Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1129

Second, third, fourth!

Lin Feng began his exploration journey tirelessly.

In fact, it doesn\'t take much time to explore a volcano. Even the largest volcano is not big inside. There may be obstacles outside the volcano, and the induction is not so clear, but after entering the volcano, the induction of the whole area can be seen at a glance.

The exploration of the first volcano takes the most time.

Then it\'s much simpler. If you really want to explore one by one, it will take at least a few years.

I can\'t afford it.

Time passes slowly.

Hour after hour, Lin Feng was still exploring carefully.

From the moment I made the decision, I knew it was not easy and it would be quite time-consuming and labor-consuming. However, I had to do so in order to find the secret and truth.

"Ten days."

"If you still have no results in ten days, leave."

Lin Feng said softly in his heart.

There are still a lot of things to do, and you can\'t keep looking for them.

If you can\'t find it in ten days, it can only show that you have no fate with the \'opportunity\' of this space, but at least

It\'s a worthwhile trip to harvest this set fire pearl yourself.

The first three days of exploration soon came to an end.

Without any harvest, the situation is quite unsatisfactory.

From the fourth day, Lin Feng accelerated the exploration speed, no longer entering the deepest part of the volcano, but entering the center of the volcano to explore with breath induction, and the efficiency increased by 30%. However, we still got nothing. This volcanic group seems to be sleeping like this, and the change is quite inexplicable.

Three more days!

"Hoo! ~" Lin Feng sighed.

I explored for six days in a row. Although I didn\'t consume much physical strength, the feeling of nothing consumed my fighting spirit. He has been numb to do the same thing, and his spirit is a little tired. Tens of thousands of volcanoes have been explored, but it\'s like carved in a mold. It\'s no big difference.

"Each volcano is as like as two peas."

It\'s not a structure, it\'s a feeling.

Close your eyes, jump out of the circle, put aside the flame mountain, and the volcanoes in the whole semi independent space stand one by one like stone carvings. In fact, if these volcanoes don\'t erupt, the whole space will be dead. It\'s not like a place for treasure, but like

An array!

"I was in the array." Lin Feng smiled.

I think it\'s interesting to think about it myself. However, even if I know that these volcanic groups have secrets and mistakes, I can\'t find them.

Too much!

I just found tens of thousands of volcanoes, and hundreds of thousands, millions of volcanoes waiting for me.

Although the volcanoes in the whole semi independent space are not counted, they are at least more than ten million according to the volcanic scale and space size. It\'s hard to imagine in the fighting spirit world, but if you are driven by the power of the array, it\'s like manipulating chess pieces. There\'s no problem.

"It\'s no use thinking more."

"The result depends on God\'s will."

Lin Feng smiled calmly and relaxed.

I am lucky to get it, but I lose my life.

"There are still the last four days, continue!" after a short rest, Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and started the exploration journey again.

It\'s not the end yet.


The shadow of Lin Feng is extremely ghostly and gallops in the volcano.

The strength of separation broke out completely. In the last few hours of these ten days, I tried my best to find the secret. His eyes were shining, the forest wind stopped at the bottom of the volcano and stood slowly. The surrounding magma was still hot and boiling, and the element of fire was extremely rich.

This is the last seven days of exploration, I once again entered the deepest part of the volcano.

But the result is as like as two peas.

"It seems... It\'s really fate." Lin Feng sighed.

It\'s a lie to say no regret, because I do see hope and opportunity.

But time waits for no man.

If you look for it again, you may not be able to find it in ten months.

"Break when you should." the hesitation in Lin Feng\'s eyes instantly turned into a pure light, which disappeared in a flash.

Yourself, it\'s time to go back.

"Red Ling." Lin Feng turned his head.

Red Ling, not far from her side, just waited in her spare time.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng couldn\'t help but say, "why don\'t you suck the flame here?" he was surprised. Every time he explored the volcano, Hongling would absorb a little flame, just like eating snacks. In particular, every time he entered the deepest part of the volcano in the first three days, Hongling was greedy to absorb the flame at the bottom of the volcano.

According to Hongling\'s words, the flame at the bottom of the volcano is the strongest, the most essence and the best taste.

In fact, fire has the highest concentration and the strongest energy.

But this time

"I can\'t absorb the flame here." red Ling said slowly.

He was stunned.

Lin Feng looked at the red Ling puzzled, "why?"

In the induction, although the flame here is strong, it can be easily absorbed with the strength of red damask.

"The flame here carries some other energy." Hongling replied.

"Other energy?" Lin Feng was stunned.

"Well, it has the same energy as that bead. Although it is very small, I can\'t digest it." Hongling said.

Bead energy?!

Setting fire Pearl!

Lin Feng reacted and suddenly remembered that it was because Hongling felt that he could find the fire pearl at that time. The flame here... With the energy of the fire pearl? It\'s strange. It\'s nothing special to look at this volcano horizontally or vertically.

"What you said, Hongling, is the energy of this\' fixed fire Pearl \'?" Lin Feng took out the fixed fire pearl.

"Yes, master." Hongling looked at her without thinking.

It does have energy!

I just can\'t feel it.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed and affirmed again.

For the energy of fire, Hongling\'s feeling is better than herself. She can feel that there will be no fake.


What is the energy of this fire pearl?

Why does the flame here have the same energy?


However, only when there is doubt can there be an answer. Lin Feng\'s eyes flickered and suffocated for ten days. Now it seems that a door is opening to himself, and the light is beginning to appear. Looking at Hongling, Lin Feng immediately asked, "is this volcano the only one with this energy?"

"There are other volcanoes too," replied Hongling.

Lin Feng cluster eyebrows, "didn\'t you absorb it before?"

"These energies are deposited at the bottom of the volcano, and there are no flames in other places," replied Hong Ling. "Moreover, only the volcanoes explored in these hours have these energies."

Bottom sediment!

These hours???

Lin Feng gently pursed his lips and his eyes were sparkling.

What\'s special about the volcanoes we passed through these hours?

"Hmm..." it seems that there is no difference. The same Volcanic Group, the same structure and composition, and the same intensity of flame. The volcano that I entered as like as two peas in the past few days is almost the same as before.

"Maybe it\'s because I can\'t feel it." Lin Feng thought.

"Well... Can you feel these \'energy\' red damask?" Lin Feng looked at the red damask and his face coagulated.

"Yes, master," replied Hongling without hesitation.

"Take me." Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed.

Even the slightest energy, Hongling can sense it.

Just as it was so far away at that time, red damask could clearly point the way, which was a special sensing ability to flame.

Lin Feng stands on the back of Hong Ling, and is determining the area where the energy is located with her gallop. Frown tight and look around this area. It\'s not big. At the speed of red damask, it doesn\'t take an hour to make a circle, but there\'s still no sign.

"Is this the area?" Lin Feng asked with a frown.

"Yes," said Hongling.

Looking around again, Lin Feng paused and said, "is there any law for these energies?"

It was quiet for a few seconds.

"Yes, the energy in the center of the region is the most intensive, and the energy in the periphery is the most dispersed." Hongling replied.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up. He seemed to understand something. He didn\'t think about the cableway. "Go, take me to the center of the area, where the energy is most concentrated." if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. He has the same energy as the fixed fire pearl, where the energy is most concentrated——

Nine times out of ten, you will get the answer!

"Yes, master."

Gallop in!

Time passes slowly.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were deep in front of him, a little suddenly.


The energy of fire here seems a little stronger than before, but the dense volcanic groups just now seem to disappear suddenly. There is a feeling of familiarity in my heart, but I can\'t say it. What is it? Lin Feng\'s eyebrows were just clustered. Suddenly, the speed of red Ling slowed down.


"Shouldn\'t it?!" Lin Feng opened his mouth gently and dilated his pupils.

"Here is the most energy intensive area?" Lin Feng was shocked and looked ahead.

At this time, Hongling has stopped.

In front of us is an incomparably huge volcano, which is much larger than other volcanoes, but it is dead and has no sense of vitality.

I can\'t be more familiar with everything I see!

It can\'t be true?

Lin Feng suddenly felt bewildered. He made a big circle and came back?

Here is the flame mountain!

"It\'s here, master." Hongling said softly, "take this as the central point, and the energy diffuses out. The more you go out, the weaker the energy is."

Lin Feng looked at Hongling and his eyes flashed a little light: "you said \'strange energy\', isn\'t it the flame energy that originally existed in this flame mountain?"

"Yes," said Hongling, "the flame energy of this flame mountain is the same as that of the beads."


Lin Feng\'s head exploded.

The huge earthquake of the heart, in an instant, all the questions suddenly opened up at this moment.

Yes, as like as two peas in the Flaming Mountains, the fire is the same as the Flaming Mountains\'s energy, which is the same as that of Flaming Mountains. Before, I took the fixed fire pearl. The Flame Mountain erupted. There was no array cycle and no space to protect the wall. The magma and fire elements here naturally spread out into other volcanic groups.

Therefore, the flame energy will gradually decrease.

"I see." Lin Feng\'s heart was shocked and his eyes were shining.