Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 570

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Outside the gun rock.

"Why haven\'t you come out yet?"

"Haven\'t you won for so long!"

"Shit, I\'m so anxious!"

Everyone felt anxious and nervous.

On the one hand, I hope Shui Linglong will win, but on the other hand, people are a little afraid of Lin Feng\'s strength. If you don\'t have a certain strength, how can you occupy No. 12?

Although the "gun rock" was vacated because Fei gun king was promoted, how can other martial artists not get it?

It\'s Lin Feng!

"We must win!"

"Water is exquisite, you must not lose!"


People prayed and stared at gun rock.

For a moment, a wisp of ripples flashed, like ripples in the water, and everyone\'s heart immediately came up.


Is it Lin Feng?

A beautiful shadow appeared, rippling with water waves.

For a moment, everyone seemed petrified and stunned.

The beautiful shadow reflects a weakness, like a pear flower with tears, which is distressing.

It\'s water Linglong!


Like a sharp arrow shuttle, the water is exquisite and doesn\'t want to stay more for half a second. It\'s just to leave.

The heart is intertwined like cotton wool, which is extremely complex. She doesn\'t want to make Lin Feng the target of public criticism because of herself.

A silent ending.

But everyone knows it clearly.

Lin Feng, win.

Lin Feng is the strongest one among the newcomers to defeat Shui Linglong!

Perhaps he is not famous at all in the talent trials, but at one time or another, people always look forward. Today\'s Lin Feng is definitely the strongest!

Sighs, although people feel sorry, but after all, they have a big stone in their heart.

Clearly understand, who is the strongest one!

"Let\'s go."

"Hoo, the forest wind is really fierce."

"Yes, maybe he really has that strength!"

Opinions vary, and the new people leave one by one.

Since Shui Linglong didn\'t say anything, it means that she herself accepted such an outcome.

Indirectly recognize the status of Lin Feng.

Only the burly young man who had spoken wildly before turned white and trembled slightly. When I think of my impulsive moment and casually "promise", I feel very regretful. Blankly suspended in the air, the burly young man felt his legs weak and his heart seemed to stop.

In front of me, a white figure passed by.

"Don\'t forget what you said."

"You\'d better be more conscious. If not, don\'t blame me for being ruthless."

Bai Yi\'s expression is indifferent and opens his mouth slowly.

Others may not know, but he knows very well that the strength of shuilinglong is not at the same level as Lin Feng.

"They all thought that Fei gun king was promoted and left."

"Who knows if he has been defeated by Lin Feng before promotion?"

Bai Yi\'s heart murmured and shook his head.

The crowd dispersed.

Once the challenge is over, there will be no excitement to see.

But it was for these "talent trials" newcomers that they decided on a "King".

For the "elderly" in District 9, now

It\'s just the beginning.

More than ten figures gathered from all directions, old and young, male and female, in different shapes and colors. The only thing is that each of them has a strong breath. Obviously, their strength is very strong. In fact, the strength of the strong in 100 regions is almost the same as that in Bozhong, especially those with the top regional number.

"What do you think?" a hunched old woman coughed.

"The little girl didn\'t have any injuries when she left." a little old man narrowed his eyes and ran ran said, "obviously, there is a great gap between the two strengths, not between Bo Zhong. In my opinion, Lin Feng really has a few brushes."

"Why should old lynx be ambitious?" a strong man patted his chest and said with a sneer, "how powerful a yellow haired boy can be. You dare not let my old butcher take the lead!"

"Isn\'t this against the rules?" came the delicate voice. The speaker was a woman in red. She was really.

There are hidden rules in 100 domains. If there are many challenges, the person with the top number will be the first to challenge.

Among the people, the one with the highest number is a middle-aged fat man with an indifferent smile.

Xiaomituo, No. 14

"You may as well." xiaomituo waved, "then old TU will fight for me."

The little old man\'s eyes were cold. "Amitabha, you think clearly. If Lao Tu fails, you are not qualified to fight again."

"You may as well," smiled Mitha Saran, touching his belly.

"Well, that\'s settled." the arched old woman nodded.

Seeing the little old man and the old woman say so, others naturally have no objection. The burly man "Tu Lu" smiled happily and was very satisfied. His number was 45. If he really wanted to turn down, he could not turn him.


"It\'s easy to beat a yellow haired boy."

"As long as you defeat him, this number 12 belongs to my old tu."

Tu Lu smiled happily and was very satisfied.

According to the rules, as long as he occupies No. 12, the warriors here can\'t challenge him anymore.

"Just a newcomer, what is it?" Tu Lu\'s eyes were fierce, his face was full of energy, his hands were pinched, and he made a snap of his fingers. Tu Lu\'s face flashed with strong confidence. He patted his chest fiercely and said proudly, "let\'s wait and see a good play. I\'ll let the little guy know in ten days, the outer gate of the nine districts..."

"It\'s not as easy as he thought!"

"Hey, hey!"


Gun rock.

Lin Feng sat on the ground calmly.

His clothes were ragged, but the blood stains had evaporated.

In less than a incense burning time, Lin Feng healed without leaving any scars on his body. The bronze skin is full of vitality, like a wood spirit, with strong toughness and perseverance. The smell of forest wind has been restored.

If shuilinglong saw such a scene, he would be shocked.

It\'s amazing!

Such resilience can\'t even compare with Mu Ling.

"Hoo ~ ~" Lin Feng spit out a mouthful of turbid gas and stood up.

Spread out his hands and immediately clenched them. Feeling this strong force, Lin Feng had a faint smile in his eyes.

90% recovery!

"What a powerful \'water bomb\', which is almost as powerful as a magnetic explosion." Lin Feng thought.

Although my fire spirit Master has not reached the star sea level, the magnetic explosion power of the combination of reborn fire and devoured fire is quite terrible, killing the enemy several times. At present, it is just an insignificant water bomb. It is amazing that it has such power.

"On the control of the fire element, I am no worse than her."

"The power of devoured fire and reborn fire is inferior, just because of the level gap."

"If I were promoted to Xinghai level fire master, the power of any flame compression combined with star power would not be inferior to this\' water bomb \', and if the two were integrated..."

Lin Feng felt distracted and trembled, and his eyes were burning.

It is hard to imagine how terrible the "magnetic explosion" will be.

"One day, I\'m afraid even myself will be blown to pieces." Lin Feng shook his head with a wry smile.

No matter how strong your body is, it is only equivalent to the ninth order God of war at Xinghai level. It\'s just amazing recovery, not an immortal body.

Once the power exceeds the load, there is no difference between yourself and ordinary martial arts.

"Let\'s talk about it then."

"First recover your body, stabilize the state of shooting, and then..."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining, and he had a plan in his heart.


No. 14, Mingyuan.

"Wow!" the smiling Buddha in practice opened his eyes.

Step! A ghost figure fell in front of him. A thin man flashed the eyes of yin and Yang and walked slowly.

Han Lu\'s thirteenth disciple, Bian Ruyu.

"I\'ve seen Bian Xiaozhu." xiaomituo saluted, quite respectfully.

"How about now, Mituo?" Bian Ruyu raised his hand and said in a Yin voice.

"It\'s already arranged." xiaomituo smiled unchanged and said faintly, "it\'s stupid to kill that guy. Before I opened my mouth, he automatically sent it to the door. However, although that guy is stupid, his strength is not weak. Just make a small plan to ensure that he hates Lin Feng and hurts the killer."

"Oh?" Bian Ruyu\'s eyes brightened and nodded, "well, remember what the LORD said, in addition to his arms, add a pair of moves!"

"You may as well." xiaomituo showed his signboard smile, "I can rest assured."

"Then wait for the good news." Bian Ruyu smiled with satisfaction.

The waves surged and fought in secret.

The original calm outside gate of District 9 was completely broken by the addition of new people.

Lin Feng, in particular, occupies gun rock No. 12 as soon as he makes a move, which is even more eye-catching. The storm of water Linglong challenging Lin Feng has just ended. In an instant, another amazing news came, which shocked people.

"In addition to the nickname, the strange force \'Tu Lu\' No. 45 has issued a challenge!"

With a piece of heavy news, the whole restaurant was boiling. I\'ve been in the outer gate of zone 9 for nearly two months. The newcomers don\'t know anything when they first came, especially the strong ones in all fields outside zone 9.

Tu Lu, Xinghai level 7, is full of strange power.

The strength is quite strong.

Although they were surprised, they were not too surprised.

No. 12 it\'s a hot potato. Without certain strength, who is willing to accept it?

Must challenge again and again, only the strongest can be tempered into steel!

"Lin Feng is in trouble."

"Who said, maybe Lin Feng can win?"

"That\'s right! Lin Feng must be very strong when he defeated Guo shuilinglong."


The attitude of the new people towards Lin Feng has completely changed.

Fighting spirit world is like this. The strong is respected.

What\'s more, Lin Feng represents "new people". Perhaps Lin Feng doesn\'t think so, but the new people have already "regularized" Lin Feng to their side, representing the collective interests. As the saying goes, both prosperity and loss.

In the corner of the restaurant, a couple of men and women sat facing each other, and the atmosphere was a little depressed.

"Bai Yi, what should I do now?" Shui Linglong asked anxiously.

"Fight, brother Lin shouldn\'t be afraid of the strange force \'killing Lu\'." Bai Yi is calm, but he is full of confidence in Lin Feng.

"This..." Shui Linglong bit his lips and didn\'t know what to say. If Lin Feng was in normal condition, she would not worry, but now Lin Feng is worried about how she can not worry in order to protect her from serious injury.

Looking at the changing look of shuilinglong, Bai Yi\'s eyes flashed and said, "Linglong, why do you suddenly care about Lin Feng?"

As soon as the voice fell, shuilinglong suddenly blushed. When she didn\'t know how to answer.


Outside, there was a sound of laughter.

"Look, someone is running naked!! ~" the wolf cries one after another.

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