Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 550

Even if Lin Feng has great perseverance.

Can bear what can\'t!

The ending will not change.

The pain did not make Lin Feng faint, but persisted until the end.

His will was almost blurred and his mind was completely blurred, but Lin Feng always heard a voice praying and crying for himself. That is a kind of strength, a kind of faith, which supports yourself. You must not give up or fall!

"Even if there is only a glimmer of hope, I will not give up!"

"Dad, ziyao, Duoduo... Mom, brother, sister, Qianqian..."

"They are all waiting for me. How can I die!"

"How can I die!!!"

Lin Feng shouted madly at the bottom of his heart.

A desperate situation can force a person to give full play to his strength.

Faith can make the impossible possible, even——

Create miracles!

"Peng!!" my mind seemed to burst.

Lin Feng\'s strong perseverance and forced to maintain his consciousness have undergone great changes.

It was no longer his broken body, but came to a vast starry sky.

The stars are shining with endless light.


They are just supporting roles.

The loud and clear cry rang through. It was a huge Phoenix, like the king of the starry sky, full of nobility and pride. The huge wings, the most beautiful feathers, and the pair of eyes that seem to be able to see everything, she dominates everything.

Time, as if still.

It\'s short, but it\'s as long as tens of millions of years.

"Boom!! ~" thunderous sensation.

Pop! Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly opened, with a sharp light, filled with a fine bright light.

There is an inexplicable force in the body.

A familiar and powerful force is far more powerful than the power of essence.

I don\'t know where it comes from, but it exists!

It seems to be hidden in the bottom of my heart.

If potential is awakened!

"Wow!" the essence was controlled instantly.

Big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp. Jingyuan is like a naughty child caught and dare not be half presumptuous again.


The mysterious power envelops the essence and blooms bright colors. It changes in the blink of an eye, like fusion and transformation. All the violent breath of Jingyuan disappears without a trace, replaced by a warm energy, as if it suddenly changed from a violent tornado to a beautiful spring breeze.

Change, great.

But it is developing in a good direction.

The power of essence spreads all over the body like a heavenly woman spreading flowers.

"Ah?!" Lin Feng was inexplicably afraid.

But to my surprise, the power of essence turned around, like turning evil into right. It not only no longer destroyed any part of its body, but repaired its body like fertilizer moistening flowers, together with the blood of the Phoenix.

It feels quite \'weird\'.


The effect is very good.

"My skin?!" Lin Fengji was surprised.

New skin, completely different from before, is full of toughness and strength.

Not only has the resilience not been weakened, but its strength, explosiveness and toughness have been greatly improved.

It feels... Like having the body of the witch.

"I see!"

"It must have integrated the power of essence!"

Lin Feng is both happy and worried. What he likes is his body. This time, it seems that he has changed to a higher level.

I\'m worried about the side effects of this essence power. For example, I don\'t know if my \'appearance\' will also be close to the witch family, like that

It will become quite troublesome.


"Really great!"

Qin Qianqian burst into tears again, but this time he cried with joy.

Watching Lin Feng\'s skin heal gradually and his injury recover slowly, I couldn\'t express my happiness in my heart.

Most importantly, the smell of forest wind is slowly becoming stronger.

feel a sense of relief!

"It\'s really good to have nothing." Qin Qianqian put his hands together and thanked sincerely.

As long as brother Lin can recover safely, she is willing to pay any price.

This time, her prayer finally moved heaven.

Lin Feng doesn\'t know if his appearance will change.

But the changes in the body are remarkable and very effective.

Abundant essence force moistens every inch of your skin.

The meridians are not only repaired, but also greatly expanded. The bones are strong and powerful, and the cells become more active. The body is as powerful as the witch family. Looking inside at his body, Lin Feng completely felt his transformation. It was a change from head to tail, and the whole person took on a new look.

The second time!

Last time, it was the time to fuse the blood of the Phoenix.

"A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise."

"The energy contained in this essence is really powerful."

Lin Feng was amazed. In just a few hours, it was incredible.

Jingyuan\'s "rectification" has brought great benefits to himself.

Not to mention the thorough transformation of the body, this strong energy alone is enough to absorb for a long time.

"Silk ~" "Silk ~ ~"

The breath of energy wanders to every corner of the body.

Enron absorbed the essence power, and Lin Feng\'s physical injury was healed at this time.

The rest is just to strengthen yourself.

"What is the powerful force that controls the essence just now?"

"The Phoenix I saw should be the key, but... Where did it come from and where did it go?"

"Will it have something to do with my blood?"

Lin Feng was full of doubts, but he didn\'t have an answer.

But in any case, it is an unalterable fact that they benefit from it.

"One day, when I am strong enough..."

"Will eventually solve the mystery!"

Very special power!

Energy can not only enhance physical strength, but also have quite abundant astral power.

Absorption, no half barrier.

Everything seems to be assimilated and integrated by the \'mysterious power\'.

Into the power your body can absorb.

Essence, refined with absorption, gradually weakened with the passage of time. And that is hidden in its deepest place, but the cyan color becomes brighter and more transparent. A faint breath, as if it had a charming fragrance, all into the nose.

It\'s a feeling, a power to relax the mind.


"How can this essence have such power?"

Lin Feng secretly suspected that this power was like that contained in fairy fruit.

It\'s just that there\'s too much energy, far more than the best fairy fruit you\'ve ever seen.

"That\'s strange."

"But don\'t worry about it!"

Since I can\'t figure it out, why bother to think about it.

Anyway, as long as the "essence" exhausts its strength, the cyan and yellow color contained in it will "break out of the cocoon".

We\'ll know then.

Day after day.

In the twinkling of an eye, ten days passed.

For Qin Qianqian, every day is like torture.

Although I knew that Lin Feng was all right and my physical injury had already recovered, but

But still worried.

This is not only a fear, but also a concern.

At this time, Lin Feng has absorbed the essence, and the strengthening of the body has reached an amazing level. Most importantly, the cyan color is completely transparent. With refining and absorption, the thin surface can no longer block the cyan energy.

In an instant——

Crazy vent.

"So rich!"

"What power is this!"

Lin Feng was shocked and only felt his heart beating.

It feels like taking countless fairy fruits and herbs, and the body is full of aura and power.

With an inexhaustible amount of energy.

"It doesn\'t fit in with the energy of the essence."

"This energy is more pure, more essential and warmer."

Lin Feng clearly sensed the green and yellow color. Although the energy was also huge, he was quite "docile" and obedient like a little daughter-in-law. Integrate into body cells and every inch of skin, so that the body is saturated and then begins to absorb.

"It\'s a more refined aura of heaven and earth." Lin Feng\'s heart was faint.

This is the same as most fairy fruits, but the "density" of aura is different, more pure and refined.

"Absorbing the essence of aura, the level of strength should improve quickly." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

In an instant——

"Emperor Shun\'s vigorous Qi." Lin Feng\'s look changed, and the Milky air turned around his body.

Absorbing the essence to the extreme heaven and earth aura, it turns into the energy that each part of the body can absorb, and the strength of Lin Feng advances by leaps and bounds.

Lin Feng didn\'t know that this was the "mystery color" of the nine star fairy fruit that the stoneware family had been looking for but couldn\'t find.

It is only ten days away from sublimation.

On that day, the leader of Wu Wu family knew that danger was coming. He would rather destroy natural objects than cheap stoneware blades, which helped Lin Feng. In fact, if this nine star fairy fruit "mystery color" is really sublimated, Lin Feng\'s current strength can not be absorbed, not to mention, it can\'t turn him.

Unlike now

For no reason.

It takes more than half a month.

"Hoo ~ ~" long spit out a mouthful of turbid gas. With the last drop of energy absorbed, Lin Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

Bright and bright, with a touch of joy.

This time, I was blessed with misfortune.

Although I made a big circle at the edge of the cliff, the experience is quite unforgettable, but the result is gratifying. Not only does the body completely degenerate and evolve, like a combination of the Witch and the ancient race; Strength and other levels, breaking through a large level.

The number of stars increased from four to five.

Strength level, from Xinghai level 5 to level 6!

Completely reborn!

Combat effectiveness, that\'s up and up!

"If I only absorb the \'blood essence\' of tianwu witch family, my basic body value will be increased by about 60%. Lin Feng secretly said in his heart.

"If you count the transformation and transformation of the body by Jingyuan, it is more than twice as much!"

Lin Fengji was surprised that his body was abnormal enough to integrate the blood of the Phoenix.

Now, it is a higher level!

Xinghai level 6, but has a body comparable to Xinghai level 9.

Even compared with the witch clan, it is better than it!

"Very good!" Lin Feng was quite satisfied.

And now——

WOW! Qin Qianqian, who was practicing, opened his eyes.

They looked at each other, full of joy and miss.

"Brother Lin!" Qin Qianqian burst into tears and rushed over, hugging Lin Feng tightly for fear of losing him.

"Sorry to worry you." Lin Feng stroked Qin Qianqian\'s hair and said softly.

In their most difficult times, thousands of people have been supporting themselves. The sound of crying and prayer is still deeply intertwined in the bottom of my heart.

That\'s your most precious asset.

It\'s rare to have a lover.