Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 556

"I see." Ji Xia frowned slightly.

"In fact, for me, the difference between the inner door and the outer door is not too big." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

For myself, Li Yanmen is always just a stop on the road of cultivation.

Speaking from the bottom of my heart, I don\'t want to bother master Sima too much.

"In fact, this kind of thing often happens." Ji Xia nodded. "Rules are dead, people are alive. Generally speaking, others will sell Shifu\'s face and turn a blind eye. Unfortunately, they met Shifu\'s sworn enemy \'Han Lu\'."

Lin Feng smiled. There are contradictions and conflicts where there are people.

With such a big Yanmen, even if master Sima\'s interpersonal relationship is good, he will inevitably take care of one thing and lose the other.

"There\'s a headmaster pressing on it. Shifu and Han Lu haven\'t had a big dispute these years, but our martial brother and Han Lu\'s disciples are fierce in open and secret fighting." Ji Xia\'s eyes flashed coldly, "if you don\'t tell me, I was almost abandoned by the golden cicada in the qualifying match the year before last."

"I heard master Sima mention it." Lin Feng nodded.

In qualifying that year, golden cicada ranked first