Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 554

The three methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The first method is dangerous and time-consuming. Its advantage is that it has the least restraint and can start at any time.

The second method is the safest, but it is difficult to become an elite disciple of Liyan sect in ten or eight years. According to thousands of words, the disciples of Liyan sect want to be promoted. Of course, their strength is indispensable, but their loyalty to the sect and contribution are the most important.

If you follow the second method, you may have to spend a lot of "meaningless" time to improve the "contribution" of the sect.

The third method is the simplest and simplest.

But it is also dangerous. The death rate of Yanling Zunfu is about 20% every year.

Although it is not high, it is not a simple figure year after year.

Maybe I can avoid it twice at a time, but what about ten or twenty times?

However, there is nothing perfect in the world.

To reap, nature has to pay a price.

"Hoo ~" Lin Fengchang exhaled and stood still.

There were all kinds of noisy voices in my ears. At this time, the "talent trial" was about to begin. On the periphery of Liyan gate, all the martial artists who participated in the competition were ready to show their skills, but they sharpened their swords in five years.

But Lin Feng is very calm.

Looking up at the sky, Lin Feng\'s eyes were sparkling, as if thinking about something.

"What\'s the matter?" Sima Feng saw Lin Feng stop, surprised and said, but his eyes showed a cunning.

Looking at Sima Feng, Lin Feng said with a smile, "Jiang is really old and hot. You have won the senior. To tell you the truth, I am excited and willing to join Li Yanmen." every sentence can\'t be separated from Li Yanmen. How can I not know Sima Feng\'s intention.

However, what Sima Feng said hit his weakness.

Joining Li Yanmen is not exclusive. All the time, it\'s just

Lack of a reason.

Now, this reason has emerged.

Leaving Yanling mansion and going to dayanzhou has always been what I pursue.

"How can we win or lose?" Sima Feng said with a light smile. "No matter for you or for Li Yanmen, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages and win-win."

Lin Feng smiled, but he understood what Sima Feng said.

For Li Yanmen, what if he gets more in Yanling mansion?

That day was as strong as the Yanling family, which was also fragmented and only shed a branch.

Even if there is no civil war, the existence of the "house" is only a flash in the pan. Sooner or later, it will be destroyed by the witch clan.

Only "continent" is the real human belonging!

Therefore, Li Yanmen encouraged his disciples to go to dayanzhou, and even sent strong stars to "pick them up". As for the pick-up fee, it was only a small consideration. The most important thing was that the pick-up conditions must be the elite disciples of the inner door.

What is the elite disciple of the inner sect?

It means not only strength, but also true loyalty to the sect!

"Let\'s go. There should be time to sign up." Sima Feng smiled.

"Good." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

If you come, you will be at ease.

With Sima Feng, Lin Feng soon came to a sea of people.

In fact, it didn\'t take long at all. It seemed that I was going this way, quite along the way.

"You are indeed an elder. You have set me up early in the morning." Lin Feng smiled helplessly. Sima Feng was full of confidence in persuading himself to join liyanmen. Obviously, entering dayanzhou is definitely more than the three methods he said. It should be that he specially picked out these three methods to \'seduce\' himself.

"Not so." Sima Feng said with his hands on his back, "just go by the way. After all, as one of the Dharma protectors, I also have a share in the talent trial."

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled calmly, but he didn\'t care about this little detail.

Whether intentional or unintentional, for yourself, the important thing is not the process.

But I do have a reason to join Li Yanmen.

It\'s a good thing.

"There are so many people coming to the trials." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

Looking around, there was a vast sea of people. Except for people, they seemed to see nothing else.

Such a scene is shocking!

The breath is strong and weak. Xinghe level is as common as ordinary people here. Xinghai level strong people can feel it everywhere.

At least hundreds of thousands!


"Sure enough, it\'s Li Yanmen. Just a newcomer, he has such strength." Lin Feng sighed lightly.

Compared with Li Yanmen, the real boss of Yanling mansion, Lvyan city is not a grade at all, with a gap of 18000 miles.

The most important thing is that all the participants here are young men and girls, all under the age of 20!

It can be said that the potential is unlimited!

"Come and sign up," Sima Feng waved.

"Good." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

"What did you say?" Sima Feng\'s eyes were suddenly cold.

"This, this... Sima Dharma protector, indeed, indeed, has exceeded the registration time." a short man in liyanmen martial clothes said with fear in his eyes.

"Isn\'t there half incense time for the trial to start?" Sima Feng\'s face sank.

"Yes, yes." the Li Yanmen disciple stammered and trembled, "but the registration deadline is a quarter of an hour before the start of the trial..."

"Don\'t do this with me!" Sima Feng\'s eyes were suddenly cold and stared at the Liyan gate disciple, "who is in charge here?" his voice was sonorous. After all, Sima Feng was in a high position in Liyan gate, and his momentum was amazing. The short man who was scared fell to the ground and looked terrified.

Looking at this situation, Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

But it is also doomed. There is no need to force. I am waiting to open my mouth to persuade Sima Feng.


"Why bother to be small, Sima Dharma protector?" the voice felt desolate. An eagle eyed man in military uniform stepped forward, holding three steel balls in his hand, with a faint smile on his face. Lin Feng\'s eyes burned and felt the oppression of the eagle eyed man.

Seeing the eagle eyed man coming, he scared the short man sitting on the ground as if he saw the Savior. He even climbed up with his hands and feet and hid behind him.

"Han Dharma protector, you are in charge here?" Sima Feng\'s eyes flashed.

"What is it, what is not?" Han Lu smiled calmly. The steel ball in his hand turned and made a metal sound of friction. "Bullying the small with the big, bullying people with the powerful, and protecting the Dharma with the horse. It seems that it will damage your reputation?"

Sima Feng\'s eyes sparkled. "Han Dharma protector seems to have been prepared long ago?"

Seeing the confrontation between the two, Lin Feng was also thoughtful.

This eagle eyed man is obviously one of the Dharma protectors, and from his dialogue with Sima, it seems that the two are not "harmonious".

The most strange thing is that this is the time when the eagle eyed man appeared.

What a coincidence!

"Ha ha." Han Lu laughed twice. "What did Sima protector say? Han was ordered to take charge of statistics and sign up for the competition. Naturally, he did his duty and didn\'t dare to be half careless." he clapped his hands. Han Lu\'s face flashed an innocent look, "rules are rules. After time, he can\'t sign up. Do you think so?"

"That is."


"If you don\'t abide by it, what rules will you make!"


Whispers can\'t help but ring out. Although the voice is small, it is clear to the ear.

Sima Feng\'s face changed slightly and his eyes were cold.

He is not afraid of Han Lu, but if there is a dispute now, it will damage the reputation of the Pope.

But not what he wanted.

At this time——

"Han Dharma protector seems to have made a mistake?" Lin Feng stepped out with a faint smile.

At that moment, everyone\'s eyes converged, and Han Lu\'s eagle eyes were even more sharp. He said in a cold voice, "what are you? You have a share in me and Sima Dharma protector talking here?!" the crazy momentum came out, and Han Lu\'s breath was terrible and suffocating.

But Lin Feng\'s face did not change at all. "The export became dirty. It turned out that the Dharma protector of Li Yanmen is so good?"

As soon as the voice came out, there was a whisper around.

"You!" Han Lu\'s face turned blue. On weekdays, if anyone dared to talk to him like this, he didn\'t know how to die.

But now in full view of the public, he can\'t be half wrong in words and deeds.

Otherwise, it will affect the image of the sect, and the consequences will be quite serious.

"What I just said is very clear. Rules are rules. The registration time is up. It\'s no use for anyone to love." Han Lu snorted coldly and said contemptuously, "don\'t think you can go through the back door if you have some friendship with Sima protector. Please come back!"

Lin Feng smiled, "didn\'t Han protector understand? I didn\'t say it just now. You made a mistake."

"What?" Han Lu frowned.

Lin Feng shrugged. "I\'m not here to participate in the talent trial."

As soon as the voice came out, everyone around was stunned. Han Lu, including Han Lu, looked puzzled and said, "what\'s your name?"

Lin Feng blinked and said with a smile, "sign up to join the outer gate and become a candidate disciple."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned.

With the strength of Xinghai level, can you join as a candidate disciple of the outer gate?

Are you kidding?!

Even if you don\'t participate in the "talent competition", liyanmen has a special meeting to recruit disciples every year. With the strength of Xinghai, at least they start with junior disciples from outside. Joining as a candidate disciple is like letting an adult enter a school. It\'s too strange!

Han Lu\'s face was green and white, but he made a big embarrassment in front of the people, and he felt ashamed.

However, what Lin Feng said is reasonable, but he has no way to refute it.

Gnashing his teeth, Han Lu\'s eyes flashed cold, "good, good!"

The three good words showed Han Lu\'s pent up anger.

I hate Lin Feng more.


Lin Feng didn\'t care, smiled and said, "dare you ask Han Dharma protector, can I sign up now?"

There were bursts of pleasant laughter around, which fell into Han Lu\'s ears like a sharp needle into his heart. He was trembling with anger and clenched his fists. The three steel balls had already been crushed. Han Lu shouted angrily, "Lu an!"

"Yes, yes!" the short man behind Han Lu replied in fear.

"Sign him up!" seemed to be the words oozing from his teeth. Han Lu clenched his teeth and snorted angrily.

He looked at Lin Feng angrily, as if he were a wolf. Han Lu immediately brushed his sleeve and left.