Fire Refining the Starry Sky

Chapter 1106

There was no explosive smell.

Lin Feng\'s fist is as heavy as a thousand, as if it were a huge mountain falling from high altitude.

The beautiful eyes opened wide, and the thousand love emperor couldn\'t believe looking at Lin Feng\'s fist. Her straight chest fluctuated slightly. Although she couldn\'t feel any fluctuation of star power, she could deeply feel the power of this fist, which was far beyond the star domain level.

"Drink!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were completely bright.

This crazy step will break out quickly.

The way of Juli!

"Bang!" an earth shaking punch hit the crystal wall.

It\'s like a giant hammer falling down. According to the strength, speed and power, it\'s enough to smash the crystal wall as thin as cicada wings into pieces.


"Whew!" Lin Feng popped up quickly.

With a dull hum, it shot out of the crystal wall like a shell.

The chest seemed to have a suffocating feeling, and the chest was blocked. This amazing punch seemed to be grafted directly onto himself from the crystal wall. Lin Feng tightly pursed his lips and stared back at the crystal wall. There were slight traces where he was punched.

Not unbreakable!

"Step on!" Lin Feng forcibly held his body in mid air.

Excellent physique, with various abilities that ordinary people can\'t imagine.

It was once the body of a strong star, tempered for thousands of years. Although the strength is greatly reduced, the rotten ship still has three nails, not to mention compared with ordinary saints, but also compared with divine beasts. Today\'s Lin Feng is simply a mini beast!

Such counterattack force can\'t hurt.

"Whoa! ~" he breathed out, and Lin Feng looked forward with sparkling eyes.

But I didn\'t notice that the eyes of the thousand love emperor looking at him were already different from those just now. Their beautiful eyes were bright. It was a sparkling "war spirit". Before Lin Feng, qianlianhuang didn\'t see it, because there was a huge gap between her strength and her, but now... This gap has long disappeared.

"Can break!" Lin Feng said in his heart.

The blow just now was his own experiment.

The experimental crystal wall can indeed be broken with strong enough \'force\'.

That tiny trace is a great proof.

"Breathe, breathe! ~" Lin Feng closed his eyes, took a deep breath and adjusted his body strength.

Although the rebound of the crystal wall just now did not hurt yourself, there are still minor injuries to the body, but these injuries are only a matter of minutes and seconds for today\'s strong recovery.

It\'s not hard to recover.

"He... Still wants to attack?" thousands of love emperor Lengshen.

She couldn\'t understand why Lin Feng was so stubborn. She couldn\'t make one hit or two. She still wanted to try the third hit?

Can\'t he see that the crystal wall not only has a strong counterattack, but also has unimaginable resilience. As long as it is not broken, even if there is only a gap, it can recover quickly. Attacking with pure power is a dead end.

And now——

"Pa!" Lin Feng opened his eyes and shook his fists.

The veins were exposed, and a faint ray of thunder flashed in the forehead, and the figure blinked.

WOW! It appears 100 meters in front of the crystal wall.

"Zi! Zi! ~" the thunder flashed, the smell of Lin Feng increased a little, and the whole person\'s momentum changed completely. Concentrate a little, and look straight at the crystal wall in front of you with sharp eyes. The strong sense of war is boiling, and the time is "clanking!" The sound of was as loud as thunder.

Amethyst gun!

"Silk! ~" thousand love emperor is really shocked at the moment.

"It\'s impossible. It wasn\'t his real strength just now?"


The heart was in disorder, and the thousand love emperor looked at Lin Feng\'s look constantly changing.

She is very reluctant to admit it, but as a martial god, she knows that Lin Fenggang is not only unused weapons, the most important thing is——

He doesn\'t even use starpower!

"Just physical strength?" the thousand love emperor was completely shocked and confused.

It was the rising sense of war that dissipated in an instant and was replaced by a deep shock.

Looking at Lin Feng, he was stunned and speechless. He saw the crazy thunder shining around Lin Feng\'s body. The figure in front of her coincided with the figure she defeated a year ago. It was broken like a mirror and no longer existed.

If he had the strength he has now, he would lose

It\'s just her!

Biting her lips, the thousand love emperor was unwilling to admit it, but her heart had betrayed her.

"Boom!" the smell of the forest wind completely burst, and pengran\'s war spirit drove the strong power of heaven and earth, making the whole space vibrate violently. The outbreak of such crazy power can almost break the whole space. In an instant, the face of the thousand love emperor changed greatly. He even shouted, "stop, stop!"

The stronger the attack, the greater the counterattack!

Qianaihuang has carefully studied the crystal wall and knows its characteristics.

If Lin Feng really goes all out to attack the crystal wall, he will be turned against each other by the terrible counterattack force and die——

It will be him!

Although they are not friends and even have only met once, qianlianhuang will not die.

However, her voice was always a beat slower.

It\'s too late!

"Break it for me!" Lin Fengfeng drank, like the birth of the God of war, and the Amethyst gun clanged.

He can\'t hear the voice of the thousand love emperor. Now all his mind is focused on this attack.

The crazy purple light was dazzling and lit up the void. The Amethyst gun was driven and thundered, tightly wrapped around the gun body and played an incredible power. All the forces and energy around us are condensed. Under this crazy attack, even heaven and earth are pale.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The force of heaven and earth and the space shock.

It\'s just such an "ordinary" shot, not even a shot in Star Technology.

"Shoot the wild goose feather!" Lin Feng\'s eyes were bright.

All the forces gather a little, and the strong spiral air force sweeps the whole area. The crazy way of power perfectly integrates the gun moves at this moment, and the brilliant movement of Amethyst gun perfectly combines the gun intention and gun moves. At this moment, all defense seems to be broken into pieces.

Hit it with all your strength!

The thousand love emperor unconsciously covered his small mouth with his hands, and his beautiful eyes widened completely.

This shot stopped her breathing.

It\'s terrible!

Not to mention the power at the star level, a saint standing in front of the forest wind will be torn to pieces by this destructive power.

How amazing!


"No!" the shock in the eyes of the thousand love emperor suddenly became flustered.

What will be the result of such a strong shot once it is completely rebounded by the crystal wall?

Three feet of blood!

The thousand love emperor closed his eyes and didn\'t dare to see the terrible scene. There was a sudden sound of "Peng" in his ear, like an earth breaking explosion, but there was no hoarse and miserable hum. The thousand love emperor opened his beautiful eyes and looked at everything in front of him, surprised and speechless.

Crystal wall, broken!

The crystal wall, which cannot be broken by the power of the Holy One, is broken.

It\'s not a big hole, but it\'s broken into pieces and no longer exists. In front of him, there was only a young man with a purple spear in his hand and surrounded by thunder. He stood calmly and looked calm, as if he had just done a trivial thing.

That ordinary face, however, has a unique charm, which is unspeakable.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" the drama of thousands of love emperor\'s heart jumped, and there seemed to be an unspeakable feeling in the depths of his heart. Since childhood, she has been the daughter of heaven. Her father Qianshan and mother Yuhuang are well-known saints. Her disciples are everywhere, with superior qualifications and handsome looks. She has long been used to seeing them.

But no man has ever made her feel this way.

I felt a slight heartbeat for the first time.

From turning a blind eye, to being slightly shocked, and then to being moved by the heart, the mood of thousands of love for the emperor has changed dramatically in less than half a incense burning time. Even she didn\'t expect that the ordinary youth in front of her would affect her arrogant heart.

"Woo! ~" Lin Feng spits out his turbid breath and his eyes are bright.

"What a strong defense."

"A little less strength will fall short."

With a slight smile, Lin Feng can clearly sense the defensive power of the crystal wall by the most direct contact attack.

Two words can describe: terror!

With its current strength, it is only "reluctantly" to break.

But anyway, it broke.

As I expected, behind the crystal wall, there seems to be a new world, a new world. Both the breath and the feeling of surrounding energy are completely different from this layer. The very complex breath and endless feeling are like the top of a high tower.

Make yourself very excited.

"Hmm?" Lin Feng suddenly remembered what the short haired woman seemed to say just now?

Then he looked at her, but he saw that her breath was disorderly and changed, and her expression seemed quite "strange".

"What\'s the matter?" Lin Feng smiled, "why is your face so red?"

The speaker is careless and the listener is intentional.

In an instant, qianaihuang felt that his face was a little hot, and his tall and straight chest fluctuated more violently.

Even shook his head, avoided Lin Feng\'s eyes, and the thousand love emperor lowered his head slightly. In my mind, inexplicably emerged the figure of Lin Feng\'s shot just now, with an indescribable complex feeling. She has never seen such a strong attack power. In contrast, her holy level brothers and sisters are all compared, even

"Father and mother, I\'m afraid they don\'t have such strength." the thousand love emperor thought lightly in his heart, and his beautiful eyes twinkled.

"He\'s really strong."


The strange Lin Feng who loves the emperor doesn\'t care. She was like this just now.

Since he didn\'t want to talk to himself, he didn\'t mean to ask for nothing. Lin Feng looked at the thousand love emperor and smiled calmly, "then I\'ll take a step first." without waiting for any response from the thousand love emperor, he took the lead in entering the long channel behind the crystal wall.

There, it seems that something is waiting for you and calling you.

The instant reaction came, the thousand love emperor company looked up, but only saw that Lin Feng\'s back had disappeared in the field of vision. Her pretty face was still flashing a faint red glow, and her heart was in a state of confusion. However, thousands of love emperors did not hesitate. Then they followed and entered the channel behind the crystal wall.

There is the real secret of the bird King prison.

Third floor!