Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 549

Lin Feng, temporarily settled down.

A hundred drops of Wu Wu Wu\'s blood essence is a great temptation.

It can increase the basic value of the body to a very high level.

"There is still more than a month left, which should be enough to absorb." Lin Feng nodded and looked slightly bright.

Take out the 100 drops of blood essence, Lin Feng\'s eyes are sparkling, and the energy contained in most blood essence is not different. Only the last one, the essence to the extreme, gives itself a very special feeling, which is completely different from other essence!

"First absorb the 99 ordinary drops, and then absorb the last \'essence\'." Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

Without hesitation, soon——

Lin Feng swallowed the first drop of blood essence.

Refining, start!

"Hoo ~" "suck ~" the forest wind is gentle.

Once reborn, twice cooked, once again absorb the blood essence of tianwu witch family, and have already made all preparations.

The energy of blood essence is extremely violent, like a hard bone to bite. For ordinary martial artists, I\'m afraid they have already been rushed across the meridians by this violent energy, destroyed cells and swallowed up all the internal organs. But for Lin Feng, it is an excellent "tonic.".

Three hours later.

"Sure enough, the growth of the body is slowly decreasing." Lin Feng opened his eyes and thought in his heart.

It also absorbs the essence blood of tianwu witch nationality of Xinghai level 5. It takes three hours to absorb it for the first time, and the body strength increases by 1%; This time, it was also three hours, but the body strength increased, but it was less than 0.8%, and the effect weakened by more than 20%.

Enough to prove his guess, there is nothing wrong.

"If so, start from the \'blood essence\' with the least energy."

"In this way, we can make the most perfect use of \'blood essence\' for the growth of the body!"

Lin Feng thought in his heart. He took a drop of Xinghai level blood essence and swallowed it.

Absorption and refining, continue!

Life in the land of Reiki is very comfortable.

Not to mention that there are "wings" that control thousands of winged insects as guards, just the "identity" of the mangwu community here, no one dares to disturb.

The witch family is a well deserved Big Mac on the land of the fighting spirit world.

The ancient race gave him three points, not to mention ordinary humans?

"Wow!" strong star power poured into the body.

With the increase of Xingbao, Qin Qianqian\'s cultivation speed also soared.

Especially in this aura place, it can perfectly explore its own potential and maximize the cultivation speed.

Every few hours, Qin Qianqian always opens his eyes and looks at Lin Feng. Although there is no communication with each other, it is also a little happiness to cultivate and improve strength with him. It\'s like walking on the same road of cultivation, and you won\'t be alone anymore.

"If only we could do this all the time." Qin Qianqian thought.

Beautiful eyes twinkle, but Qin Qianqian is ice and snow smart. It is clear in his heart that this is just a good wish.

"I will try to keep up with brother Lin."

"Only in this way can I be with brother Lin forever."

Qin Qianqian nodded and thought firmly in his heart.

From small to large, she never worked so hard and insisted on practicing, but that doesn\'t mean she can\'t do it.

On the contrary, her qualifications are excellent. If not, you won\'t have the third-order strength of Xinghai at a young age.

You know, she\'s only sixteen!

"Even if brother Lin is willing to stay with me for a long time, the life span of Xinghai level warriors will be more than 2000 years, not more than 3000 years at most." Qin Qianqian\'s eyes are bright, "but if you insist on cultivation, with the cultivation speed of brother Lin and I and the support of the chamber of Commerce, you are likely to break through and become a star master. Then -"

"Life is more than ten times longer!" Qin Qianqian smiled.

First bitter and then sweet, but it\'s not easy to do it.

"Brother Lin is very fond of martial arts. I can\'t let him underestimate it." Qin Qianqian gently pouted his cherry mouth and showed a stubborn in his eyes.

"I, Qin Qianqian, must be a woman who will accompany brother Lin all his life!"

Mei Mou looked straight at Lin Feng. Qin Qianqian smiled happily and immediately closed her eyes.

Start practicing again.

The days of cultivation are very fast.

It\'s like a white horse crossing the gap. It\'s like waking up from a dream and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Qianqian gently pursed her lips and looked calm. After continuous cultivation, she was slowly approaching Xinghai level 4. The rich starlight converged, making the beautiful face look more immortal, as if it didn\'t eat human fireworks.

And Lin Feng, no matter the level of strength or the number of stars, has not improved by half.

However, the physical strength has actually increased by a big step!

"24%." Lin Feng thought.

Each drop of refined blood is integrated into the body, strengthening cells, bones and skin, and all of them make their own body to a higher level.

In more than half a month, he completely absorbed and refined 99 drops of the essence blood of the Wu Wu family.

Make further progress!

"Hoo ~" Lin Fengchang breathed out a sigh of satisfaction.

Although the final effect of absorption and refining is weaker, the amount of absorption this time is there.

"The last time the wind Valley absorbed refining for three days, an increase of nearly 10%."

"Plus this time, the total increase is more than 34%!"

Body strength increased by 13.

It doesn\'t look like much, but you know, it\'s not that the increase of strength increases the body strength.

But an improvement of basic value!

With the improvement of the real hierarchy of the same level, this basic value will become the most decisive \'parameter\' and the basis of affecting future strength! Just like the bottom of a building, the stronger and stronger, the higher the building can be built!

"There\'s the last one left." Lin Feng took out the blood drop of the essence of energy and his eyes were sparkling.

When you hold it in your hand, you can feel the surging breath of energy, and the blue and yellow color flashes in the blood droplets, which looks even more dazzling.

"This is the \'essence\'." Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

Although I don\'t know what the so-called "essence" is, it is obviously a more "advanced" existence than blood essence.

The leader of tianwu Wu witch family of Xinghai level 9 did not have blood essence after death, but left this "essence".

Visible general!


"It can also absorb refining."

Lin Feng thought slightly in his heart and twisted his eyebrows.

Although he hesitated, he had no other choice at this time. A little firmness flashed in his eyes, and Lin Feng swallowed it in a moment.

"Wow!" extraordinary surging energy!

Lin Feng\'s originally steady breathing suddenly became rapid, and his closed eyes completely opened.

The complexion has changed greatly!

Suddenly, the veins burst and the blood vessels burst. The skin was in the shape of a turtle\'s scale, and the tension was to the extreme. The blood seemed to stop flowing. For a moment, only the sound of "bang bang bang" burst. Lin Feng looked frightened and his body trembled violently.

And this is just the surface.

The \'War\' in the body is more intense!

Strength, crazy vent.

What is essence?

When the strength of the witch family reaches Xinghai level 9, it begins to condense the essence!

Jingyuan is a special existence. In a sense, it can be regarded as the "soul" of the witch family. Of course, in the real sense, Jingyuan is the advanced level of blood essence.

Condensing essence means that this witch family is very close to the star master level!

The energy contained is terrible!

Stoneware blade didn\'t deceive Lin Feng at that time. He absorbed the essence of the witch family with his strength. He was looking for death!

The body is not the strength of the ancient people. To absorb essence, we must have a "carrier" that can withstand this amazing power.

Lin Feng, can you?

The answer is No.

Cells, the rate of necrosis, is better than the rate of recovery.

The degree of skin damage is one point faster than the rate of rebirth.

The meridians are broken and the bones are broken. Lin Feng is experiencing a real catastrophe at this time.


"I must not lose!"

Clenching his teeth, Lin Feng\'s sweat grains as big as beans on his forehead kept dripping.

The pain this time is far better than everything before. Every moment, the function of the body is being destroyed, and in an instant, the function of the body is repaired.

go round and begin again!

Abnormal physical recovery ability has become torture.

If it were an ordinary warrior, I\'m afraid he would have passed out in pain.

Even Lin Feng\'s willpower was excellent, but he was trembling and trembling, and his face was pale.

"Well, what\'s going on?!" Qin Qianqian was frightened, and his tears fell. The whole person only felt his legs soft and his head roaring. Just heard Lin Feng\'s groaning, I thought I heard wrong, but I didn\'t expect to see such a scary scene in front of me.

"Brother Lin!"

"What\'s the matter with you, brother Lin!!"

Qin Qianqian\'s voice trembled and had no strength.

Looking at Lin Feng\'s sad expression, Qin Qianqian\'s heart is like a knife, but he can\'t do anything.

She can\'t touch Lin Feng. Even if this is the case, Qin Qianqian knows what she can and can\'t do. Even if her heart hurts again, she can only bear it.

Tears kept falling. Qin Qianqian cried like a tearful man.


"Brother Lin, you must hold on. There must be no accident."

Qin Qianqian knelt in front of Lin Feng, closed his eyes, cried and trembled, and closed his hands.

At this moment, the only thing she can do is pray for Lin Feng and hope he can get through this difficulty.

Maybe it\'s just a psychological comfort, but

But it\'s all her strength.

"Brother Lin, thousands of people will always be with you and support you!"

"Even if you go, thousands will go with you and won\'t make you lonely."

Tears kept falling from that beautiful cheek.

But there was no sound of crying. Qin Qianqian clenched her hands with all her strength.

Pray for Lin Feng with the greatest strength.

This is her strong belief.

A broken body, like a broken wall.

No matter how you repair it, it can\'t match the speed of essence power destruction.

The smell of forest wind is getting weaker and weaker.

The skin is completely broken, the flesh and blood are blurred, the bones are completely eroded by the essence force, and the meridians are constantly circulating in fracture and repair. Most importantly, cells. The human body is composed of countless cells, and each part is condensed by cells.

Cells continue to divide, grow, strengthen and advance.


What happens if the cell does not divide as fast as it destroys?
