Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 552

in perfect silence.

Both Sima Feng and Ji Xia were stunned.

How many people want to enter the Liyan gate, even if the probability of entering the inner gate is extremely small, they still refuse to give up.

Lin Feng, who had such a good opportunity, was indifferent.

"Brother Lin, you......" Ji Xia frowned and looked at Lin Feng. Qin Qianqian\'s face did not change and he already understood it in his heart. Obviously, Lin Fengding has already made this decision, but... This decision is really a little unexpected.

In Ji Xia\'s opinion, it\'s really too inexplicable.

"Brother Lin, do you want to join Yanling wanzu or Qiyue palace?" Ji Xia doubted.

Lin Feng smiled calmly and shook his head, "brother Ji, you misunderstood. I just don\'t want to join any sect for the time being."

With a little hesitation, Lin Feng didn\'t say his plan.

For myself, joining liyanmen now doesn\'t do much good.

Sima Feng\'s eyes flickered and said slowly, "Xia\'er, Qianqian, you go out first. I want to talk to Lin Feng alone." Ji Xia and Qin Qianqian nodded and even pushed the door out. In such a big room, there were only Sima Feng and Lin Feng left for a moment.

Sima Feng sighed, "in fact, I shouldn\'t force people to be difficult, but..."

Looking at Lin Feng with burning eyes, Sima Feng said with regret, "the \'talent trial\' of Li Yanmen is only held once every five years. Millions of young talents in Yanling mansion have crushed their heads just to grab 100 places to enter the inner door. It\'s a pity if Lin Feng gives up."

"Sorry, sir." Lin Feng apologized.

From Sima Feng\'s tone of voice, he can fully feel that "sincerity".

It is a kind of concern of predecessors for future generations, from the bottom of my heart.

Sima Feng shook his head and said, "before you came, I had cleared the relationship for you and met the leader. If there is no accident, as long as you can sign up for the competition and enter the inner door, it is a certainty."

Looking at Lin Feng, Sima Feng\'s eyes twinkled and said slowly, "I Sima Feng\'s strength is not strong. I\'m near the bottom of all Dharma protectors. If you don\'t want to be a disciple of our school..." Sima Feng smiled, "I won\'t force it. Instead, I can help you introduce a stronger master and give full play to your potential."

"No, no, elder misunderstood." Lin Feng said, "younger generation doesn\'t mean that."

"Oh, is that?" Sima Feng was surprised.

Lin Feng thought about it and said truthfully, "I don\'t want to join liyanmen, but I need to raise a lot of money in a short time."

"A large sum of money?" Sima Feng was puzzled. "Qianqian is not a stingy person. With your relationship with Qianqian..."

"This is not very good." Lin Feng smiled and shook his head.

It doesn\'t matter if it\'s a small number, but what you need is a really large number.

Sima Feng said softly, "how much is it?"

Lin Feng smiled and stretched out a finger.

"Ten thousand doling coins? Or one hundred thousand doling coins?" Sima Feng smiled, "I dare not say anything else, but the rest is still a little, if Lin Feng needs it..." seeing Lin Feng shook his head, Sima Feng tightened his eyebrows and said in surprise, "is it a million doling coins?"

Lin Feng smiled calmly, "no, it\'s 10 million Dou Ling coins."

"Si ~ ~" Sima Feng took a breath of air-conditioning and stared at him. He couldn\'t believe it. "Lin Feng, what do you want so much money for?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Sima Feng immediately changed his face slightly and apologized, "sorry, I made a mistake."

This is tantamount to exploring people\'s privacy and can\'t be asked.

"It\'s not necessary to have 10 million doling coins." Lin Feng smiled. Sima Feng was relieved. He just nodded. Lin Feng said again, "but five or six million doling coins are still needed. As for the purpose, please forgive me."

Sima Feng smiled bitterly. Although he was the chief tool refiner of liyanmen, he didn\'t have so much money.

Unless you sell all your possessions, you may be able to scrape together half.

Lin Feng wants so much money. What do you want to do?

"He should... Have another purpose." Sima Feng thought in his heart, but he was not reluctant.

Although there was a little disappointment, I felt sorry for Li Yanmen\'s loss of a talent, but I also understood the truth that the melon is not strong.

"That\'s all right." Sima Feng looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "I respect your decision. I hope you can earn 10 million doling coins as soon as possible. The visitor is a guest. If Lin Feng is all right, you might as well stay in liyanmen for a while, so that I can play the host\'s friendship."

"That\'s troublesome, elder." Lin Feng smiled.

"This way, please." Sima Feng smiled.

Get out of the door.

The two walked together, talking and laughing.

"These two little guys, it\'s such a short meeting that they don\'t even have people." Sima Feng reluctantly smiled.

"Qianqian misses the senior brothers and sisters of zongmen very much." Lin Feng nodded. "Along the way, I often talk about her interesting stories in zongmen. I\'m very happy."

From thousands of people, I generally know how Li Yanmen\'s life is.

To tell you the truth, it\'s very free. Time is basically allocated by yourself. It\'s very suitable for yourself.


At present, I have one less reason to join liyanmen.

What for?

Sima Feng stroked his beard. "Yes, Qianqian is my ninth apprentice. Her senior brothers and sisters love her very much and treat her as their own sister." then Sima Feng looked at Lin Feng and said with a smile, "I\'ll give you this little naughty in the future. If you bully her, be careful that her eight senior brothers and sisters come to trouble you."

Lin Feng smiled, "don\'t worry, elder."


"I\'ve seen the Dharma protector."

"Sima, good Dharma protector! ~"

Along the way, Li Yanmen disciples can be seen everywhere.

Every Liyan disciple respectfully greeted Sima Feng, but looked at Lin Feng with doubt and envy. As they walked away, they immediately whispered and warmly discussed Lin Feng\'s identity.

"Hey, you say, who is the young man in black beside the Sima Dharma protector?"

"I\'m sure this young man is not an inner disciple, but if he is an outer disciple, he can\'t even wear martial arts clothes."

"If you\'re not rich, you\'re expensive. You should be a childe of a certain family. Otherwise, you won\'t go with me as Sima protector."

"Yes, yes, I think so!"


There was a lot of discussion.

Everyone has curiosity.

But Lin Feng didn\'t know that he had a good chat with Sima Feng while walking.

Sima Feng, after all, is the Dharma protector of liyanmen. He is more proficient in refining weapons and has rich experience.

From his mouth, I can learn many things I didn\'t know before.

"The blood essence of the witch family can be absorbed by the human warrior." Sima Feng stroked his long beard and said, "but the fierce Qi is too strong. The martial artist who absorbs the blood essence not only needs the help of immortal fruit or medicine pill, but also has the best strength to exceed the blood essence energy."

Lin Feng nodded to show understanding.

One level is like the blood essence of Xinghai level, which can only be absorbed by the star master level.

Otherwise, it is very likely to explode and die.

"Really ignorant people are fearless." Lin Feng smiled bitterly in his heart.

When I remember that I didn\'t know anything at that time, I absorbed it directly. It\'s also good luck.

If you know this, you dare not absorb it.

"As for the essence," Sima Feng shook his head and said with a wry smile, "as far as I know, those who absorb the essence at the 11th and 12th levels of Xinghai level are all eaten back by powerful energy and die by exploding. The death is quite miserable."

"I can\'t even \'Digest\' the blood of the Phoenix. It\'s true..."

"The power of essence is too powerful."

Lin Feng secretly thought that he was lucky.

If it were not for the mysterious power of "rescue", I am afraid I would also be swallowed up by the essence energy.

"And" the blood of gods and beasts... "Sima shook his head." let\'s not say that our human warriors are ancient races with the blood of gods and animals. Most of them can not withstand the essence of real power. They generally absorb not 100% purity of the blood of gods and beasts, but only 50%, 30%, 10% or even lower purity of the blood of the gods and beasts. "

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining. "Is it possible that humans can absorb the blood of divine beasts?"

"0%! Absolutely impossible!" Sima sighed with a clear veto. "Maybe when the strength is far beyond the beast, at least when the strength is weaker than the beast, it is impossible to bear the essence of this real power."

All doubts are completely eliminated.

At this time, Lin Feng finally believed what stoneware blade said.

Obviously, the strength of the owner of the Phoenix blood he absorbed is far from what he can peep at.

You must have the blood of the \'ancient family\' in your body!

Qiang Feng ancient branch!

"I can\'t imagine how difficult it was for my father and mother." Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

The intermarriage between the human race and the ancient race was so difficult that it was bound to be under great pressure at that time.

"But it\'s not enough to know what happened to father and mother." Lin Feng thought.

In addition to my father and mother, nine times out of ten, those who know what happened are among the Lin family!

Since I came to the fighting spirit world, I have always wanted to enter the southern zhuquezhou.

But... It\'s not easy!


Lin Feng\'s eyes suddenly brightened and his heart shook slightly.

Lvyan city is just a small town in Yanling mansion. Naturally, I don\'t know how to get to zhuquezhou.

But Li Yanmen is one of the best sects in Yanling mansion!

There must be a way!

"Elder, I want to ask, if I want to go to zhuquezhou, is there a way?" Lin Feng asked eagerly with bright eyes.

"Southern region Zhuque island?" Sima Feng looked at Lin Feng in surprise.

"Yes." Lin Feng shook his fists.

Staring at Lin Feng, Sima Feng\'s eyes twinkled, suddenly smiled and shook his head.

For a moment, the hope that had just condensed was lost. Lin Fengchang breathed out a sigh of disappointment.

But it was a joy and a void.

Very helpless.

"Zhuquezhou is too far from here, and the journey spans tens of thousands of \'houses\'." Sima Feng\'s understatement made Lin Feng\'s eyes straight.

Tens of thousands of "houses"?

How far is a Yanling mansion?

How long should these tens of thousands of "houses" be

Totally incalculable!

"But Lin Feng, if you want to go to \'dayanzhou\', it\'s not too difficult." Sima Feng smiled calmly.

WOW! Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened instantaneously.

Sima Feng\'s words were like a sudden Lake in the desert.

My heart is burning!