Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1105

Continue to understand!

Time is very precious.

Following the first "way of strength", Lin Feng soon entered a "way of strength" and devoted himself to cultivation. With the experience of the first "way of killing", the second "way of destruction" took only half a month to understand, and the third "way of power"——

Also gradually surfaced.

"Bang!" it\'s as heavy as a thousand. It\'s like cutting mountains and stones.

Lin Feng\'s eyes flashed like crazy.

One punch directly smashed the dreamland, and the whole space slowly cracked like a mirror, PA! Pop! In an instant. The forest wind appeared in the sky, and the thunder was shining and tightly wrapped around the whole body, just like thunder.


"The purest power."

"This is... The way of Juli."

His eyes were bright, and Lin Feng\'s consciousness gradually woke up from the state of understanding.

Every "way of power" has its own different power system, and its feelings are different. The understanding of the way of great power is a little more difficult than the way of destruction. It is not that the way of great power is stronger than the way of destruction, but that their "training" is different and their understanding is also different.

It took nearly a month to realize that it was in line with the "way of killing".


I finally understood it.

"This\' way of power \'also has the breath of master\'s power."

"No wonder I have such a clear sense of these three \'ways of power\', nine times out of ten it has something to do with the master."

"But... What\'s the difference between one way and three ways?"

Lin Feng was gentle and gentle, and his eyes were shining.

Different from the way of saints, any "way of power" is an independent power system.

The three "ways of power" belong to three power systems. If you use the "way of destruction", give the "way of great power", or break out the "way of killing", your body can only exert one power at the same time, and the three "ways of power" are undoubtedly cumbersome.

Fortunately, I don\'t waste much time.

"Waste, waste."

"At least now it\'s full of understanding, you can clearly know..."

"Which \'power way\' is best for me."

Lin Feng nodded slowly.

The three "roads of strength" are like three forks leading to the end. They can all be reached, but there is no intersection at all. Choosing any one and the shortest way to the end is the most suitable and concise method.

If you go through all three roads, it will undoubtedly be thankless.

"Pa!" "pa!" "pa!" "pa!" one flame feather appeared again, and the same fourteen flashed light, as if calling something.

"It\'s time to leave." Lin Feng said calmly.

In my heart, I have an indescribable feeling that this domain of Kings gives me too much.

The strength of separation has made a new breakthrough here. The three ways of power are like three new ways to open the light and make your state of mind clear.

That is a new path to higher levels of power than the holy level.

Holy king.

"Zi! Hula! ~" space changes.

The light of the flame burns a big hole in the whole space in an instant.

A passage composed of the purest flame appears, which is just different from the first layer of the bird\'s field. This is not a space passage, but like a "ladder", a ladder going in and out of the king\'s field. I don\'t know what will happen when I go deep, but


At least, I know that this is the way to leave.

"Jin Ji once told me that if you can enter the third floor, there..."

"It\'s where the real \'bird King prison\' is."

His eyes were slightly bright, with hope, and Lin Feng stepped out slowly.

WOW! There is no feeling of penetrating the space when you enter the road that seems to lead to the horizon, and the feeling of the heart is still very clear. Sighing softly, Lin Feng clenched his fist and deeply realized that the "way of power" seemed to "live" in his body, and his figure slowly disappeared.

Go to a higher level!

Go deeper and farther.

But I don\'t know how long it took. Lin Feng himself doesn\'t know.

The road that came had long disappeared, and the front seemed to be the end of the kingdom of kings, appearing in front of us bit by bit.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s eyes lit up.

The feeling of the heart, a familiar breath gradually enters the heart.

"Is it her?" Lin Feng looked forward.

That beautiful figure, I can\'t be more familiar with. The neutral dress in military clothes and the heroic short hair make her beautiful face full of "hardness". Ice skin and snow skin, short hair, women\'s tall and straight chest and Yingying\'s small waist are particularly moving under the tight martial arts.

How can I forget!

Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled.

On that day, she gave herself an unforgettable "experience.".

In the battle to enter the realm of the king, I was completely defeated!

At this time, the short haired woman looked at Lin Feng with clear eyes, and her beautiful eyes looked at Lin Feng again. Then the pure light flashed, with a slight surprise and inexplicable confusion. She felt that Lin Feng seemed like two people when she met last time. Thousands of love Emperor didn\'t know. Now the Lin Feng she saw is very different from the noumenon.

"Meet again." Lin Feng smiled and nodded, taking the lead in greeting.

Winning or losing is a common thing for martial artists. As a man, of course, he won\'t be so "petty".

She said "um" softly. The thousand love emperor looked flat and didn\'t pay much attention to Lin Feng. Although she was a little curious, she didn\'t need to care too much about a "defeated general under her hand". As the charming girl of heaven, she never gives color to any man.

With an indifferent smile, Lin Feng doesn\'t care about the indifference and arrogance of the thousand love emperor.

Everyone has their own personality. Shi Zhi\'s heart is like this, Jin Ji is like this, and so is this short haired woman.

Nine times out of ten, every genius is quite arrogant.

Looking forward, Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled.

It was a crystal wall that stood in the way.

The crystal wall presents a strange light. It seems to be only a thin layer, but it seems to contain a profound secret. Behind the crystal wall, I can feel a layer of solitude and different breath. It seems that it is the "advanced" place.

Leading to the third floor is the real bird King prison.

Looking at the short haired woman, I can see a hesitation and thinking in her eyes.

She seemed to be blocked by the crystal wall.

"Can\'t you get in?" Lin Feng said softly.

The thousand love Emperor didn\'t look at Lin Feng. Xiumei frowned slightly. He still stared at the crystal wall and nodded gently. It was an answer.

"Oh?" must have guessed in his heart, and Lin Feng nodded thoughtfully.

Can\'t even get her in?

This layer of crystal wall is really unusual.

"Wow!" Lin Feng\'s figure flashed slightly and quickly pasted into the crystal wall. The bright eyes flashed with clear brilliance. The right hand stretched forward and instantly touched a layer of invisible barriers. The action was one meal. The tentacles were cold and felt as thin as cicada wings.

"Oh?" Lin Feng\'s heart moved lightly.


With his left hand clenching his fist, there was no sign, "Hoo!" Lin Feng\'s fist was waved, and Lin Feng looked calm. Without any breath of star power, it is just the gift of the "way of great power", and there is even no preparation. When the position is inappropriate, 10% of the breath of power will burst out in an instant.

"Bang!" a heavy blow.

Lin Feng\'s face changed suddenly, and his left hand was numb.

As soon as his chest sank, the fierce counterattack force came from the crystal wall as thin as cicada wings in front. With a stuffy hum, the forest wind flew out.

"Wow!" thousands of love emperor\'s eyes lit up.

She could see the attack power of Lin Feng just now.

"The way of great power?" I was quite surprised. The thousand love emperor looked at Lin Feng and was even more curious. It must be a great understanding to understand the "way of great power" with the strength of star level warriors. However, she could not imagine that Lin Feng was now a saint.

In fact, although the split strength is the most holy level, it is an advanced level like a divine beast. Thousands of love emperors can\'t see that it\'s normal.

As the same constellation as the king, she is biased towards the God of martial arts. Compared with Jin Ji, who is biased towards the God of heaven, she is inferior in sensitivity. On that day, Jin Ji reluctantly sensed the unusual nature of Lin Feng and did not confirm Lin Feng\'s strength. Now, thousands of love emperors are naturally in the dark.

She seems to know that Lin Feng, the "defeated general" of that day, is going to defeat her now

It\'s already easy.

"Hoo! ~" Lin Feng stood still and took a long breath.

"What a strong reaction." Lin Feng\'s eyes sparkled when he was startled by his heart.

He didn\'t suffer any damage, just part of the strength of the counterattack, seemed a little stuffy. Staring at the crystal wall, the place where I was hit just now, let alone the dent, didn\'t even have a fist print, and it wasn\'t damaged at all.

Although only one of their own strength, it has been quite good.

But the crystal wall was\' blocked \'without damage.

"It\'s interesting," Lin Feng said slightly.

In the realm of the king, I have always understood it, but it is boring to understand it again. These challenging "problems" make me more motivated to fight.

"I don\'t believe how much you can stop?" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I have full confidence in my strength and strength today.

This crystal wall, no matter how difficult it is, should not be difficult to destroy with the strength of the saint. After all, it is only a thin layer.

"Try the way of great power. If you only attack the strongest body, can you break this barrier?" Lin Feng clenched his fist and took a deep breath. Although full of confidence, you don\'t have to go all out. This crystal wall still doesn\'t know its details. It\'s better to keep a card.

"Drink!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and his breath was pungent.

The strong way of great power affects the power system of the whole space.

At this time, the thousand love emperor frowned slightly and shook his head. Looking at Lin Feng\'s appearance now, he thought of himself before. She didn\'t make a sound to dissuade. This crystal wall won\'t kill people. Many things can only be right or wrong after trying. She can stop Lin Feng, but will Lin Feng give up?

There\'s no need to meddle.


"What a strong feeling of strength." although qianlianhuang knows the results, he is quite surprised by the power breath revealed by Lin Feng.

When she fought with Lin Feng last time, she never saw Lin Feng have such strength.

And now——

Lin Feng\'s fist burst out in an instant.