Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1104

Time, space, matter, energy.

Four kinds of heaven and earth cores constitute the whole world.

If the Reiki in heaven and earth and the original energy are the basic elements of the whole world and indispensable, then the material is like the steel frame in the building, solidified into the main body of the whole world, just like Pangu opening the sky and supporting the whole world.

The way of power!

To arouse the power of heaven and earth is the way of power.

Special muscles and bones are part of the power of heaven and earth. With the increase of strength, as long as the attack can trigger the power of heaven and earth, just like the pupil of the eye. The real "way of power" needs to be understood and constantly honed to understand the existence of that "power".

And Lin Feng, now finally set foot.

"The way of killing, the power of killing..."

"What a powerful force."

Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning.

I can\'t believe looking at my right fist. The power breath just aroused is ten times more powerful than normal. Without the instillation of star power, just the explosion of physical power, this fist is so terrible that it is enough to fight with ordinary saints.

And if you give star power energy

I\'m afraid the power is even more unpredictable!

"Continue!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

Fatigue and weakness disappear in this moment, leaving only endless joy, as well as the pleasure and taste of understanding. Looking at the blood wolves around, the smell of blood came with a roar. In my own feeling, it was no longer ugly, but it was particularly attractive.

This is a training.

Great help to yourself!

"Come on."

"The more, the better!"

Lin Feng is energetic and moves faster and faster.

Each fist wields the power to attract heaven and earth, and the killing breath in your heart is completely controlled and turned into an amazing power explosion.

"Boom!" with the same punch, the defeated blood wolf had seven or eight heads. The blood wolf next to the target was badly affected, and the strong power of heaven and earth had the strength of real holy level. Deeply aware of the tyranny of the way of killing, my heart is suddenly enlightened.

That\'s the feeling!


Step into the palace of understanding.

Lin Feng\'s understanding of the way of strength brings not only strength, but also lasting combat effectiveness.

You don\'t need to spend a lot of effort. As long as you have the way to kill in your heart, even a little effort can exert the power beyond a lot of effort. One punch after another, Lin Feng was deeply immersed in understanding. The whole person was immersed in it, constantly consolidating the way of power and enjoying it.

The emergence of these blood wolves is precisely for the "way of killing".

No matter the breath they have, the feeling they bring, or even the endless moth fire attack, everything

All to introduce themselves into the "way of killing.".

"Wow!" "Wow!" Lin Feng\'s eyes twinkled and shone brightly.

During the continuous attack, the surrounding environment has gradually changed, and the number of endless blood wolves is decreasing little by little. All the blood wolves killed by the way of killing are no longer reborn, but disappear into light and smoke.

The number of blood wolves is decreasing little by little, and the perception of the way of killing is becoming clearer and clearer.

As time went by, the number of blood wolves ranged from tens of thousands to thousands, and then from thousands to hundreds. Soon, there were only dozens left to resist.

"It\'s over." Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened.

Lightning flashes, and the rich star power bursts out to attract the real power of heaven and earth.

The smell of killing, crazy swept all the remaining blood wolves.

Violent outbreak!

"Boom!!" amazing sound of explosion.

The crazy force bombarded, with the sound of thunder and clouds, and dozens of blood wolves were destroyed in an instant. Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning and he clenched his fists. At the moment, his heart was unusually full, as if he had understood something and understood something. The unspeakable feeling reflected on his chest for a long time.


"This is the way to kill."

"I think... I see."

Lin Feng nodded slightly, and the feeling of the moment, together with the atmosphere of the surrounding environment, became much brighter.

If the outside world is a one storey building, then here is the steel skeleton. The rich "way of power" has abundant space, making the space have strong power. Although single, it is so strong and completely clear.

Killing power!

"Peng!" there was a roar.

The disappearance of the blood wolf made the space suddenly quiet, and the shrouded darkness no longer felt terrible.

The rest is just a gathering of strength.

"Zizi! Zizi! ~" the space seems to be hoarse. A crack opens slowly like eyes, and the situation changes in an instant. Lin Feng\'s eyes were burning, and he felt a powerful flame force coming out of thin air. In the void, "pa!"‘ Bang! "‘ Bang! " There was an endless stream of voices.

The light of fire, suspended in the air!

The present existence is very familiar to me.

"Is it?" Lin Fengwei was surprised.

Reaching out, as like as two peas of the first layer, the flame feather is as if it is burning.

The difference is that there are only seven flame feathers in the first layer of bird\'s field, but there are as many as 14 in this layer, as if there is something you want and some secret. The light movement of Lin Feng\'s heart immediately put the flame feathers into the bag, and his eyes were slightly burning.

Use these 14 flame feathers to leave the realm of kings.

But for now, it\'s not the time.

"It took only a month to understand the way of killing, which is easier than expected." Lin Feng nodded slightly.

"Maybe it\'s because I\'m a saint; maybe it\'s because of my constitution, inheritance, or... It\'s for other reasons."

"But anyway, it\'s at least a good start. The heart induction of the other two ways of power is almost the same as this\' way of killing \', and the understanding time is estimated to be not much different."

With a slight smile, Lin Feng\'s eyes brightened in an instant.

Restore the ontology!

Separation, which is included in the golden life chart, is like the switching between two souls. Noumenon and separation can exist separately, and they can also exist alone. The bright pupil of the star dome is accompanied by the jade Miao\'s advice in the left ear, which is light and pleasant to the ear.

"The gate of space." Lin Feng drank softly.

The strong power of space suddenly appeared, and Lin Feng\'s figure flashed slightly, and then left.

There are also two \'ways of strength\'!


Southern region.

Emperor Shun abdicated!

A shocking news spread in an instant, making the whole southern region a sensation.

In the hearts of ordinary warriors, the Holy One is already unattainable, and the "King" who controls a continent is more distant and admirable. The Lord? That is the whole domain, the king of all nine continents, the leader of all saints, and the existence of heaven that controls everything!

Now, it is abdication.

"It\'s said that Emperor Shun planned the matter of isolation and independence."

"Who knows, it has become a fact anyway. Even if he abdicates and takes full responsibility, it can\'t be changed. After all, he is an emperor and powerful. What can we do?"

"Oh, forget it. It\'s good that Emperor Shun is willing to take responsibility."

"In other words, I hope the next emperor who succeeds to the throne can think of our ordinary people."


Throughout the southern region, the voice of discussion kept on.

The focus of everyone\'s discussion is the abdicated "Emperor Shun". Although they are dissatisfied with him, what can they do? At most, I can only talk loudly. In a few words, although Emperor Shun\'s reputation has fallen to the bottom of the valley, the "heart" of the warriors in the whole southern region has finally calmed down.

It\'s like a feeling of venting and taking a long breath.

Northern domain.

"It\'s a good move to sacrifice yourself for others." the speaker was a middle-aged man with an eyebrow like a sword. The whole man was like a scabbard sword, clanking and proud.

It is the leader of the alliance of the eight regions of mankind and the strongest in the northern region and even the whole human world——

Zuo Bufan!

"Abandon the car and protect the handsome. The \'Shun\' in the south is really good." an old man lightly filled a cup of tea, his small eyes flashing, as if he had great wisdom. This seemingly weak old man is Liu Lao, the vice leader of the human eight domain alliance.

"The last time I saw Emperor Yao, Shun had the style of a great general and won the hearts of the people." old Liu said slowly, "he succeeded Emperor Yao and became a new controller in the southern region. He can take care of everything. He should be a benevolent emperor, but he doesn\'t want to go back and forth. It\'s rare to have such a history at a young age!"

"What should we do next?" Zuo Bufan looked at Liu Lao and obviously respected him.

"Now the storm in the southern region is calming down. Shun sacrificed his reputation and succeeded in delaying time. It was the best policy, but..." old Liu sipped his tea gently and smiled. "His\' Imperial hegemony competition \'is still too naive and full of flaws."

"Liu Lao means..." Zuo Bufan\'s eyes were bright.

"Although it takes a little time, it would be a good thing if we could win the southern region without bloodshed." old Liu youyou smiled.

Zuo Bufan nodded thoughtfully.

Throne race!

The whole southern region is boiling.

How attractive, this is not a contest at the star master level, the star domain level, nor a competition between one state and one county, but a grand event for all saints in the whole southern region, which determines the future destiny of the southern region. Whoever can win the throne competition can replace Shun and become a new emperor.

King Lu\'s pulse and King Yan\'s pulse, each of them practices madly, looking for congenital treasures to enhance their strength.

There are also countless neutral saints who want to try. In the face of such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, who is willing to miss it?

However, there is only one year left.

Taoyuan observatory.

Shun, with his hands on his back, still stared at the sky, looking calm.

"Lord of heaven, will he really appear?"

"When the time comes, will it be the right decision to hand over the southern region to \'he\'?"

"Demon clan, when will it come?"

There are endless questions in my heart.

Shun raised his head and stared at the starry sky. He was confused and numb.

As a saint, he can be alone and ignore everything; But as the controller and leader of the southern region, he needs to bear a lot.

"I don\'t know who the \'he\' in the mouth of the Heavenly Master is..." Shun was curious in his eyes.

(I arrived at home at 11 o\'clock last night. I was tired all day. I slept until 10 o\'clock in the morning. Ha ha, I sent it first. I still have four more today)