Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 571

Chinese official account: PS: look at the exclusive story behind the fire star sky, listen to your suggestions for the novel, and pay attention to the starting point of the Chinese net public number (WeChat add friends add the official account - enter qdread), quietly tell me!


"How exciting!"

"Ha ha, does it look like a big white pig?"

In the restaurant, everyone laughed and was very lively.

Whistles and wolf calls come and go, and everyone looks out. At this time, the central area is particularly lively.

The burly young man had already blushed to the root of his neck. Under the "appreciation" of tens of thousands of people, his hot eyes made him almost unable to take a half step. Everywhere he went, there was a roar of laughter. His hands covered his crotch tightly. The burly young man looked much whiter than his appearance, but no wonder others said he looked like a big white pig.

"Ha ha!" Bai Yi looks out of the window and smiles forward and backward.

"You are so bad!" Shui Linglong spat softly. His small face was slightly red, but he didn\'t look outside.

"It\'s not what I did, it\'s what he asked." Bai Yi, with an innocent look on his face, spread his hands and said with a smile, "who makes him boast? People must be responsible for what they do?"

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is intentional, Shui Linglong bites his lips, and his small face is a little pale.

It was her that hurt Lin Feng, but he just walked away.

Bai Yi\'s words deeply touched her heart.

Inexplicably, the picture of that day appeared. Shui Linglong only felt his heart beat faster. He thought of Lin Feng\'s bloody appearance, but he was very distressed.

As if something had cut a knife at the side of my heart.

"I can\'t stand by."

"Even with all my strength, I will save him."

Shuilinglong\'s eyes flashed a firm look, and she suddenly had a decision in her heart.

Bai Yi still looked out of the window and looked at the embarrassment of the burly youth running naked. At this time, the whole central area of the nine districts was full of laughter. The men looked forward and backward and couldn\'t breathe with laughter. Some women peeped with their eyes covered, and some blushed and spat. They were very happy.

This picture has become a wonderful landscape.

Suddenly, Bai Yi seemed to think of something. Bai Yi smiled and looked back, "by the way, Linglong, just now..."

"Eh?" Bai Yi was stunned and looked around. There was no water Linglong half body shadow.

"It\'s strange to leave as soon as you say."

Gun rock.

The water is exquisite and penetrates directly.

Although it is in the cooling period at this time, shuilinglong uses the inner door token, but it can enter at will.

"In ten days, Lin Feng can\'t recover at all."

"Even if I disobey my father\'s order, I will use that move."

"Anyway, I owe him."

Shui Linglong bit her lips and looked firm.

The water rippled and the water was exquisite. In the twinkling of an eye, he came to the land of Lin Feng\'s cultivation.

"Ah!" shuilinglong gently covered his small mouth and was stunned.

In front of Lin Feng, he kept dancing with a long gun in his forehand. The amazing flame appears with the intention of the gun. The power is extremely amazing. How can half of you be injured! Blinked, shuilinglong shook his head hard, feeling as if he had fallen into a dream.

Is she right?

Lin Feng had no blood stains.

The damaged skin has been repaired, and the muscles are strong and explosive.

The dancing gun shadow has a sharp vigorous Qi. Its breath is no worse than that in the battle just now, and even has the advantage of victory.


Where is the appearance of a seriously injured person!

Lin Feng also feels helpless.

How can I know when shuilinglong appears.

But this is a big trouble. I don\'t want to provoke her again.

"Pretend not to see." Lin Feng said secretly.

At that time, it will be troublesome to pester yourself and use the amazing water bomb.

The gun shadow in his hand was intermittent. Lin Feng didn\'t stop his action, but practiced wholeheartedly. As long as shuilinglong has no malice, she doesn\'t exist; If you have half a killing intention, you can feel it in an instant, but it doesn\'t matter.

Most importantly, the strength of water Linglong

Fear is not enough.

"Chi!" "Chi!"

Lin Feng quickly waved the ember magic gun.

In my mind, I came up with the last battle with Fei Jin, the real sword and real gun, and the gun he shot.

Shoot, first shot!

"It\'s a great gun shape and a good gun meaning."

"In terms of attack power, it completely defeated my \'Jiujiao shooting\'."


Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled, "the meaning of the gun is just good, not with the shape of the gun!"

The momentum of the crazy bully is only because Fei Jin\'s marksmanship is high enough. The intermediate people who are proficient in level training integrate their guns and increase the "potential" of the gun by five times!

As far as the power of gun intention is concerned, the first shot of this type of shooting is only equal to his own "Jiujiao shooting".

"If the gun shape of this gun is combined with the gun meaning of the fourth wood carving..."

"We can make further progress!"

Lin Feng, with bright eyes, kept experimenting.

The meaning of the gun given by the fourth wood carving is very similar to that of the first shot of the gun execution.

It\'s like destroying everything.


"What is missing is how to intersect the two into a parallel line."

Lin Feng nodded and had already made a decision in his heart.

Either do not learn, to learn, we must learn the best shot, and then improve the first shot!

Until perfect!

In fact, Lin Feng\'s guess is not right.

The most important thing is the shape of the gun, and the meaning of the gun is slightly inferior.

On the same day, he created three shots, "gun style shooting". The shape of the gun has tended to be perfect, and all kinds of gun moves have been integrated into three guns, but the idea of the gun can only be borrowed, which is not original.

Therefore, the idea of shooting with a gun is slightly inferior.

The seven wood carving series owned by Lin Feng have no gun shape.

It\'s just a perfect match.


It is not a simple thing to learn.

Moreover, it is even more difficult for Lin Feng to "revise" on this basis.

Even if his savvy is amazing, it is also a big project.

"That\'s great."

"The gun moves are sharp and clear, and the state of shooting has reached such a level."

Shuilinglong looked at it with bright eyes.

Although she is a water spirit Master, her background is extraordinary after all. She has never seen any strong person. At this time, she can see Lin Feng\'s strength clearly.

The more you look, the more frightened you are!

Thinking of Lin Feng\'s full speed at the time of the challenge, Shui Linglong couldn\'t help but show a smile on her face.

I really overestimate myself

"He... Should be all right." shuilinglong\'s beautiful eyes twinkled.

Although I don\'t know how Lin Feng recovered, the fact is now in front of me.

Since Lin Feng is all right, she doesn\'t have to stay here anymore. Anyway, it\'s not aboveboard to peek at people practicing martial arts without permission. But inexplicably, shuilinglong felt disappointed, but he didn\'t know why.

"I should be happy. I don\'t have to use that forbidden move." Shui Linglong barely smiled.

"But why do I feel lost?"

Water Linglong nibbles her lips, and her heart seems to twist together.

Dare not look at the forest wind, and in a moment it penetrates away.


Distant regions.

It is a huge lake.

There are too many such lakes in the boundless inland.

The indigo lake reflects dazzling light, and the water temperature is getting warmer and clearer.

In the lake, many fish are wandering, coral, jellyfish, aquatic plants and all kinds of aquatic organisms exist. It\'s strange that such a beautiful scenery and a vast lake can\'t be seen by anyone. It\'s like a natural thing.

That\'s because——

A palace.

A luxurious palace located in the deepest part of the lake.

Beautiful and shining, all kinds of valuable jade are just decorations here.

The palace covers an area of more than 100 times larger than liyanmen. It is full of bright colors and beautiful, just like the dominator of the lake.

In fact, it is the owner of the lake.

"Linglong should have seen you, Lin Feng..." his voice was light, with nothingness and mistiness. He was a young man in white, with a sunny smile, like a cloud, full of vitality, and his smile reflected kindness and nostalgia.

"It\'s going to change again, ha ha."

The young man in white murmured and looked brightly.

At this time, a little boy outside came running, "elder martial brother, master has something to find you!"

"I see." the young man in white nodded gently.


Nine district central area.

The restaurant is always the best informed place.

The martial artists outside the ninth district like to talk about Taoism and convey all kinds of information and gossip here.

"Look forward to it. Lin Feng will compete with Tu Lu in a few days. Who do you think will win?"

"Needless to say, it must be Lin Feng! You don\'t know, Lin Feng has spoken for a long time. Tu Lu is nothing! If he dares to challenge, he will break his two dog legs and let him climb out, and then give him a pair of tricks to watch the road in the future and don\'t provoke people who shouldn\'t be provoked!"

"Yes, I\'ve heard that too! Lin Feng is so domineering and manly that he really looks good for our newcomers!"

"Tu Lu listened, but he didn\'t even dare to fart. It\'s another matter to dare to challenge!"

"Haha, haha! ~"


In the box.

"I\'m so angry!!" Tu Lu\'s green muscles were exposed and his fists were clenched

"Damn these little rabbits, I won\'t kill them!" Tu Lu stood up and smashed the wooden table into pieces, but he was confused.

"Kill the fire, old tu." xiaomituo smiled. "How can you block the long crowd? How many can you kill, dozens or hundreds?" xiaomituo shook his head. "Don\'t forget, it\'s forbidden to do it in the central area. This is the door rule."

Tu Lu was gnashing his teeth, but he still had some sense.

"No harm, no harm." xiaomituo patted Tulu on the shoulder. "I said Lao Tu, it\'s not without one or two meat to be said."

"That\'s because it\'s not you!" Tu Lu stared angrily.

"Then you have to find the right Lord, don\'t you?" xiaomituo\'s eyes flashed away and fanned the fire across the bank.

"Lin Feng!!!" Tu Lu clenched his fist and burst out fire in his eyes. "I thought he was a newcomer and didn\'t want to take a heavy hand, but now... Hum!" Tu Lu\'s eyes showed his ferocity and murderous spirit. "He asked for it. Dare you take my trick! Shit, I\'ll abolish him first!!"

Xiaomituo still kept a faint smile and didn\'t speak.

As he expected, Tu Lu hit the target immediately.

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