Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 559

"The elder is really powerful, and the younger generation is willing to bow down." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Qiang! The ember magic gun is reinserted into the gun sheath.

With a slight bow, Lin Feng looked into the air and jumped gently to Ji Xia\'s side.

After years of fighting, I was already transparent, and I knew it at the first moment of Ji Xia\'s arrival.

"Let\'s go, brother Ji." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Immediately, without waiting for Ji Xia\'s reply, Lin Feng galloped away.

"Oh, good." Ji Xia was a little confused, nodded and was preparing to leave with Lin Feng. His eyes inadvertently glanced at Fei Jin. He looked pale, still a little stunned, and his blurred eyes seemed to have something to think about.

After sipping his lips, Ji Xia turned his head, and Lin Feng\'s figure had gradually disappeared.

With a light breath, Ji Xiaxuan followed up.

Fei Jin, with a slightly dull look, was still immersed in his own world, unaware of their departure.

The last shot was replayed in his mind as if in slow motion. His triple gun turned into three virtual shadows, like three balance guns attacking together before and after. The power was superimposed, and one weight was better than the other! Lin Feng\'s ember magic gun is not inferior at all. He is better than Lin Feng in terms of gun skill and meaning, but

Finally, an amazing flame suddenly appeared, which greatly increased the attack power of Lin Feng.

The triple gun was broken in an instant. Fei Jin was shocked and thought that the third gun would be swallowed by the flame——

The flame disappeared.

Then the gun ran through Lin Feng\'s chest.

"I won?"

"Did I win?"

"But why don\'t I feel like winning at all!!"

Fei Jin held the gun tightly, his body trembled, and his eyes changed constantly.

He has never won so inexplicably!


WOW! A light and shadow appeared.

Lin Feng\'s indifferent eyes flashed a light when he came out of the gun rock.

At this time, the virtual light shrouded outside the gun rock has become real, like a barrier to block itself.

"Wait another ten days."

"It\'s a pity that I couldn\'t understand it in the end."

Lin Feng shook his head and glanced at his chest.

At this time, the grieving wound had stopped bleeding and almost healed.

This "minor injury" is not enough for me. It is not even a wound.

Stretched out his left hand, Lin Feng looked at Lin Huo.

In fact, Lin Huo, after the change, is already the shadow of stoneware, and its power is quite powerful.

"Unexpectedly, it still has the ability of self-protection." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright and bright, but he smiles. Just now, I wanted to lose, but I didn\'t expect that the shadow of stoneware suddenly started. Fortunately, I controlled it quickly. Otherwise, Fei Jin would be injured at the moment.

"If you rob his\' gun rock \', how can you steal the teacher in the future?" Lin Feng ran put on a sly smile.

Originally, I really wanted to rob the "gun rock". The "gun execution" engraved on the rock wall made me yearn for a closer look.

However, this is not in a hurry.

Gun rock has been there for tens of thousands of years and can\'t run away.

It\'s only a matter of time before you take over.

"It\'s not too late to master the sixth realm before seizing the \'gun rock\'."

"Fei Jin is such a good \'teacher\', there will be no shop after passing this village."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and looked at the materialized mask.


Pop! It seems to squeeze out a light and shadow.

It\'s Jixia.

"It\'s really fast, brother Lin." Ji Xia whispered. She glanced at Lin Feng\'s chest and was surprised, "your wound..."

"Recovered." Lin Feng replied casually.

"So fast?" Ji Xia doubted, only feeling a burst of strangeness.

Just now he clearly saw Lin Feng bleeding, and the wound was very deep and huge.

But now

As if nothing had happened.

"Am I wrong?"

"Maybe it looks scary because of the blood."

Ji Xia thought in her heart, but she didn\'t tangle on this issue for too long because——

He has more important questions to ask Lin Feng!

"Brother Lin, I have something to ask you." Ji Xia\'s eyes burned.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked at Ji Xia.

In my heart, I have a little understanding.

lookers-on see most of the game.

"Just now... Did you lose on purpose?" Ji Xia spoke slowly. Although this question made him feel inexplicable, from the situation of the battle, their faces changed, but they had this feeling inexplicably. They were unhappy if they didn\'t ask!

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Seeing Lin Feng hesitate, Ji Xia was convinced and stared at Lin Feng, "if you think I\'m a friend, I hope you can tell the truth."

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Ji Xia with four eyes opposite.

"Yes, I lost on purpose." Lin Feng nodded.

This kind of thing is nothing to tell Jixia.

Ji Xia\'s face changed continuously. He sensed that it was one thing, but hearing Lin Feng admit it was another thing.

He could not imagine how Lin Feng could become so strong in only half a year!

"You..." Ji Xia opened her mouth, but hesitated to ask.

"It\'s actually very simple." seeing Ji Xia\'s expression, Lin Feng replied calmly, "I can learn a lot from fighting Fei Jin. At present, it\'s more helpful to me than \'gun rock\'."

"So you deliberately lost to him?" Ji Xia was a little stunned.

"Yes," said Lin Feng, "I\'ll ask for advice in ten days."

Ji Xia was a little speechless and didn\'t know how to say it for a while.

If Fei gun King hears these words, he is sure to blow his beard and stare, and dare to ask Lin Feng to treat him as a "companion".

That\'s one of the famous top 100 outside the nine districts!

"Lin Feng, are you really sure to win the gun king?" Ji Xia frowned.

Looking at Ji Xia, Lin Feng hesitated slightly. Naturally, he knew what Ji Xia was asking this question for.

After all, Ji Xiagang just admitted that he and Fei Jin were half as strong as each other.

If you answer \'yes\', it means

Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

Looking at Ji Xia, Lin Feng nodded gently.

I don\'t want to cheat Ji Xia.

Ji Xia has mixed feelings in his heart.

He didn\'t care much about losing to Lin Feng half a year ago, because he wasn\'t at his peak that day.

Ji Xia always thought that his strength was better than Lin Feng.

But now

Raised his head, Ji Xia looked at Lin Feng, his eyes flashing a firm look, "do you remember the agreement six months ago, Lin Feng?"

Lin Feng nodded gently, "how can you forget."

The battle with Ji Xia that day was unforgettable.

A strong young man equal to himself!

Ji Xia clenched his fist and said, "I want to fight with you and use up all your strength!"

As like as two peas in the summer, Lin Feng saw that the determination and determination of a strong man were almost identical to those of his own.

This is Ji Xia\'s pride!

"I promise you." Lin Feng nodded.

"Happy!" Ji Xia shook his right fist and scratched at the corner of his mouth, "you\'re hurt. It\'s better to be five days later..."

"No need." Lin Feng flatly refused.

Ji Xia was stunned.

"It\'s better to hit the sun than choose a day. If brother Ji has time, how about now?" Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright. "I\'ve waited for half a year for this duel with brother Ji."

Last time, I was invincible.

But this time, it was dignified and no tricks!

"But brother Lin, your injury?" Ji Xia felt hesitant. He didn\'t want to take advantage of Lin Feng.

"My injury?" Lin Feng pointed to his chest and scratched a faint smile. "Brother Ji thinks I\'m hurt?"

Ji Xia has bright eyes and deeply feels the breath of Lin Feng.

It was like a flying dragon, with a powerful momentum.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright, "now I am in the best state!"

A reunion battle.

A battle without any audience.

Each other, once very familiar with each other.

But now, it has become extremely strange!

Inner door, Jixia\'s residence.

Standing still, Ji Xia\'s eyes were full of disbelief. His right hand covered the wound of his left arm, and blood dripping. Ji Xia\'s mouth remained a touch of blood. The injury was not serious, it was just a trauma, but Ji Xia\'s heart was strongly criticized.


There is no suspense of defeat.

"That\'s great."

"Lin Feng has become so powerful!"

Ji Xia can\'t believe it. Six months ago, he was half dead with Lin Feng who was seriously injured

In only half a year, he was completely reborn!

"Hoo ~ ~" Ji Xia spits out a mouthful of turbid gas.

Picking up the double swords on the ground, Ji Xia had loneliness and self mockery in his eyes.

"I really can\'t help myself."

"I can\'t even take Lin Feng\'s move."

"This strength, even if it is close to quarterly repair."

"Ha ha."

The smile is a little bitter, but Ji Xia\'s expression is somewhat gratified.

He is not a stingy man, and he doesn\'t blame Lin Feng for his ruthless heavy hand.

Because he knows that this is Lin Feng\'s respect for him.

Looking up at the direction of Lin Feng\'s departure, Ji Xia smiled inexplicably, "this time \'Yan Ling respects the house\', I\'m afraid Lin Feng will startle everyone. It\'s good. Our pulse has been looked down upon by people. Now there is Lin Feng, we can finally feel proud!"

"Pa!" starting with the double swords, Ji Xia flashed a strong and self-confidence in his eyes.

Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is the fear of facing failure.

But Ji Xia\'s heart is strong enough!

"Lin Feng, I will never lose so miserably next time!" Ji Xia held the double swords hard, and the blue double pupils glittered.

"In addition to Jixiu and leiba, there are more targets to catch up with..."


Outside the gate of zone 9, a figure galloped.

Lin Feng looks calm and calm. It seems easy to win the war with Ji Xia, but it\'s not so easy.

"What a magical indigo pupil. I almost caught it."

"Brother Ji is still modest. Although he can\'t win Fei Jin steadily with his strength, he can at least have an 80% victory rate."

"But for me, fighting Fei Jin benefited more."

Lin Feng smiled and was in a good mood.

Join liyanmen and gain more than you think.

"Fortunately, I made a wise choice."

"Thank you, master Sima. Thanks to him."

"But now, find a safe place to live."

Lin Feng drew a faint arc at the corner of his mouth and galloped over area 9.

It seems that there will be a period of "calm" days.


Who\'s right?