Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1127

It is a pearl beyond words.

Lying there quietly, it\'s like the existence of the "emperor" bred by this volcano. It\'s so ordinary. But no flame can get close to it. It seems to be a kind of \'shock\', a powerful deterrent.

Its existence seems to make the whole Flame Mountain become small.

Eight seconds.

Seven seconds.

Six seconds!

"It\'s too late."

"Just in time!"

Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and his body turned into a flash of lightning. At the moment, he had fallen into the deepest part of the flame mountain and was completely in it. If the volcano erupts at the moment, I\'m afraid it\'s not enough to die a thousand times, 10000 times, but without if, everything is being calculated.

Ten seconds is enough to turn back.

"It\'s mine." Lin Feng scratched an indifferent smile at the corner of his mouth, which was the pleasure of exploring into the tiger\'s den to get the treasure.

gain profit in risk!

"Pa!" grabbed the Pearl and fell into his hand. There was an unusual feeling that the Pearl had no "resistance". One of Lin Fengxin\'s joys was to get this treasure with "strange energy" in a down-to-earth manner. His body turned quickly and was quite flexible.

I\'m going to the top of the flame, in an instant——

"Boom!" "boom!" "boom!!" the whole Flame Mountain vibrated violently, like an angry bull. The magma in the Flame Mountain rolls and burns wildly, and the fierce hot temperature fills the whole Flame Mountain in an instant. At this time, the exit at the top of the flame mountain that could be seen by looking up

"Boom! Boom! ~" clusters of fireballs rolled down with fierce hot magma.

Just a moment, the situation is a sudden change.

Totally unexpected!

"How could this happen?!" Lin Feng\'s face changed greatly. Even if the reaction was fast, he was confused at the moment.

Unexpectedly, Huoyanshan, which still has six seconds to "wake up", somehow woke up early. Moreover, completely crossing that buffer period and directly entering the prelude like the eruption period, I can even feel the bursts of heat under my feet.

Block your retreat completely.

Even if you stand still, you will be submerged by magma and destroyed by the fireball falling from the top like a meteorite.

I can\'t get out at all!

His face was pale, and Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed sharply.

You can\'t wait to die!

"There must be a way out!" Lin Feng clenched his teeth. Even if it was a near death, there would be a glimmer of vitality!

The more dangerous it is, the more calm it is. Losing your mind will only bury the last chance that originally existed.

"My calculation will never be wrong."

"Ten second gap, 100% exists."


In Lin Feng\'s mind, thousands of thoughts attacked in an instant.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!

And this\' demon \'

"That\'s it!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright and completely reacted.

Looking straight as like as two peas in the sky, lying in the initiator of evil spirits, they are still the same as the "Pearl".

"I see."

"It should be like an \'array eye\'."

Like a sea god needle!

It is precisely because of the existence of this "Pearl" that there is this flame mountain and this cycle!

And now

"Whoever unties the bell must tie it."

"Since it provokes, it must be able to solve it."

Lin Feng\'s secret way in his heart can\'t help but think of the picture he saw just now.

The Pearl sank at the bottom of the flame mountain, and even the strongest flame could not get close to it. If it stays there all the time, you can imagine how strong its "fire resistance" is. You know, at the bottom of the flame mountain is the place where magma condenses and the element of fire is the most rich and strong.

But it was safe and sound.

"Boom!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burned and the star force broke out.

However, the Pearl did not respond at all, like a stone.

Pop! Biting the tip of the tongue, blood dripping, the Pearl still has no movement and ignores itself. Lin Feng\'s face was pale and almost desperate. The crazy magma was enough to destroy his defense, and the fireball on his head had come fiercely.

"It\'s over." Lin Feng\'s heart is cold.

However, at this time, the sudden change rises!

Jiong! Jiong! The fireball falling from the sky, when it was about to swallow itself, turned inexplicably and fell to his side. More than one, two and three fireballs are like this. It seems that there is a natural protective cover on their head.

"This?!" Lin Feng stared.

Before reaction, there was a sharp pain in both legs, but the violent magma began to erode.

At this moment, there is no other thought at all. It comes out like an arrow like a conditioned reflex.


The arrow breaking through the air, Lin Feng clenched his teeth and went straight to the top of the fire.

"Pun!" "pun!" "pun!" where pun! "Passed, nothing could resist. Any fireball or magma that falls on the top of his head can\'t touch his body at all. It bends like a match. Lin Feng is shocked and looks at the "innocent pearl" held high in his hand——

I fully understand.

Whew! The forest wind "shoots" from the flame mountain.

The legs seemed to be on fire, which was painful to the heart, but the flame had a strong burning effect.

But anyway, I was saved!

"Red Ling!" Lin Fengqiang endured the pain and called instantaneously.

WOW! As my heart desired, a war snake with beautiful red scales appeared in time without any pause. As soon as the tail turned dexterously, dun involved himself like a swimming dragon. In this crazy area of fire element, he moved forward quickly.


"Boom!" boom!!! "Flame Mountain erupted.

The sky burst into flames and the whole sky burst. It was a feeling of complete loss of control.

Not looking back, but Lin Feng can feel that this volcanic eruption is very different from before.


Is it about yourself?

"I\'m afraid the cycle won\'t continue without this\' fixed fire pearl." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

The previous volcanic eruption was like a cycle of regeneration, just like a martial artist practicing martial arts, long and continuous. At this time, it was like a battle, it was a crazy battle, and all forces broke out.

Once the power is exhausted, the flame mountain will be unsustainable.

"Pa!" Lin Feng put the Pearl on his legs, and the fire spreading on his legs suddenly became weak, as if he was afraid. Under the interference of the "fixed fire pearl", the flame lost its function and annihilated its power.

"It\'s really a \'Pearl of fire\'." Lin Feng smiled.

Although his legs are numb and painful, his danger has been eliminated at the moment. The Flame Mountain erupts violently behind him, but he can get out of the danger zone quickly at the speed of red Ling.

Despite some accidents, this time, on the whole——

It\'s perfect.

"Strange beads." Lin Feng picked up the Pearl and finally had time to observe it carefully.

The pearl is not big, and its color is very ordinary. As I saw in my first impression, such "peace" should be said to be ordinary. In the Pearl, there is a "crystal" like existence, but it is not a sculpture or a pearl center.

"Like a teardrop."

"Like water, it\'s like living."

Inexplicably, Lin Feng was also surprised.

But it is the feeling of this\' crystal tear drop \'to yourself, so



"I had this feeling when I found it just now."

"As like as two peas, the first familiar" familiar "is like a call, but why is it so weak?

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up and tutted.


"How can I forget that I\'m separated now."

Lin Feng couldn\'t help shaking his head because he was confused.

Noumenon and separation are two kinds of solitary and different beings. They have different cultivation, different strength and different understanding.

"Get out of danger first."

"At that time, it\'s not too late to study it slowly."

Lin Feng thought lightly.

No hurry.

Since we have got it, there is no need to study it at the moment.

After a short rest, the numb legs have recovered. Although the burning and erosion of the flame is powerful, his own body almost has an immortal body. Perhaps now it only has the power of the saint, but the "foundation" of the separation is a strong star, which can not be destroyed.

Resilience is strong.

"Sure enough." Lin Feng looked at the flame mountain with his eyes burning slightly.

As I can see, without the "Pearl of fixed fire", the flame mountain is completely out of control at the moment.

What big cycle and small cycle no longer exist, as if the whole \'array\' had been destroyed. He smiled calmly. He didn\'t care. Under the guidance of red Ling, he had already entered the safe area. In the distance, the shadow of the overlapping volcanoes can be seen gradually.

"It\'s safe." Lin Feng breathed out a sigh and finally felt relieved.

This experience is quite unforgettable.

Almost buried in this flaming mountain.


"Just now... I seem to have missed something?" Lin Feng was stunned and his eyes flashed a light of doubt.

"By the way, it\'s the wall of nothingness!"

"When he came out, he disappeared!"

Lin Feng immediately reacted.

His eyes sparkled with sparkling luster and his heart was shocked.

I remember clearly that when I entered the range of Flame Mountain, it was like entering a unique area. After careful study, it is found that the area of flame mountain looks similar to other volcanic groups, but it is completely different.

Because it forms a \'system\' and a complete cycle.

But now, the system cycle has disappeared.

"Fixed fire Pearl..."

"The disappearing circular system and the unchanging semi independent space."

Lin Feng frowned and thought deeply.

Slowly, the pupils are bright and the breathing feels fast.

"Shouldn\'t..." Lin Feng\'s face was shocked. He thought of what qianlianhuang had said. At that time, he didn\'t care much, but now all kinds of signs show that the layer of flame mountain he just entered is——

Array in the array!

And \'it\'

Lin fengran looked at the still "ordinary" pearl in his hand, and the waves in his heart were turbulent and difficult to calm.

If one\'s guess is correct, the "Pearl of fire" is the whole bird King prison in the mouth of the thousand love emperor, in the array——

The most precious existence!