Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 558


For a long time, Lin Feng wanted to fight with the real gun learner.

Now, it has fulfilled its wish.

"Whoosh!" straight ahead, Lin Feng maintained the speed of Xinghai level 6.

"A good chance."

"It\'s rare to meet a strong man with stronger shooting skills and deeper understanding than me."

"I must not waste this opportunity to steal teachers!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are light and sparkling.

Since he absorbed the blood essence and essence of tianwu witch family, his body has been reborn.

Although the strength level is still Xinghai level 6, the body is comparable to Xinghai level 9. If he really goes all out, Fei Jin in front of him, no matter how good his shooting skills and strength are, there is an absolute gap of three levels, and he can\'t resist it at all.

But this

Not what you want.

"Shun Huang Gang Qi!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

The aura was instilled into the fire, and it was frozen on the ember magic gun for a moment. The Milky gas was wrapped around it.

With the fluctuation of human soul, the black fog condenses out, doubling the speed. The forest wind attacks first and refuses to suffer at all.

"Oh?" Fei Jin\'s eyes changed slightly.

Shrouded in black fog, the body seemed to be in a quagmire.

His body suddenly became heavy, but Fei Jin didn\'t care at all.

"Fast light ball!" the white light ball in Fei Jin\'s hand is bright and emits strong white light. The five-star Lingbao shows its power. It condenses a piece of strange energy around Fei Jin\'s body. The speed doubles sharply, completely offsetting the black fog effect.

And now——

Fei Jin\'s gun moved.

As if it had a soul, the seemingly ordinary long gun suddenly burst out with amazing power.


Like a strong wind.

Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened, and the ember magic gun also shook up, "shot in the storm!"

The ember magic gun sounds like it\'s alive, but it\'s less flexible and natural than Fei Jin\'s FUHENG gun. It seems that one is acting at will and the other is acting deliberately. The two are different from each other.

The gap in the realm of marksmanship!

The strong wind roared and the gun move moved the wind, and Fei Jin\'s eyes immediately flashed.


Two guns, blend together.

Lin Feng felt a slight shock in his arm. His word "entanglement" seemed to be restrained, and his power could not be brought into full play.

If Cai feizong\'s promotion of "storm shooting" could not arouse the wind, perhaps he would have lost the battle.

Nevertheless, it is still controlled by others.

"The strength is slightly better than me, and the speed is slightly inferior to me."

"But he didn\'t do his best. He didn\'t use his soul or star power."

Lin Feng thought in his heart. His right arm was numb. With the violent vibration, he separated from Fei Jin.

Just a moment ago, Lin Feng had a general understanding of the strength of the Fei gun king in front of him.

"My feeling is right at all. His shooting realm is still above me."

"No matter how the gun moves, this alone is enough!"

"This time, I must have benefited a lot."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining and he felt a little excited in his heart.

In tianwu mainland, the fifth level of marksmanship that I know has reached the top.

And into the fighting spirit world, there has been no ascension.

Now, the dawn finally shines!

"The sixth realm!"

"The combination of shooting and shooting is perfect, far better than \'returning to nature\'!"

"If I can learn, my strength will increase countless!"

Lin Feng nodded hard, and his amazing resilience had already restored the numbness of his right arm.

Suddenly he drank lightly. Lin Feng seemed to shuttle like a sharp arrow. In an instant, he attacked Fei Jin again.

WOW! A flash of light and shadow flashed past.

When Ji Xia arrived, Lin Feng and Fei Jin were already at war.

The two guns mingled, testing and attacking each other.

For a time, the clang continued.

It\'s a perfect match!

"It was a fight."

"Lin Feng\'s strength has increased so much!"

Ji Xia\'s eyes were bright, suspended in the air, staring at the battle in front of her, and her spirit was incomparably concentrated.

Between Fei Jin\'s strength and his presence in Bozhong, watching his battle will definitely help to improve his strength and combat experience.

"It\'s said that Fei gun king is quick and ruthless."

"Why hasn\'t there been a killing move today?"

Ji Xia wondered, but he didn\'t say anything.

Even the star power didn\'t break out, which shows that Fei Jin kept a lot of hands.

Indeed, as Ji Xia saw, Fei Jin showed mercy.

He hasn\'t touched anyone for decades. It\'s a lie to say he doesn\'t itch. Lin Feng\'s shooting skills are full of vigor, which won Fei Jin\'s joy.

There is no better way to learn a gun than to compete with the same one.

Lin Feng\'s marksmanship also gave Fei Jin great "Enlightenment" value.

In particular, Fei Jin was amazed by the wonderful wind force.

"Young, I have such a deep understanding of marksmanship."

"But... How could he go astray in his shooting realm?"

"That\'s strange."

Fei Jin thought lightly. As time went by, he gradually accelerated the attack range.

Although Lin Feng\'s marksmanship is mysterious, Fei Jin is already "tired" of this move.

"It\'s over." Fei Jin\'s eyes brightened.

"Xingli fourth gear!"


The indigo star burst and Fei Jin\'s muscles swelled.

Outside the body, it condenses a light like entity, filled with a sharp and perfect breath.

To give full play to his real strength, Fei Jin doubled his strength and speed at this moment.

The star power of the fourth gear can be accurately controlled and spread, and the continuous combat time is very strong. It no longer bursts like the first three gears, and then dissipates slowly.

"Have you finally moved your Kung Fu?" Lin Feng thought.

"Waiting is now!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are suddenly bright, and his hidden strength is to play a better point.

The fiercer the battle, the more Fei Jin tried his best to play, the more he could deeply feel his gun move and

Shooting mood!

"Come!" Lin Feng was very wary.

The fire red light of the ember magic gun is extremely prosperous, and Lin Feng doesn\'t retreat but advances.

The wind was strong. With the light chant of the ember magic gun, the forest wind seemed like a strong wind, and then roared out.

"Hmm?" Ji Xia frowned.

I thought Fei Jin could win easily after he made a star power.

But the result

It\'s repression again!

"Lin Feng also burst into stardom?" Ji Xia was stunned. "No, his body hasn\'t changed at all, but..."

"The physical strength is equal to that of Fei gun king?"

Pop! Ji Xia\'s eyes lit up and suddenly smiled, "this guy is still hiding his strength."

At this time, Ji Xia remembered that Lin Feng was the same on that day. It was very strange that he could wield power beyond his own strength.

"But... His shooting skills and ideas are inferior to those of Fei gun king. It\'s a matter of time before he loses."

"Completely suppressed, no offensive."

Ji Xia sighed and felt sorry for Lin Feng.

Lin Feng\'s strength has improved enough to surprise him. He can fight with Fei gun king in such a situation. At his age, there are few Li Yanmen.

"Just inferior to me."

"In the past six months, the promotion of brothers Lin is amazing."

"In the future, I\'m afraid I have to have another competitor."

Ji Xia\'s eyes were bright and bright, and his heart was surprised and praised.

Looking straight at the battle of "equal strength", Ji Xia also felt the sense of war boiling.

I wish I could fight happily at this moment!

Time, minute by minute.

It seems that Lin Feng is in danger everywhere, but he still sticks to it.

Ji Xia looked more and more surprised, only feeling incredible.

"Brother Lin is so tenacious."

"It has not been defeated yet."

Ji Xia was shocked, and Fei Jin felt a tingle in his scalp.

Keep suppressing and suppress again. Lin Feng has always been at a disadvantage, just like a willow in the wind and rain, but no attack can defeat him!

The cold sweat on his forehead was low, and the star power light outside his body had gradually become dim. Fei Jin clenched his teeth and felt more and more powerless.

"No, I may lose if it goes on like this." Fei Jin looked very ugly.

At the thought of this possibility, Fei Jin felt a chill in his back.

The great physical exertion made him deeply understand the "dilemma" in front of him.

The longer it takes, the more dangerous he is!

"Have a fight."

"It can\'t go on like this."

Fei Jin clenched his teeth and the gun in his right hand roared violently.

Then it shook the forest wind, and all the star power of Fei Jin broke out completely, distracting the originally dim indigo light again. At this time, the light at his right elbow condensed and his right arm expanded violently. Fei Jin suddenly drank, "triple gun!"

Soul skill, finally bloom!

Fei Jin could no longer hide any power.

Just one win!

"It seems that he has put all his eggs in one basket." Lin Feng looked calm.

Continuous fighting, for themselves, there is no loss at all.

It seems dangerous, but everything is under control.

The clothes are broken in many places, and the body is even more traumatic, but the amazing resilience of Phoenix\'s blood has already healed his injury.

"Then come." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

The right hand ember magic gun fiercely fell on the left hand. Suddenly, the shadow of stoneware in the left hand of Lin Feng moved.

The faint red light flickers. The changeable Lin Huo is trying to exert its power, but Lin Feng controls it. With a sparkling light in his eyes, Lin Feng suddenly drank, the star power was immediately attracted, the red light burst, Lin Feng\'s body suddenly expanded, and the rich red light was released.

In an instant——

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two lights and shadows gallop, with a strong roar, blooming with great light.

"Boom!!" the earth shaking sound of explosion.

It\'s like the sky thunder moving the earth fire, it\'s like two meteorites colliding, the wind roaring, and the burst of Qi force is shocking.

Ji Xia was shocked when she looked at the place where the smoke rolled.

Patter! Patter!

The sound of blood dripping is clear to the ear.

The smoke and dust gradually dispersed, and two figures flashed out, clear and eye-catching.

Lin Feng covered his chest with his hand. There was a painful wound. The blood was dripping and the flesh was blurred. However, Lin Feng was expressionless. Fei Jin, who stood at each other\'s eyes, held a FUHENG gun. There was residual blood on the tip of the gun. Most importantly, Fei Jin didn\'t have any wounds on his body.

flawless and perfect!

However, Fei Jin\'s face was dull.

The atmosphere is very depressing and suffocating. Looking at them, Ji Xia has great doubts in his eyes.

Who won?