Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 560

"Hey, Amin, did you see anything just now?" a young man with short hair was stunned.

"No." the young man called Amin scratched his head and whispered, "but there seems to be an inexplicable wind. Xiaoya, did you see it?"

"I seem to... See a light and shadow." the girl named Xiaoya hesitated.

Whoosh! Light and shadow galloped past.

Although the speed is only 50%, Lin Feng\'s strength is too terrible.

If Fei Jin sees it, he must be tongue tied. Lin Feng\'s speed at the moment is much faster than when he fought with him!

And this is not Lin Feng\'s full strength.


"This Li Yanmen is really big. It\'s such a scale just outside the ninth district."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright. He came all the way. The outer doors of zone 9 were full of light masks, without half a gap. As Ji Xia said, if the challenge fails, you have to settle in a remote place outside the gate, which is much less spiritual.

However, it doesn\'t matter to yourself.


"A little far." Lin Feng showed a helpless smile.

The outer gate of the ninth district is not only extremely wide, but also has a large number of martial artists, millions.

Each of these millions occupies a region, which is vast and boundless.

"Unfortunately, it will take ten days to challenge again."

"Well, take these ten days to understand the feeling of \'gun\' and see if you have a chance to feel deeper next time."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and nodded.

I\'m not in a hurry.

Since he settled in liyanmen, he prepared a long-term plan.

"While cultivating, strive for Yanling Zunfu to get more points and earn more money."

"With enough money, you can light up the wooden life chart at that time, and then exchange points through Yanling Zunfu to go to dayanzhou!"

"Strive to achieve the goal within five years!"

Lin Feng has bright eyes and firm mind.

His goal has never changed, especially now his life experience has opened a corner, which makes him curious.

What happened that year!

This time, only when we go to zhuquezhou and find the Lin family can we know!

"Unknown future, uncontrollable."

"All I can do is try my best to enhance my strength."

"Then, I will have more powerful power to realize my wish!"

Lin Feng clenched his fist and understood it.

It\'s like a whirlwind. With the passage of time, finally——

See the endless plain.

"Finally there is a space." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

Looking at it, the huge plain is covered with green grass. Although it is endless and flat, the scenery is also good.

The masks are sparse and sparse, all of which are materialized.

"It seems that they are the same as me. They challenge and fail." Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t care.

Galloped by without hesitation for too long, and soon landed.

"Right here." Lin Feng nodded.

It was empty and there was no light mask.

Although the environment is ordinary, it doesn\'t matter to make do with it for a while.

WOW! White light blooms.

Lin Feng looked at the "metal token" in his hand, and the light mask completely covered himself, creating a natural barrier.

"Sure enough, it\'s real." Lin Feng looked indifferent.

I\'ve just challenged Fei Jin. This "land occupation card" naturally has a 10 day cooling off period.

"Ten days." Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and thoughtful.

Although it is more efficient to absorb starstones, it is still much more important to "understand the gun" at present.

Kill! The ember demon gun is out of its scabbard and sharp.

Holding it in one hand, Lin Feng had a different feeling. His eyes couldn\'t help flashing, "it seems... A little different."

It\'s a feeling I didn\'t have before, but

Very ethereal.

"Actual combat is indeed the best way to enhance strength."

"The sixth level of marksmanship... I will master it!"

Lin Feng looked firm, holding a long gun parallel to the ground, his eyes slightly closed.

Gun stake!

The basis of shooting.

Return to benshuo source and cut off all the sensors around.

Between heaven and earth, there is only one person and one shot, and there is no other existence.


Liyan gate, inner gate.

"Number 5755508?" Han Lu looked at the information in his hand and twisted his eyebrows.

"Yes, master." Bian Ruyu stood quietly, his figure was very ghostly, and a contemptuous smile appeared on his face. "Disciple has confirmed that Lin Feng really failed in the challenge."

"I thought it was so powerful." Han Lu shook his head coldly. "Old Sima\'s selection criteria are really innovative."

"How can he compare with Shifu you, Jie Jie?" Bian Ruyu smiled, "not to mention the Dharma protection level, many sect leaders have stronger veins than him. But old man Sima does have a good hand in refining tools. He has a strong interpersonal network in Liyan gate, and everyone gives him face."

"It\'s useless!" Han Lu disdained. "Martial arts, strength and influence are the most important."

"What master said is very true." Bian Ruyu flattered.

Han Lu raised his head high, and his eagle eyes twinkled with cold light. "Go, teach the little rabbit a lesson, and give old man Sima a blow. I want them to know what will happen if they offend me!"

Pop! The steel ball in his hand was suddenly crushed, and Han Lu\'s eyes were full of fierce light.

Bian Ruyu\'s eyes brightened and the corners of his mouth scratched coldly, "but break his arm?"

"One arm? Not enough!" Han Lu\'s eyes twinkled with a killing intention, "give me another pair of moves!"

"Yes, master."

"Number 5755508?" Sima Feng was stunned.

"Yes, master, brother Lin\'s first challenge..." Ji Xia hesitated and said with a bitter smile, "failed."

Sima Feng looked a little dignified, "another ten days." he shook his head. Sima Feng immediately got up and said, "no, it\'s too late for him. I\'ll find the next leader." for Sima Feng, maybe Lin Feng is not his apprentice now, but since he brought Lin Feng into Liyan gate, he has the responsibility and obligation to take care of him.

"Master, no need." Ji Xia said, "brother Lin has his own ideas."

"Hmm?" Sima Feng looked at Ji Xia suspiciously.

Ji xiadun paused and said to Sima Feng, "to tell you the truth, brother Lin is challenging the Fei gun king in the hundred areas outside the nine districts."

Sima Feng\'s eyes were deep, "Fei Jin?"

Ji Xia nodded.

"Lin Feng is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers." Sima Feng suddenly shook his head, "I\'m afraid the strength of the gun king is about the same as Xia\'er. No wonder Lin Feng will challenge and fail. It\'s really too reckless."


Sima Feng was stunned and looked at Ji Xia, "Xia\'er, didn\'t you remind Lin Feng?"

"I remind you." Ji Xia bit her lips, looked at Sima Feng and said, "master, in fact, brother Lin didn\'t lose to King Fei gun."

"What do you mean?" Sima Feng didn\'t understand.

Ji Xia shook her head. "I don\'t know why, but brother Lin should have deliberately lost to King Fei gun. He admitted it himself."

Sima Feng was stunned and said with a smile, "Lin Feng is really a child\'s temper. He will lose if he loses. It\'s not a shame to lose to Fei gun king."

"No, it\'s true, master." Ji Xia looked at Sima Feng and said in a deep voice, "I\'ve seen the battle between Lin Feng and Fei gun king from beginning to end. Lin Feng... He didn\'t even take out half of his strength."

"Impossible!" Sima Feng frowned.

He knows the strength of Fei Jin.

"It\'s true, master." Ji Xia smiled bitterly. "Didn\'t you say that the strength of King Fei gun and I was half as good as each other? After that, I really had a competition with Lin Feng."

"You failed?" Sima Feng\'s eyes were deep.

Ji Xia nodded.

Sima Feng frowned and said, "even so, it can\'t prove..."

"One move." Ji Xia\'s eyes were shining and sighed softly, "Lin Feng only shot one shot and defeated me."

Thinking of that war, Ji Xia still has a fresh memory.

The Nine Dragons soared, full of terrible power, as if to tear him to pieces.

His indigo pupil was completely cracked, and Lin Feng\'s strength

Has left him far away.

"Lin Feng, one move... Defeated Xia\'er you?!" Sima Feng stared and stood in place.

The news was really shocking to Sima Feng!

The Five-Year "talent trial" came to an end.

But some people are happy and others are worried.

There are only 100 places in the inner door, and the competition is very fierce, which makes people break their heads.

One in a million!

"I didn\'t expect that the first place in this session should be a woman."

"Tut Tut, and she\'s still a beautiful woman! Water is exquisite. She\'s really like her name. Water lotus is exquisite." a young man in Chinese clothes was elated, and his eyes showed a look of infatuation. "It\'s so beautiful. If I can marry her, I\'ll be worth my short life of 100 years."

"Ha ha, don\'t dream, just your strength? People can beat you with one move!" a big boy smiled.

"What are you talking about, you short white gourd!" the young man in Chinese clothes glared angrily.

"Say you\'re daydreaming, second ancestor!" the boy refused.

"All right, all right, stop arguing!"


The ninth district became lively.

Especially outside, the population is booming.

Apart from a small number of young talents who are unwilling to join the outer gate, more than 2 million new people have poured into the outer gate of District 9.

Four words can describe——


Challenges continued in all directions, and the new people formed parties and camps to win over each other.

The competition for Reiki region is even more intense.

It was a stone that stirred thousands of waves.

The area where Lin Feng is located has long been occupied by new people one after another. Originally, he was at the end of the outer gate of zone 9, but now he has been promoted to the middle and rear section. However, these are irrelevant to Lin Feng.

No matter how fierce the outside door of District 9 is.

Lin Feng, completely immersed in his own world.

Hold the gun with one hand. The ember magic gun is parallel to the ground and 90 degrees to the body.

Gun stake!

For ten days.

Lin Feng didn\'t move.

It seems to become a sculpture.


In fact, Lin Feng is deeply aware of the "gun" and the deeper artistic conception.

The battle of that day was replayed one after another. Lin Feng used all his spirit to feel Fei Jin\'s artistic conception of shooting and his every shot and every detail. The whole person entered a wonderful state. He seemed to understand something, but he couldn\'t grasp it all the time.


"Boss, ten days have come." the voice of wings sounded in my heart.

Pop! Lin Feng\'s eyes opened.
