Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1128

How precious is it?

His eyes are sparkling. Looking at this ordinary pearl, Lin Feng\'s heart is difficult to calm down.

Even I was shocked by such speculation. If this "fixed fire pearl" is really a treasure hidden in the array, its value is absolutely difficult to estimate. You may not understand when you are in the Bureau, but when you jump out of the Bureau, you can clearly see that the whole bird King prison is like a pyramid structure, layer by layer.

The lowest and outermost is the existence of countless "bird prisons".

Up, the next floor is "the prison of the king"; Further up, it is the third floor where I and the thousand love emperor are now!

One layer contains one layer. If there is an array in the array, it must exist in the third layer. As I just saw, it forms an architectural cycle. And the "fire pearl" in my hand is the top of the pyramid!

"Whoa! ~" Lin Feng calmed down with a sigh.

This is just my own guess, and the specific way remains to be discussed. However, this is not the time to stick to what this setting fire pearl is.

Looking away, it is still the Flame Mountain exploding. At this time, with the disappearance of the space retaining wall, the fireball and magma leak thousands of miles, and the elements of fire move wildly. The whole cycle system has been broken and no longer exists. In other words, the flame mountain will run out of energy sooner or later.

"I\'ve got a pearl for setting fire. This flame mountain is full of flames in addition to flames."

"There is no more secret. There is no need to waste time waiting."

"Go somewhere else."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

Although the architectural cycle of this flame mountain has been cracked, the whole semi independent space has not changed.

And this confirms my guess.

Whew! Whew!

Like clouds and flowing water, lightning crossed.

Lin Feng sat on the beautiful and solid red scales of red damask, carefully observing the fixed fire pearl. Mount with holy power is unique in the human world. The contract of Warcraft is limited, and it is useless for holy Warcraft.

However, Hongling is not an ordinary Warcraft, but a kind of "war snake". In qiansnake cave, war snake is very special.

Both teachers and friends, as well as riding and controlling. There is an inseparable connection between the war snake and the war snake envoy. The continuation of the war snake race is a clear vein of the Ophiuchus constellation.

Moreover, Lin Feng has different meanings for red damask.

It\'s like a family.

Red Ling was raised by Lin Feng.

From the beginning of thinking, Lin Feng followed Lin Feng and gradually grew in strength. For example, when she was a child, Lin Feng\'s importance to red Ling was deeply rooted. Coupled with the "submission" of Zhan snake itself, red Ling broke through the Holy One and had the first sentence of complete wisdom——

It is the honorific name for Lin Feng.

Master, do everything.

"It\'s really strange that the Pearl of setting fire."

"It\'s not a congenital treasure, but there\'s no energy breath at all."

Lin Feng thought hard and frowned.

Looking left and right, I can\'t find the secret of this ordinary fixed fire pearl.

However, it does have "power". The flame in the flame mountain can\'t get close to it at all, just like a high emperor. Moreover, you can safely stay at the bottom of the flame mountain with such a strong element of fire, which shows the material of this fixed fire pearl.

But it has no energy reaction, just like a dead object.

Just like the ordinary ore in the vein.

"Is that how to use it?" Lin Feng picked up the fixed fire pearl, raised it and smiled bitterly.

Indeed, if it really has a strong suppression of fire, I\'m afraid any attack by the power of fire will not work on itself.

But this is too uncertain!

In battle, especially in the battle of life and death, it is impossible to play with fire like this, isn\'t it?

"After exploring here, go out and have a try with the thousand love emperor." Lin Feng felt helpless, but he had studied it all day and couldn\'t draw any conclusion. After leaving the flame mountain, the fixed fire pearl returned to a mediocre state, ignoring itself at all.

"Maybe I\'m not strong enough." Lin Feng smiled.

Put away the fixed fire pearl, and Lin Fengxuan stands and looks around.

After wandering on the back of red Ling for a day, I haven\'t observed the whole environment. In fact, the harvest of this day is really zero.

Volcano, land, or volcano, land, this semi independent space is very monotonous, even without half a black fly, such as a place where birds don\'t lay eggs.

"Did you find anything, red Ling?" Lin Feng asked quickly.

"No, master." Hongling\'s answer was short and powerful.

Lin Feng nodded slightly and would not doubt Hongling\'s judgment.

Hongling is now a saint. She has a strong sense of fire. If she doesn\'t notice anything, she can\'t find it.

But there are really no other secrets here?

Lin Feng frowned deeply.

I always feel that after the explosion of Flame Mountain, here... Seems to be different.

What is it?

"HMM." Lin Fengwei pondered and his eyes brightened, "yes, volcanic eruption! I haven\'t seen a volcanic eruption for a whole day." looking around, the volcanoes here seem to be sleeping suddenly, which is very abnormal.

"Since I entered, it broke out six times in a short time, and the frequency is quite high."

"There\'s no reason to be silent for such a long day."

Lin Feng is thoughtful.

Obviously, these anomalies are most directly related to the destruction of the cyclic structure of the flame mountain.

There is no other reason.

"Is it my estimation error?"

"That Flaming Mountain is not an array in the array, but a special existence in a semi independent space?"

"Therefore, this\' fixed fire Pearl \'is the treasure here."


Keep thinking and calculating.

But Lin Feng\'s eyebrows are getting deeper and deeper.

It feels wrong.

The architectural space of that flame mountain and the semi independent space here are completely two levels. If they are simply pulled together, it is undoubtedly incompatible and far fetched. These two possibilities, I prefer the existence of "array in the array", and

This flame mountain is too difficult!

He is almost fighting for his life.

Not to mention how complicated it is to crack the "law" between the big cycle and the small cycle. If it were not for Hongling herself, it would be impossible to get close. If it were not for her double pupils with complete memory in her own state, it would be impossible to crack its secret. Just "entering" would be a big problem.

Even if you know the law, even if you know the secret?

Ten seconds!

It takes six seconds to fall down from the top of the flame with such terrible physical strength and speed.

What concept?

Not to mention the ordinary star domain level strong, even if their own body enters it, it is impossible to fall to the deepest part of the Flame Mountain in just ten seconds and obtain the "fixed fire pearl". If the difficulty of each task is determined, the difficulty of obtaining this fire pearl is not far beyond the ability of star level warriors, but——

Far beyond the power of the Holy One!

There are twelve semi independent spaces that require twelve flame feathers to enter.

In theory, the difficulty is the same. Even if there is a difference, it will not be too bad. Qianlianhuang once entered once. Although the process experience is rough, compared with the difficulty of Flame Mountain, it is simply different from mole ants and elephants, and it is not at the same level at all.

"There is no need to doubt." Lin Feng\'s eyes burned.

"If the flame mountain is the array in the array, in other words, I still get nothing in this semi independent space."

"So there are still secrets!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes are deep and his heart is sure.

Jumping out of the game and looking at the whole situation, it becomes clearer and clearer.

"Apart from the flame mountain, there have been six volcanic eruptions in a short time, but now it\'s over. There\'s a big problem!"

"In addition to volcanoes, the whole semi independent space is still volcanoes. Even if the \'opportunities\' or\' treasures\' here are not directly related to the Volcanic Group, they will at least have a very close relationship."

Lin Feng\'s eyes are completely bright.

Go around in a big circle and go back to the origin.

Guiben Shuoyuan, the secret of the whole semi independent space, is in these volcanic groups!

"Go, red Ling." Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright.

"Where are you going?" the red Ling doubted.

"One by one, explore these volcanic groups." Lin Feng had a persistent light in his eyes and smiled calmly.

Make bold assumptions and prove them carefully.

Instead of wasting time thinking, I don\'t truthfully verify it!

Into the first great volcano.

Holding the fire pearl, Lin Feng looked calm.

Wheeze! Wheeze! Wheeze! In the volcano, flames kept rising and magma boiling and rolling down everywhere.

However, both temperature and energy are very different from flame mountain. These flame red damask can be easily absorbed. In fact, at this time, Hongling is also swallowing the flames of these ordinary volcanoes, just like eating.

With her current strength, these ordinary flames can only be enjoyed as "food".

Holy Level and star domain level are completely two different levels.

"Pa!" "pa!" in the volcano, the lava stone fell down and was burned by the reborn fire without being stained on the clothes. When the hot magma fell on him, Lin Feng waved the fire pearl, and the magma became quiet like a good baby.

"It\'s convenient." Lin Feng smiled calmly.

He is now completely deep into the volcano and has nothing to fear.

Even if the volcano erupts, he has a set fire pearl to protect himself, which is enough to protect his life.

Moreover, there is Hongling. Even if the fixed fire pearl loses its function, Hongling can withstand the eruption of a volcano in a short time with her current strength and let herself escape safely. As long as the \'flame\' energy does not exceed the load of Hongling, even more is useless.


The forest wind has fallen at the bottom of the great volcano.

"Nothing special." Lin Feng nodded slowly and looked for it completely. There was nothing worth paying attention to.

However, this is also expected.

If the first big volcano can find the secret, it will be too easy.

"Take your time."

"I don\'t believe you can hide it."

Lin Feng smiled calmly, with confidence.