Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1126

Although I don\'t know the array.

However, through careful observation, according to various environmental details, changes in breath can also find many "secrets".

In the self state, the sense is extremely sharp.

"The explosion of flame is regular."

"Since the \'force of array\' forms a cycle, this cycle must be fixed."

"Perhaps the cycle process is very long, but no matter how long the cycle will be wound into a circle, it will be a \'repeated\' operation process, such as machinery."

Lin Feng thought lightly.

All doubts were completely eliminated at this moment.

Grasp and win!

two hours.

Four hours.

Six hours.


Time, little by little.

However, Lin Feng was not worried at all. He just observed patiently and recorded every detail of the eruption of Flame Mountain.

Any detail may be the key!

"Slide!" "slide!" it\'s as flexible as a loach. The red Ling\'s fire energy sensing is extremely sharp. It\'s light and skilful to avoid one fire attack after another. Even the most dense flame like a meteor shower can\'t hurt it.

"Thanks a lot." Lin Feng smiled.

Without Hongling, I can\'t find flaws wholeheartedly.

Moreover, I\'m afraid to resist the outbreak of this fire will consume my great strength. It\'s more than ten times more difficult to find a "cycle" and a law.

Observe the flame explosion again and again. Each small cycle will have subtle differences. It may be very similar, but it\'s not what you want. What I want is a real "big cycle". Covering the whole small cycle, a largest circle, a completely fixed existence!

One day passed.

Two days passed.

When more than half of the third day passed, Lin Feng finally affirmed.

"The eruption time of Flame Mountain is uncertain, and the interval time is even more uncertain."

"Based on the power of the explosive flame, a certain proportion effect and eruption interval are formed."

"These subtle changes are easily confused, resulting in the illusion of \'random\', but it really exists regularly."

Lin Feng\'s secret way.

After observing for two days, I didn\'t dare to make a positive guess until more than half of the third day passed.

The whole cycle, every hour is a small cycle. The gap between small cycles is very small, but it is not half fixed. Twelve small cycles form a big cycle, that is, a perfect circle, a circle of cycles, a completely fixed \'circle\'.

Indeed, the first day and the second day, the outbreak of fire was different.

But it is different from the small cycle, not the large cycle.

"Every big cycle is actually the same."

"The difference is that in every big cycle every day, the order of small cycles is completely disrupted."

As like as two peas as like as two peas as like as two peas on the first day, the first cycle of the second day is the same as the third cycle hour of the first day; the tenth cycle time of the first day is exactly the same as the first cycle of the seventh cycle; the twelfth cycle time of second days is the same as the fifth cycle time of the first day... "," the first cycle of the first day is the same as the first day. "The first cycle of the second day is the same as the first cycle.

"However, no matter how it changes, the composition of the big cycle has not changed."

Lin Feng nodded.

It\'s like twelve people in a space. Maybe the position and direction of standing will change, but it\'s still the twelve people.

Thanks to the complete memory of his pupils, I understand.

If not, let alone two days, ten days or a hundred days, we may not be able to find this law.

Now, the third day is the past ten hours!

I\'m absolutely sure.

Because of these ten as like as two peas, ten small cycles have appeared in the first and second days, and they are exactly the same.

Clear discrimination, looking at Lin Feng in front, his eyes are slightly bright.

Eleventh little cycle, start!

"Sure enough." Lin Feng observed carefully and drew a radian at the corner of his mouth.

Regardless of the timing and interval of volcanic eruption, it is the same as the tenth cycle hour on the first day and the seventh cycle hour on the second day. You don\'t have to look any further. You know what will happen in the future.

"Here comes the opportunity." Lin Feng nodded slowly.

The eyes are slightly closed, the pictures in the mind are replayed continuously, and all the details of the eleventh small cycle are clear into the heart.

Play back like a movie, looking for flaws and opportunities.

For a long time


Lin Feng frowned slightly.

Even if you can find the law, you may not find a good opportunity.

However, this is not over.

"There is also the twelfth small cycle." Lin Feng closed his eyes again. Although the twelfth small cycle has not yet started, he screened and removed the eleven opened small cycles through elimination, leaving only the only small cycle.

Where\'s the flaw?

"There must be." Lin Feng looked dignified and clenched his fist.

Playing back and thinking, time passed slowly, and sweat fell from his forehead.


It seems that we still can\'t find the real perfect flaw, which can be used by ourselves 100%.

Whether the eleventh or the twelfth cycle, the timing of each Flame Mountain outbreak is very subtle. Even if you find that gap, the opportunity is very small and you need to take a lot of risks, but this is not what you want.

Because this opportunity is too dangerous.

A slip will become eternal hatred.

Really not?

Lin Feng tightly pursed his lips and felt the continuous passage of time, leaving less and less opportunities for himself


"How did I forget this!" Lin Feng\'s eyes burst into light.

There is a buffer period between the eleventh small cycle and the twelfth small cycle!

It\'s a great opportunity!


In my mind, I constantly simulate the scene and the possible situation.

Lin Feng seizes all his time and the opportunity can\'t come again. Just at the end of the eleventh small cycle and the beginning of the twelfth small cycle, we can piece together an opportunity. If it is between other small cycles, this buffer period may not be formed.

Opportunities, not often.

At this time, the eleventh small cycle is coming to an end.

"Boom!" the Flame Mountain erupted again and roared. The crazy force formed a meteor shower, which roared to everything in all directions and annihilated the ears.

"Coming." Lin Feng opened his eyes and the light flashed.

This eruption is the last eruption of the eleventh small cycle and the most powerful eruption.

It is precisely because its outbreak is so violent that the final suspension period is very long; As it happens, the first eruption of the twelfth small cycle is the most powerful one, and the buffer and aggregation period in the early stage is longer than that of other small cycles.

The two outbreaks are like a jigsaw puzzle. It will not be an opportunity, but a great opportunity!

The sharper the blade, the easier it is to break.

"Boom!" "boom! ~" the explosion of Flame Mountain was extremely fierce.

Such as the feeling of falling apart, people are deterred, but Lin Feng\'s eyes are bright at the moment.

"Red Ling, go!" Lin Fengshen drank.

Without half hesitation, red damask sprang out like lightning.

The previous Dodge was nothing to her. Now it is the real explosion of strength. The perfect sense of fire makes Hongling step on the ground in this sea of fire and quickly approach the flame mountain.

The energy of fire is getting stronger and stronger.

The temperature is getting higher and higher, and the burning intensity is abnormal.

"Peng!" "Peng!" Hong Ling shouted angrily, but the closer she got to the flame mountain, the more difficult it was to avoid, and she had to resist the power of fire. These flames beyond her power can\'t be absorbed at all. She can only fight hard with the holy body. After breaking through the sanctification, her physique has also greatly improved. It was already very strong. Now

More terrible!

But the more forward, the greater the pressure, even Hongling\'s strong physique is not enough.

At this time, the breath of Lin Feng was slowly agglutinating, the thunder light flashed on his forehead, and his body changed alone.


Physical strength is extremely abnormal.

Although it is human, it is better than Hongling\'s physique.

"It\'s hard for you, red Ling." Lin Feng said softly. Moved by his heart, he immediately incorporated red Ling into his body. Like wing, it is also a contract Warcraft. The red damask disappears in an instant, and the smell of forest wind suddenly erupts. The heart measures the time, like thunder, and attacks in an instant.

"Whew!" it\'s like a sharp arrow. Lin Feng is very fast.

The Amethyst gun in his hand was shining brightly. In the face of the fast shooting fireball, he didn\'t dodge and turned into thunder.

With a stuffy hum, Lin Feng frowned slightly, but his chest sank and suffered a slight injury, but it would not hinder any pace. The light of the Flame Mountain in front of us gradually faded, and entered the end of the eleventh small cycle. It broke out in a gentle period, and the jet of flame fell to the bottom of the valley in both speed and quantity.

"Wow!" the forest wind fell immediately above the flame mountain.

Overlooking the lower part, I saw a rich flame, and the energy in the flame mountain was even more violent and frightening.

Once the Flame Mountain erupts at this time, he will have no way to escape and no place to die.

However, I am not afraid at all.

"The treasure is inside." Lin Feng\'s eyes are shining, and he has absolute confidence in his judgment.

At this time, it just enters the junction of the eleventh small cycle and the twelfth small cycle, and the flame jet is almost zero. As I simulated in my mind before, this time point is completely accurate and half accurate.

"Ten seconds!" Lin Feng\'s eyes moved.

"Ten seconds at most, only ten seconds."

Whoosh! The forest wind swooped down.

Even if you know there is no danger, it really takes great courage to rush down like this.

However, Lin Feng did it.

If you don\'t go into a tiger\'s den, you won\'t get a tiger\'s son.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" the feeling of heartbeat is extremely intense.

Lin Feng\'s eyes were shining. It was not a nervous heartbeat. Now he was very calm. The sharp heartbeat is because at this moment, I finally feel the powerful energy. Hongling said that she has the existence of \'ultimate energy\'!

With deep eyes and full speed, Lin Feng has seen the bright pearl sinking in the deepest part of the flame mountain and lying there quietly.

The movement of the heart is full of extreme excitement.

That\'s it!