Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 551

Liyanmen is a grand place of Yanling mansion.

Located in the south of Yanling mansion, it commands 15 cities!

The smallest city is far better than the green smoke city. If the area under the command of Li Yanmen is compared to a river, the green smoke city is not even a stream. Every year, the number of newcomers to liyanmen alone is more than that of all the sects in Lvyan city.

In Yanling mansion, Li Yanmen is a well deserved Big Mac!

And Yanling wanzu, Qiyue palace!

Liyan gate is located in the center of the 15 cities under its control.

The place where zongmen is located is vast.

It is a huge plain with beautiful mountains, forests and waters.

It is said that this is a spiritual place where divine beasts once lived. Therefore, the aura is very deep, but it is impossible to verify whether it is true or false.

In terms of the coverage area alone, it is a hundred times better than the green smoke city.

In fact, liyanmen is bigger than any of the fifteen cities!

However, the buildings of liyanmen are not outstanding, even more primitive than Lvyan city. Many disciples build a wooden house or stone house by themselves as a habitat, but they don\'t choose it. As a martial artist, the place of cultivation only needs to meet two conditions.

It is quiet and quiet, with dense aura.

Especially the latter, is the top priority.

It doesn\'t matter whether the residence is luxurious or beautiful.

Liyan gate is divided into inner gate and outer gate.

The inner gate is the elite and core of the real Liyan gate.

If you want to hold a position in liyanmen, the first condition is to enter the inner door.

However, the number of people in the inner gate is very small, even less than one ten thousandth of the outer gate. It is more difficult to enter than to ascend to heaven.

As for the division between the outer gate and the inner gate, it is more subtle, including candidate disciples, ordinary disciples, junior disciples, intermediate disciples, senior disciples, elite disciples and so on. Most of the disciples who enter the inner gate every year are selected from the elite disciples of the outer gate through layers of screening. In liyanmen, it is extremely difficult to be promoted step by step, and it is even more difficult to become an inner disciple.

There is only one way to enter the inner door directly!


huge crowds of people.

Millions of boys and girls gathered outside liyanmen.

"Mother, I must live up to my trust!"

"Dad, you will never lose face!"

"Brother, this time we will join hands to enter the inner door!"

"Yes, brother."


Today is a big day.

A large number of young talents and rising talents from Yanling mansion have been gathered.

This is the five-year liyanmen talent trial.

Since the founding of Li Yanmen, it has maintained this ancient tradition and selected Yanling mansion talents.


The event is held every five years on the day when Li Yanmen was founded. It is divided into three age groups: six to ten years old, eleven to fifteen years old and sixteen to twenty years old. The best 30 people in each age group and ten people from one to five years old are selected to enter the inner door of Liyan gate.

Directly cross the threshold of the outer gate and become a candidate disciple or even an ordinary disciple of the inner gate.

Those who fail will enter the outer gate with the results of talent trials and become candidate disciples or ordinary disciples of the outer gate.

Of course, if you have confidence, you can challenge again in five years.

"No, why don\'t you come?" Sima Feng hurriedly turned around.

"Don\'t worry, master. Thousands of people know the importance of today and should bring Lin Feng back." Ji Xia smiled calmly and didn\'t feel flustered. Thousands of characters he knows best. However, although he is capricious on weekdays, he can distinguish which is light and which is heavy.

But... Ji Xia didn\'t expect that thousands of people have been married and have no ideas.

"Today is the last and most important day of the six-month period agreed." Sima Feng frowned and sighed, "if I miss today, even if I take Lin Feng as an apprentice, I can\'t break the rules. If I want to enter the inner door, I have to wait five more years."

Ji Xia smiled confidently, "brother Lin is a trustworthy man and should not break his appointment."

"But..." Sima Feng sighed, "the problem is that there is only half an hour left from the beginning of the talent trial."

It\'s a long day.

Chenshi is also in the day, and Zishi is also in the day.

When Sima Feng felt anxious, suddenly there was a loud noise outside. The voice of the Jiao drink was very familiar. For a moment, Sima Feng and Ji Xia looked at each other, and their eyes showed surprise and a long lost smile.

That\'s Qin Qianqian\'s voice!

"A good dog doesn\'t stand in the way!" Jiao outside shouted repeatedly.

Even, there was a crackling sound, and the rich breath burst to bring the sound of scream.

Sima Feng smiled bitterly, but Ji Xia\'s eyes brightened.

"Hum, if you don\'t reach the Yellow River, you\'ll never die. I have to do it!" Qin Qianqian stepped into the door with a charming voice. He was very excited and happy to see Sima Feng and Ji Xia, "master, senior brother! ~"

"Finally willing to come back." Sima Feng smiled helplessly.

"Younger martial sister." Ji Xia nodded slightly, but her eyes fell on a familiar figure walking out behind Qin Qianqian.

Black coat, carrying a long gun scabbard, and the good temperament revealed in that ordinary face are too familiar.

"I\'ve been waiting for you for a long time, brother Lin." Ji Xia\'s face burst into a smile.

"Senior, brother Ji, hello." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

At this time, there was a noise outside the door.

Many disciples dressed in martial arts clothes came in panic, and many were black and blue. Obviously, they suffered a lot just now.

Seeing Sima Feng, he immediately knelt on one knee, "Sima Dharma protector, just now..."

"I know." Sima Feng waved and said faintly, "go out."

"Yes." the disciples immediately withdrew.

Looking at Lin Feng, Sima Feng smiled and said, "sorry, Lin Feng, this was the rule of Liyan gate just now. You haven\'t been my Liyan gate disciple yet, so you can\'t go in and out at will. In fact, even if you become a disciple of Liyan gate, you can\'t enter everywhere."

"I understand." Lin Feng nodded calmly.

There is no square without rules. Li Yanmen can stand in Yanling mansion with its own unique set.

But it doesn\'t matter. Anyway, I didn\'t come to join Li Yanmen this time.

"Younger martial sister, you seem to have made great progress in strength in the past six months?" Ji Xia opened his mouth with bright eyes.

Qin Qianqian\'s strength just now surprised him.

"Of course!" Qin Qianqian raised his chest proudly. "I haven\'t been lazy all day. Now it\'s Xinghai level 4!"

"Oh?" Ji Xia and Sima Feng were surprised, especially the latter. They looked at Qin Qianqian as if they were strangers, and said, "when did my little apprentice become so diligent? They really looked at each other three days after they left."

"Master!" Qin Qianqian blushed and said angrily.

Qiao\'s eyes secretly looked at Lin Feng. Seeing that the latter had no expression change, she was relieved.

"Hmm?" how can such a small move escape Ji Xia\'s eyes and say with a freehand smile, "it seems that the relationship between younger martial sister and brother Lin has also improved greatly in the past six months."

"Ah!" Qin Qianqian was lightly surprised, and his pretty face turned red. He thought that Ji Xia saw through his relationship with Lin Feng, and gently bit his lips, as if he had made up his mind. "I, brother Lin and I are already together."

Poof! Sima Feng just picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, which suddenly gushed out.

Ji Xia stared at Qin Qianqian and Lin Feng in disbelief.

What a surprise!

"Yes, Qianqian and I are already together." Lin Feng glanced lightly and stood out.

Thousands of people have admitted that how can they be timid and dare not stand up?

Since the day when he absorbed the essence, he has completely regarded thousands as relatives and a part of his life. A good girl who has such deep feelings for herself is absolutely worth cherishing and protecting herself from any harm.

No matter who opposes, he can\'t influence his decision.

Staring at Sima Feng and Ji Xia, Lin Feng looked just like a pine standing tall.


"Ha ha! Good, good!" Sima Feng laughed. "I\'m really afraid that thousands of willful little girls can\'t get married. Now I\'m finally at ease."

"Yes, master." Ji Xia looked at Sima Feng and said happily, "younger martial sister, it used to be unruly and unruly. Now, you look like a clever little daughter-in-law." looking at Lin Feng, Ji Xia stretched out his thumb, "brother Lin, really! You have solved our worries!"

Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

I thought they would oppose, but I didn\'t expect

"I\'m worried too much." Lin Feng couldn\'t help laughing.

"But... It seems that Qianqian has a bad reputation in Liyan gate."

Lin Feng smiled lightly, but he didn\'t care too much.

Thousands of people are still young, and they are born in wealth. Even if they are a little willful and unruly, it is normal.

At least she has changed a lot now.

"Master! Elder martial brother!!" Qin Qianqian blushed and stamped his feet in anger. "I, I hate you!"

Looking at Qin Qianqian\'s expression, not only Sima Feng and Ji Xia, but also Lin Feng himself burst into laughter, but Qin Qianqian was so embarrassed. A happy atmosphere enveloped the whole room, full of warmth and comfort.

At this time, there was a clear bell outside.

"Oh, look, I almost forgot." Sima Feng looked at Lin Feng and nodded, "go, Lin Feng, the talent trial is about to begin."

"Talent trials?" Lin Feng was stunned and didn\'t know why.

"Hmm?" Sima Feng frowned and looked at Qin Qianqian, "Qianqian, didn\'t you talk to Lin Feng on the way?"

Qin Qianqian bit his lips and glanced hesitantly at Lin Feng.

"Oh..." Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully and realized clearly in his heart.

It can be judged from people\'s words and expressions. What is the so-called "talent trial".

Looking at Sima Feng, Lin Feng\'s eyes glittered. Although he hesitated a little, he thought twice all the way and made a decision in his heart.

"I\'m sorry, sir. I can\'t join liyanmen." Lin Feng said slowly.