Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 573

The transformed Tulu is three meters tall.

It looks like a small Witch clan, but its strength is not inferior.

"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s wrist was numb and his eyebrows were slightly bright.

"What amazing power."

Lin Feng was not surprised but happy.

I\'m afraid Tu Lu\'s strength is not enough to achieve the effect of "attracting snakes out of the cave".

It\'s just right now!

"OK, come again!" the ember magic gun in Lin Feng\'s hand clanged and roared, and the flame expanded.

All of a sudden, they mingled with Tu Lu. It was hard to separate one shot from another. The aftershock of Qi made the whole gun rock vibrate again and again.

"The boy\'s strength is not bad."

"How many brushes are there that can compete with the giant Tu Lu?"

The man in black who hides his breath in the dark has bright eyes and cold hearts.

"But it\'s far worse than elder martial brother Bian."

"Even my Wucha can pick him up at will!"

The man in black \'Wucha\' was confident and gave a cold smile.

If Bian Ruyu hadn\'t ordered him first, he would have done it himself. Why hide here.

"Well, fight to the death, so that when the time comes..."

"Everyone will think it was Tu Lu\'s hand."

Wu Cha\'s eyes were dark and went to nest with Bian Ruyu snake and mouse.

Even the character and style are almost the same.

It is those who are close to the dark.

Peng! Peng!

The battle between Lin Feng and Tu Lu was amazing.

"Almost." Lin Feng\'s shooting method was not disordered, and his face was calm.

No matter how strong Tu Lu is, there is still a big gap compared with himself. Although Tu Lu\'s strength has increased sharply after the giant, his speed has not improved. If I really want to defeat him, it\'s easy. Even the tianwu Wu Wu people with the same shape and speed are not afraid of themselves. How can they be afraid of Tu Lu, a "fake"?


"Use you." Lin Feng whispered in his heart.

Turu\'s huge mace came in front, and all the star forces broke out completely.

With a hard blow, Tulu gnashed his teeth and shot blood in his eyes.

He is already crazy!

"Come!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Pretending to be flustered, he couldn\'t dodge. The huge mace pressed Huashan and completely suppressed Lin Feng. In an instant, it exploded on Lin Feng\'s right shoulder like thunder. The sharp spikes pierced madly, and Tu Lu\'s eyes showed their fierce light.

And now——

"Chih!" Lin Feng\'s gun is like a ghost.

Through Tulu\'s chest!

His eyes were full of incredible. Tu Lu looked a little confused, but the pain was very clear!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!!" Tu Lu roared angrily. He only felt the rapid loss of strength. His huge mace fell to the ground and was seriously injured. Tu Lu\'s frightened eyes looked like a fierce beast, but at this time

All hostility is replaced by pain!

Lin Feng also felt bad. His whole right shoulder was almost useless, a blur of flesh and blood.

cause destruction to both sides!

But compared with Tu Lu\'s injury, it is much better.

"Poof!" "poof!!" blood vomited wildly.

Tu Lu\'s body had shrunk to normal at this time, but his face was pale, his body shook and staggered, and he couldn\'t even stand steadily.

Lin Feng\'s strike was very powerful. The moment the ember devil spear pierced into it was a blast, which produced a force blast in his body. Rao Shi Tu Lu could not resist no matter how strong his defense was. The giant body is not omnipotent. As long as the power is strong enough, even the witch family can kill!

Not to mention Tulu?

"You\'re defeated." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled with blood stains on his mouth.

Tulu\'s face was very ugly. He stared at Lin Feng like a wounded beast, full of killing intention.

Although he has a hot temper, he is not a villain, but he also knows that the outcome is divided.

"Lin Feng! I will come again!" Tu Lu clenched his teeth and said hoarsely.

After that, Tu Lu picked up the huge mace on the ground, and his nostrils were panting, but the blow just now hurt his internal organs. But Tu Lu was also a tough man. He refused to show weakness in front of Lin Feng. He endured the severe pain and trembled. He glared at Lin Feng angrily. Although Tu Lu was unwilling, he had to bear it.

With an angry hum, Tu Lu immediately shook his body and left.

Step, step!

Staggering, Lin Feng fell to the ground, as if he had lost all his strength.

This injury is not a fraud.

It\'s real!

"It\'s really heavy."

"I almost lost my whole right arm."

Lin Feng closed his eyes and smiled bitterly in his heart. His shoulder was bloody and miserable.

It looked like a dying man, his breath was weak.



"Sure enough."

"My guess is true."

Lin Feng thought secretly, although it is a convergent breath.

But the whereabouts and every move of the mysterious man in black can never escape his "eyes.".

I have tens of thousands of eyes staring at him!

"Definitely premeditated."

"I\'m afraid you won\'t come!"


Lin Feng\'s eyes widened.

Not far from the back, Wucha came galloping, his heart trembled inexplicably, and he only felt the coolness of his spine.

"What\'s going on?" Wucha hesitated.

This kind of thing he is not