Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1146

Waiting, very long.

However, Lin Feng didn\'t have nothing to do. He came to zhuquezhou tool refiner Alliance for the first time. Mrs. Nangong naturally accompanied him to walk around and get familiar with the surrounding environment. Including Lin Yumo, who is about to study here, at least he must first "recognize" the tool refiner alliance.

The place is big and wide.

As one of the top forces in the human world, the weapon smelter alliance has not only power, but also money, very rich.

It is magnificent. The word "wealth" can be seen everywhere in the whole alliance. The precious jade outside is paved into a floor here. It is warm in winter and cool in summer, and the color is transparent and spotless. On the surrounding walls, the lights are replaced by top night pearls, each of which is invaluable.

But it\'s nothing to the alliance of weapon refiners.

You know, every weapon refiner, especially the earth level weapon refiner, is rich and invincible.

The tool refiner standing at the top of the pyramid can\'t spend much money, just like Mrs. Nangong, like Lin Feng.

Money is basically just a number for them.

"Every earth level weapon refiner has an independent residence in the alliance of weapon refiners."

"The top refiners, such as Lin Feng, have an area in the alliance to which you belong."

Mrs. Nangong is an introduction.

Lin Feng nodded gently. The whole alliance of weapon refiners formed a single vein. In fact, it is a little similar to the Lin family. They all have a large "territory", or similar to a city. The size and location of the site are determined by the reputation and strength of the craftsman.

Including the equipment and environment for refining utensils, they all vary according to different refiners.

"Can I use feather ink in my area?" Lin Feng asked.

"Of course." Mrs. Nangong said calmly, "she is your wife. Naturally, she can go in and out at will, but..." looking at Lin Yumo, Mrs. Nangong said slowly, "I wanted her to live with me so that she could practice with me."

As soon as he said this, Lin Yumo\'s eyes suddenly brightened and held Lin Feng\'s hand tightly.

"I\'m afraid I\'ll disturb you." Lin Feng smiled.

"No." Mrs. Nangong\'s eyes were deep. "Since I promised you to accept feather ink as an apprentice, I should try my best to teach skills." there was a sparkle in my eyes, and Mrs. Nangong said softly, "besides, I have been obsessed with studying the way of refining weapons and ignored many. Now that I am the president of the alliance, it\'s time to spread my way of refining weapons and revitalize the alliance of refining masters."

"Isn\'t Yumo responsible?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at Yumo, who was full of joy.

"The potential of feather ink is very good." Mrs. Nangong\'s beautiful eyes are slightly bright. "If you cultivate it well, one day, she will be better than blue."

"President, don\'t praise her." Lin Feng said.


The three smiled and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Under the guidance of Mrs. Nangong, I visited a small part of important places of the alliance. Soon, an hour passed. When it was almost time, Mrs. Nangong took them back to the main hall. At this time, the martial artist in charge of data collection was already waiting outside the door.

"These are the materials you want." Mrs. Nangong handed them over.

Lin Feng nodded and opened it immediately.

The information is very detailed, but it is also a little unexpected.

"Qin\'s chamber of Commerce, only ranked 102nd in huanghezhou?"

"Although the trade spans the whole continent, nearly 50% of the assets are in Heming County, ranking 11th among all chambers of Commerce in Heming county."

His eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and Lin Feng was thoughtful.

The chamber of commerce is very different from the forces. The forces are big and small, but the competition between them is not so fierce.

However, the chamber of commerce is different. Taking Shiluo County as an example, it is almost monopolized by Roche chamber of Commerce. The competition of the chamber of commerce is the most direct competition, and the king will lose the enemy. It seems pretty good to be 11th in a county, but I\'m afraid... It\'s already a very small chamber of Commerce.

In Shiluo County, the fourth chamber of commerce is unknown.

The power of monopoly is quite terrible.

"Also, if you can make a lot of money in the nine continents of mankind, why do you have to go all the way to Yanling mansion to open up wasteland?" Lin Feng thought lightly in his heart.

After entering Jiuzhou, I also improved my vision a little. I didn\'t understand before. Now I\'m actually very transparent, but I haven\'t thought much about Qin\'s chamber of commerce all the time. Perhaps in Yanling mansion, the Qin chamber of commerce is the only one, but so what?

How many "houses" exist around each state and county?

Thousand, ten thousand? Big and small, too many! Around an independent continent, there are about 50000 "houses", and this only counts the adjacent ones. If they are far away, there are countless. Yanling house is not even a big "house".

Qin\'s chamber of Commerce monopolized the whole Yanling mansion. At that time, it was terrible.

But for now, it\'s really not good.

"Good." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

At least, there will be less resistance when you propose marriage.

Anyway, I never cared much about my family background, even before I was like an ant in front of the Qin chamber of Commerce; Or now the Qin chamber of commerce is like a low bungalow in front of itself. Because I like thousands of people, just her.

The rest is not important.

Casually turn over the information and look at it at a glance. Lin Feng will finish it soon.

The information is very detailed. Almost all the information of the Qin chamber of commerce is in it, including its current assets, total assets, and even the "government" areas controlled by each one, as well as the types, scope and prices of trade dealers. It shows that the information of the alliance is strong. In front of the alliance, the Qin chamber of Commerce has no secrets at all.

"Pa!" Lin Feng closed the data, closed his eyes and combed all the information.

Not much is important. Even if you see it quickly, you can keep it all in mind at this time.

"Almost." Lin Feng opened his eyes and took a wisp of pure light.

"Then I\'ll leave first, president." Lin Feng nodded slightly, looked at Yu Mo and smiled, "I\'ll be back in two days."

Yu Mo made a soft \'um\' sound and smiled.

Mrs. Nangong\'s eyes flickered slightly and the light in her hand flashed, "I almost forgot. Here you are."

"Is this?" Lin Feng looked at a simple token handed over by Mrs. Nangong and took it curiously.

"It represents your status as the vice president of the weapon smelter alliance." Mrs. Nangong said softly, "you have just taken over the weapon smelter alliance. There are many affairs. Before you can give it to you, you have entered the land of miracles. Now it happens. With it, you can enjoy respected treatment in any domain, any continent and any county."

The weapon refiner alliance is spread all over the nine regions of mankind!

"It\'s convenient." Lin Feng smiled calmly. Although he doesn\'t care now, he represents his identity after all. His eyes fell on the back of this simple token. It looked like a giant bird, burning red light all over, which seemed to be similar.

"Isn\'t this?!" Lin Feng\'s heart moved.

"The bird King prison, zhuquezhou..." Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up and nodded slowly. "I understand that the \'giant bird\' I saw in the bird King prison is actually the symbol of zhuquezhou - Zhuque." sprinkled however smiled, and Lin Feng thought he knew later.

This simple token has a special material, but it doesn\'t seem to have any other function.

Staring at the rosefinch, Lin Feng turned it over, but several strange symbols were engraved on the top.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng was slightly stunned.

Looking at the symbol above, I seem to have seen it somewhere?

Lightly pursed his lips, Lin Feng carefully looked at the symbol mark above. The more he looked, the more familiar he became, and the more he looked, the more he moved.


"This is not!!!" Lin Fengmeng\'s startled voice.

The reaction was quite sudden, which made Nangong\'s wife and Lin Yumo all stunned and puzzled.

"What\'s the matter?" Mrs. Nangong asked.

"Can you recognize these characters?" Lin Feng asked with flashing eyes.

Mrs. Nangong smiled dumbly. "Naturally, I can recognize the meaning of the characters on it. In fact, it\'s only three words in translation."

"Which three words?" Lin Feng\'s heart beat faster.

Mrs. Nangong\'s beautiful eyes moved and opened her mouth. "Smelter."

Peng! Lin Feng\'s head shook slightly.

Not shocked by the meaning of the strange characters above, but shocked by Mrs. Nangong\'s recognition of these words.

"In fact, this is a very old character, and not many people know it." Mrs. Nangong smiled, "I only know the meaning of these characters. Just like you now, I asked the former president at that time, and he answered me like this, but... Lin Feng, you seem surprised?"

How can we not be surprised!

Lin Feng breathed deeply and his eyes were bright.

These words are the strange symbolic words portrayed in those light spots on the third floor of the bird King prison!

Although these words don\'t recognize themselves, they are the same in both structure and form. These are the past. It doesn\'t matter, but I still have a piece of "parchment". The parchment given to me by Qianlian emperor depicts the same words!

"It\'s all right." Lin Feng calmed his mood slowly.

Since Mrs. Nangong said she only recognized these symbols, it\'s meaningless to ask herself any more. It\'s better to ask the former President more directly. Maybe he knows more.

Seeing Lin Feng\'s mood recover, Mrs. Nangong didn\'t find out, "these words have no translation records, but they appear in some very ancient documents. I don\'t know very well, but it is said that..." after a pause, Mrs. Nangong\'s beautiful eyes flashed, "these words are the words of the strong stars outside the fighting spirit world!"

The words of the strong star!

The pure light flashed in Lin Feng\'s eyes, which was very shocking.

In my heart, it seems that countless thoughts emerge and my chest fluctuates.

If so, how precious the parchment is!

What\'s written on it?

Lin Feng is more curious.


"I\'m afraid the secret can\'t be solved overnight."

"Right now, business matters."

Lin Feng heaved a sigh, forced himself to suppress his curiosity, and his eyes flashed slightly.

I\'d better wait until I come back from Huang Hezhou.

"Thank you, president." Lin Feng smiled calmly, nodded and arched his hands. "Then I\'ll leave first." after that, he hugged Yu Mo and left. Lin Feng immediately went to the export of the weapon refining alliance. There are transmission points between continents. Although it costs a lot of "money", it\'s only a drop in the bucket for the weapon refining alliance.


WOW~ Lin Feng\'s figure disappeared instantaneously.

Go to Heming county.

(loading B and playing P, the final volume of fighting spirit world is about to begin. Let\'s make a transition first to make Lin Feng relax...)