Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 572

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Ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

The battle between Tu Lu and Lin Feng has attracted much attention.

This time, not only those newcomers, but also the eyes of the outer door of the ninth district were staring.

Ownership of No. 12!

Concerning the reputation of nine districts and 100 regions, we can\'t be careless.

This is a ruler to test the strength of the new "Lin Feng" and how strong it is!

"Did you hear that the big white pig gambled again!"

"True or false, is he addicted to streaking and feels great?"

"I don\'t know. Why don\'t... You try?"

"Fuck you!"

The restaurant is full of excitement.

All the newlyweds talked about the "big white pig." it was the burly young man who bet with Bai Yi that day. Because he was white and strong, he was given the "nickname". It was passed on and on. As soon as he heard the name, others would think of the funny scene that day, but he was also famous.

It\'s just that this famous way is a little special.

"Wow, brother Bai, you really dare to gamble. Aren\'t you afraid that Lin Feng will lose?" Hua Shao was very surprised holding a feather fan.

"That is to say, if Lin Feng loses, you\'ll have to run around the central area." the fierce fire puzzled. In his opinion, Bai Yi doesn\'t need to see such a person at all.

"Will you?" Bai Yi smiled with a faint confidence.

They looked at each other and suddenly smiled.

Also, what is Bai Yi\'s identity?

In addition to Lin Feng, Bai Yi is now the highest ranking and strongest among the newcomers, even

It has surpassed water Linglong.

Number 188!

What if he loses the bet?

With that big white pig, what is the qualification and strength to shout?

Looking at the people\'s suddenly enlightened eyes, Bai Yi\'s eyes twinkled and smiled and shook his head.

He knew that people must be wrong.

"You don\'t know how strong Lin Feng is." Bai Yi thought lightly, but he didn\'t bother to explain to everyone. Anyway, they will know sooner or later. What is a mere turu? Lin Feng could easily kill even the witch family at that time. The most important thing is

He just met Lin Feng two days ago.

Thinking of that day, Bai Yi smiled bitterly.

Just a wood spirit almost forced him into a desperate situation. The strength hidden by Lin Feng

It\'s terrible!

Gun rock.

Practicing his shooting skills hard, Lin Feng didn\'t relax.

The ember magic gun in his hand rises and falls with awe inspiring arrogance, which seems to be quite different from what Fei Jin did.

If the shape of a gun is compared to a person\'s body, the meaning of a gun is a person\'s dress, dress, temperament and so on. The same gun shape is matched with two different gun meanings, that is, the two gun moves have different power.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze!

The gun went up and down with the sound of the wind.

It was a storm, a storm hidden in gun strokes.

It seems that as soon as it appears, it is surging and destroying everything.

But at present, Lin Feng has not fully mastered it.

"The boss has made great progress."

"I think I almost couldn\'t fight."


The "wing" on one side has nothing to do. He looks at Lin Feng\'s gun move and remembers it again and again.

On that day, Lin Feng and he fell into a hard struggle. Only relying on the inexhaustible flame, they finally reluctantly consumed him.

To tell you the truth, there were a hundred reluctant.

Who wants to be with a poor master?

But now

The wings are sincere.

Even if he is now more powerful, he is not Lin Feng\'s opponent.

What\'s more, he has been promoted from Xinghai level 6 to now, and has embarked on the road of sprint to the legendary star level. It\'s all Lin Feng\'s credit!


"Oh?" the branches and leaves of the wing trembled.

Tens of thousands of winged beetles have been scattered around, closely monitoring the whole gun rock.

This is Lin Feng\'s purpose. He doesn\'t want to be harassed again.

"One." the wing whispered.

The branches waved gently and whirled, even to inform Lin Feng.

Last time he stopped a "guest" and missed the passenger car. This time, it\'s better to inform him.

So as not to make the same mistake again.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered slightly.

The shadow of the gun in his hand flickered, and a strong wind passed, and Lin Fengxuan stopped his action.

"He... Should be the strange force \'Tu Lu\'." Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t care too much.

I met Bai Yi two days ago and learned everything.

But I forgot that I would be challenged every ten days.

"I\'ve heard that he has the strength of Xinghai level seven, and his strength is infinite." Lin Feng nodded, and the corners of his mouth began to draw quietly.

"Just as my opponent in gun training."

Thinking in his heart, Lin Feng didn\'t stop Tu Lu from entering.

Practicing guns for ten consecutive days has become a bottleneck. It\'s a good thing to have a real opponent.

At least, this Tu Lu is qualified.

"Here we are."

"But... Murderous."

Lin Feng has a cluster of eyebrows and feels a little strange.

I\'ve never met him before. Why is there such a murderous spirit? That feeling

It\'s like killing yourself.


Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly changed and his eyebrows screwed up for a moment.

At the moment Tu Lu approached himself, a ghost figure sneaked into it.

It was a completely strange face with hidden breath!

But the strength is several times stronger than Tu Lu!

Who is he?

Liyan gate, inner gate.

"Ruyu, how are you doing?" Han Lu held his cheek in his hand and looked deep.

"Master, you can rest assured that the disciple has laid a snare." Bian Ruyu smiled proudly with a pair of Yin-Yang eyes. It\'s natural that Tu Lu can abolish Lin Feng. If he can\'t finish it... Hey, someone will help him finish it. "

"Very good." Han Lu nodded and said with satisfaction, "if you can do one thing less, let the fool bear the black pot."

Bian Ruyu\'s eyes were cold. "Master, don\'t you really have to kill Lin Feng?"

"No, take your time." Han Lu smiled calmly and his eyes were slightly bright. "Sima Feng is very stubborn. If you kill Lin Feng... Things will make a big deal, and you will inevitably get angry. The new year of liyanmen will be celebrated in another month. If you can save, you can save."

"Yes, master," Bian Ruyu said.

"Do it well, like jade." Han Lu drew quietly from the corner of his mouth. "I\'m the most optimistic about you among all the disciples. Don\'t let me down."

"Master, please don\'t worry!" Bian Ruyu was delighted when he heard the speech. "Wait for the good news."

Han Lu nodded and waved his hand gently.


Gun rock.

"Are you Lin Feng?" Tu Lu roared with his bronze bell like eyes.

He is very strong and strong. He is naked. Tu Lu\'s chest hair is exposed, showing a bit of wildness.

The fierce war spirit set off the murderous nature, and Tu Lu\'s eyes were straight.

He has been waiting for a long time today.

"I am." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Holding an ember magic gun, his look did not change.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling with the sight of the fusion wing. Although he was facing Tu Lu, his mind focused on the mysterious man in black.

"Inner disciple."

"If you come to watch the war, why sneak."

Lin Feng thought in his heart and felt a deep doubt.

Why did the mysterious man in black sneak into gun rock?

"Even the breath is hidden. Obviously, I don\'t want people to find it."

"There\'s a ghost!"

Lin Feng was very clear in his heart and didn\'t dare to be careless.

And instantaneous time——

"Peng!" the flames burst, and Tu Lu\'s eyes showed the fierce light.

"Die, Lin Feng!" came the roaring voice. Tu Lu fiercely pulled out a wolf tooth stick. The sharp barb showed a terrible light. The thick stick was not inferior to his body and was full of prestige! Such weapons are rare.

"Whoosh!" Lin Feng jumped up and drew out the ember magic gun.

"What a murderous spirit."

"Is it natural, or..."

Lin Feng had a doubt in his heart and was not in a hurry to attack.

You need time to settle down.



The wolf toothed stick can cut mountains and stones. Its power is infinite.

In particular, the barb is better like a sharp sword piercing, flashing cold light.

Once hit, it\'s not a joke.


But Lin Feng avoided the war.

The sensitive body dodged around, floating around like a light wind, teasing Tu Lu.


"Little rabbit, don\'t hide if you have the ability!"

Tu Lu Qi\'s seven tricks smoke, but there is no way to take Lin Feng.

A strong body is certainly his advantage and gives full play to his strength; But it is his weakness that weakens the speed a lot.

At present, Lin Feng is a martial artist who is good at speed.

"Oh." Lin Feng smiled calmly and didn\'t care.

Such provocations and provocations have no effect on themselves. In fact, if you really want to do it, even if you collide head-on, you can\'t do it yourself——

Also not afraid!

"Hide in the dark."

"The distance is just outside my sensing range."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling and he thought in his heart.

If it weren\'t for the wings, I\'m afraid I wouldn\'t be aware of the mysterious man in black.


"Try you."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, avoiding and flashing.

Like fishing, it led Tu Lu\'s action and gradually moved his position to the man in black.

And the result

"As expected," said Lin Feng.

If he enters, the man in black will retreat; When he retreated, the man in black entered.

Always keep a stable distance from yourself.

"Very skilled. The hiding skills are quite old."

"At first glance, you know you\'re an old hand."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, and he knew something in his heart.

Whoever comes is an enemy, not a friend!

"Do you want to take advantage of the fire..."

"Then I\'ll do what you want!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled for a moment, and the ember magic gun clanged and vibrated.

In the face of Tu Lu\'s fierce offensive, there was a fierce collision for the first time.

It\'s better to guess passively——

Lead the snake out of the hole!

"Silly man, is that all you can do?" Lin Feng sneered with contempt in his eyes.

"Come!" Gougou fingers, Lin Feng extremely provocative.

For a moment, Tu Lu, who was already out of anger, was completely crazy and hysterical. There was a sharp light in his eyes and a sharp light in his chest, with the smell of zhengran crazy bully. Tu Lu\'s body expanded sharply in an instant and his green veins were exposed on his face.

It\'s like a transformation. It\'s terrible!

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were slightly bright, but he smiled confidently.

"I\'m afraid you\'re not strong enough!"

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