought."

A thousand layers of waves surged from a stone. At this time, the new people in the nine districts of the central area were completely boiling.

There were no more discordant voices. Lin Feng established his name as "the strongest newcomer" with his absolute strength.

People are like this. When facing a person whom they look up to but can\'t reach, jealousy will slowly become worship and admiration. This is the case for these newcomers in the nine districts. With their strength, when and when can they enter the 100 areas of the nine districts?

But Lin Feng did it.

"The strongest newcomer?" the old lynx scratched at the corner of his mouth.

"Old lynx, are you sure you want to challenge?" the hunchback old woman glanced.

At this time, everyone\'s eyes converged. Challenge everyone. After laughing at Mitha, he is the old lynx No. 17.

Third, it was the turn of the hunchback old woman "grandma Yan" No. 23.

"What\'s the word?" old lynx glared, "am I still afraid of that suckling boy?"

"I\'m afraid you\'ll lose your time at night, Gaga." grandma Yan smiled and looked at xiaomituo with a deep meaning. "You see how smart people are, let go of the opportunity they can handle."

Laughing, Amitabha smiled and touched his head, "it doesn\'t hurt. Isn\'t it convenient for me?"

The people couldn\'t help looking at Tu Lu. At this time, the latter\'s face was black and white, but he remembered the heroic words of the day. Now he was beaten miserably. Tu Lu blushed and hummed, "he just won me a little. Next time, next time, I will win!"

"Admit it if you lose, big stupid cow." the woman in red smiled, showing her charm. "Don\'t let me say it right. Later, I\'ll find an excuse to say that the little guy is hiding from you."

"I!" Tu Lu glanced and blushed. "He, he didn\'t hide from me."

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned and looked at each other.

"What are you talking about, Tulu?" the old lynx\'s face coagulated.

"Have you changed?" mother Yan\'s old eyes twinkled.

Tu Lu nodded foolishly, but he didn\'t know what was going on.

"Ah!" exclaimed the woman in red, covering her mouth, "no, the little guy didn\'t hide from you after your Juhua?"

Tu Lu was reckless, but he couldn\'t lie. He nodded foolishly.

The crowd took a breath and looked very dignified.

The air was somewhat oppressive, and everyone frowned.

"What do you think?" Mrs. Yan coughed.

"Two possibilities." the woman in red looked at her. "One is that the little guy is too slow to avoid the attack of the big stupid cow."

"Impossible." a middle-aged man said calmly, "Tu Lu\'s strength increased sharply after his Juhua, but the speed did not increase. His speed was already slow, and the speed of his body muscles increased a little slower. Everyone knows that Tu Lu should fight with him after his Juhua. Even if he can\'t escape all, he can at least avoid most of the attacks."

Xiaomitha is still laughing, but his eyes are shining and passing.

"Then there is only another possibility." the red man\'s eyes are burning. "The little guy is very proud of his strength..."

"Very confident!"

The crowd took a deep breath and looked very dignified.

For a moment, all eyes focused on the old lynx, whose face was uncertain at this time.

"You won\'t flinch, don\'t you?" Granny Yan giggled.

"Ah." the old lynx was surprised and said angrily, "am I, is my old lynx that kind of person?!"

The words were sonorous, but they were a little less confident than before.

The old lynx twitched at the corners of his mouth and looked very ugly.