Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1147

Huang Hezhou, Heming county.

The nine continents in the southern region are located in the same hot area. In fact, Huang Hezhou and Zhu quezhou are not very different, but their local conditions and customs and power structure are somewhat different. For example, Huang Hezhou does not have the Roche chamber of commerce with monopoly advantages like Zhu quezhou, but the three chambers of commerce form a tripartite situation and compete with each other.

Behind every chamber of commerce is the "force" of powerful forces, which complement each other. This is very different from zhuquezhou.

In Heming County, the fighting is particularly fierce. Different from the calm in Shiluo County, the warriors in Heming county are better at fighting and advocating martial arts. There are many large areas here, even unlimited fighting, just like the jungle world. Whoever has a big fist is the boss.

Respect the strong.

In fact, the "rules" of every continent are formulated by those in power. For example, although the ruler of zhuquezhou, yanwang, has a strong temper, he has the style of a big general. Zhuquezhou under his jurisdiction is calm and has occasional friction, but the whole situation is stable.

Huang Hezhou\'s ruler, the "brown king", is one of the nine kings in the southern region with relatively shallow seniority and weak strength.

Therefore, by taking a personal line with the second elder martial brother Lu Wang, we are using this "competition" mechanism to accelerate the development of the whole continent. Zhuquezhou and zhuquezhou seem to be two development models.

But in fact, it is not a smart approach.

Qin\'s chamber of Commerce.

"Up to now, there is only one way left, patriarch."

"Yes, as long as you marry thousands of people, any trouble can be solved."


In the hall, everyone\'s mouth was full of words, their faces were full of anxiety, and they kept persuading. Sitting at the top was a middle-aged man with pale temples. His face was slightly pale and seemed to be ill. It was Qin Ren, the patriarch of the Qin chamber of Commerce, with a frown.

Qin Ren roared, "enough, stop it all. I won\'t sell my daughter!"

There was a silence, and everyone looked at each other. However, there was no fear on their faces, but glanced at the gorgeous woman sitting next to Qin Ren, the eldest lady Lu Yulian. Although she was middle-aged, she was still well maintained. In the face of Qin Ren\'s anger, Lu Yulian didn\'t even change her face. She opened her mouth calmly, "vote."

She is not only Mrs. Qin Ren, but also the daughter of the leader of the "golden sword gate" behind the Qin chamber of Commerce. Now she is the president of the chamber of Commerce.

Everyone knows that the head of the family is Qin Ren, but it is Lu Yulian who really enjoys the greatest power. The chamber of Commerce may be able to make money, but in this powerful Heming County, without the support of jinjianmen, it will only fail sooner or later.

"I agree." "I agree." "I abstain."

All the chamber of Commerce\'s deliberations have stated their positions. A total of seven chamber of Commerce\'s deliberations are composed of the backbone of the chamber of Commerce, which is responsible for dealing with matters that the chamber of Commerce cannot decide or have great differences of opinion. In a sense, the power of chamber of Commerce\'s deliberations is even greater than that of the patriarch "Qin Ren".

Six chambers of Commerce deliberated, including Lu Yulian, four agreed and two abstained.

"Needless to say the result." Lu Yulian looked at Qin Ren with a sneer. Their combination was purely involved in interests and didn\'t have much feelings. Qin Ren\'s face is very ugly. Although he is also one of the proceedings of the chamber of Commerce, his vote can\'t play a role at all now.

"I strongly disagree!" Qin Ren clenched his teeth and his voice trembled.

Lu Yulian glanced and said unhappily, "as a patriarch, we should put the interests of the chamber of Commerce first. What kind of man does a woman look like!" with her hand on her chest, Lu Yulian shouted, "do you think I don\'t feel heartache? Although Qianqian wasn\'t born to me, I\'ve always been her own daughter."

"To take a step back, even if it doesn\'t involve the interests of the chamber of Commerce, it\'s a once-in-a-lifetime good marriage in front of thousands of people. It\'s a blessing for thousands of people that Yan Shao likes us!" Lu Yulian foamed and lit up her face.

"Yes, brother-in-law, Yan Shao missed us so much that he didn\'t think about food and tea. He had sent someone to kiss us several times." the speaker was a white faced man, Lu Jun, Lu Yulian\'s cousin and the son of jade face. He was also born in the golden sword gate and had the strength of level 9 of the star region. Now he is the backbone of the chamber of Commerce.

"No, it will ruin thousands of lives of happiness!" Qin Ren was at a disadvantage, but his faith was firm and his eyes were bright. "Yan Shaohua\'s name was outside. Although the Yan family tried to cover it up, who knew that Yan congren was a complete * * like his name. He was licentious, ignorant and incompetent, and many girls\' innocence was buried in his hands."

"It\'s just a rumor, brother-in-law." Lu Jun said with a smile, "even if there is Yan Shao, it\'s just a play. You know, men are inevitable. But this time, Yan Shao really moved the truth, even the bride price, and it will never be fun."

"Hum." Qin Ren snorted coldly and didn\'t speak.

How could Lu Jun not know that he had received money from others.

"Well, needless to say, it\'s settled." Lu Yulian waved her hand and didn\'t care about Qin Ren\'s face. A bright light came from the corners of her eyes, "The Yin family has a huge influence all over huanghezhou. No one in Heming county can compare with it. The Yin family leader \'Yin Zhiyuan\' has only Yin Cong, an only son. If our Qin chamber of commerce can marry the Yan family, within three years, our Qin chamber of Commerce will be among the top ten chambers of Commerce in huanghezhou, and within ten years, it will be comparable to the three chambers of Commerce in huanghezhou!"

With ambition in her eyes, Lu Yulian\'s blueprint made everyone in the Qin chamber of Commerce excited.

Compared with the survival of the Qin chamber of Commerce, there is no way to go. It is a real broad road, and now

Only one last step!

"Peng!" the jade table was completely smashed.

The sound of explosion brought everyone back to reality and saw an angry Qin Ren.

He seems to be telling everyone that there is no room for relaxation. If he forces him again, it will be the situation of burning jade and stone.

"She is my daughter. As long as I Qin Ren live one day, no one can move her hair!" Qin Ren\'s eyes are full of fire, and his angry eyes sweep through the people in the chamber of Commerce. They lower their heads and dare not look directly at Qin Ren. Only Lu Yulian and Lu Jun don\'t care at all and look directly at Qin Ren.


What if you get angry.

It\'s just a toothless tiger. What can it change?

Lu Jun has a smile on his face. She and her cousin Lu Yulian have always been the main people of the chamber of Commerce. As for Qin Ren? It\'s just a puppet. Lu Yulian smiled contemptuously and said, "I tell you, Qin Ren, as long as you are still the patriarch, you have to promise this matter if you don\'t promise..."

Pop! The sound of falling to the ground suddenly stopped Lu Yulian\'s voice.

It was a metal token of pure gold. Its bright light symbolized wealth and glory. It was the logo and symbol of the patriarch of the Qin chamber of Commerce.

"The patriarch Lao Tzu is wrong." Qin Ren stared at Lu Yulian. "Who likes to be who? I tell you, I can\'t sell women for glory!" the last three words were completely squeezed out of his teeth. Qin Ren snorted coldly, looked back and left, leaving a surprised crowd and Lu Yulian with blue and white faces.

"How to do?" Lu Yulian frowned.

"I have a way, sister." Lu Jun\'s pretty white face flashed a sinister.

"Speak quickly!" Lu Yulian said.

"In fact, it\'s very simple. There are only a few small minions beside Qin Ren. I can move half my hand." Lu Jun sneered and was confident.

"So?" a pure light flashed in Lu Yulian\'s eyes.

"Kill those minions, and then tie Qin Ren." Lu Jun smiled proudly, "it\'s easy to leave Qin Qianqian, the orphan and widowed mother. We can subdue Qin Qianqian, and then feed her a special strong flattering medicine \'spring breeze flatters fire powder\', so as to ensure that her strong virgins will become sluts and send them to Yan Shao\'s room. Then raw rice will be cooked, hehe! ~"

Lu Yulian nodded slowly and hesitated, "yes, yes, I\'m afraid she has a strong temperament. We\'ll end it by ourselves at that time. Isn\'t it a waste of effort?"

"Of course not." Lu junsa said with a smile, "I know the woman best. As long as you take her body and ensure that she is determined to you, besides, we still have a trump card in hand. We are not afraid of Qin Qianqian\'s little girl\'s refusal."

Lu Yulian\'s eyes brightened, "you mean Qin Ren?"

"Yes!" Lu Jun looked sinister and said slowly, "since the two father and daughter have such a good relationship, we can threaten Qin Qianqian. Anyway, at that time, she must be disappointed, walk with the dead body, and threaten her with Qin Ren\'s life. At least 80% is sure. Then send her to the sedan chair and get married. Everything is a foregone conclusion."

Slightly pondering, Lu Yulian scratched a smile at the corners of her mouth, "my good brother, you are really bad."

Lu Jun\'s eyes were full of obscenity. He hugged Lu Yulian, and his big hand had already stretched in. "No matter how bad it is, I didn\'t say it. I know women best ~"

The smell of erosion, mixed with the breath of men and women, rings around in this huge bedroom.

WOW~ Heming County transmission array is shining.

Lin Feng\'s figure slowly appeared, looked around at the surrounding scenery, and scratched a faint smile at the corners of his mouth.

When I think about seeing thousands of people, I think of the scenes of the two people in Yanling mansion, and I feel a little happy and satisfied. A little farewell is better than a new marriage. Although they come together because of their responsibility, they are ruthless, but they have sparks and real feelings.

In my heart, I have already regarded thousands as my wife.

"This is Huang Hezhou." Lin Feng whispered softly and looked calm.

When I first set foot on the land of huanghezhou, I didn\'t get used to it. There was almost no difference between here and zhuquezhou, but there seemed to be more aggressive factors in the air. Lin Feng suddenly smiled. Looking at the surrounding martial arts competition and challenge arena, as well as all kinds of giant martial arts training grounds built on the street, he could guess one or two.

Here, it\'s quite "martial arts.".

"The chamber of commerce should not be hard to find. Go ask someone." Lin Feng nodded.

Maybe it\'s really curious to come here for the first time, but the first task now is to find thousands.

As for the rest, we\'ll talk about it later.