Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1148

Whoosh! The forest wind galloped along.

Following the bald youth leading the way ahead, a faint smile appeared on his face.

Money can make the devil push the mill. It\'s easy to find the position of Qin\'s chamber of Commerce. A martial artist can lead the way for himself at a little money. Moreover, he is also a star level warrior. In other words, at that time, there were still three strong stars competing for the living star domain.

Because the price offered by Lin Feng... Is too high!

A full star crystal.

It\'s just a way. Why not?

However, in fact, this is the smallest denomination of money on Lin Feng. As for the Douling coin, it has long been eliminated. The gold cards of various chambers of Commerce in Shiluo county can\'t be used in huanghezhou, but Xingjing is the general goods. 1 Xingjing is like a sky high price for other martial artists, but for Lin Feng

But it\'s just a fraction to throw away.

"I don\'t know how thousands of years have gone?" Lin Feng smiled slightly and thought lightly in his heart.

"It\'s for the patriarch\'s daughter. At least live a comfortable life and have no worries about food and clothing."

"I wonder if it has broken through to the star master level?"

The closer you are, the more you miss.

Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining, and the old pictures constantly emerge in his mind, warm and warm.

The bald youth leading the way in front swallowed his saliva slightly uneasily. Behind him, the young man in black looked not amazing, but it was really scary. One shot is a star crystal, even just to bring a way. Moreover, even if he galloped with all his strength, the young man in black still followed him like a walk.

What\'s more, he has no breath, just like a ghost.

What strength is this?

"What\'s the matter?" Lin Feng said softly, but he felt that the bald youth leading the way in front suddenly slowed down a little.

"You, you won\'t kill people?" asked the bald youth uneasily, with sweat on his forehead.

Lin Feng couldn\'t help but be stunned, "what do I do to kill you?"

The bald youth whispered, "kill me, you can\'t get back the star crystal."


Lin Feng suddenly laughed and laughed. "Do I have to kill for a star crystal?" his intuition was that the bald youth was quite funny. However, Lin Feng didn\'t know that compared with the wealth of zhuquezhou, Huang Hezhou was more "poor". A star crystal in Huang Hezhou was equivalent to dozens of stars in zhuquezhou every minute.

There is a clear distinction between the strong and the weak, and there is a great gap between the rich and the poor. For the powerless star domain level warriors, 1 star crystal is already a large number.

"How do I know?" the bald youth muttered.

"Lead the way well, don\'t delay time." Lin Feng said silently, "when you bring it to the Qin chamber of Commerce, I\'ll give you 10 Xingjing."

Peng! The bald young man\'s head blew and he was a little confused.

Did he hear right?

There will be 10 stars later?!

"You, are you kidding me?" the bald young man\'s voice trembled, but he didn\'t dare to neglect it, and he galloped at the fastest speed.

"Don\'t worry, your reward is indispensable." Lin Feng smiled calmly, looked forward lightly, and said slowly, "at this speed, how long will it take to get there?"

Slightly pondering, the bald youth said, "the time for another cup of tea is enough."

Lin Feng nodded and a soft light flashed in his eyes.

There\'s still time for a cup of tea.

"By the way, I seem to have heard a lot of people talking about Qin\'s chamber of commerce just now." Lin Feng asked quickly.

Can you still hear passers-by in the gallop?

The bald young man was slightly stunned. He felt a little strange, but he replied honestly, "Elder, you shouldn\'t be a member of Heming county. It\'s not a day or two for Yunmeng chamber of Commerce to annex the Qin chamber of Commerce. Just a few months ago, the Qin chamber of Commerce was found to be fake, rumors were everywhere, and the business was plummeting. Taking this opportunity, Yunmeng chamber of Commerce added fuel to the fire and hit the bottom of the well. In just a few months, most of the assets of the Qin chamber of Commerce had evaporated."

i see.

Lin Feng nodded gently.

It seems that the belligerence of Heming county is not only in force, but also in all aspects.

The struggle between chambers of commerce is complicated by too many things, such as money, all kinds of intrigues, and the forces behind each chamber of Commerce. The golden sword gate behind the Qin chamber of commerce is not a huge force, so the position of the Qin chamber of commerce is not up or down.

In huanghezhou, whether the chamber of commerce is strong or not has much to do with the forces behind it.

"What\'s the situation now?" Lin Feng asked casually.

"Not good." the bald youth hesitated and said immediately, "but now there are rumors that Qin Qianqian, the daughter of the Qin chamber of Commerce, is very close to Yan Cong, the young master of the Yan family. It is said that they are in love and almost talk about marriage, so Yunmeng chamber of Commerce seems to have stopped, no matter what they do."

"Oh?" Lin Feng was lightly surprised, but he didn\'t expect to hear thousands of names.

Even the martial arts practitioners who have nothing to do with themselves know that this matter seems to have really spread.

"It\'s just a rumor. Qin Qianqian is not that kind of person." Lin Feng smiled and didn\'t take the rumor in his heart, because he believed Qianqian 100%.

"I don\'t think it\'s possible," the bald youth smiled. "Who doesn\'t know the virtue of Yan Cong, the young master of the Yan family, will like his girl unless he is blind, but..." the bald youth paused and whispered, "There may be no reason for this. Qin Qianqian may not like Yin Cong, but who knows what will happen now in such a situation as the Qin chamber of Commerce? Maybe Qin Qianqian will sacrifice himself or be forced to marry by his parents in order to preserve the family, taking the overall situation into account..."

The voice of Zinan fell into his ears, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed slightly.

The calm heart is rippling. The bald youth is right. There is no reason for it.

I have trusted thousands of people, but what about her parents? Especially thousands of fathers, as patriarchs, may really do unimaginable things in the face of such difficulties. I know very well that I can\'t help myself when I sit in the position of patriarch.

"Yan Family\'s power is very strong?" Lin Feng was silent for a moment and said.

"Of course, that\'s the strongest force in Heming county. Well, the huge territory is the Yan family, occupying the central position of Heming county and covering seven regions." the bald youth pointed to the nearby road, "in Heming County, the Yan family says one, who dares to say two? Therefore, no matter how unscrupulous Yan Cong is, no one can do anything to destroy the innocence of many girls."

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

According to the bald youth, things really don\'t seem very good.

Looking in the direction of the bald youth\'s fingers, there was a huge building standing in the distance. Although it was glimpsed from a distance, it was boundless and magnificent, which showed that the Yan family had a large sphere of influence and was definitely not as simple as ordinary family forces.

In Shiluo County, even the most profound family power can\'t match it.

"Hasn\'t the marriage been announced yet?" Lin Feng asked quickly.

"Yes," said the bald youth thoughtfully, "but I think it should be fast. There are 70 or 80% of this matter without 10%

"No, no chance." Lin Feng\'s voice was calm, but there was no doubt.

His eyes were shining with sparkling light. Although there was a lot of bad news, at least there was no marriage right now, which was a great luck in misfortune. Maybe if he didn\'t come, thousands of situations would become quite troublesome, but now——

I\'m coming.

This will never happen again.

"Pa!" Lin Feng shook his fists, and his breath bloomed.

Today, I have enough ability to protect the people I want to protect, and I will never hurt thousands!

The faint breath sent out, which made the bald youth in front of him feel cold and tremble in his heart. The terrible feeling was like an unattainable mountain. The bald youth didn\'t even dare to look back, for fear of touching the scales of the terrible young man in black behind.

It\'s terrible!

"Just ahead," the bald youth pointed.

He took the road conscientiously, held it for a long time, and finally spoke.

Although he could not feel any murderous spirit, the suffocating smell made him more uneasy.

Lin Feng looked ahead and looked calm, but with a faint breath to suppress pressure. It was a large area of territory, but looking at this territory, it was very depressed and lost its vitality. There was no traffic and endless stream of scenes like the chamber of Commerce.

"It seems that what he said is true." Lin Feng\'s eyes are slightly Jiong.

80% of the baldheaded young people believe what they say. Hearing is false and seeing is true.

At present, this is rather "desolate", and the door of the chamber of commerce can be seen and known, and what happened can be guessed.

Qin\'s chamber of Commerce, something really happened.

"I hope everything is all right." Lin Feng thought lightly. As the bald youth stepped on the ground, there was the door of the chamber of Commerce in front, with a huge plaque hanging but covered with a layer of dust. Through the door, you can see the looming houses, but

But no one!

The bald youth looked at Lin Feng uneasily. Although he was a little afraid, he still remembered Lin Feng\'s promised 10 Star Crystal reward. But when he saw Lin Feng standing in place, meditating and looking at the Qin\'s business meeting, he didn\'t dare to disturb, so he had to wait quietly.

"Hoo! ~" Lin Feng calmed down with a sigh.

With a slight sigh, I didn\'t expect that Qin\'s chamber of Commerce would become such a scene.

Sensing the existence of the bald youth, Lin Feng was light in his heart and was about to take out 10 star crystals. Suddenly, he was stunned and looked forward with sparkling eyes. After a while, whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Several empty figures galloped out of the chamber of Commerce.

Killing mind sparkling!

In front of him was a young man with a long sword in his hand. He was covered with blood and pressed his chest tightly with one hand. The blood had already dyed his clothes red. Behind the young man, there were more than a dozen martial artists who were killing all over the sky. They were coming quickly and shouting angrily.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng looked at the young man, and his face covered by blood became clear.

At this time, the young man seemed to feel someone in front of him. He looked up weakly in the gallop and momentarily opposed Lin Feng\'s four eyes.

Their expressions were stunned in an instant.

It\'s him?!