Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 555

Soon, Lin Feng completed the registration formalities.

Since then, he joined Liyan gate and became a candidate disciple of the outer gate.

Unlike taking part in the "talent competition", joining Liyan gate has become the lowest candidate disciple of the outer gate. You can sign up at any time.

The procedures are not complicated. As long as a disciple of Li Yanmen introduces him, he can join.

In less than 30 seconds, it is completed.

"Let you see a joke." Sima Feng said helplessly.

Lin Feng said with an indifferent smile, "there seems to be a festival between the elder and the Han Dharma protector?"

"It\'s not a holiday, but this man is a little stingy and vindictive." Sima Feng nodded slowly. "Ten years ago, I forged a six-star Lingbao. At that time, when Han Dharma protector and Jing Dharma protector learned the news, they both wanted to buy it. According to the rules of the sect, whoever offered the highest price, and finally... I sold it to Jing Dharma protector."

"This offends him?" Lin Feng is neither laughing nor crying.

Han Dharma protector is too careful to take revenge for such a small matter.

Didn\'t I offend him just now

Sima Feng shrugged and said helplessly, "I\'m second to none in liyanmen in terms of weapon refining ability, but I\'m almost at the bottom of the top ten Dharma protectors in terms of strength."

Lin Feng nodded and understood.

The fighting spirit world is still respected by the strong.

"Forget it, it\'s OK not to mention such people." Sima Feng looked at Lin Feng and apologized slightly. "Lin Feng, you\'ve been wronged for a while. After a few months, I\'ll mention it with the leader. You\'ll be promoted within a year and enter the inner door smoothly."

"Isn\'t that another story?" Lin Feng said with an indifferent smile, "don\'t bother your predecessors."

"How can we do that!" Sima Fenglian said, "if we follow the rules of Li Yanmen, even if our strength is strong, the status of our disciples can be promoted to a higher level every year."

"So?" Lin Feng said slightly.

Sima Feng said anxiously, "so even if you can be promoted every year, Lin Feng, it will take you six years to enter the inner door!" the voice fell. Before Lin Feng spoke, Sima Feng shook his head again and again. "It\'s impossible. I recruited you. I must be responsible and never waste your precious cultivation time."

"Your kindness is appreciated by the younger generation." Lin Feng said, "there\'s nothing wrong with being an external disciple. I have light responsibilities and don\'t have to bear any burden. The most important thing is... As long as I am promoted to another level and become an ordinary external disciple, I can also participate in the qualifying."

Qualifying starts every July.

Five years is an age group, with separate competitions.

As long as you are an ordinary disciple of an outside school or above, you can participate.

I have already learned this from thousands of people.

According to the ranking, the top 20 will be rewarded, and will be eligible to enter Yanling Zunfu.

It can be said that it is the most lively event in liyanmen.

"This......" Sima Feng was also stunned and shook his head, "This is different. Internal disciples can enjoy many benefits, such as cultivation environment, various secret scripts and resource allocation, which are unmatched by external disciples. Moreover, only internal disciples can be accepted as disciples by Dharma guardians, elders and even leaders. In addition, the sect has specific activities every month, and many external disciples can\'t participate at all."

"Thank you for your kindness," Lin Feng declined.

It can be seen that Sima Feng is really good for himself.

But at present, I don\'t lack anything. First, I joined liyanmen to have a quiet cultivation environment and can rest and worry free cultivation; second, I have multiple backers to save a lot of unnecessary trouble; third, I joined liyanmen for the identity token of Yanling\'s noble house.

Therefore, the difference between the inner door and the outer door is not too great.

If there is, it is the way others look at themselves, or their attitude.

But... Does it matter?

"Alas! ~" Sima Feng sighed, but it was useless to persuade him, but he had no choice but to promise, "well, Lin Feng, when will you change your attention and find me again?"

"Good." Lin Feng smiled slightly.


"I\'m so angry!" Han Lu\'s face was ferocious and his veins were exposed.

Sit down, pick up the tea on the table and drink it directly.

"Shit!" Han Lu forced his right hand, and the cup suddenly fell apart and the pieces flew everywhere. The disciples of Liyan gate had never seen such a scene. They were all silent. The pieces flew over their cheeks and cut the wound, but they were still bleeding and didn\'t dare to say a word.

At this time——

"Master, why are you so angry?" the light and long voice sounded, cadenced and feminine.

It was a ghost figure, a thin man like firewood, a pair of yin and Yang eyes shining brightly, and a gloomy smile appeared on his face, which made people shudder.

"Oh, it\'s like jade?" Han Lu glanced at it with a gentle breath.

"I\'ve seen the master." Bian Ruyu\'s cheek moved and said, "I don\'t know if I can share my worries for the master?"

Han Lu stared at Bian Ruyu, with some light in his cold eyes, nodded and said, "among the martial brothers, you are the most insidious and cunning. Keep a close watch on a disciple for me. Today, he just joined the outer gate and became a candidate disciple, named Lin Feng."

"Candidate disciple of the outer gate?" Bian Ruyu was stunned.

Looking up at Han Lu, Bian Ruyu immediately bowed his head and said, "yes, master, what do you do?"

"Isn\'t it..." Bian Ruyu raised his head, his eyes were cold, and made a move to wipe his neck.

"Don\'t worry." Han Lu said coldly, "send someone to closely monitor him first and report to me immediately if there is any special news." thinking of Lin Feng\'s appearance just now, Han Lu couldn\'t help showing a chill in his eyes and said coldly, "when you need to take action, I\'ll inform you."

Bian Ruyu\'s eyes burned and said, "yes, master."


Inside the Liyan gate.

Sima Feng walked around with Lin Feng.

Every time I went to each place, I explained it in detail and made every effort to be a host without any shelf.

Lin Feng nodded from time to time, or asked some small questions. Sima Feng answered them patiently.

Get along well.

"Well, Xia\'er\'s residence is ahead." Sima Feng pointed to the front.

When Lin Feng looked at it, he saw a murmuring brook and long grass. There was a stone house standing near the water. The scenery was unique.

"The aura here is really dense, far better than the residence of external disciples." Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling and his breath is very transparent. Even if the aura here is slightly inferior to the wind valley of caifei Zongna. And this is still the most dense part of the spirit of Liyan gate.

"Regret?" Sima Feng smiled. "It\'s still time to change your mind."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and shook his head.

Reiki density is not what you need most now.

As long as there is enough star stone to absorb, even if the aura is thin, it is the same for yourself.

Wheeze! Wheeze~

The sword light is heavy, with fierce and vigorous Qi.

Not far from the stone house, Ji Xia is waving his double swords and practicing as if there were no one else.

"Xia\'er has learned from the bitter experience and practiced hard for half a year since she lost to you last time." Sima Feng looked at Lin Feng thoughtfully, and his expression seemed to say, \'you\'re careful\'. Lin Feng smiled, "don\'t hide it from the elder generation. The younger generation came to Yanmen this time. Originally, another purpose was to fight with brother Ji really again."

Last time, it was invincible!

I really want to have a good fight with Ji Xia at his peak.

See who is strong and who is weak.

"Good." Sima Feng clapped Lin Feng\'s shoulder with appreciation, showing a point of appreciation in his eyes, "but don\'t underestimate Xia er. In the past six months, he not only recovered his state, but also made breakthroughs. Now he has the strength to impact the top five at the same age of Li Yanmen!"

Lin Feng made a soft "um" sound and his eyes were burning.

Just looking at Ji Xia\'s momentum of using his double swords, he is different.

In particular, the eyes with indigo luster are full of courage, just like the eyes of Shura.


It only impacts the strength of the top five.

Not even the top three!

"Li Yanmen is really as strong as clouds."

"Ji Xia was defeated by \'golden cicada\', but golden cicada couldn\'t even take Ji Xiu\'s move."

"And this is just the same age as me. If you are a little older, your strength will be absolutely stronger!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and his heart jumped wildly.

Out of the green smoke City, I realized that the fighting spirit world is far beyond my imagination.

There are hundreds of millions of martial arts in a single fierce Yanmen.

Until now, I really understand what Duoduo said that day. Compared with the fighting spirit world, tianwu continent is really as insignificant as a sand dust.

But the more so, the more challenging!


"Wow!" Ji Xia stopped.

With his strength, he can clearly feel the surrounding environment even in practice.

"Master!" Ji Xia said with a smile. When he saw Lin Feng, he was stunned and said, "brother Lin, do you really not join Li Yanmen?"

"No, I\'ve joined liyanmen." Lin Feng smiled.

"Really? Great!" Ji Xia smiled happily, but he saw the master\'s expression was strange. He suddenly remembered something and said in surprise, "by the way, brother Lin, since you participated in the \'talent trial\', why did you come here? It shouldn\'t be over so soon?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head, "no, I just became a candidate disciple of the outer gate."

"What?!" Ji Xia stared with wide eyes and was completely stunned, "impossible!"

Suddenly he looked at Sima Feng and saw the helpless expression on his master\'s face. Ji Xia frowned, "master, what\'s going on?"

"It\'s a long story." Sima Feng sighed, "you talk slowly. Xia\'er, I\'ll arrange for Lin Feng later. I\'ll leave these chores to you. Remember, no matter what Lin Feng wants, try to meet him."

"Yes, master," Ji Xia said.

Sima Feng looked at Lin Feng, his eyes burning, "really... Don\'t regret?"

Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

"That\'s all right." Sima Feng sighed helplessly, "I won\'t force people to be difficult. I\'ll leave first. If anything happens, Lin Feng, you can come to me directly."

"OK, sir." Lin Feng nodded.

Looking at Sima Feng\'s leaving figure, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Li Yanmen doesn\'t know anything else, but master Sima treats himself sincerely, just like his family.

This feeling is very comfortable.